Supreme Demon

Chapter 837: Far away

Chapter VIII is far away

The atmosphere is tight!

The whole world was quiet, people held their breath, and only the wind was blowing on the sea level.

The gods and the blood of all the people are condensed in one place. Their eyes are cold and cold, and the Qing dynasty is behind them. When the weapons in their hands flash, it is hidden. Even Ling Feng has set off his eyes and has a magic stone in his hand.

The warriors of other forces are calmly watching the gods and ridiculous people. They have not said a word. Under the seemingly calm surface, there is an undercurrent, everyone has killed their hearts, but before they are absolutely sure, Everyone will not show it.

At least, they need someone to stand up, and there are a lot of people to stand up. Otherwise, they will become the target of the public, passing the street mouse.

In the past few years, Qingyi has been oppressing everyone. She is too strong. Although the overall strength of the gods is not as good as that of the restricted areas of the heavens and the banned areas of the gods, there is such a reckless loli that people do not dare to offend easily.

It is precisely because of this that they are jealous and always want to kill the Qing dynasty. Unfortunately, she did not give anyone a chance, even in the **** battle, still be very careful, but now it is different, it is their extreme Good time.

As long as she kills her, then the gods are insignificant. No one can stop the real gods, and the gods in front of them will die, and no one will leak this news.

There is no evidence of death!

Isn't that what they want?

In particular, after the Qing dynasty got the gods and celestial scorpions, that swallowed the sky, how many people's hearts were alarmed, and who would not move.

Under such temptations, it is the true sacred warriors who can't keep their normal minds. They are very coveted, and they are coveted together with the death of Qing dynasty.

Therefore, although they are very calm on the surface, they are very hot inside. When they step out of the whirlpool, they are indifferent. Although the injuries are also very heavy, they are ten times more fierce.

They are waiting!

When no one speaks, it means that they are all the same mind. This is also a statement, and when this situation is intensified, it means that the gods are going to be extinct.

Diligence, two interest...

The gods of the gods have sweated their hands. Their faces are getting more and more ugly. The longer the time drags, the more determined the determination of the people. Now, the Qing Dynasty is too heavy, even if it has the best of the best. It is also time to refine. In this process, the seven true sacred warriors join forces and can definitely kill the Qing.

You know, although Qingyi is very strong, it is not easy to kill any true sacred warrior. She can seriously hurt some people, but it is too difficult to leave them. Everyone must save the killer. However, if the two true sacred warriors come together, it is clear that they can only be evenly matched, but now it is seven.

The cold sweat ticks down, and Jun sees his eyes and smiles. The light on his body is becoming more and more unstable, but he dare not break the deadlock.

Time passed, even Qiu Shuyi felt that the situation was very wrong. Although she was simple but not stupid, if it was two years ago, she would not hesitate to wave the butcher knife to kill the door, and now she also followed. Tightened, eyes sorrowful look at the demon moon.

The restricted areas of the heavens, after all, still did not stand out!

A full time!

The eyes of the demon moonlight flashed, spit out a sullen gas, said. "Oh, Qingyi is helping us to be seriously injured, but Shendao is very important."

His words were very weird, and the foreword didn't make a fuss. However, the tight atmosphere was suddenly loose, and people couldn't help but frown, and then slowly let go.

This is the attitude!

After pondering for a moment, the demon moon finally stood up. Although the restricted areas of the heavens were somewhat contradictory to the gods, they were more inclined to that side. Moreover, Qiu Shuyi was in the hands of the gods, once they killed, the autumn book Yi is bound to be the first to die.

Moreover, there are no taboos in the gods, and whether they can be motivated. This is still an unknown. Once they are dead, can they leave the sea of ​​God alive?

And everyone is still very calm, clear and demon moon, this is not enough to face other true deities, they are still waiting for their position.

"We owe a small door to a small person."

The true **** of the Yin Shenzong said indifferently that the six martial artists died in the sixth hole, and the ruins of the martial arts were ruined by the martial arts, and the martial arts were saved. The grace was not small, but they would never let them miss the battle. chance.

However, they are not worried about this, but the island of God, clear and demon, the moon and the moon are the main force, and the two people who are most familiar with the secret power of the island, they want to get more than the two.

In the face of big and big, they are very clear. No matter how chaotic the Terran is, the demon can't make it cheap.

Of course, they do not suffer, this is a return to Ling Feng, a human condition, and then two are not owed.

