Supreme Demon

Chapter 3391: Zhou's Micro Domain is so painful!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Zhou's Supreme is not as good as a pig! </p>

What an irony! </p>

The dignified Zhou clan is one of the ten powers of the Heiyang Divine Realm, and is respected and worshipped by others. </p>

But now the person regarded as Tianjiao, the supreme Tianjiao who is envied by many people, has been beaten into a dog by three creatures. It is hard to imagine how much impact it has on people today. </p>

after all. </p>

In the black sun sky domain, there are still many characters who have not left. They have witnessed this tragedy with their own eyes, and even the characters of the Zhou clan, they are filled with righteous indignation, and they want to go on stage in person... to die! </p>

"Take them alive!"</p>

"Too much deception, do you really think my Zhou clan is a soft persimmon?"</p>

"Dare to come down and wait for a fight with me!"</p>

"My Zhou clan will have **** emperors personally come to suppress you!"</p>


The entire sky domain is boiling. </p>

Originally, people's enthusiasm for the Tianjiao event is weakening, because the real Tianjiao creatures are not here anymore. </p>

But now, people's enthusiasm has been ignited again. </p>

thus. </p>

There are more and more characters coming from the Black Sun Sky Realm. From ancient times to the present, they have not seen the Zhou clan languish. Whether it is its alliance or its hostile forces, they want to see the battle and witness the results. </p>

"Hey, the Zhou clan did a terrible thing, and now they are looking for it!" a character said with a sneer. </p>

Obviously, this is a figure of a hostile force. </p>

"Hey, I really have this courage!"</p>

A voice rang from under the tree, and then Shipi broke away from the tree, blasted out of the Heiyang Pure Land, and directly blasted the Zhou clan. </p>

Because it has already seen that those characters are supreme, heavenly, etc., and it is not enough to be afraid. </p>


In the next moment, a sorrowful cry resounded across the sky. </p>

There is a characteristic among the forces. They like to hold groups, especially the Zhou clan. Most of their characters stand together, which is more convenient for Shipi's actions. </p>

Boom! </p>

It was suppressed from the void, the stone body was enlarged, and the Tianwei suppressed everything, not to mention the Supreme, the Tianzun, even the micro-domain **** emperor would have to fight with all his strength. </p>

It is a pity. </p>

These figures of the Zhou clan were not alert enough, and felt that the three creatures such as Shipi should not have the courage to kill from the Heiyang Pure Land, but Shipi was originally an alternative, and there was nothing it would not dare to do. </p>

thus. </p>

When Shi Pi really fell, the Zhou clan was stunned, unable to react, and was killed on the spot. </p>

Dozens of people were killed or injured! </p>

Not a virtual body, but a dead body! </p>

Spicy! </p>

Strong! </p>

Stone ruffian is the focus of the audience. </p>

Even the more powerful ancient trees of the universe and the thunder yin and yang fish can hardly conceal their peerless style and show. </p>

"Too strong, right?"</p>

People were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Shi Pi was really so brave and dared to fly down from the pure land. Wouldn't they worry about the powerful figure in Heiyang God's Domain and kill him? </p>

In fact. </p>

At this moment, Heiyang Divine Realm really didn't have many powerful people. Even if there were powerful people, they didn't expect Shi Pi to have such courage. When they reacted, Shi Pi had already returned to the Pure Land. </p>

Cunning like a fox! </p>

As powerful as an eagle! </p>

Boom! </p>

at the same time. </p>

The ancient tree of the universe and the Thunder Yin Yang fish also ended the battle, and none of the 18 Supreme Zhous survived, and they were all killed alive. </p>

This means that the supreme generation of the Zhou clan has completely fallen! </p>

To know. </p>

Shi Pi also slaughtered dozens of Zhou's Supreme and Heavenly Sovereigns. Even if the Zhou's clan was very glorious, losing so many Supremes and Heavenly Sovereigns would still suffer a lot of vitality. </p>

I'm afraid that after hundreds of years, when the other supreme powers and Tianzun all grow up, the Zhou clan will be gloomy. </p>

This is obviously what its hostile forces want to see. </p>

The Heiyang Divine Realm is different from the Spirit God Realm. It has lost a power of the Zhou clan level, which will deal a heavy blow to the Spirit God Realm, but in the Black Sun God Realm, another power will rise and replace it. </p>

All dead! </p>

This is tragic! </p>

The gods of Heiyang Pure Land were stunned, dumbfounded, these three creatures were not here to challenge, but to slaughter them. </p>

They really should. </p>

What the Zhou clan did to their heaven, they must return one by one! </p>

"Wait for the Zhou Emperor!"</p>

Shi Pi looked straight ahead, waiting for the Zhou clan **** emperor to appear. </p>

The battlefield hit this level, even if the Zhou clan wanted to sit still, it would be impossible unless they were shameless. </p>

and. </p>

Ling Feng and others did not come forward, and they gave the Zhou clan an opportunity to come forward. If there is a figure in the reincarnation of the celestial pole, Zhou Su, Zhoukou, Zhou Ke and others may not dare to come forward, but only three supreme creatures. If you dare to jump, you dare to slaughter the Zhou clan. </p>

Can the Zhou clan **** emperors bear it? </p>

"Fuck God Emperor!"</p>

The Ancient Tree of the Universe, Thunder Yin Yang Fish, and Shi Pi are very excited and are planning to target the micro-domain **** emperor. </p>

People looked at these three creatures and the game they were setting up, and their faces instantly turned black. </p>

How could the Zhou clan offend these three evil creatures? </p>

This is really miserable! </p>

Hum! </p>

The void trembled, and the three characters stepped into the air and appeared in the Heiyang Pure Land. Their eyes were cold and their bodies exuded a majestic killing intent. </p>

