Supreme Demon

Chapter 813: Two years later, jihad!

After the eighty-one thirteenth chapter, two years later, jihad!

Hit people do not face!

Shenmen has been very low-key in recent years and has to be low-key. Under the glory of the ridiculous gates, the gates of God are also dull. Let’s not say clean, that is, easy wind and Lu Wen are enough to shake them.

Although this year's cold will be in the door, but it is not enough to compete with Ye Xinran, let alone the ridiculous door. For the people of Shenmen, it is a metamorphosis and enchanting. I will be jealous.

In the rise of the door, the old man of the squadron has a kind of momentum to pull the ridiculous door to the pk, and there is more obvious show than this.

This is fanning their old face!

"Calm!" Sikong laughed happily.


"Twenty-three heavens."

People look at the sky from afar, where the mans are shocked, and between the faint, you can see a woman who is dying in the wind is killing, and between the hands is the 18th palm of the squad, it seems to be smashed.

Thirty-three days.

The top ten is the wilderness, the middle ten is the weapon of the gods, and the back ten is the martial arts of the young age, from the age of the ancients, but also the period of the wilderness, it is an ancient warrior, very terrible, if The former Ye Xinran, absolutely can't kill, but now she is really embarrassed.

The power of the goddess, proud of the eight wild!


A heavy day was pierced, she drove straight into the twenty-fifth heaven, and on this heavy she was a terrible ancient warrior, that is, the 18th palm of Futu was resisted, but when she folded her hands together A day is shining.


The ancient warrior collapsed, and he still couldn’t stop Ye Xinran. The sky was so beautiful that it was the pinnacle of an era.

This is naturally not a god's ruin, but comes from the Valley of Death, which she got on the Taoist platform. Like Ling Feng's inch god, it is very terrible, and this practice also has a very beautiful name.

God tears.

Goddess's tears!

When it falls, it is to purify the heavens and the earth, to take away the power of Wu Zun, and even to annihilate the gods, it is this kind of style that makes the dragon fish martial arts all shudder, even the elders of the door are moving.

An annihilation!

This is its terrible thing. However, this style is too difficult to comprehend. Ye Xinran is also exploring for a few years, and she has stepped into it. She does not have the flamboyant squad, and can reach the threshold when she touches the threshold. Directly into the dead hole epiphany.

That is abnormal, it is hanging!

Later, she was brave and unparalleled. Even the three ancient warriors were killed in the twenty-nine heavens. The whole person was bathed in the blood, even if they were separated, people could see it in the sky.

"Only after the original Qing dynasty, and, is gradually approaching." Si Kong said absolutely.

"Zhu Chen, the bastard, really wants to kill him." The four elders of Shenmen repented. If they were Zhu Chen, they would most likely bring Ye Xinran into the door. The glory at this moment would not be the door. It is the door of God.

"She will be a miracle!"

The elders of the people are full of tears, and the arrogant they have been craving is here. She has created a myth that is beautiful and the door to the door. With such talents, people are not prosperous.

In this world, people must compete with the ridiculous door!

"Little uncle, too scary." Hidden, Qin Ao, Lin Biao one by one stunned, after a low-key for a year, Ye Xinran handed over a bombardment of the answer, they even suspected that the talent of the young master only I am afraid that I will be shocked in the end.

This woman is so scary, who will dare to marry her in the future.

This thought has only just appeared, it was annihilated by the three life students, this is the goddess of the goddess, will be killed alive, and even if no one is afraid of the little uncle, is there still a small master?

"He is so wonderful, it doesn't matter if he is hit by a fight?" The three thought shamelessly.

"Happy sister, too great!"

Liu Shushu waved his fist, this style, so that she was very excited, hate can not rush to kill.

"There was someone who wanted to do it, but couldn't do it, so she was doing it for him." Ling Qing sighed for a long time, nearly six years, he is okay?

Although the new generation of anti-god came, but did not bring any news about the lesser Ling Feng, which made everyone worried.


Turbulent, the sky shines, and the light of the gods is like a big river flowing, between the hovering, flying out of a dragon, suppressing Tianyu, sensational.

"She has been killed for thirty days, and she is clearer than her shoulders."

"The door must be brilliant." The four elders of the Shenmen secretly said.

"This kind of Tianjiao is qualified to enter the battlefield of the gods."

"Then let her enter."

"I am afraid that it will not be available yet." Sikong must shake his head, and the door must be brilliant, naturally enough to be amazing.

