Supreme Demon

Chapter 804: The first demon

The eighth hundred and four chapters of the gods first


Xiahou Yufeng almost took out the word from the teeth. He had a blue-ribbed violent hop on his forehead, and his eyes were fierce. He couldn’t wait to remove the squad, and this shameless guy even smashed the two. The face is used to sweep the floor.

However, Qiu Shuyi is in the hands of the ridiculous Xiaoqi, so that he is extremely jealous and does not dare to shoot.

"Yes, it seems that this person claims to be a disciple of the heavens."

Ling Feng thought thoughtfully, it seems that this Tota is not very familiar with the appearance, and then he said to his hand. "So, let me let go of Qiu Shuyi, I am afraid that seven tablets of medicine is not enough. ”


Xiahou Yufeng and Bai Haozhen were smashed in the heart. His face was blue, his hands were tight, his bones squeaked, and he could not attack. Then he spit out a sigh of gas and said, "It is not enough."

Immediately, Bai Haojun took out a storage ring and threw it to Ling Feng. His heart was bleeding. Although they are Wu Zun, the **** medicine is very limited. This kind of heaven and earth is in the battlefield of the gods. It is rare.

"You are the seven **** medicines, which are inferior to the previous ones."

Ling Feng looked uncomfortable, and he was somewhat dissatisfied with the seven drugs. However, he was carefully taken care of, which made Bai Haojun have the urge to kill him.

Fortunately, he resisted.

"call out!"

The next moment, the magic stone flew back, the lock dragon bound, and Tota Dahan naturally rushed to Xiahou Yufeng, Bai Haozhen, his face surprised, said. "Master, two brothers, how are you here?"

Immediately, he saw Ling Feng, the whole face was red, and said angrily. "The door is small, you shameless goods, I want to kill you!"

"The eight divisions, the break is coming!" Bai Haoyi pulled the Tota Dahan back and stopped him. Otherwise, he angered the ridiculous door, and flew to the sky, fearing that they would suffer again.

"Two brothers, I..." Tota's face was red, and he looked at Bai Haozhen with some incomprehensibility.

"Autumn sister, still in his hands." Xiahou Yufeng stunned Tota Dahan, suddenly let the latter smashed, bowed his head, did not dare to look at him, can only bear it.


The devouring beads are a flash, from which a middle-aged man flies out, and the device is imposing, but the body is imprisoned, it is difficult to move, bathed in three black holes, there is a sense of isolation.

"Ah, I can't help it, I misplaced the person again, so I changed one." Ling Feng said.

"Seven brothers."

"Seven teachers!"

The three people in the restricted area were surprised and shocked. They had a feeling of incredulity. The seven brothers were much stronger than the eight divisions, but they still fell into the hands of the wilderness.

"Hey? Do you know?" Ling Feng asked very strangely. "So, you guys?"


This time, not only Bai Haojun's chest was bloody, but even Tota Dahan was full of black and blue. These are the same brothers, so which one can they give up?

"Yes!" Bai Hao's teeth squeaked and his body trembled, but he really couldn't say the word "don't".

In that case, not only will the seven divisions hate, but they will also fall into a notoriety, and will even be punished by the restricted areas of the heavens, and each one will not be able to bear it.

"That autumn girl, are you still?" Ling Feng put the middle-aged man again. The latter, like Tota Dahan, almost rushed up and struggled with Ling Feng, but they were all dragged by Bai Haozhen.

Subsequently, Xiahou Yufeng found out seven kinds of magical medicines, and hit the Lingfeng. The air was filled with strong medicinal fragrance, which fell steadily in the hands of Lingfeng, and it was full of glare.

Then, Xiahou Yufeng carefully touched his heart, but this was his desperate attempt to seize the magical medicine. Each strain was stained with his blood, but now it can only be cheaper and cheaper.

"call out!"

Another person was beaten out, but it was not Qiu Shuyi, but a young man who looked like a young man. He was carrying a gun, his clothes were very simple, he was also shocked by the magic stone, and he was restrained. He could only watch the white eyes. A few people.

"Don't I do something wrong?" Ling Feng shook his head silently. He said, "Today, this is a bad luck, and I have always misplaced people."


Xiahou Yufeng and Bai Haozhen felt that it was difficult to breathe. How many people were imprisoned in this ridiculous door?

The problem is that there are four people in the restricted area for the dawn.

This is to fan their faces. This time, only six of them came in the sixth hole, but they were born with four. If they were known by the demon moon, it is estimated that they have to be beaten by the cockroaches.

Sweeping the face and sweeping the floor!

"He won't give birth to all the seven banned areas in the heavens?" Xiahou Yufeng screamed for the idea in his heart, and his hands were picked up. On the one hand, he hoped that Lingfeng could do it. On the other hand, he also worried about Ling. The wind really does.

