Supreme Demon

Chapter 835: Only it

The eighth hundred and thirty-fifth chapter only has it


Along with the small mouth swallowing, the annihilation of the momentum was exhausted, Ling Feng's palms were red, and the dark light in the body was taken away by the sky, but it did not hurt him.

Ling Feng walked on the edge of life and death, and he was shocked and stunned. He also stunned a cold sweat. If it wasn’t for the timely appearance of the butterfly, this time he would die, and even the magic stone could not be completely suppressed.

"Little Seven!"

Qiu Shuyi’s flower was eclipsed and she was all picked up. She would rather die on her own, and she didn’t want to let the slamming door stop her for this attack. She didn’t even dare to touch his body, fearing that it would touch broken.

And the gods and the people have also changed color, and the ridiculous door is about the future of the whole gods. Once the tragic death is here, God knows how much the six people will be crazy.

"I'm fine!"

At a time when everyone was worried, Ling Feng said without hesitation.

"You...had there been any injuries?" Qiu Shuyi stunned, tears received, and immediately ran over, clutching Ling Feng for a while, she worried that Lingfeng would smash some places, just like a **** of gods same.

"Are you taking advantage of me?" Ling Feng blinked and smiled.


Qiu Shuyi is pretty and blushing. She has already seen that Ling Feng is not injured. Otherwise, he will not talk to her so calmly, and he will almost touch him all over, which falls in the eyes of others. What is it?

However, she is very happy inside, at least there is no problem in the bottom of the door.

"Small seven, are you okay?"

Jun sees laughter and scares a big jump. He knows more insider than others. Don’t trust the man’s mouth, especially the two things, Yi Feng and Lu Wen. They are in front of these people. Shaped.

A genius warrior, a super Dan teacher, this kind of person has nothing to lose, in case it is damaged in the sea of ​​God, I am afraid that the door will be mad.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng talked very calmly, except that the palm of his hand was bleeding, there was no wound, and it was not the horrible dark light that attacked him.

"I'm fine!" Ling Feng said affirmatively.

"How can it be okay? Isn't that dark light?"

While everyone was relieved, they couldn't help but wonder, how dark the dark light was, even the martial arts were broken, and this strange door was standing here with great end, how much gave them a very weird feeling.

However, at this time, no one will come and ask, everyone is facing the test of life and death of the dark light.

This also made Ling Feng breathe a sigh of relief. He had too many secrets in his body. If he was accidentally excavated, he would have a big problem, at least until he did not grow up, he was as low-key as possible.

Ten days later!

They turned over the hundred miles, and the raging dark light disappeared. However, everyone’s heart was very dull. In that darkness, more than a dozen people were killed and injured, and three of them were armed. It is not the center of the sea of ​​death, and the extent of the horror there is hard to predict.


During the sudden break, a claw claw rushed from the bottom of the sea, and the fierce light shone. It was shot directly on the gods, so that a true **** was immediately suffocated, spurting blood, and his face was ugly and scary.

"The **** of the gods in the real world!"

For a time, the faces of Qingyue and Yaoyue were heavy. They knew that they would be on the sea beast. When they entered the range of 100 miles, they were already guarded.


Qing 漪 漪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


There were a huge wave of water in the bottom of the sea, and there was a lot of smoldering blood, and red blood appeared, but it was a bit of a smoky smell.

The claws were shrunk back, but when everyone was relieved.


The sea burst, the vortex reversed, and a horrible frenzy swept up, picking up eight prisoners of light, and then, after twenty-one claws from the bottom of the sea, directly grabbed the eight gods, can be awesome The killing of the light prisoners are in the fierce tremors, and the gaps suddenly become larger. At one time, several martial arts have died, and even the two martial arts are seriously injured in this turmoil.


Eight people, including the Qing dynasty and the demon moon, all shot, and the power of the true **** penetrated the sky, turned into a heavenly soldier, and went down.

"Oh, when..."

The claws are very strong, they can break the weapon of the gods, and the light of the gods is dimmed, so that the people who are clear and white are white, obviously they also see it. This sea **** is very high, absolutely Above them.


In the fierce battle, a claw was hit in the light of the prison, the horrible force, through the gap to kill several Wu Zun together, Yin Hong blood into the sea.


When she was angry, she flew out a trench in her hand and slammed it out. She stabbed it out. There was no gorgeous storm, and some were just the fierceness that condensed together.


The thorn pierced a claw and picked it up from the middle, but at this moment, three claws were killed from the air, and the picture was shot on the back of the clear, and she flew out.