They were in retreat. </p>

They didn't care about what happened in Heiyang Pure Land. </p>

but. </p>

They were still awakened by the characters in the clan, and only because things happened so quickly, the supreme Tianjiao of the Zhou clan was completely wiped out, and none of them survived, that is, the supreme and Tianzun of the sky domain have fallen a lot. </p>

Today, only a dozen supreme members of the Zhou clan can survive. </p>

What a tragic situation is this? </p>

They have to come forward! </p>

Those three creatures must pay a tragic price, and even more must die, otherwise, how can the face of the Zhou clan survive? </p>

"Who would dare to slaughter me the supreme Zhou clan?"</p>

They coldly stared ahead, but did not find their opponents. </p>

They coldly stared at the audience and looked down on sentient beings, but no one responded. </p>

They moved forward step by step, the coldness on their faces even worse. </p>

However, they did not notice that they were walking towards the abyss step by step. </p>

In front of them, a stone table was lying quietly on the ground. There was a small tree on the stone table and a fish was swimming happily. </p>

The three **** emperors of the Zhou clan landed in front of the stone table, with one foot on the stone table, and they just ignored the front. </p>

One of the gods appeared hanging on the stone table. </p>

"Who the **** is it? Do you dare not admit it?"</p>

In the sky domain, someone pointed at the stone table and someone was shouting, but the attention of the three **** emperors had not reached this level. </p>

"Be careful!"</p>

People shouted, especially the powerful figures who allied with the Zhou clan. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

By the time the three **** emperors of the Zhou clan were watching and hearing people's voices, it was too late. </p>

Boom! </p>

A loud bang exploded in the void. </p>

The stone table suddenly jumped up, blasting the sky with great might, and directly blasted at the double-stranded space that was stepping on the stone table **** emperor. Space and time roared at the same time, and the sky was about to collapse. </p>

at the same time. </p>

The little tree suddenly enlarged and rose to the sky, the little fish was even more shocked, and the thunderstorm swept the world. </p>

too fast. </p>

It's weird! </p>

Too enchanting! </p>

The **** emperor who was stepping on the stone table hadn't reacted yet, he felt the pain of Dandan, and the terrifying Tianwei bombarded him. He felt the faint sadness of Dandan and the sound of broken eggshells. </p>


He couldn't help covering the egg with his hands, but he still couldn't stop the pain. </p>

Boom! </p>

At this moment, the thunderstorm and the tree body were completely crushed down, all eyes were opened, and its strange power was full of explosions. It was really impossible to prevent. </p>

Really crush everything! </p>

In that thunderstorm, a **** emperor disintegrated on the spot, because his limbs were reined by the ancient trees, it was difficult to turbulence, and the thunderstorm was even more powerful. </p>

The ancient trees of the universe and the thunder yin and yang fish are not weaker than the soup, wine and spirit. They have been nourished by the primordial qi of all things for too long, they have been nourished by Wu Zhiyun for too long, and they are even more contaminated by Ling Feng, cast by the flames of Nirvana the power of. </p>

That thunder can destroy the world, even the **** emperor will be tragedy. </p>

Click! </p>

The thunderstorm smashed down from the void, ripped apart the flesh and blood of the **** emperor, crushed his shin, and killed him on the spot. </p>

then. </p>

The tree glowed, piercing through the soul of the **** emperor, and hit the body directly. </p>

There is no doubt that this **** emperor is miserable and will surely end in death. </p>

but. </p>

If the ancient trees in the universe and the Thunder Yin and Yang fish were arranged just to deal with a micro-domain **** emperor, it would be wrong. </p>

They really floated. </p>

They swell. </p>

They want to kill the three **** emperors. </p>

Towering ancient trees and numerous branches and leaves entangled the other two **** emperors in an instant, while Shipi was responsible for hitting eggs, and Thunder Yin and Yang fish was responsible for beheading. </p>

The cooperation is very tacit. </p>

of course. </p>

Shipi's Tianwei should not be underestimated, if it hadn't had an appetite for all kinds of eggs, it would have been devoured. </p>

It's not just hitting the egg, it's attacking. </p>

Space and time explode, once it falls, it will be shocking. </p>


Although the two **** emperors of the Zhou clan didn't react at first and fell into the game, their methods were quite sharp, and they directly sacrificed sharp knives, split the branches, and wanted to fly out, and then cut down the ancient tree. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

He underestimated the ancient tree of the universe, its solidity is unimaginable, even the micro-domain **** emperor did not cut it in a single blow, although the ancient tree of the universe was damaged, it still entangled the two **** emperors. </p>

What's more, there are so many ancient branches and leaves in the universe, even if one or two are cut off, they can still be entangled firmly. </p>

and. </p>

The ancient tree of the universe is not only entangled, but also fully confronts the micro-domain **** emperor in the release of terrible corrosive power and crushing. </p>

at the same time. </p>

Shi Pi and Thunder Yin Yang fish appeared at the same time. </p>

As a result, the eggs of the two **** emperors hurt. </p>



The sternness is like a jackal, so people can't bear to look straight, and many female martial artists are covering their eyes. </p>

no doubt. </p>

When they put down their hands and covered the egg, it meant the end of this decisive battle. </p>

Boom! </p>

The thunderstorm and the ancient tree of the universe were suppressed together, and a **** emperor disintegrated on the spot, and died. </p>

The other **** emperor was also scorched by the thunderstorm, and his flesh and blood were blurred, his Dao soul was affected, and his mind was dizzy. </p>


Dozens of branches and leaves completely crushed the micro-domain **** emperor, and thunderstorms and stone ruffians attacked at the same time, it would be impossible for that micro-domain **** emperor to be miserable. </p>


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