Supreme Demon

Chapter 833: Sea **** beast

Chapter 833 The Sea God Beast

Dim in the sea of ​​gods.

A pair of cold eyes, slowly open, like a bustling night, lanterns, echoing the huge body of the sea beast, they are just waking up, looking forward to delicious food, staring at the delicious prey For fear that they ran the same.

The waves are not shocked.

Only the dull breath that sinks into the bones, everyone feels suffocated, even the demon moon, clear and clear are all ugly, the sea beasts are numerous, like a big fish floating out of the water, but born in the abdomen The claws, the mouths are exposed in the mouth, very sharp, this is like an ancient shark.

The problem is that this is not an ordinary sea beast. Even the sea beasts in front are all martial arts, and the more they are, the more terrible they are. The sea beasts of the martial arts are everywhere, especially after the martial arts sea animals. Several huge whirlpools hovered to the sky, dark black water, rolled up the waves of the sky, but, even a little sound did not come out.

This is awkward!

It is also showing the extraordinaryness of the sea beast. There may be extremely terrible sea beasts in the whirlpool. This is also a problem that is clear and demon.

"Be careful, stay next to us!"

Jun smiled and didn't smile, and said with a look of awe, this is to remind Ling Feng, Qiu Shuyi, and also said to other Wu Shen, once killed in the depths of the sea beast, facing the sea beast, the death and injury must be serious.


Qing Li said coldly, he propped up the light, step by step to fly above the sea beast, dodge is impossible, the only thing they can do is **** killing.

At the same time, everyone has sacrificed the weapon of the gods and looked around with caution.


At this moment, a sea beast screamed in the sky, such as the horse is angry, the sound is not so loud, but it transmits a thrilling penetration.

This is like a signal, the original calm sea, suddenly blasted a wave of waves, the sea beasts finally moved, together with the sky, a huge burst of sound, set off a world of wild frenzy, the sea has been stirred up.

The next moment, they rushed to the crowd. The sea beast is a unique group. They swallowed the blood of the gods and took the blood of the demon. Therefore, they are sometimes violent and sometimes calm, but they are all in their bones. Bloodthirsty, especially for these offenders.


For a moment, the light of the heavens rises from the sea, the horrible power penetrates the void, the four fields of the earthquake shake, the heavens and the earth are unstable, it is not a hundred gods, but thousands of .

The major forces of Wu Zun have changed color one by one, although they have been smothered with the demon for many years, but when they see such a scene, they can not help but tremble.

"Quick speed!"

Qing Li started his eyes and shouted. "Don't delay time!"

She is very calm. In the six holes, the gods she killed are not in the minority. Naturally, she will not be afraid of so many sea beasts. However, so many sea animals can be too horrible when they first came, and her faint I feel that there are terrible sea beasts in those vortexes.

When the voice fell, she had already smashed, like a lightning bolt.


I did not see her movements. The sea beast that rushed to the forefront, when it bursted open, the blood of pale ink fell into the sea of ​​God, so monotonous, without any change.


Immediately, the Qing dynasty flew out a thousand gods, all turned into a life-threatening arrow, burst out, and under the light of God, a head of the sea beast was killed.

Although they are numerous in number, they are still very weak when facing a true God. That person is like the **** of heaven, looking down on them and despising them.

This is the difference between Scorpio!

More than four hundred sea animals were stabbed with a sharp arrow and planted into the sea of ​​gods. This not only did not make the sea animals chill, but made them more bloodthirsty and madly rushed forward.

"Hey animals, do you want to die?"

The demon moon screamed. He was like a lightning bolt, and he took a step and stepped out. He entered the center of the sea beast. The three gods in his body were fully filled. Each road was like a sun, and the hot sun seemed to crush the mountains and rivers.

Then, the three gods shattered and turned into more than three hundred lightnings. They were inspired from his body, bursting into the eight wilderness, and a strong light, and the sea beast was shot.


It’s not just them, every martial god’s eyes are cold, and the gods are shining all over the world. Although they can’t be compared with the demon moon and the Qing dynasty in terms of momentum and combat power, they are killing Wu Zun’s sea beasts and confronting the sea beasts. They can still do it.




For a time, at sea level, the tragic sounds were endless, and many martial arts murders, even the true gods must be desperate, they directly killed the Wu Zun class sea beasts, tearing open a **** road.

