Supreme Demon

Chapter 401: a **** battle caused by a beast

Chapter 401, a **** battle caused by a beast

The pines are like a peak, and they are carved into a sturdy and handsome boy by the setting sun.

Under the mountain range, Ling Feng and Liu Shushu stand side by side. The proud birds are lying on the shoulders of Ling Feng. Their eyes are dignified and they look directly at the girl. The whole person exudes a fierce killing.

Needless to say, this is a barbaric girl. She doesn't ask why it happened. She only needs one answer.

She came, and the dragon lion was quiet, because in her eyes, the girl was an unbeaten myth. Her talents were even surrendered by the dragon and the lion. Her powerful even the blood of the beast must be bowed. In the younger generation, Who is her opponent? !

Even in the eyes of it, there is still a hint of jokes. In front of this human juvenile, I am afraid that it will be a hundred times worse than myself.

"You are a woman who is quite unreasonable. We are doing a good reason with you. You have to deal with us." Ling Feng said with anger, although the latter is powerful, he is not afraid, this is not the arrogant bird. Well with Liu Shushu.

"I already know what you want to say."

The barbarian girl smiled coldly. "You don't feel such a lie, is it an idiot?"


Ling Feng’s forehead jumped on her forehead. She turned herself into an idiot. Is there such a clever idiot in the world? !

However, thinking that the barbarian girl is a spiritual sorcerer, he is relieved. The dragon lion soul has the spirit of the barbaric girl in the sea. She does not need to speak at all. She naturally knows what happened.

Therefore, more explanations are in vain.

"Small barbarism, we just want to catch the dragon and lion to go back and study for a few days, and then we will return it to you." Ling Feng did not blush at all, but his eyes were a little cloudy, and the breath on the latter was very dangerous, not inferior to the cold moon. Yu Lingtian, if the war, he is not sure, and Liu Shushu simply can't help, as for the proud bird, it has been seriously injured.

"what did you say?"

The savage girl’s face was cold, like a frost. Although her character was just like a fire, she never dared to call her. This is a great shame.


Ling Feng spurred a word that spit out two words, and his heart suddenly felt a lot. He was not willing to suffer losses, and he had to be reported on the spot.

"you will die!"

The savage girl strode forward, and the power of the martial arts on her body frantically surging, like the lightning thunder on the nine days. It was a head-hunting dragon, and it was a sigh of relief.

"Idiot!" Ling Feng retired, and the dragon lion was smashed up. Since it has already fallen into his hand, it will not be easily let go. This is a big supplement.


The barbarian girl is mad, she has been shackled into an idiot twice, how does she tolerate it? !


The cold voice blasted in this heaven and earth. There was a jade knife in her hand. It was as thin as a flap, but it was fierce. It was made of holy jade and had extremely terrible power. The holy gold is terrible.

Such a sacred soldier in his hand, the momentum of the barbarian girl, with the momentum of the wild tide, climbed up quickly, the surrounding air and mud were blasting and flying.

And this is only caused by the momentum. It is conceivable how terrible the barbaric girl is.

"You are not only an idiot, but also very brutal and violent!" Ling Feng sneered, and since he is destined to have a battle, he is also welcome.


"However, before the war, can you let it heal first?" Ling Feng nodded his mouth and looked at the proud bird on his shoulder. "You see that there are only two warriors on our side. If you fight, I am afraid." Will suffer."


"And, you are strong, I am afraid I can't beat you."


The savage young girl's seven-year-old smoke, the eyes are more and more cold, the latter is a shameless scum, and it is a wonderful thing to be able to fight the two of them and fight her alone.

"Today, I just want to kill!"

Her hands were stunned. In order to prevent the boy from saying something amazing, she decisively shot, the jade knife in her hand with nine dragons, forming a lightning, a knife, and a stone.

At that moment, the heavens and the earth are bright!

With a knife in hand, I have it in the world!

This is the domineering savage girl's domineering, sharp as a sword with a scabbard, giving people a feeling of creepy feeling.

"You are too savage this person?" Ling Feng annoyed. "If you don't agree, let's say it in advance."

His voice fell, people were already like rainbow light, and they quickly flashed over, and at the same time brought Xiao Xiaoman out, with her current strength, it will only be the end of death, and the proud bird can not fight again, so Only by himself.


At this moment, Ling Feng did not dare to hide. The other party was a genius and a half-sacred, and the sword was used to kill the power of Wu Sheng. If he did not do his best, he must die today.

