Supreme Demon

Chapter 3410: Everything begins to bloom!

The void suddenly sank.

The expressions of Han Ruyue, Liu Shushu and others turned ugly in an instant, and water dripped gloomily, because the two jade boxes fell into the hands of the God Emperor of Yumen Tianyu.

"Damn it!"

Bai Yuheng's face changed drastically. Although he was blown away by the two heavenly **** emperors and spurted blood with his mouth open, his face that was supposed to be red was actually pale and strange.

How can the injury be compared with those two jade boxes?

"Hey, you guys are too weak after all!"

The two heavenly **** emperors of Yumen sneered, and they were full of pride, because the two jade boxes represented two secret techniques, which had an unimaginable effect on their power.

"Expand and see, don't be fooled!"

A heavenly **** emperor spoke, very worried, because these two secret arts were too easy, and they were worried about being deceived.

"it is good!"

The figure holding the jade box opened the jade box on the spot.

In an instant, the light and rain reflected the heavens, and the rules, laws, space, time, etc. shone out, casting an immortal order and lighting the sky.

The two jade boxes are shining, and the aura is crushing thousands of ways. The magnificent light and rain will almost swallow this sky. The ancient and extraordinary power has awakened everything.

"It's really two secret techniques!"

The two heavenly **** emperors were full of ecstasy, and even the five super characters were surprised and twitched.

Although ten God Emperors of Guandao were paid, the value of these two secret arts is extremely precious, even if they were paid more, they were willing.

"shut down!"

A heavenly emperor regained his senses, his expression could not help changing. They were worried about being deceived, but they ignored that this was the Sealed Heaven Realm. The light and rain of the two secret arts was too dazzling, which would arouse the attention of several other forces.


The two heavenly emperors tried their best to suppress the light rain of the jade box, and sacrificed a box, put the two jade boxes into it, and sealed them to prevent other forces from perceiving them.

"Send this box back to Yumen as soon as possible!"

The two secret techniques shouldn't be kept for long, and things will happen sooner or later. If they bring two secret techniques into the mystery land, they are moving treasures. Once trapped, these two secret techniques will definitely go aside.

As long as they are sent back to Yumen, they will feel at ease.

"Resolve them first, then stay away from here as soon as possible!"

The two heavenly **** emperors talked in a low voice, treating Han Ruyue and others as air, and didn't take it seriously.

"They are what we got, they belong to the Taoist!"

Han Ruyue said in a deep voice, "Aren't you afraid of my Daoist sects if you act like this?"


The two heavenly **** emperors smiled and said, "Because they are afraid that the Dao Sect will know it, and that the forces of the entire Myriad Secret Earth will know it, you are going to die!"

"Don't keep alive?"

Han Ruyue said with a gloomy face, "Do you really think I can't find it out?"

"Then you need evidence!"

The two heavenly emperors smiled and said, "It will take time to check the evidence. Maybe when they find out the truth, the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways is over."

"..." This is indeed a problem.

Because the Dao Sect will not fully investigate the truth, they have a deep layout in the Ten Thousand Paths Secret Earth, and the Secret Art shown is not these two, but another Secret Art.

"What if we live?"

Han Ruyue said coldly: "Moreover, there are only two secret arts, how should the five forces choose?"

"You are dead, who will know?"

The two heavenly **** emperors laughed wildly. They had already regarded Han Ruyue and others as dead. When people died, all the truth would follow the dust.

At that time, they will still stay here, looking for the whereabouts of Han Ruyue and others, and other forces will not find it.

"Then, drag some characters before you die!"

Han Ru Yueyin smiled coldly, this is Bai Yuheng and other figures who have appeared beside the two Guandao **** emperors, and the butcher knife cut out without hesitation.

Click! A thunderbolt fell from the void, Bai Yuheng played an unprecedented level of majesty, demonstrated with the power of Guandao, and the opponent is only the God Emperor of Guandao, how can he rival him?

With the talents of Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng and others, it is completely possible to despise all Taoist **** emperors.

The Guandao God Emperor and others were dulled by the light and rain of the two jade boxes. When they reacted, Thunder had already fallen on their heads, and they were not allowed to dodge.

They want to hold up the defense, but all is in vain.

The Thunder broke through the defense and killed him on the spot.

at the same time.

Liu Shushu sacrificed a butcher knife. It was a dagger. He directly cut through the defense and flew down with an invincible posture. He pierced the head of the Yumen Guandao God Emperor on the spot, splitting his soul sea, and his soul All annihilated.


The Yumen Guandao made a stern cry, and even though it used all its strength to defend, it still couldn't prevent the heavenly power of that dagger.

He was wiped out! All the emperors of Yumen Guandao have fallen.

This is the end of offending them.

"But you still want to die!"

Obviously, the actions of Bai Yuheng and Liu Shushu completely angered Yumen Tianyu and the super characters, driving them crazy.

next moment.

