Supreme Demon

Chapter 850: Scared to a demon

The 850th chapter scares a demon

The gods are low and the sun is sinking.

The Jianya is swayed by the gods, and gradually spreads the light. This mountain is plain and unremarkable. It was born only because of the ten-handed sword of the gods, but now it gradually collapses with the disappearance of the ten-handed sword.


The dust was filled, and a mountain fell under the feet of Ling Feng, drowning the bones of the former Wushen, and annihilating the legend of an era.

Standing on the endless ruins, Ling Feng was so excited that they were trapped here six months ago, and their lives were dead.

But now, he got the arsenal, comprehended the sorcerer's sword, and the whole person was reborn. Dantian was pregnant with a terrible sword array. He had a hunch that when the nine black holes appeared, he could destroy the gods. .

What is discouraged! This is discouraged!

He didn't have a long day, it was something that waste materials would do, and what he had to do was to walk forward and go straight ahead.

The next moment, he stepped out, such as the electric mans shine, and suddenly came out of the sword cliff, the valley where they were trapped in death, this moment became a beautiful memory.

"Qin Haotian, where are they?"

Ling Feng stood on Tianyu, his eyes brightened, and he looked far away in the distance. The power of the seven martial arts all spread out and swept in all directions.


Daddy, his eyes were cold, and the black hole of the sorcerer’s **** spread to ten miles away. He saw that they were not Qin Yutian, but a demon, they are coming in this direction, more than one, but ten There are so many heads.

Obviously, the demon can't be sure which lost device, in which desperate situation, therefore, also scattered into the eight desperate, and in this desperate situation, not only the dozens of demons.

"Unfortunately, you can't live!"

Ling Feng mouth sneaked a sneer, he stepped forward, one step, it appeared ten miles away.

"Human warrior!"

When the wind came, the demon was suddenly shocked, and the eyes were cold and flashy. Then, the smile was revealed. The tasks they received were not only to find the lost, but also to kill humans. Musha.


They burst into a bang and instantly smothered the past with Ling Feng. The magic soldiers in their hands were shining, and the magical powers were all blooming, and the world was horrified.


Ling Feng was very direct. His hands were turned into the eighteen palms of Futu, and the black holes of the six volts of the konjac flew out. The brand of the gods sword imprinted in the black hole, let the Buddha live.


A natural sound exploded, and six black holes directly killed the past.


It was like a broken bamboo. At the moment of smashing, it shook a stalk of magical weapons. The terrible fluctuations swept through the nine days and ten places, pierced the magic of the road, and killed a demon.

"No!" The demon changed color, and it quickly retreated backwards, but it was still a step later.

A palm hits it from it, smashes the magic of the road, and takes away its life.

"We have stunned the genius Wu Zun and tried to kill it!"

This palm made the demons all surprised. They were full of anger, and they joined forces to kill Lingfeng. The magic of the sky was intertwined into a dark black god, and it was only when the Wu Zun came. bleed.

However, Ling Feng is not the ultimate Wu Zun!


On the occasion of the magic of the sky, Ling Feng did not move, he raised up with one hand, slowly and heavy launch.

In a flash, the wind stopped!

One hand resisted the magic of the sky, and the seven dark black holes screamed and shone. They turned into palms, and all the magic of the sky was broken, and they burst into the past.



The magic is broken, and the 18th palm of the floating squad is under the urging of the 7th-level Wu Zun. The momentum is completely different from the combat power. Although Ling Feng is not the ultimate Wu Zun, the combat power has reached this step.



The demons were miserable. In the gorgeous black hole, one by one, the devil blood stained the sky, and immediately, they fell.

This is the pressure!

It is so violent!

Ling Feng tightly clenched his fists, his eyes were flowing, and the black hole of the demon scorpion was indeed more terrible than the black hole of the demon. Especially the magic black hole, he only had two, but now he is full of the black hole. Seven, this is the essential difference.

Although he can't play the true momentum and power of the devil, but this is the killing of the handwriting, and it is not the magical black hole that can be compared, at least it can restrain the black hole of the gods, like the book of Qiu Shuyi. Eight rainbows, under such a sword array, can only bow down.

"Too strong!"

Ling Feng said leisurely, he is looking forward to the coming of the cliff.

The situation of the cliff is more mysterious than he imagined. It is known from Bai Zekou that the realm of the cliff will automatically evolve into the most powerful force of a warrior. That is to say, the ten white holes may also be branded as the devil. Sword array, it is not a broken, but a real sword array.

How violent it is.

Wait and see!

