Supreme Demon

Chapter 844: Absolute moment

Chapter VIII, the moment of the cliff

At the beginning, in the sixth hole of the day, they violently killed the mysterious Valkyrie, both lose.

At that time, the ridiculous small seven rolled out from the hills and slammed the **** of war, which made them horrified, but then they saw that there were some people in the desert.

Now, the old things are repeated.

When they were seriously injured, the ridiculous Xiaoqi flew over and faced the bone **** alone. Although they fully doubted the motives of the ridiculous door, they were also very pleasant, because this is a miracle. people.

He has a "predecessor" to kill the **** of war.


Bone God's eyes are very indifferent, scornfully watching Ling Feng, even the four Wu Zun are seriously injured and dying, this person has what qualifications to stand in front of him.

The next moment, it raised its hand and waved, the huge sound waves, bursting out, forming a fierce frenzy, slamming into the ridiculous door.


The void is in the air, the big cracks in the darkness are formed in the void, and the turbulent wind is broken.


At the moment of the moment, the one hand went to the front of the ridiculous door, so that people must suffocate. The fighting power of the bones is too horrible, and it is not that Wu Zun can be moved.

"call out!"

Ling Feng stunned his eyes, his feet moved, and the light of the gods blew out, and sneaked away under the explosive storm. Then, the four stones flew out, and the fierce screaming toward the bones.


The bone-bone **** is very indifferent. It sees through the wind, and raises his hand to block the past. The golden bone in the arm is stirred on the quadruple stone. The dull power is blown up, and the wind is turned back.

Immediately, it took a step forward, the earth was shaking, and it slapped it down, and it rushed.


This time, Ling Feng did not dodge, and the bones of the bones flew out a few gods, directly imprisoned all around, so that the inch of God did not have room to play, and when the slap was shot on the quadruple stone, Ling The wind fell, and the mouth blew.

The disparity in power made him not the opponent of this white bone god. The four black holes of the gods were broken, and his eyes were bleeding and red.


The Bone God did not neglect the Lingfeng. Instead, he shot eight palms in succession, and the Lingfeng hit the plane, the flesh and blood ruptured, the bones were broken, and the swaying flies to the distance, and one is planted in the rock.


Quiet as dead!

People’s eyes wide open, especially Qin Yutian and Cui Mingfeng, and they looked awkward. Before they held their expectations, they thought that the Seventh Five is qualified to rival the Bone God. Although the latter is only a four-level Wu Zun, it is terrible. The stone can definitely make the bones jealous.

The problem is that they didn't think that Lingfeng would be so fast, and they couldn't stand it!

"How could this be?"

"Just so dead?"

It is difficult for everyone to accept this result. They hope that Xiaomen Xiaoqi can stick to an hour, let them try their best to recover, and then join hands to kill the bones, but at this time they must be desperate.

"No, this is not his style at all." Cui Mingfeng frowned.

"It is really not right." Qin Haotian also said.

This is a life and death duel, and the ridiculous small seven should do their best to fight, but what they see is not the case. The mysterious broken blade, the magic stone, and the 18th palm and the star of the sect are still not present. The little seven is deliberately sent to kill the bones.

This is very unreasonable!

"Unspeakable!" Bone God cold eyes glanced at the broken hill, and did not put Ling Feng in his eyes.

"Are you talking about me?"

The hill split open, and a man walked out with awkwardness. He was covered in blood, and his handsome cheeks were also bleeding. The key point was that Qiu Shuyi’s body also cracked several wounds and his face was white.

"Hey? Didn't die?" The bones of God, a Shinto warrior can not kill a four-level Wu Zun, this is a shameful shame.

"I said, let you stand and let me play!"

Ling Feng’s eyes are cold and proud, and the low power is awakening from his body. The majestic momentum is brewing, roaring, and is about to skyrocket.


In the next moment, ten white holes in his body flew out, flowing with thousands of gods, it is so dazzling, how can people ignore them.

It is at this moment that the momentum of Ling Feng has broken the threshold of Shinto and soared to the position of the Valkyrie. This is not the realm of the Valkyrie, but the squeezing of the power of Wu Zun. Therefore, it will not be oppressed and bound by Shendao.

Fourteen black and white holes!

They are intertwined and radiant, shining with the invincible light, arrogant and rushing to the mountains and rivers, sharp and shocking.

The realm of the cliff!

A month passed, and the ten white holes finally came out again. This is what Ling Feng has been waiting for. For each of the hopes of the Bone God, they only have to drag the time to this moment.

"You are in the sixty interest!"