In the process, there are nearly 10,000 sea gods and tragic deaths. The bones make the sea of ​​the sea turbulent, splashing 30 feet of waves. However, they pay too much, and naturally they will hurt a **** of martial arts. Like the three-level martial arts, the four-level martial arts are all bloody, facing the million sea animals, their pressure can be imagined.

When they entered the scope of the Wushen-class sea beasts, their faces were pale, and the sea **** beasts were stronger than they thought. In several encounters, the gods of the gods died in the mouth of the sea **** beasts, for the delicious food.

Needless to say!

This deeply hurts everyone's heart, one by one, red and crazy, rushing forward.


A claw passed through the body of a middle-aged woman. Her entire chest was hollowed out. The huge claws directly smashed the woman's internal organs and destroyed her vitality.


A martial art stabbed a sword and killed it on a monster. On a sturdy scale, it splashed a smashing Mars. However, when he wanted to kill further, the sea beast had a tear. The light of God, swallowed him down.


The bloodstains of the Shenhai Sea have been defeated, but new blood has been added today. This is why the sea beasts are crazy. They are eager to devour blood, especially the blood of the Valkyrie.


Turkic, Qing and the demon moon and air joined forces, opened a huge cage on the sea level, shrouded everyone, swiftly rushed forward, they know that the Valkyrie has a lot of casualties, therefore, they should try to They sheltered the wind and rain.

However, they only rushed out for 30 miles, and they were defended by dozens of martial-level sea animals. They are not weak. In the vast sea of ​​gods, it is not unusual to have hundreds of sea gods, especially There is the blood of the Valkyrie and the Devil, which is why the Shenhai is called the Forbidden City.

"Get rid of them!"

"There was a tear of the sea **** beast!"

The people lightly drink, they are separated from the scope of the light, directly killing the past, like Jun Xiaoxiao, like the heavens restricted area Li Ruofeng, they are the leaders of the Valkyrie, naturally not afraid of such a sea beast.


Nine Daoguangguang escorts, Jun sees a smile and raises a hand, a savage weapon flies out of it, falls in his hands, and evolves into a terrifying rainbow, nine days of gas!

Nothing gorgeous flames, only thrilling giants!

The sword directly pierced the three-headed martial arts monsters and killed all their heads.

And Li Ruofeng is not inferior, he took a step forward, squirting nine red clouds, and in which he gave birth to nine big tripods, and slammed down together.


For a time, the sea **** beast fell, his body split, and it was broken in midair.

They also opened the curtain of death, and then more than a dozen horrible martial arts all flew out, killing the sea **** beasts, killing them screaming again and again, although they are also martial-level monsters, they are in the sea of ​​gods, but they have far-fighting power Not as good as the demon.

On the one hand, they have no practice, and on the other hand, they have not confronted human martial arts. Without this experience, it is naturally difficult to cause too many obstacles to the **** of war.

However, the number of sea **** beasts is several times that of human warriors. They have also opened up the gods, killing some Wuzun with a powerful realm and biting the skull of the **** of war.

The battle is like blood!

Every martial **** has done his best, and some powerful martial arts have come together, fighting side by side, and also resisting the sea **** beast, and like Ling Feng, Qiu Shuyi naturally can't compete with the sea **** beast, but they are very embarrassed. Coming from the sea **** beast, I also want to catch up with them.

After three hours.

Everyone smashed the scope of the sea **** beast, and quickly flew toward the distance. Everyone was bathed with blood. Even the clear, demon moonlight was bleak and his face was white. These monsters have lost their minds, only instinctive killings. This is the most terrible.

Horizontal, I am afraid of life!

Not long after, they flew to the front of the vortex, feeling the tidal mountain river dumping, their faces are ugly, this kind of momentum and storm, that is, the **** of war is frightened, there is a terrible fear.

There is no doubt that this is not a powerful sea beast, it is a dead sea.

"We have been injured here!"

Clear and stern, the eyelids that are next to each other are also beating.

And this sentence also made everyone change color, even the arrogant woman of this day was injured, then, how horrible this vortex will be.

It is a hundred miles away, and it is swallowing up.

The deep color is like a dark eye, making people shudder.

"Fly, we have no other choice!" The moon is a bit strange, this sea is very strange, so far can not see through, like the sea **** emperor with a few real gods, but it did not appear, but the vortex can be swallowed Everything hurts the true God.

"This is the sea of ​​death, and it won't go around."

It seems that everyone is worried that the true **** of Tenjin Island also said in a deep voice. "But we will do our best to protect everyone."

Immediately, eight people appeared on Tianyu, playing a vast expanse of gods, shrouded everyone in it...

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