For a while, the light of the prison was unstable, poured into the sea, mixed with the storm, swallowed three Wu Zun.


In a short time, the demon moon and the gods of Tianshen Island also vomited blood. They were all blown back, their bodies were bloody, and they broke several holes. Although they have done their best, the claws are too strong, really let them The horror is that only the claws can hurt them. If the deity flies out, it will be how violent the sea god.


After the explosion, the Qing dynasty shouted and took the lead in urging the gods. Together with the people, it was necessary to rush out of this range.

However, the Sea God Emperor obviously did not intend to let them go like this. Twenty-four claws flew past and stretched for a hundred miles. All of them killed them to the Qing Dynasty, and they were all bowed.


She was smashed and flew, her ribs were cut off, and the demon moon flew. His chest burst into a small hole, and the internal organs were seriously injured. Other people’s injuries were not lighter than them, even though they could withstand some claws. However, the remaining claws still caused fatal injuries to them.

Originally, they were completely able to fly, but in this way, the light prisoner would burst. At that time, the major forces of the gods would die, which is obviously not what they want.

The situation is imminent!

Every martial **** is very anxious, they want to participate in the war, but also know that the martial arts are not enough to see, that one claw can break the soldiers, martial arts, even the real gods of the war are seriously injured, even if they kill It is just a few bones.

"Qing 漪..." Jun sees a fist and clenches his fist. Qing dynasty is too important for the gods, and the consequences of war and death are unimaginable.

"How to do?"

Qiu Shuyi's face is ugly, her eyes are red, and her moon is like her big brother. How can she bear to watch him die?

However, under the many claws, the eight true gods are fighting in blood. Every time they take a hundred steps, someone will be injured, and they want to cross the center of the whirlpool, fearing that everyone will die.

"It locks in the sea, there is still such a god!" Qing gnashing his teeth, it is a very terrible monster, the origin is very mysterious, but also a long time, I am afraid that it was already a **** in the wild, and then it I took a powerful **** and locked it on the bottom of the sea. I wanted to come out all my life.

However, it is still in the air at the bottom of the sea, to kill everyone.

"I can't do it, then I can only go back." Demon Moon spit blood said.

"But this way, so many martial arts, Wu Zun is not white dead?" Many people are not willing, have come to this step, how can they give up.

"Do your best, if not, then leave!"

Qing Yu said lowly, she has 80% of the certainty that the device will be left in the sea of ​​God. This is also their hope. If it is just to withdraw, how many years will it take to get the array.

The price is too heavy.


The next moment, she sacrificed the lore, and there were five heavens on her body. The shining sun and the moon shone in the whole world, and in the middle of the stars, all fell.

"Hey... Ka rub..."

When the five heavens fell down, they flew out of the 18th palm of the floating sect. They cut off the power of the mountains and rivers and instantly broke a claw. Then she quickly rushed out and shook a Claws.


Suddenly, the bottom of the sea humming, the sky and the waves rising and falling, and immediately, forty-eight claws rushed out together, let people eclipse, this is the hope of extinction, even if it is too late to escape.

Because forty-eight claws are trapped in all directions, the power of the seven true gods is flying, oppressing the heavens and the earth, imprisoning the space, people can not escape from it, even the genius of the demon moon, clear and clear, feel extremely difficult.

This is a seven-level real beast!

"This is forcing me!"

Ling Feng looked at the sky and the claws, his face full of anger, he said to Jun Xiaoxiao.. "The third child, I have a fetish here, you sent him to the hands of the Qing sister."

"Don't make trouble." Jun said with a smile and a heavy face, Qing Qing is a living creature who has lived for thousands of years. The weapons in her hands are extraordinary, and it is not that the soldiers can be comparable, but this is why they can not shake the claws. What is better than anything else? That trespass is still amazing?

"The third child, do you think I am joking?"

Ling Feng shouted.. "Believe me, it comes from the eternal era, and only in the hands of the Qing dynasty sister, can the real power be able to bloom."

"What is it?"

Jun smiled and couldn’t help but ask.

Ling Feng did not answer, he just played a black hole and flew directly into the hands of Jun Xiaoxiao.. "The third child must be sent to the sister, I believe it can restrain many claws."

Jun sees a smile and glances at the black hole in his hand. The double eyes suddenly burst into the golden rainbow, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed. "It was it!"

Immediately, he rushed up, Fan Laolai defended the light, and he flew to the Qing Dynasty, doing his best to avoid the claws, fight the wounds, through the gap, approaching the Qing.

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