Supreme Demon

Chapter 3389: Upset!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Heiyang Pure Land. </p>

The three creatures looked down upon the sky, and looked down on the Zhou clan. They did not talk to the Zhou clan supreme at all. When they appeared, they were suppressed strongly. </p>

They were like rainbows, striving to pull mountains and rivers, and the sky was endless. They used the soul-suppressing artifact on the spot to kill the three supreme Zhous who were left behind in the Heiyang Pure Land. </p>

Rude and fast! </p>

The three supreme princes of the Zhou clan didn't even know what was going on, they were killed instantly. They just opened their mouths and wanted to find out the origin of each other, but their words were annihilated by the heavenly power of the soul-suppressing artifact. </p>


The three supreme screams screamed and disappeared in an instant, and the power all over the body turned into essence and drifted away from the pure land. </p>

"Leave alive..."</p>

As soon as Ling Feng's words were spoken, everything settled down. The three creatures were so fast that Ling Feng wanted to blow up his hair. </p>

The Tianjiao event has come to an end. All major forces need to rest and will not appear in time. Unless there is a challenge that threatens the entire Heiyang Pure Land, the powerful figures of the Zhou clan will not come forward. </p>

But the three creatures annihilated the three supreme members of the Zhou clan alive in a flash. Although it was really refreshing and happy, it also had an impact on them. </p>

The Zhou clan is very extraordinary, just three supreme, I'm afraid it is really invisible, if they happen to be "sleeping" at this time and are not found, then they will disappear without a trace. </p>

If the Zhou clan wanted to find out that it was the latter thing, it would waste a lot of time. </p>

If the three creatures can leave a living mouth, and let them inform the Zhou clan, then there will be more supreme coming out, which will alarm the **** emperor Tianjiao. </p>

But now, they can only wait. </p>

"Blam me?"</p>

The ancient cosmos tree stalled its branches, saying very innocently. </p>


Don't say Ling Feng, even the Celestial Reincarnation, Shen Lie and others are speechless. No wonder Ling Feng is still reluctant to release these three creatures. With their "making trouble" ability, it is estimated that they will be able to shake the sky. </p>

"Young Master Ling, you let us get rid of them." Lei Ting Yin Yang Yu stated that it was Ling Feng's fault. </p>

"It's just three supreme, do you keep it for the New Year?"</p>

Shi Pi is quite strong, disdainful of the three supreme. </p>

"Okay, you guys are fine!"</p>

Ling Feng grinned extremely. These three creatures were really going to go up to the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the sun. Instead, they asked him to carry the pot. </p>

"Ahem, Ling Shao is too acclaimed, it is our fault!"</p>

The ancient tree of the universe shuddered at the sight of Ling Feng's face. This is the rhythm of being locked into a small black room. </p>

"Yes, it's our fault, Shao Ling, don't be angry!"</p>

Lei Ting Yin Yang Yu also noticed Ling Feng's anger and admitted his mistake. </p>

Shi Pi rolled over and hugged his ankle. </p>


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, really wanting to be mad by these three creatures. He didn't remind him whether he could use his brain before doing something. It was because normal IQ knew to keep alive. </p>

But he ignored that these three creatures were all "enchanting" in IQ. </p>

"If this matter fails, you will wait for me!" Ling Fengyin smiled coldly. </p>

The three creatures shuddered in an instant. This was to make Ling Feng grab the handle and throw them into the pubic area, predicting that they would face thousands of years of darkness. </p>

To know. </p>

These three creatures are the masters of troubles. Although Lingfeng Dantian has the beginning energy of all things, and even the origin of all things, where is there so much variety? </p>

In Lingfeng's pubic area, they can only bully the little celestial elephant and two magical medicines, but after so many years, they have long been tired of playing. </p>

They want something exciting! </p>

Only the world can satisfy them! </p>

and. </p>

They have just experienced the excitement and taste of the world, how do they want to be thrown back? </p>

At this moment, they are full of regrets. They knew that they would not be so self-willed anymore. They had to be steady in everything, otherwise they would end up with serious consequences. </p>

however. </p>

The Zhou clan’s reaction did not disappoint the three creatures. Shortly after the three supreme beings fell, there were characters appearing, and several supreme beings flew in person, and there were five of them, all of which were the ultimate supreme, and their strength was quite powerful. </p>

"Who dares to deal with my Zhou clan?"</p>

The head of the supreme stunned his eyes, and it happened so suddenly that even the Zhou clan were caught off guard. </p>

Although the three supreme beings are indeed not close to strangers, they are served by the heavenly sovereigns. When the three supreme beings fell, the light and rain was so full that they really shocked the heavenly beings who served them. </p>

On that day, Zun immediately notified the Zhou clan, and the Zhou clan responded quickly. </p>


Lei Ting Yin Yang Yu sneered and said: "Challenge all the supreme Zhou clan!"</p>

"Huh, how many creatures do you rely on?"</p>

The supreme figure in the lead scorned Thunder Yin and Yang fish, and didn't think these three creatures were qualified, and they didn't put these three creatures in their eyes at all. </p>

"You will know!"</p>

The ancient trees of the universe laughed indifferently. </p>

In the next moment, Shipi took out from the feet of the supreme figure, issued a sharp blow, and overturned the supreme on the spot. With the strength of the supreme supreme of the stone, he appeared in an offensive that was caught off guard, his fierceness was unimaginable. </p>


