Supreme Demon

Chapter 3412: Bystanders are always the happiest!

Qing Mingzong! This is a force in the Profound Ancient Gods Realm, and its strength can be included in the top five of the Profound Ancient Gods Realm, and its strength is extraordinary.


Xuangu God Realm is better than Qifeng God Realm in the ranking of Wanyu.


Qing Mingzong is only ranked fifth in Xuangu Divine Realm, and can be as famous as Yumen. It is they who joined forces with Yumen to force Han Ruyue and others into this place.

It was only because Han Ruyue and the others broke out from Yumen's direction and first met Yumen Wuxiu. Qingmingzong flew from another direction, much slower in speed, which was long overdue.

They flew to the battlefield in a flash of lightning, and their aura was like a rainbow, and the sky was red for a long time.

When they fell, the faces of the figures in Yumen became more complicated. Ling Feng and Celestial Reincarnation were indeed difficult to deal with. They needed help. Qing Mingzong was indeed a help, but it was also a threat.

after all.

Those two secret techniques fell into their hands, and once Han Ruyue and others proposed them, the Qing Mingzong figures would know.

By then, are they going to take out a secret technique?

But if they were still hiding at that time, it is estimated that Qing Mingzong would not be a help, but a butcher knife.

"Hehe, I really underestimated you!"

The two heavenly **** emperors headed by Qing Mingzong laughed, staring coldly at Ling Feng and the reincarnation of the celestial pole, and said: "One heavenly **** emperor is not weak in strength, and the other is more powerful. Super grade, should it be the extremely powerful Tianjiao of the Fallen God Realm, right?"

"So what?"

Ling Feng looked straight ahead and asked, "What kind of power are you?"

"Qing Mingzong!"

The headed character smiled and said, "We don't care to let you know!"

They are very powerful, but they are not yet strong enough to fall into the Heavenly God Realm. If this kind of thing spreads, it will be a disaster for Qing Mingzong.

But they were still willing to let Ling Feng and others know, the intention was obvious, they did not intend to let Ling Feng and others leave alive.

"good very good!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Hand over two secret techniques, I'll wait to make you die happy!"

Said the two heavenly **** emperors.

Yumen Wuxiu's heart clicked, they knew that the truth was about to surface.

"Brother Dao, don't talk nonsense with them, slaughter them first!"

The two heavenly **** emperors in Yumen didn't want them to talk more about this topic, so they bombarded Ling Feng and the others in a flash of lightning to make these characters shut up.


It's not just Ling Feng, Celestial Reincarnation, and others who know the truth.


Are you so anxious to silence? "

Han Ruyue sat aside and sneered: "Is afraid that Qing Mingzong's ally knows the truth?"

"Hehe, how can you be trusted?"

Yumen Tianyu God Emperor sneered and said, "Don't use two secret techniques to provoke our feelings!"


Han Ruyue smiled weirdly, she said: "If you really have feelings between you, then you should not cheat!"

"..." The corners of the Yumen Wuxiu's mouths twitched, and their most worried thing happened.

But how can they tell a secret technique?

"Are those two secret arts really still in our hands?"

Han Ruyue sneered: "The relationship between you is really cheap."

"..." The Yumen Wuxiu's faces were twisted, and their hearts seemed to be stabbed.

"what happened?"

The two Heavenly Emperors of Qing Mingzong looked at them and frowned slightly, because Han Ruyue and the others showed sneer and contempt, but it was not their strength, but their feelings that sneered.

The feelings of the alliance! Moreover, they faintly heard the taste, the two secret techniques did not seem to be in the hands of Han Ruyue and others, but more like they fell in the hands of Yumen Wuxiu.

Yumen Wuxiu's face was slightly ugly, they were really reluctant to divide the two secret techniques, and wanted to enjoy them alone.

"It's time to ask your good allies!"

Han Ruyue said with a sneer.

The two secret techniques were given by her personally, and if they could provoke the two forces to turn back, their value would be even higher.

"Brother Yumen, what is going on?"

The two heavenly **** emperors of Qing Mingzong cast their gazes over, and slightly frowned.

"Brother Dao, don't listen to their nonsense, they are trying to provoke our feelings!"

Yumen Wuxiu tried their best to conceal the truth. They said, "What they want to show is that the two secret arts have fallen into our hands. It can be the strength of the other party. How can we succeed?"


The two Celestial Emperors of Qing Mingzong frowned slightly, looking at the celestial reincarnation and Ling Feng.

With the strength of these two characters, it is indeed possible to suppress Yumen Wuxiu. Judging from Yumen Wuxiu's casualties, I am afraid that the two secret techniques have not been abandoned.

"Is it?"

Han Ruyue sneered and said, "They just came half a quarter of an hour earlier than them. Both jade boxes have all fallen into your hands. Even though the prohibition is used to suppress them, if you perceive carefully and use Taoist tools, It can be felt."

"Yumen, you are still not careful enough!"

The face of the heavenly **** emperor in Yumen clad in black suddenly tightened, and his momentum sank as he suppressed everything in his body. This was just a subconscious action, but it was different in the eyes of others.

