Supreme Demon

Chapter 3407: Seal the sky!


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Dong Yi is miserable!

Shenlie is only the **** emperor of the micro domain. Even if he holds the "artifact" of the **** pot, Shenlie still feels unreasonable. After all, the opponent is the **** emperor of the heaven.


Shen Lie was on this **** pot, but "empty" everything, the Fenxian Lieyan melted into the **** pot, and hit the back of Dong Yi's head with the strongest pressure.

Even Shen Lie felt scared by the terrifying mighty power, but Dong Yi was indeed very powerful, and he did not faint without fainting.


Shen Lie gave Dong Yi a few more pots, strong and powerful, and finally overturned Dong Yi, causing him to foam at his mouth and become dizzy.

Ling Feng made up the knife at the right time.

"Brother Dao, you are late!"

These were the original words of Ling Feng, which really made Dong Yi so angry that he blocked his chest with a suffocating breath and almost didn't come out.


He didn't have any good intentions. Although Ling Feng and others were not strong enough, they came at the right time. He had to be cautious when it came to those women.

Even if he agreed to something like the secret technique, the forces behind it would not agree.

He came here not only to help the forces, but more importantly, to snipe down the Heavenly God Realm and other forces to help.

This is because there are enough forces that trap Han Ruyue and other women. It's just that there are five **** emperors in the heavens. With this level of strength, can you still catch a few micro domain and Guandao **** emperors?

It's totally enough.

At this time, it is even more necessary to prevent falling into the Gods Realm, once the forces behind those women rush to help them, it will be extremely detrimental to them.

Of course, there is another aspect.

That is where other forces get involved.

Nowadays, several of their forces are controlling the news and not letting it spread out, but some people will still get the news. If there are too many forces involved, even they will not take advantage.

Dong Yi spotted Ling Feng and others, but didn't take it seriously.

But what he paid attention to was the origin of Ling Feng and others, was it related to this matter, if Ling Feng was rushing to help those women, then he asked how many people would rush to help, and in what way.

If Ling Feng and others and the forces behind them want to get involved in this matter, they should be killed on the spot and find others.

But Ling Feng and the others were originally involved in the forces, and the situation became a little more complicated. Are they killed on the spot? Still want to form an alliance?

Dong Yi hesitated for a moment in his heart.

To know.

He killed Ling Feng and the others at this moment. As long as he was discovered, the consequences would still be quite troublesome, especially the several forces that formed an alliance.

It was this moment of hesitation that caused him to completely collapse.

A **** pot flew down from the void, and hit the back of his head mercilessly, when he was dizzy.

"Don't talk about martial arts!"

Dong Yi thought persistently in his heart.

He hasn't reacted or defensively yet, he hasn't even started calling.

How can they do this?

"Brother Dao, do you know you make us very unhappy?"

Shen Lie patted Dong Yi's face and said: "Let you form an alliance with us, you are not willing, and you have some bad ideas in your heart, so we can only do it first."

"Ah, you guys wanted to knock me down!"

Dong Yi was very wronged and hated himself even more. Why did he hesitate?

Is it uncomfortable to slap all these guys with one slap?

Suppress these scum, isn't it fragrant?

"Do you feel wronged?" Shen Lie asked with a smile.

Dong Yi's eyes are red, this girl is not a good bird, he read it wrong.

"It's right to be wronged."

Shen Lie grinned: "If you don't feel wronged, what is the point of me doing this?"


Dong Yi yelled at him with no image, but wanted to use his strength to wake himself up from the fainting death, and then overturned these scum.


Shen Lie was quite simple, and after a few pans, Dong Yi shut up completely.

Dong Yi fainted.

"How to deal with it?"

Tangjiu asked.

"Search clean!" Ling Feng said.

"You deal with it?" Tianji reincarnation frowned, keeping such a heavenly emperor is a disaster.

"Keep it!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled. He had already seen Dong Yi's intentions. He said, "This person should be used to snipe other forces. We have eliminated other forces that are too cheap."

"Keeping him, you can block some of the powerful figures, which is beneficial to us!"

"I think this is a good idea."

Shen Lie thief smiled and said: "Scrape it, pick it up, and wait until he wakes up, hehe..."

The celestial cycle of reincarnation suddenly felt cold, and the evil taste of this bird became more and more serious.

Using the methods of Ling Feng and others, it is not difficult to find a heavenly **** emperor.

There is no need for Celestial Reincarnation. With Ling Feng's strength, it can be searched. Even Dong Yi's natal device is not let go, he directly forced it out and threw it into his pocket.

of course.

Ling Feng wanted to search for souls, but he dared to suppress those women so much. He wanted to acquire two secret techniques, but it was quite difficult. Maybe this force had secret techniques?

But in the end Ling Feng gave up.

