Supreme Demon

Chapter 817: Gas swallowing river

Chapter 187

If there is a knife, Ling Feng will definitely kill Bai Ze.

If there are thousands of knives, Ling Feng must break the white smash into pieces.

If there is a cluster of flames, Ling Feng can now bake Bai Ze.

He hopes to be the third answer.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is cruel. When the star punishment is swallowed up, a countercurrent runs through the nose and mouth, and it is reversed and turned into a boiling tide. In an instant, the blood of Lingfeng is drowned. .


His body trembled, and the body ban was not only smashed. The star slashing was a blazing flame, swallowing his flesh and blood, burning his bones, letting his bones linger, the meridians twitching, and even the vain sacs were running. shaking.

Star punishment is like a spring!

It captures the essence of a star, all condensed in the starlight, and bursts at this time, the violent momentum, can be imagined, it is simply to annihilate the soul of the people, even though the wind is a squad, at this time They are all cracked.

The vast star power seems to tear up his whole person.


Ling Feng couldn't help but drink, his hands were close together, his eyes were red and bloody, and he felt that every inch of flesh and blood in the body was smashing, and his violent star power was smashing together.

It is a flood of wilderness, unstoppable!


Turbulent, a lightning flashed out of the starlight, and also into the body of Ling Feng, it is more fierce than the knife, more cruel than the wolf, but also the world's barbaric woman is crazy, instantly smashed Broke the ribs of Ling Feng, and his blood is broken.


The wind blew seven times, the body was crumbling, and immediately, from his Baihui hole, a blood arrow was ejected. From a distance, he was a blood-colored fountain carrying a tremor.

music fountain!

He is human.

Not long after, the starlight and lightning entered the Dantian along the empty veins, and violently collided with the four black holes. The sky was flooding, and the black hole was knocked back. Even the ice-burning fires were dimmed, as if they would be extinguished at any time.

This is a terrible problem!

It is also that Ling Feng did not think of it at all. It seems that the pearl-sized star penalty is actually containing such terrible power, too turbulent, devastating, and gradually destroying him.

Until this moment, he regretted it.

That star punishment can't be swallowed directly, but it should be refining between hands. Only in this way can he control the star power instead of letting it violently crush itself.

This is self-destruction!

However, he has no time to consider such a problem and can only do his best to refine the stars and lightning.

He fully operated the Nether Shinto, and the floating body was also shining, taking the vast star power and quickly blending into the flesh and blood, along the ancient blood, into the Dantian, and gathered to the four black holes.

Regrettably, the speed of his refining is in jeopardy in the face of the destruction of the stars.

Let the refining of a star force, but that star power has destroyed a leg, he refining three stars, his semi-biased body has been paralyzed, spewed out in the pores of the blood, very glaring.

A glass of water, the water can not stop the thirst!

Under such circumstances, Ling Feng is gradually moving towards the end of life...

"Hey, young people, you are still too tender."

Bai Ze is full of faces, but his smile is very evil. It is a beast, very intelligent. How can he be willing to be shocked by a human being?

At the beginning, it was imprisoned by the owner of Guwuta. It was so simple that it was angry. It was furious and angry, even if it had been thousands of years, this anger was hard to eliminate.

And this young man in front of him has repeatedly offended it, will he be willing to calm down with his character?

I don't think about it!

Indeed, star punishment is a mythical stone, with many magical features, and it is indeed possible to open the realm of the cliff. Can you want to refine this treasure? Is it so simple?

Even the martial arts should be cautious, let alone a Wu Zun.

It deliberately induces the wind, it is for this moment, it wants the masters of the ancient Wuta to pay the price, only if they live and die, then the **** gold chain will be wiped out, it will have the opportunity to get out of trouble, instead of waiting The owner of Guwu Tower gradually became stronger and took it as a pet.

"The next moment is the moment to witness the miracle."

Bai Ze said excitedly. "The miracle is death!"

"White Pond!"

Ling Feng's eyes were fascinated and completely covered up by blood. He shouted coldly. "I will kill you!"


Bai Ze vomited a slobber in the wind, and said disdainfully. "I can beat you to beat me."


"I like you to look at my uncomfortable and can't do it." Bai Ze replied with a tooth, which was once said by Ling Feng, so it was ruthlessly plagiarized.

"The beast!"

Ling Feng hated it, and gasped his teeth.

Then, he wholeheartedly urged the emptiness of the Shinto to the force of the star, but still not enough, his flesh and blood, bones are in a state of exhaustion, the body's blood is losing, with this momentum going down, Ling Feng even genius can not beat a month.

"I don't want to die, I can't die!"