The sound of the light sounds, the Lingfeng at this moment gives a sense of detachment, and if it is a god, and under the embellishment of the fourteen martial arts, he slowly flies into the sky.

Then, the broken blade flew out, his blood rushed, and a small dagger flew out of it, blending with the broken blade, and the violent rushing.


Starlight, the stars are dotted in the sky, making people feel that it is going to rain, very dim.

In the sky, a dagger flew out and gradually approached, and people only saw it clearly. It was a broken blade.

When Ling Feng entered the realm of the cliff, the Bone God tried to imprison him. He took a step directly to cut off the thorns and cut off the blade.


Its daybreak!

The power of the fourteen martial arts was intertwined into a starlight, directly cutting off the void, and killing the face of the bones, but under the inch of God, even if it wants to dodge it is too late.

Can only be hard!

Therefore, the Bone God raised his arm and pushed it forward. However, it underestimated the terrible situation of the cliff, and underestimated the star's fierceness, and did not know how cruel the scorpion was.


The golden bones can't resist the brilliance of the cliff. The broken blade cuts directly from the palm of the Bone God, tearing the sturdy and immortal bones to the shoulders of the Bone God.


The bones of God are fierce, every scorpion is open, and the same voice is heard, like a ghost in the sorrow, in the dark world, it is scalp and numb.

"This blade is cut for Qiu Shuyi!" Ling Feng yelled. "You hurt it, I broke one arm."

When the voice fell, he disappeared again.


The broken blade trembled, and the truncated scorpion emerged. In the void, it appeared on the other arm of the Bone God, and it was smashed.

A strong mess!

The bones of the bones are terrified. It does not think that this person will be strong to this extent. It is obviously a Wu Zun, but it has the power of fourteen martial arts. It is also a **** of martial arts. This is purely broken by the power of Wu Zun. Shinto.

Too bad!

It is also because of the sky, it is even more terrible!

"This is the blade is to cut them." Ling Feng said coldly, Qin Haotian, Cui Mingfeng and others paid such a big price, always let their hearts sigh a bad smell.


The next moment, Ling Feng killed the past, to the point of the shock, to break the Shinto, the Tianwei of the gods finally broke out, even Qin Qintian can only see a phantom.


One leg of Bone God was cut down. It wanted to dodge, but it didn't escape. The whole body was shaken, and one leg could not support its huge body.

"This is very asymmetrical!"

Ling Feng said faintly, he smashed the other leg of the Bone God, causing the whole body to collapse on the ground, and the tragic sound broke through the sky, and the golden bone powder spread out, but all were 14 The power of Wu Zun is dispelled.

It is so overbearing!

It’s such a powerful!

This moment belongs to the cliff, it is the moment of the cliff!

"Do not!"

The bones of the bones panic, and suddenly.

It turned and flew, and this person was a demon in front of him. The broken blade was like a broken bamboo. Even the gods could not resist it. It was like cutting tofu. At this time, it was a battle. It was a dead end.

It will be so idiotic.

"Do you think you are leaving?"

Ling Feng Lengsen’s smile, he sealed the direction of the bones of the bones in a stagger, and the fourteen martial arts forces all flew out, imprisoned the Quartet, and immediately turned into a practice, covering the bones. .

"Give me a drive!"

The bones of the gods drank, and a lightning flashed from the mouth, trying to break the power of the Wu Zun.

In fact, it did, but it did not stop, and it became a rope, and bound the bones.

After the lock dragon was bound to enter the Shinto, an unparalleled light broke out, and even the Valkyrie could not escape.


Ling Feng slaps the palm of his hand and hits the skull on the face of the bones, and the bones roll down.


Another slap in the face of the bones of God, playing it all over the body.

"I hate being scared by me, especially if you have bones." Ling Feng said in a desperate manner, and then, the 18th palm of the shogunate and the palm of his hand were laid down, all the bones of the bones were destroyed, revealing the golden color. God's bones.

When the eighteen palms fell, the bones of the bones had been completely smashed, and the golden heads were pulled down, and they were weak.

"Hey!" Ling Feng’s execution of the broken blade, the interception of the sky into the bones of the bones of the gods, directly cut off the birth of the creatures, so that the huge golden skeleton suddenly stiff, and then, suddenly scattered, It was killed.

Although it is a bone-bone god, but in the context of the cliff, it still has to die, and its death has also cast a very bloodthirsty style for Ling Feng, so that people can not help but take a breath of cold, this is still Wu Zun? .

This person is even more fierce than the martial arts. What a monster is.

People are stunned, from the time when the power of the fourteen martial arts flew, to the end of the war, has maintained this position.

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