Supreme Demon

Chapter 888: Ice and fire two days

Eighty-eighth eighteenth chapter ice and fire two days

It’s the day, the wind is light and cloudy.

Jihad continues!

On this day, the sixty-four strong battles finally began, and each of the eight battlefields entered the quarter-finals, which made each team full of pressure.

In the first battlefield, the anti-relief was also highly regarded. They were in the third battle, and the hidden team was the sixth in the seventh battlefield.

It is worth mentioning that in the sixty-four strong battles, there were 18 teams in the gods, and all the three teams against the gods were killed. It was a surprise for the elders.

It can be said that this is also the most brilliant record of the people in this millennium.

However, the other three holy places can be different. At the beginning, they were most concerned about the Shenmen and the genius of several teams. In fact, the combat strength of these two doors is still tyrannical, and each team has Wu Zun to lead the army, but they The reality of the watch is too ordinary, no hidden and amazing.

This also gives them an illusion. Is it true that the anti-desert and the hidden gods are disguised by the gods.

When it is noon!

The first battlefield finally began to boil, only to appear in the wild.

Although the first two battles are enough to attract attention, but compared with the anti-crisis, it is still inferior. Let's not talk about the combat strength of the wild, the beauty from the single color, not other teams can be compared.

Even the good guys listed all the female warriors of this jihad, and picked up the miscellaneous fish from them, listed the list of ten, and the five people who were against the wild were all listed.

A team has five musts, and you can make those young people who are just bloody.

What's more, the five people in different days are different, covering many types of loli, royal sister, and iceberg goddess. It can be said that they satisfy most of the tastes, and even some middle-aged uncles and old men are happy to run over.

They are not color embryos, but purely eye-catching.

Of course, more people are coming to Ye Xinran. This woman's dominance of the gas field really makes them very jealous.


At this time, the crowd automatically split open, Ye Xinran led the Lingqing four women stepped in and walked in, until the first battlefield was stopped, the fragrance was bursting, fascinating.

In this regard, the five people have long been commonplace, but there is no discomfort.

In a short time, an old man led a group of young and middle-aged people to come over. His imposing manner was that there were nine heads of true dragons to rush out of the sky. The dull pressure also made the people unable to resist two steps.

Ancient wind team!

This is one of the top five in the Holy Land of the Emperor. From the moment of the opening of the holy war, they almost pushed all the way. Until now, there was only one defeat. This amazing record is eye-catching.

Undoubtedly, the ancient style will be the enemy of the anti-desolation. This can be seen from the old man who is headed. The nine-level Wu Zun peak master can face Wu Zun to the border, and the anti-desert is just the fifth-grade peak. Wu Zun only.

"Reverse!" The old man blinked and said, "War."

Concise, direct, and killing.

The old man has enough confidence. Obviously his goal is not the sixty-four strong. Then, the anti-desert is destined to be their stepping stone.

"Right on my mind!"

Ye Xinran said that it is not salty or not. "We don't want to delay too much time."

If you don't want to delay, it is war, and it also represents the strong ambition of the past, and they will not stop there.


The old man laughed and waved casually. "Liu Yi, you are the first one."


The young man named Liu Yi, the first to run on the battle platform, smiles and handsome, like a big boy next door, gives a very ignorant feeling, but no one will squat this person, in front In the battle of the field, this person's performance is remarkable.

"Don's rainy month!"


The solitary rainy moon embarked on the battle platform, with a lack of expression, like Liu Yi did not see at all, and the blood piano was silently in her hands.

Slim fingers, gently dialed!

For a moment, the heavens and the earth lost their voices, and the whole battlefield, which was lit up by light, was very fast, and it was almost unbelievable.


Liu Yi’s tongue was thundering, and the power of the six martial arts was fully boiled. He became a prisoner and trapped himself. He couldn’t see the light, so he didn’t need to see it. As long as he trapped himself, it would be invulnerable.


A light fell on the prison, and Liu Yi was all white, and could not help but step back two steps. It is difficult for such a killing to threaten him.

For the first time, the attack and killing of the solitary rainy month was resisted.


The solitary rainy month is very calm. She just popped up five fingers. The air was still at rest. People couldn't see the blood flowing from the blood. They only saw Liu Yi vomiting blood and plunging the battlefield.

A strong mess!

Still alone rainy month!

She played the most out of the big attack, although it was only a five-level Wu Zun, but the real combat power, absolutely comparable to the seven-level Wu Zun, is simply not comparable to Liu Yi.

"Lv Hong!"

The old man frowned, he was still a little underestimated, and the real show of the wilderness was just the tip of the iceberg.

In the second battle, Lu Hong confronted Ling Qing.