At the time of the sound, Dan Tian's broken blade flew out, with a gorgeous color, lit the evening, **** as proud, stirring in the air.

Then he took it out!

The five flames of burning and the aura of the body burst out, and the earth shook and the surrounding rocks shattered in the blink of an eye.

There is no doubt that this is the first kill of the nine days of killing!


The two men slammed a blow, Ling Feng did not move, the strong body made him invincible, and the barbarian girl was slightly retreating half a step, his arms were numb, the power of nine dragons and dragons , bursting on the spot.



"Kill!" The two men exported at the same time, the body is like Changhong, leaving a residual image in the same place, quickly killing each other, the force of the martial arts on the body continually collided, playing the ground torn, empty clouds.

In the realm, Ling Feng is inferior to the barbaric girl. However, he compensates for this gap with his physical aura, and the heavy suppression force poses a threat to the barbaric girl.

This also made her secretly shocked. Before she underestimated the boy, the fifth-level martial artist could fight with her semi-holy, which is more enchanting than her.


Suddenly, the ground collapsed, and the momentum of the two men, the airflow that was bombarded, had already blasted four kinds of holes, and a large mountain stone in the middle collapsed.


Ling Feng eyes chill, one blade followed by a blade to kill, from the first kill to the sixth kill, has been all displayed by him, and people and the burning flames must be merged into one, and this is still not the most terrible.

"The seventh kill!"

The blade flashed, the light rushed, and the seven-blade mans swept the barbarian girl from all sides. This was an inevitable killing trick, and the latter was amazed. She was actually suppressed in the momentum, if the other party is Wu Sheng, even Wu Zun's words, this is also a very normal thing, but he is a teenager, a martial artist!

"Break the knife!"

The savage girl screamed, and she rolled up a knife and turned into a big dragon knife. The dragon mouth was the front and the dragon body was the handle. They were entangled with each other, forming a counter-attack wind, shrouded in the savage girl, and then she Directly rushed to Ling Feng, completely ignoring the seventh kill of the nine days of killing.

"Hey, Ka rub..."

The big bang rang, the big dragon knife was broken, the blade was cracked, and each other was constantly worn out. At the end, everything was shattered. The seventh kill could not hurt the barbarian girl, which made the Lingfeng very shocking. This is still his first. One failure.

"The eighth kill!"

Ling Feng took a step, the momentum has reached the peak, such as the jar filled with wine, gently shake, is pure brewing overflow, and at this moment, he is burning, it is the light of burning flames, but also the color of the body.

People are combined with burning flames, and people are like fire!


The broken blade is silent and trembles, like a sword that has been full of blood. It is emitting a thrilling brilliance. Under the cooperation of the speed of the wind, this blade is like a broken bamboo, and it does not give people time to dodge.

This is a must kill!

This is a crazy man!

“A knife is broken!”

At this time, the barbarian girl was also cautious, the jade knife slowly raised, the strength of the nine dragons and martial arts on the body, quickly blended together at the speed visible to the naked eye, forming the only force of the Emperor.

It is not a true fusion, but the formation of nine headed dragons, the body is intertwined, and the momentum and strength multiply, it is impossible to compare before.

Then she slashed her knife and took the blow.

Unremarkable, but it gives people a kind of mountain pressure, but the simplest force, but everyone sees the sword and the shadow of the sky, even the shadow of the dragon flying out, pressing down.

No need to dodge because it has no use.

No need to be arrogant, because she is the strongest!

"Booming ......" The knife is overflowing, the blade is broken, and it is the most powerful one in the knives. It has a knife and a reputation of being invincible under Wusheng.

The Eighth Day Eighth Kill, although not known by many people, is definitely a shocking force. When the two meet, the whole world is like a horse cell, which is blown up, and Liu Shushu goes backwards. The bird was shocked and the ears were bleeding.

This is a battle between the top and the half, and it is more fierce than the general Wu Sheng.

Of course, this is also a battle that is evenly matched. It is terrible for a broken sky. It is also slowly disintegrated under the eighth kill, and the eighth kill is completely shattered. However, Yu Wei still flew out Ling Feng.


He spurted a blood, his face suddenly whitened, and the body of the aura was not a burning flame. It could not be replaced. Because of this, his combat power was still inferior to the barbaric girl and suffered heavy losses.

And the barbarian girl is not very good, her face is pale, her body is shaking, the weight of 350,000 jins is that even she has the feeling that the bones have been broken.

It can be said that this is a **** battle caused by a beast, but it is only the beginning.

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