"The Qing dynasty is the person I admire, and the ridicule is also my strong enemy." At this time, Qin Haotian spoke up, and the sacred **** was neutral, but he did not offend any power, and he really wanted to be upright. It’s not a rely on this dark trick.

The **** of the banned gods in the forbidden zone looked at Qin Yutian faintly, and then the body stepped back, which was the tight atmosphere that broke in this moment.

There is no doubt that the **** of the crack will not kill.

This also allows the situation to be reversed in an instant, clearing, demon moonlight, Yin Shenzong, and splitting the gods. This is full of four true gods, that is, other people have the heart, and they want to kill them, and once the news leaks, they also Absolutely not to live well.

"Ha ha, can get out of the whirlpool, it is indeed clear credit, let drink three hundred cups." Tenjin Island really God smiled and said, but some insincere.

"It is true." The other three true gods also said with a smile.

The gods and the people are still cold. Before the Qing dynasty injury has not healed, they will not believe in anyone's ghosts, and they will be the most hurtful.

However, they have to remember several forces one by one, come to Japan to be long!

"Small seven, I..." Qiu Shuyi was very annoyed.

"Don't talk." Ling Feng said calmly, but anyone can see the indifference in his eyes. The heavens did not stand up in the first time, indicating that their hearts were not pure, and this made Ling Feng angry.

Qiu Shuyi’s sorrow, the grief in her face, the tingling in her eyes, she knew that Xiaoqi was hating, in anger, he had been taking care of her before, and did not harm the warriors in the restricted area of ​​the heavens. Wang Yuzhen is also related to the blame for the restricted areas of the heavens.

Although they did not say it, she could feel it.

However, at this moment, she felt that the ridiculous door was strange, and her attitude was cold and straight to her heart, which made her eyes wet, and her heart was like something was broken.

Indifference represents rejection!

Once, she had the hope to take that step, but she was cut off.

Seven days later, the Qing dynasty and qi and blood flourished, and the eyes shone. Although it has not completely healed, it has also been restored to 7788. This also makes the gods ridiculous, and although the atmosphere has eased, everyone has more hearts. gap.

"Autumn Shuyi, go back." Ling Feng said faintly.

"I..." Although I knew that this would be the result, she couldn't help but tremble, her eyes flustered, and her look was awkward. From this moment on, the atmosphere completely changed.

Although she did not leave before, she hoped to have herself on this side, which would make the restricted areas of the world feel tricky and try to save the situation, but everything is in vain.

It is difficult to break the mirror!

"Go back!" Ling Feng looked at Qiu Shuyi.

A look at the cold.

A glance for a thousand years!

Once, that gentle touch of pity was exhausted, and the once laughter and anger turned into a cold mang, which also made Qiu Shuyi sink to the bottom of the valley, and the trace of the face was broken.

She walked step by step toward the people in the restricted area, and her face was white. Every step was so heavy. Every step was farther and farther away from him. She could never return her head...


A **** spurt, Qiu Shuyi did not know, the sadness of death, so that everyone in the restricted area of ​​the heavens are distressed, even the demon moon is moving.

His eyes are dark, hesitant once, and the smashing is the heart of Qiu Shuyi?

He also pushed him to the abyss. Qiu Shuyi was able to consolidate the power of the gods, to kill the gods and the first, to escape from the dead... There are many things that they are losing money, but in the face of Qing When he was a god, he was still hesitant.

"Book Yi, just come back." Xiahou Yufeng said with a smile.

Qiu Shuyi should not, she just looked up at the people in the restricted area of ​​the heavens. The pupils became smaller and empty. It was like watching a group of strangers. Her mind was simple, not so thoughtful, and because of this, Ling Feng repeatedly could not bear to hurt her.

She is back, but he is far away.

This is life!

"We should go in."

Qing Yi said to the seven true gods, she is still calm, can not see the mood, but everyone's heart is sinking, God is not an idiot, a hesitation, an attitude, is enough to decide how close, but It is an extraordinary period now, and Qingyi will not offend so many people.

However, she will not miss the "death"!

Eight days later, everyone came to a sea, like a lake, the sea is very light, there is no feeling of sinister, the ten-mile is like this.

"It's here!" Qing said. "There is an island in the sea, covered by a terrible legal system. We are also trying our best to find it. If the speculation is good, then the regrettable magical array is in it."

"Then open the circle!" said one person.

"However, the island is very strange, and it does not allow the gods to enter, so only Wu Zun has a chance." Qing Yu said. "I know this is very dangerous, but for the sake of the gods, for many creatures, I urge you to do your best. ""

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