This is too bad!

However, this person is too demon, and a mistake can be said to be an accident. Two times can be said to be accidental, then three times.


"Six brothers!"

"Six younger brothers!"

Everyone exclaimed, their hearts were broken, although they were all eight-level martial arts, but the fighting strength of the six divisions was obviously higher than them, but they were still not spared.

"This person, too?" Ling Feng said, "I was shocked."

Then, he added: "When the goods came up, I couldn't help but say that I was killing me. I was so angry that I shocked him."


Everyone has even three knives in their hearts. They don’t even believe in the seven words of the ridiculous door. Everyone seems to be unfavorable to him. Every time they don’t know what to pretend, they repeatedly misplaced people... You are all idiots. .

"This person...we want to." Bai Hao said suffocatingly.

Immediately, he found a storage ring and hit Ling Feng. He only hoped that he would not put the wrong person anymore. Their heart could not stand it.

However, Ling Feng did not follow the script.

He once again "misplaced" people...

As a result, everyone witnessed a miracle, and the ridiculously small seven continually released the martial arts from the shackles of the heavens, from the eight divisions to the five divisions, and he ate six people.

When the seven people in the restricted area were red-faced and staring at him with blood and red eyes, how strange it was to be so strange, how grievous it would be, and even Tota Dahan wanted to open it. Rock, go in one.

Special, too shameful!

"How many people have you been born?"

Xiahou Yufeng feels that his heart is blocked, he would rather face the thousands of demons, and he is not willing to face the ridiculous door, this person will kill you alive, you have to help him count the magic.

This is a shameful shame, but they can't extricate themselves.

"Not much?" Ling Feng said very uncertainly.


In an instant, if everyone is shocked, one by one, the seven mysterious missing, will not be smashed by this life?

However, this thought is only a flash, they are abandoned by them, they can be oysters, but the three brothers are different, he is a nine-level Wu Zun, can you be embarrassed by this life?

"I have seven herbal medicines here, let's put the autumn sister."

Bai Hao’s heart was bleeding, and he took the last seven potions of medicines with great care. This is his accumulation over the past decades. He was once ridiculed by the ridiculous small seven, this pain. Who knows who else.

So, under the witness of the crowd, the nine-level Wu Zun appeared. His injury is still very heavy, but it was not as **** as before. There is no problem in life, but everyone is relieved.

Xiahou Yufeng and Bai Haoqi breathed a sigh of relief and took a sigh of relief.

Before, they were worried that the seven people had an accident. They had been careful to explore, but they were like a sea of ​​stones, and there was no news. But now they feel heartache, and they want to die.

That is a sense of powerlessness!

All seven were desecrated, which is a fatal blow to the restricted areas of the heavens. Since ancient times, they have not been so humiliated, even the original Qingyi did not dare to do so, and the ridiculous Xiaoqi is doing this. They also want them to "redeem" the seven.

Is it even more embarrassing than this?

"The first demon!" Tota Dahan's five internal organs are bleeding.

Subsequently, they patched together, finally got together seven herbs, handed over to Ling Feng.

"call out!"

The next moment, a beautiful girl appeared in front of everyone, which proves that the ridiculous Xiaoqi did not lie, he really caught Qiu Shuyi, and then she was thrown away by Ling Feng.

"Autumn girl, I have already sent you back, you are not welcome."

After that, Ling Feng directly flashed people, and the thief became a streamer. In the blink of an eye, he slipped from the blockade of eight Wu Zun. This made everyone very discouraged and very hurtful. Do they still have to live in the future?

The most important thing is that they have the heart to beat people, but they are powerless to go back to heaven.

The ghost knows that he is not happy one day, and he will make seven more oysters, let this scene be performed again?

It’s too terrible.

"Hey? Eight brothers, are you all right?"

Qiu Shuyi’s reaction was obviously different from that of other people. She said with a smile: “Xiaoqi, that guy is also keeping his promise, not thinking about you.”


Tota Dahan stunned.

Bai Haojun and Xiahou Yufeng are dumbfounded.

Everyone stared at Qiu Shuyi one by one, and the corners of their mouths were twitching. The little seven was not thinking about them, just how they took their medicine.

"What the **** is this all about?"

Xiahou Yufeng asked with a gleaming look. He felt that Qiu Shuyi’s tone was very relaxed. He was not as angry as Tota Dahan. He couldn’t see the appearance of being jealous. He was quite dissatisfied with Ling Feng’s imprisonment.

That's it.

"Little sister, that is not the door to you," said Tota Dahan.

"What about me?"

Qiu Shuyi stunned and grinned. "After the ridiculous Xiaoqi defeated me, but this person is still kind, I still take care of me along the way."

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