The two heavenly emperors blasted at Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng and Liu Shushu, because these three were the main figures, and the rest were Xiami.


Bai Yuheng and Liu Shushu flew back with lightning, and instantly fell behind Han Ruyue.


Han Ruyue and others flew out and turned into a whirlwind sickle in an instant, forming the most enchanting Tiangong combat technique in history.

Boom! They banned themselves against a heavenly **** emperor.

A powerful celestial might exploded in the void, and mushroom clouds rose into the sky, emitting terrible ripples, swallowing everything within ten miles of radius, even the scattered Dao Yun was blasted away.

The whirlwind sickle headed by Han Ruyue was not strong, and it actually defended the heavenly power of the heavenly emperor.


They can only guard against a heavenly emperor, and there is not only one heavenly emperor present.

Boom! The attack of the second heavenly emperor arrived, Han Ruyue and others were weakened, and then they were blown away by life, and the whirlwind sickle was completely disintegrated.

Han Ruyue and others all flew away.

"Even if you can take advantage of the powerful Heavenly Kungfu combat skills, you are still too weak!"

Yumen Tianyu Divine Emperor sneered and said: "You will never understand the power of Tianyu Divine Emperor unless you enter the heaven."

Boom! At this moment, the five super characters flew down from the void, blasting the cold like the moon with one punch, kicking Bai Yuheng and others into flight.

In front of these characters, Han Ruyue and others are only worth a punch.

Han Ruyue spouted blood, her jade face was pale, and the whirlwind sickle consumed a large part of her strength. When it was blown up by the two heavenly emperors, it even withstood the strongest attack.

The injuries in her body were so serious that she vomited blood.

Bai Yuheng, Liu Shushu, etc. were slightly better, but they were still injured by the Super Grade God Emperor.

The situation is quite unfavorable.

Given their situation, it is difficult to use the whirlwind sickle again, and Yumen Wuxiu will not give them this opportunity.

Surrounded by them, Yumen Wuxiu smiled and forced them to come, treating Han Ruyue and others as fish.

The war is about to start! But at this moment, the stone under the feet of a super-grade **** emperor shuddered lightly, and then blasted towards the super-grade **** emperor's egg with lightning speed.

 ! The sound was crisp, as if an egg had broken.


The super-grade **** emperor let out a scream of sorrow, his face changed drastically, his hands covered his crotch, his face was distorted, that was the sadness from Dandan, and the pain made his face distorted.

This scene happened too fast, and it was so strange that it was inexplicable, so that the martial artists who were attacking Han Ruyue stopped and looked at the super character inexplicably.


He let out a desolate cry.

But when the voice fell, another super character screamed sternly, just because his eggs were also brittle, the pain caused his face to be distorted, and cold sweat came out instantly.

"what's the situation?"

The faces of several Wu Xiu in Yumen sank. They didn't understand what happened and why the two super characters were so miserable.

If the consciousness here is not affected, they can quickly discover the truth, but at this moment they are completely passive.

"the following!"

"Be careful below!"

The faces of the two super characters were blue and they were almost crying. That place is still very important to Wu Xiu.

The faces of several people in Yumen were shocked, and they couldn't help looking down, but there was only mud and gravel below, and there was no danger.

"They are here!"

Han Ruyue's tight face couldn't help but loosen, Yumen Wuxiu didn't know what it was, but they knew it.

It was so treacherous and insidious, it didn't happen here at first, but Tianxiang Mountain, and that stone was going to lie in the pit.

Stone ruffian! With the butterfly news, how could you not check the creatures beside Ling Feng?

And how can the dazzling Shipi make the butterfly ignore it?

When Shi Pi appeared, would Ling Feng and others be far away?

As if to confirm Han Ruyue and others' conjectures, an ancient tree gleamed with light and rain, carrying a vast sky and majesty, galloping from afar.

It is as fast as lightning.

It is as powerful as the holy sun.

It disregards everything and is invincible.

The scattered rhyme of Taoism became low and quiet. When the ancient tree flew over, all matter was disintegrating, and all decay was in full bloom.

Thousands of flowers bloom.

Skyrim is in full bloom! An old tree is not obstructed, and it is forbidden to fly down. The vast light and rain burst into the sky, brightening the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of the Yumen martial artists.

Boom! When it hits the ground, the air waves toss around and the space disintegrates around, only an old tree suppresses everything.

It had hundreds of branches and leaves, and each leaf opened its eyes, but its breath was only the ultimate supreme, which made the frightened Yumen martial artists secretly relieved.

Because the movement was so loud just now, they deeply suspected that it was a 10,000-year-old monster.

The ancient tree of the universe is indeed a ten-thousand-year-old monster, but it does not have such strength.

In fact.

At this moment, it was so low that it was difficult to utter a single word. If you look closely, you can see that the entire tree is trembling, but it seems to be swaying in people's eyes.

"An old tree with only the ultimate strength, will it come to the rescue?"

Yumen Wuxiu laughed and burst into tears.


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