At this time, when the rise of the door, let Ye Xinran enter the battlefield of the gods, it will frustrate the people, this is not a good thing, the elders can put talents is a strange thing.

"What's more, when that battle is coming, what do you think people will do?"

"What about people?"

The four elders of Shenmen shook their heads and said, "God is four, and that one does not want to fight in that battle?"

They stunned Sikong and said, "If it is not a special door, there are only seven geniuses. Do you miss this opportunity?"

"Hey, if you let the Qing dynasty lead the army, I will be very willing to form a small team." Sikong said with a grin.


The four elders of Shenmen almost burst, and the Qing dynasty was unfathomable. Even they were awe, let him lead the battle, and they did not want these old guys to live.


After two hours, the rainbow in the sky was fixed in the thirty heavens. Ye Xinran walked out of the blood. Her eyes were still so fierce, her body was so exquisite, but there were more things in her pupil.

"That's not a triple day..."

She whispered alone, she could not break the 30th heaven, but she also spoke of the 31st heaven, and because of this, she did not fight again because it was not worth it.

"For thousands of years, you are the second wizard to break into the 30th heaven." The elders of the door flew excitedly, and both eyes were smoldering.

"Well!" Ye Xinran nodded indifferently.

In this regard, the elders are not at all surprised, Ye Xinran is like this, indifferent but powerful, seemingly refused to be thousands of miles away, but they are very respectful to these old guys.

"The pattern of the gods is still too small. I want you to go out."

Suddenly, I flew into the sky, and the clear voice spread throughout the audience, and everyone who was shocking and talking was quiet, and looked up and looked at the past.

"Actually, I have not said anything."

Still very excited to say: "Shenwu mainland, not only my **** is a sacred place, but a whole four, are the ancient forces that survived the floods."

"And between our four holy places, there is a battle every ten years, called Jihad!"


For a time, everyone’s eyes were bright. In the past few years, they have grown incredibly amazingly, and naturally they are eager to collide with the other three holy places to enter the country.

Moreover, this is also the time to defend the glory, everyone is screaming.

"Jihad, only the warrior of Wu Zun realm, Wu Shen can not participate." Still continued. "And, jihad is not a person's battle, but a group of people's battle."

"What do you mean?"

Everyone stunned and looked at Ren Ran inexplicably.

“In short, jihad is not a personal war, but a group of wars, a group of seven.”

Ren laughed.. "The confrontation between the group and the group, the confrontation between the right and the right, this test is not only the individual combat power, but also the cohesiveness, wisdom and many other factors, and can more clearly see the balanced power of a holy place."

"It turns out that." The people secretly nodded, which is very similar to the road of the gods.

"Four wins in seven battles!"

Looking at Ye Xinran with a smile, he said. "So, a team or a group must have at least four people, and at most seven people."

“How long is it?” Ye Xinran asked with a bright eye.

"Two years!" Still stretched out two fingers.

Ye Xinran was silent and said softly. "Two years, should it be enough?"

"So, will all the gods go to war?" Ye Xinran looked up again and asked, her eyes staring at her. Obviously, she wanted to ask four doors, but the door!


After a glimpse of it, I immediately understood and came over and said, "I can naturally participate in the various places of the Holy Land. However, some things still have to be seen."

The ridiculous Xiaoqi entered the battlefield of the gods, and it is easy to return.

He is advising Ye Xinran not to hold too much hope.

When the voice fell, people were crazy all the time, especially the white spin, hidden a few people, the eyes almost burned up, and directly came to Ye Xinran.

"One, I know that you are a small team with only five people and one beast, less than seven people." Bai Xuan took the lead. "I am willing to fight with you."


Hidden wants to kill him, is this a professional word for the line?

However, he will not fall behind, he said: "I am the most suitable person."

He was very veiled and did not point out the identity of the gods, but it was undoubtedly crowded out.

Ye Xinran is very calm. Her eyes are passed by the faces of Yin, Bai Xuan, Lin Biao and Qin Ao. The waves are not shocked. Just when Ling Qing and Yun Xi are secretly anxious, she only faintly opens. You are not suitable."

"What?" Everyone was stunned, and their faces were unbelievable. They were already the genius after the proud birds and Ye Xinran. They are not suitable. Who is more suitable?

Especially the hidden three people, deeply puzzled.

"Ye sister..." Liu Shushu was also amazed. "Why is this?"

"One person is more suitable than them." Ye Xinran said. "He will come."

Concise, but she won’t say it again.

"So, what is the name of our team?" Ling Qing asked if he had somewhere.


The two words are screaming, and the people who are shaking are shaking.

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