Ling Feng’s heart shouted. He was stunned, but his heart was exceptionally firm and did not suffer too much.

He knows that the stars are vast and the lightning is peerless, but he can refine. All that is needed is time, and this is precisely his weakness.

"Too one really water!"

He snorted and flew out a **** in the dead hole and directly entered the sea of ​​souls.

In the meantime, the sea of ​​souls roared, and a golden wave was set up. The golden ocean was like a tsunami. The nine waves of the gods were sprayed, and then, in the bottom of the sea, the cave opened nine holes.

"Hey, call..."

The next moment, Taiyi really water violent, like a waterfall, pouring down the forehead, golden light, hot air waves, infiltrated into the body of Ling Feng, although very hot, but gave him a very refreshing feel.


Taiyi Zhenshui poured into the internal organs, breeding fresh flesh and blood, a touch of vitality, shot from the middle.

It poured into the flesh and flesh and blood, so the imposing momentum, full-scale, like a beautiful fruit.

Star power and lightning are very violent.

Taiyi Zhenshui is like a sea, deep and mysterious.

This is the collision of power and potential. This is the time and time.

"come on!"

Lingfeng eyes shine with wild vision, as long as he gives him time, he is enough to refine the star power, although it is very painful, but the harvest must be great, and his ultimate killer Taiyi Zhenshui gave him this opportunity.

I hope to have a **** of water, no regrets!


At this moment, Ling Feng fully urged the body, and the emptiness of the Shinto became a taiji figure. The floating gods flew out nine gods, and the ancient Wu Vision appeared. From the Lingfeng body, the source of the stars was inexhaustible. Changming, how many mountains and rivers have been shaken.

What is even more frightening is that there is a galaxy in the body of Lingfeng, which is turbulent, mysterious and vast, and is also trying to extract Starpower.

Star power is unstable.

Lightning shakes...

Time is rushing, six months, like a blink of an eye, quietly passed.

In this process, Ling Feng's vitality is still strong, swallowing a large amount of star power, whether it is four black holes, or thundering fire phoenix, or the mysterious Galaxy is almost dazzling to the extreme.

This can be amazed by Bai Ze, who looked at the scene slyly, and then squatted on the ground, a very ominous premonition is quietly coming to mind...


Turbulent, when the time was deduced to a year, the star power and lightning were so dark that four black holes, thundering fires, and mysterious stars were frozen.

They seem to have entered a bottleneck, and it is no longer possible to draw a trace of star power.

However, the star power did not encroach on the flesh and blood of the wind, but, instantly burst into a star-shaped star power, walked into the body of Ling Feng, and immediately, the lightning also flew into the Dantian, standing On the side of the four black holes.

This scene gives you a glimpse of the wind.


Daddy, the lightning spurt, a heavy upward, turned into a starry sky, white bright color is very different from the devil's son, and then, the scattered star power also flooded at the speed visible to the naked eye, flying along the lightning, blink of an eye Turned into a hurricane.

It is a waterfall in the hurricane!

It is the lightning in the waterfall!


A black hole appeared, and the white light spewed, and the eyes of the people could not be opened.


Another black hole appeared, and the stars shattered, seemingly to break this square.


The third black hole flew out, shining and moving, and the momentum was about to collapse for nine days.


A black hole was born from Star Force. The lightning was not only the extraction of the star power, but also the blood of the wind, the power of the body, and the water of the Taiyi, so that the body of the wind trembled, as if it would burst at any time.

Do not!

It is not a black hole, but a white hole!

In the center of every hole, the porcelain is white, and there is a sun in it, which is completely different from the four black holes.

Almost every three months, a white hole flies out, one branding on top of a heavy one, and above the white hole, there is also a star embedded in it, and when the time is deduced to three years later.

The white hole gradually stabilized, and the lightning in the center turned into a white star river, echoing with the star river in the black hole of God, and confronting it.

Ten white holes!

Everything is extraordinary, like the phoenix in the nine days, and the 鲲peng in the Qiankun, who wants to go empty.

That vast momentum, swallowing the mountains and rivers, earth-shattering.

They are like the ones that have changed from the fourth black hole. The momentum is similar, the same deep and unpredictable. Although there is no branding of the demon, the stars on the white hole are undoubtedly more terrible.

A black hole in the realm!


At this moment, Ling Feng's blood flow is not limited. Three years of tempering makes him **** and debilitated, his skin is slack, his eyes are muddy, and he seems to be dead at any time. However, when the realm of the great wall comes, he is paralyzed.


Ten white holes, four black holes, this is to suppress the sky and the earth!

Star punishment is not a legend.

Star punishment is a myth, and the myth is happening at this moment.

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