Once he starts searching for the soul, the other forces will be alert. At that time, it would not be easy for them to enter the Sealed Heaven Realm.

Now, it is more important to save Han Ruyue and others.

"Maybe against the super power, are you sure about Little Brother Samsara?" Ling Feng asked with a slight frown, his face pursed.

"No problem!"

Celestial Reincarnation is very indifferent. He is from Xianshan. If even the superpower Heavenly Domain Divine Emperor can't deal with it, it would really discredit Xianshan.

"Okay, once you enter the Sealed Heaven Realm, the Heavenly Emperor God will leave it to you, and we will take care of the rest."

"No problem!"

next moment.

Everyone inquired about the news and found out the direction of Fengtian realm.



This is a unique place, with extraordinary inner rhyme, but extremely chaotic and vague, forming the "Feng Tian".

To put it simply, the scattered and terrifying Dao Yun banned everything from all directions. Wu Xiu could only enter and exit in a few directions. In other places, once set foot in it, it would be quite dangerous, even the Heavenly Emperor God would end in tragedy.

The Fengtian realm is like a labyrinth, which can be hidden or concealed, but it must also deal with the messy Dao rhymes. Although the scattered Dao rhymes are relatively thin in many places in the Fengtian territory, there are too many Dao rhymes and crowded, which causes The territory of Fengtian is full of Dao Yun coercion, very powerful.

That is the place of martial arts training, and it is the nightmare of many martial arts.


Han Ruyue and a dozen other figures were in the bounds of the sky, their faces were slightly pale, and the situation was worse than they thought.

Dao Yun's coercion is very strong, Han Ruyue and Bai Yuheng are okay, but the others are weaker. Under that huge coercion, their strength is consumed extremely seriously.

With this momentum, they may not be able to hold on for long.


Going out at this moment, I am afraid that the end will be worse than dying in the Fengtian realm.

"The news is sent, should the host's side be here?"

A woman asked, the current situation is pressing and they eagerly hope that Ling Feng can come over.


Han Ruyue nodded and said, "He will come, but we must insist until he comes."

"In addition, the news from the Taomen side is also sent out?"

"Sent it!"

The woman frowned slightly and said, "I have notified Daomen, then these two secret techniques......"

Obviously, they want to hide, but don't want Daomen to know.

"Can you hide it?"

Han Ruyue faintly shook her head and said, "Sooner or later Dao Sect will know."

"Then we..."

How could that woman want to hand over two secret arts? This is the foundation left to the gods.

"The Dao Sect must be notified, and we must do so in the sense and reason."

Han Ruyue said in a positive tone: "But they may not be able to come over. Now that we are trapped, the side of the Fallen God Realm will be suppressed. In any case, these forces do not want them to come over."

"So, I didn't expect anything from them."

"On the side of the lord..." A dozen people are full of worries. If even the characters in the thief door and waiting for the gods are unable to get through, can the lord come over?

"Don't worry, he will rescue us, although I don't know what means he will use."

Han Ruyue smiled confidently.

"It's just the owner..."

They had to worry that although Ling Feng was not weak, he had Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others to help him, but once he faced those heavenly emperors, he was afraid of tragedy.

"Don't forget, there is one more person!" Han Ruyue said coldly: "He will come!"

"If we escape, then these two secret techniques?"

This is a problem.

When they are alive, it means that the secret technique is "alive." What attitude will the Dao Sect be at that time?

But if the two secret techniques are handed over to the Dao Sect, what is the background of the gods?

"So, the two secret techniques must be sent out." Han Ruyue said with a sneer.

"You mean forgery?"

Bai Yuheng's eyes lit up and said, "We forged two secret techniques and let them fight, but the genuine one is secretive?"

"Do you think they are idiots?"


"If it's not an idiot, can't tell the authenticity and forgery?"

"Then what do you mean?" Bai Yuheng was a little confused.

"These are two hot potato, so if you want to send it, you have to send the genuine product."


Everyone present changed their expressions drastically. This is a secret technique that they took so hard to get. How precious, just give it away?

"In our hands, the world is known."

Han Ruyue said in a deep voice, "Daomen, that side is not easy to explain."

"Send it out and there is no need to explain it to the door."


"Don't worry, I'm not an idiot yet to the point where I can give out two secret arts for free." Han Ruyue said with a sneer: "Bright give away!"

"In our hands, it represents Dao Sect, but in his hands, it represents the anti-shen background. There is a difference."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they understood instantly.

But doing so is also risky.

The first is how to "send" the two secret arts in a reasonable manner, and the second is how to make a mark without being discovered, and finally how do Ling Feng and others take the two secret arts back without knowing it?

"Our task is how to send it out reasonably, how to mark it, and how to take it back, that's his business." Han Ruyue said with a smile.


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