The head of the Supreme uttered a sorrowful cry, only felt that the two strands were about to explode, and the pain came from the middle, making his face red, embarrassed and depressed. Although he rushed to defend, he was still broken. He felt that Something is crisp. </p>

"What is it!"</p>

Shipi flew into the air, suppressed it from the void, and overturned it on the spot. With a bang, he smashed it into the air, making it **** and exploding on the spot. </p>

next moment. </p>

The ancient tree of the universe flew out, a branch and leaf pierced the void, pierced the head of the leader on the spot, and nailed it alive in the void. </p>

More domineering is the branch and leaf of the ancient tree of the universe, which has a powerful force that can penetrate the virtual body and penetrate the main body along the virtual body. </p>

It can be said that this ancient tree is quite evil and can live out the entire ages, which is enough to show its extraordinary and tyrannical. </p>

"Is it enough now?"</p>

Lei Ting Yin Yang fish sneered at each other with contempt. </p>

The complexions of the four characters of the Zhou clan changed drastically. They did not expect that the ancient tree of the universe would be so merciless, and they would be merciless. It was not the virtual body but the main body that was killed. </p>

"Do you know that you have caused a big disaster?"</p>

The remaining four supreme faces changed drastically and made angry voices. </p>


Lei Ting Yin Yang Yu said with a sneer: "Then you Zhou clan, do you know what catastrophe you have gone through?"</p>


"What kind of creature are you?"</p>

"Are you an idiot?"</p>

Shi Pi rolled his eyes and said with contempt: "Can't you see it yourself? An ancient tree, an ancient fish, and a handsome stone!"</p>


"Do you really dare to deal with my Zhou clan?"</p>

The four supreme veterans questioned fiercely, using the Zhou clan to suppress the three creatures. </p>

"It's your Zhou family who can find it!"</p>

The thunder yin and yang fish flew out, and thunderstorms turned into cloudy sun and rain between their mouths, drowning the four supreme ones. </p>


The four supreme beings hadn't understood what thunderstorm it was, and found that their flesh and blood was withered, and their limbs were falling apart. Even if they used top-level defenses and sacrificed top-level power, it was still difficult to rewrite this trend. </p>

In just a moment, the yin and yang thunderstorm swallowed the four supreme, and thunder yin and yang fish used yin and yang artifacts, turned into four sharp arrows, shot through the void, and hit the main body. </p>


Shi Pi said contemptuously. </p>

With just such a little strength, how dare you yell, what about the Zhou clan? </p>

"These evildoers!"</p>

Shen Lie and Tang Jiu were stunned. They thought that they and the others were very strong, especially at the supreme level. They only wanted to shake them the evil spirit Ling Feng. </p>

But who knew that these three creatures appeared, making them full of pressure. </p>

The ancient tree of the universe is too extraordinary, a single branch can suppress the supreme figure, and its tyranny is enough to deal with the micro-domain **** emperor. </p>

Thunder Yin and Yang fish are also terrifying, and they swept the four supreme sires just by offering a thunderstorm. </p>

Among the three creatures, the stone ruffian is a rising star. </p>

In the past, it was in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, even if its resources were exhausted, it could become a Heavenly Venerable. When it got the beginning energy of all things, it would be crazy to absorb it, hungry and thirsty, and made various breakthroughs in a short time. </p>

After being bullied by the ancient tree of the universe and the Thunder Yin Yang Fish, he was determined to fight them out. </p>

As a result, it broke through all the way and was promoted to the ultimate supreme. </p>

This surprised the ancient trees of the universe and the thunder yin and yang fish. They were so enchanting, but they were not worried. Although the stone ruffian broke through fiercely, it was a threshold to the ultimate supreme, and the stone ruffian had not accumulated enough. , How easy is it to break through the supreme? </p>

Moreover, it released the primordial aura of all things prematurely, which is equivalent to releasing the suppressing potential. Although it can quickly advance to the ranks, it also loses the horror and upheaval of the beginning of all things and the qualitative change. </p>

With the current strength of the stone ruffian, if you know how to temper and accumulate, there is still a rescue. If you rush into the ranks, then with their strength, you can still finish the stone ruffian, and the more you go, the more obvious the gap. </p>

But there is a strong point about the stone puffs, that is, the skin is thick and weird. </p>

Even the supreme figures of the Zhou clan were overwhelmed by their defenses, and they succeeded in one blow, and both strands were completely exploded, which was miserable. </p>

"All dead!"</p>

Lei Ting Yin Yang fish pouted and made a bubble, this girl seemed to be cute. </p>

"That's the strength of the Zhou family?"</p>

Shi Pi disdainfully said: "Wasting my energy!"</p>

Obviously. </p>

The supreme of the Zhou clan is a bit weak, not enough for Thunder Yin and Yang to stuff his teeth, and Shipi is not enjoyable. </p>

In fact. </p>

It's not that the supreme of the Zhou clan is too weak, but that these three creatures are too enchanting. After so many years of nourishing all things, even a pig can change drastically. </p>

But the Zhou clan doesn't have such resources. </p>

of course. </p>

Currently, they are only slaughtering the weaker supreme of the Zhou clan, and the top five supreme has not yet appeared. </p>

"Shipi, you are floating again!" Shen Lie despised. </p>

"This seat has never been floating!"</p>

Shi Pi said grinningly: "They forced me!"</p>


People want to print a five-inch fist on that smelly stone. </p>


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