If those two secret techniques weren't ignored, Yumen Wuxiu shouldn't be so nervous.


Han Ruyue curled her lips and said, "Being a thief with a guilty conscience, in fact, your restraint is very good, and the breath has not leaked, otherwise they should have sensed it just now."

"..." The heavenly emperor of Yumen burst into flames in his eyes, dare to believe that he was deceived, and the opponent did not have the strength to perceive it.

"Brother Dao, what do you mean?"

The expressions of the two heavenly **** emperors of Qing Mingzong sank instantly. They regarded each other as an alliance, but this alliance wanted to swallow two secret techniques.

"Don't listen to them, they are instigating discord."

The two heavenly emperors of Yumen were still unwilling to give up and were unwilling to hand over a secret technique.


All the martial artists of Qingmingzong nodded, with indifferent expressions. Do these martial artists in Yumen regard them as idiots?

Acting clumsy, still want to hide them?

In fact, just now, they have completely betrayed them, but they are still unwilling to admit it.

next moment.

Yumen Wuxiu was dumbfounded, because the Qingmingzong Wuxiu didn't do anything, but learned from Han Ruyue and other characters, moved out of the small bench and watched the battle.

Watch out! "..." Obviously, Qing Mingzong martial arts practitioners are more willing to believe in Han Ruyue's words, and Han Ruyue and others don't have to deceive them at this time.

Yumen Wuxiu was full of aggrieved faces, but they were even more unreasonable in their hearts. They were unwilling to give up a secret technique. Why did Qing Mingzong make a move?

Why should they make a move?

Didn't fall into trouble at this time, Qing Mingzong was already benevolent.

of course.

If they can stabilize the situation and suppress Ling Feng, Celestial Reincarnation and others, they might really have two secret techniques.

Therefore, they are not willing to compromise until the last moment.


Yumen Wuxiu shouted, blasting towards Lingfeng and the celestial pole reincarnation.

Boom! The sky blasts out a huge explosion, and Ling Feng and Celestial Reincarnation are very strong. They are very brave and brave. Especially Ling Feng. He sacrificed an ancient blade and smashed in the void. The super character's field is split.


Ling Feng's flesh and blood is strong, but the hard bars are rippling and not damaged. This also makes the Yumen martial artists very injured, because Ling Feng is like a Xiaoqiang who can't kill.

"Beat him!"

Shen Lie said with enthusiasm.

"Yes, beat him, he vomited blood!"

Tang Jiu said with a smile that Ling Feng had just injured a super character, and now he can take advantage of the victory to pursue it.

"What are you waiting for?"

The shells of the melon seeds in Bai Yuheng's mouth were sprayed out, and he was so angry that he had to go off the court himself.

Not to mention, Ling Feng really complied with the request of the "audience" and attacked the wounded super-grade **** emperor who vomited blood.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

Shi Pi was very dissatisfied with the four "sluggish" super characters, and shouted: "Fuck, he beat your brother to vomit blood."

"Strongly condemn such inefficient actors."

The ancient tree of the universe waved its branches and said.

"..." "Shipi, where are you on?"

Tangjiu rolled his eyes and asked.

"Ahem, don't worry, I'm so excited."


Everyone sighed.

"Turn him over, he is just solid flesh and blood, as long as he knocks the ancient blade in his hand, he is the fish on the knife."

"Try hard, audiences like you will be dissatisfied."

Had it not been for they were going through a life-and-death battle, it is estimated that the Yumen Wuxiu would have to lift the table.

These "audiences" are so irritating.

Even the martial cultivators of Qing Mingzong are dumbfounded, where are these guys standing?

At this level of battle, they are actually watching?


They also knocked the seeds, very leisurely, without the tension of the war.

"You are so bad, Shao Ling is fighting fiercely."

Han Ruyue despised the road.

"Hey, this kind of battle is always the best for people in fierce battles, and the happiest bystanders!"

Shen Lie, Shi Pi, etc. looked at each other, feeling quite sympathetic.

"..." People rolled their eyes and despised these guys.


The battle became more and more fierce, Ling Feng and Celestial Reincarnation did not show signs of decline. They always forced Qing Mingzong to end, and even forced Yumenzong to give up a secret technique.

They didn't show a declining trend, then the Yumen martial artists would show a declining trend, because the battle required consumption, and in this respect they were Ling Feng's strengths.

In the back, Ling Feng and Celestial Reincarnation showed slightly strong strength, gradually suppressing Yumen Wuxiu, causing them to vomit blood.

At this time, they had to consider the issue of Qing Mingzong.


It's hard to win by relying on them alone. It is only Lingfeng and Celestial Reincarnation that make them feel more pressured, and once Han Ruyue and others enter the game, it will be them who will bleed the tragedy.

"Brother Dao, those two secret techniques have indeed fallen into my hands."

The two heavenly emperors of Yumen looked at each other, and after all they spoke.


"Yumen is willing to give up a secret technique and ask Brother Dao to do it."


"We are very sincere!"

The two heavenly emperors of Yumen said with a gloomy face: "But if these characters are allowed to live, it will be very detrimental to us."


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