Lu Hong is very good, the realm of the seven-level Wu Zun, let her suppress Ling Qing in the realm.

However, when Ling Qing stretched out his hands, the whole world was frozen, a cluster of ice crystal flames beating, and the extreme in the ice was fire.

For a moment!

The elders of the door stood up one by one, excited and trembling, Ling Qing could not do the Nirvana of Ling Feng, but she was the body of the hail, the real fire was born from the ice crystal, and the horrible flame could be frozen in one fell swoop. The power of Wu Zun can also smash the Eucharist.

This is tyrannical!

Undoubtedly, this move also completely disrupted the rhythm of the ancient wind team. Even the old man could not calm down. Liu Yi lost him to accept, but Lu Hong also lost, which made him cautious.

"Children, you are up!"

The old man said with a gloomy voice. "Only win, don't lose!"

"God blocks the killing of the gods, the Buddha blocks the Buddha!" ​​The chill of the child's face, they are going to kill the first battlefield, and definitely can't fall at this time.

Who dares to stop him, he will kill who.

"Yunxi!" Ye Xinran did not lift his eyelids, and the battle had completely entered their rhythm.

For the others, the ancient wind team has a bigger win, but for the anti-refuge, there is no such possibility.

They have already revealed their fangs, they will not be recovered, they are the first to be the sword!


Tong Guan’s eyes were fierce. When Yunxi was on the stage, he took the lead in killing the past. Two giant hammers directly blew the world.

There is no force of Wu Zun on his body, only the deep silver light is shining, and the flesh and blood are swaying one by one, and it is as strong as a weapon.

He is not a Wu Zun, but a martial artist!

He is a silver sacred body and has taken a big step towards the golden treasure!

"You are not him!"

Yunxi said indifferently, she was bright.

Two clusters of flames were shining and flew out of her eyes.

At the beginning, they were very light, but they exude a faint heat of refreshment, but in the blink of an eye, they turned into raging flames. Just before, these two clusters of flames are burning with violent momentum.

A cluster like an iceberg!

A cluster of magma!

Ice and fire two days!

In recent years, Yunxi is too low-key, low-key to let people ignore her existence, but don't forget, her body is flowing with the blood of the wind, her soul is running in the sea.

She did not embark on the martial arts of the Lingfeng Nirvana, but to find another way, to enlarge the flame infinitely, and the continuous confirmation of Lingqing, and finally have this ice and fire two heavens.

A heavy master, one death!


The flames rose into the sky, and the ambiguity was clear. The six-level martial arts scene finally flew out, annihilating the whole world, and letting the **** lines on the battle platform creak.


She held the ice in one hand, and held it directly in a magma, and when the two flames collided, it happened to be the place where Tong Guanchong came.

Then the flame shattered.


In the depths of the flames, the child's sorrowful misery, despite the silver sacred body, can not withstand the burning of these two kinds of flames, the body tears instantly, straight through the bones, the whole person will blast.

He tried his best to rush out from the flames, and it was already smashed and hurt.

At this time, Yunxi strangled in the past, and his hands easily caught the throat of Tongguan.

Three-game losing streak!

This is no one thought of it. Before that, their intentions were more inclined to the ancient wind team, but the anti-age is fighting this intention with strong combat power.

The cloud stream flies in the sky, bathed in the fire, and the ethereal gesture is like the elf in the flame, the goddess in the elf.

She is very different from Ling Qing, but it is a combination of ice and fire.

In particular, when the two flames collided, how many people's hearts were broken.

The dream of the Holy Land of the Emperor was broken, the ancient wind was forced to the edge of the cliff, and the step back was the abyss. In fact, people did not look good at the old man, a queen who dominated the gas field, unless it was to Wu Zun’s border. Master, otherwise it is unbeaten.

"Is this handed to me?"

The proud bird climbed up from Liu Shushu's shoulder and lazily stretched out a lazy waist. From the beginning of the holy war to the present, it has not yet been shot, which simply does not conform to its character.

It is eager to play one.

"Do not!"

Ye Xinran shook his head and walked directly toward the battle platform. The proud bird seemed to be gray, but once the battle was too glaring, the **** of the gods, it is difficult to be noticed by people, but once it is targeted, then the situation of the wilderness It is very dangerous.

And she is different, the control of the gas field is unsolvable, or it can resist this kind of gas field, or it is a strong break, which is why people know the terrible dominance of the gas field, but they are very helpless.

And when Ye Xinran came to the stage, the people in the Holy Land of the Emperor were filled with bitterness. This is a ruthless face, and they should be trampled to death.

Four to zero!

There is no suspense anymore.

At this time, the holy land of God, a person is marching toward the huge transmission line of the center...

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