"In that direction!"

After a brief meditation, the black hole of the enchanted sorcerer that Lingfeng dissipated finally perceives the whereabouts of several people in Qin dynasty. Although they did not enter the sword cliff, they were also chased by the demon, and the situation was not optimistic.

"call out!"

Immediately, he stepped in the direction of chasing.


"Look at it!"

On a mountain peak, the three devils said coldly, they looked at Qin Yutian several people with a sly look. Behind them were standing in a demon, and there were as many as thirty in the distance.

This terrible number, Qin Qintian and Cui Mingfeng secretly vomit blood, they did their best, but still can not suppress so many demons.

"Dreaming!" Qin Haotian shouted.

"Idiot!" Cui Mingfeng is cold, they are all Terran arrogance, can you bow to the demon?

What's more, they killed so many demons, and the character of the devil's son, can let them go before they blame, instead of being slain, it is better to die, to kill a soldier.

"Then you can only die!"

The children of the devil drink coldly, and they are rushing forward together. For the ten personal classes in front of them, they are really not in the eyes. Let’s not say that these people have been seriously injured. Many people are already at the end of their lives, even if they are full of anger. Can you stop them?

"Death fight!"

Qin Haotian clenched the hand of Ling Xuewen, and could not live together. It is the determination of the two to die.

They held their hands, shoulders shoulders and walked forward together.

Then, the strength of the powerful Wuzun was shot in their hands, forming a hegemony, a sharp sword.


When the air wave exploded, Qin Haotian and Ling Xuewen rolled out. With their seriously injured body, they could not stop the magic of the three demon sons. The body was interrupted by the terrible magic.

I have to say that these three demon sons are very treacherous. They first use the demon to consume the combat power of four people, and then they will be further killed. Qin Qitian and Ling Xuewen both have to jump.

If it is the peak of the battle, they may not lose.

"Let's kill!"

Cui Mingfeng shouted, he will be eighteen days old, and his hands will be printed, an ancient Shenhong will bloom from it, and then the sky will shoot a huge ancient seal, and it will be crushed in one fell swoop.

Emperor Yin!

This was given to him before his death, but his ignorance was dull and he could not cross the threshold. What he did not expect was that he was suddenly realized during the moment of life and death.


The emperor fell and collapsed half a mountain. The three demon sons were very alert. They evaded the first time. However, the demons behind them were not so lucky. Seven demons were shocked on the spot. The bones were shattered.

Even the third demon son was stunned by the terrible sniper of the emperor, flying three feet, crying blood again and again.

"You **** it!" he said incomparably.


After playing the Emperor Yin, Cui Mingfeng also fell to the ground, his blood has been smashed by this blow, and the power of the nine martial arts has completely dimmed and fell into a state of exhaustion.

Immediately, Zhang Linger also killed the past, but was defeated by the three devils.

"Life and death together!"

Cui Mingfeng said in obscurity. "This is life!"

"Then all go to hell!"

The third demon son was violent, and a sword squatted down. A huge sword awning suddenly fell from Tianyu, covering Cui Mingfeng and Zhang Linger, and also covered Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen.

The moment of life and death!

The four people gently closed their eyes. Although they were very sorry in their hearts, they had not got lost. But they all tried their best.

No regrets in this life!

However, the terrible magic did not stifle. One stood in front of the four people. He gently lifted his hands, like moving a mountain, and ignited ten magic lights.

The power of the seven martial arts shines and shines, and it is like the **** of martial arts!

Ling Feng is here!

He could not watch the death of Qin Yutian and Cui Mingfeng. In the face of big and big, he is more inclined to the Terran. Moreover, if he wants to get out of Shendao, it is not enough for him alone. Only the people can work together.

"It's him!"

Turbulent, a demon body smashed up, its pupils contracted, and fell back and forth, and his face was white.

"Who is he?"

The demons stunned and looked at the demon very strangely. Isn't that a human being, so frightening?

"A demon-like god, he killed the sorcerer and the lord, he smashed the sorcerer's supreme..." The demon's eyes turned straight, and the flesh and blood were all ruptured, and the seven bleeds.


The next moment, he fell to the ground and killed himself.

He was actually scared to death by living!

And the three demon sons are also discolored, who can forget in the sixth magic soil, the god-like warrior, he killed more than 4,000 demons, the bones are piled up into hills, blood flows into the river, the evil devils are killed The demon's supreme life and death is uncertain, and the devil suspects that it has been accepted as a servant.

That is the shame of the demon, but no one dares to clean such shame!

And today, he scared a demon!

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