Supreme Demon

Chapter 891: Eight-strong battle

Eighty-nine-nine-nine chapters

Eight strong!

This means that the meaning is too heavy. The four holy places are extraordinarily cautious. The more you can enter the top eight, the more the overall fighting power of the Holy Land and the fighting power of the Holy Land, and there is also the internal struggle of the power, like God. Four gates, each door is eager to force three doors, and the sword front points directly to the first.

Therefore, everyone is doing their best and wants to double out.

Among the four holy places, the Holy Land of the Emperor is very sad reminder. In the home court, they only have three teams to reach the top 16, which is also a huge blow to the warriors of the Holy Land. In this respect, God's wilderness is the advantage. There are one team in the Holy Gate and Tianmen, respectively, who enter the top 16 and there are two in the Shenmen and the Men.

Especially in the past, they have not even entered the 32nd strong in the past, but now they have the momentum to return to the peak, which makes the four holy places have people to look at.

The gathering of the wind and the clouds, the battle of war, the fierce battle of the 1967 Jihad was vigorously kicked off.

The first battlefield!

Ye Xinran led the crowd, and the eyes of the mountains and rivers, the eyes of the cockroaches, the burning, the wild vision was shocking, and blasted open, and the cold arrogance was held to the extreme.

Beside her, Lingqing and Yunxi four women showed an attitude of arching, and the whole anti-landscape was like a sharp arrow. Above the momentum, death is coming.

On their opposite side, it is a dusty team from Tenjin Island. The head is a martial art. The old man’s white eyebrows must be made. Although there is no young man’s spirit, the unfathomable connotation is People are scared.

Beside him, the six martial arts are calm as a clear spring, do not splatter a little, their expression is indifferent, like the peak confrontation of this first battlefield, indifferent.

However, people can still see the wild vision from their eyes. It is a sly pride, no one can stop them from moving forward.

The time is noon.

At the time of the sun's glare, an elder of the Emperor came over, his eyes swept away from the deserted and dusty people, and his look was very cold. "The first battlefield peak matchup, start now!"

When a sentence falls, people's blood will boil, and the real battle will come. For a truly powerful warrior, only when they are in the top 16 battles, they will be careful and do their best.

"Please!" said the dusty hand, pointing to Ye Xinran.

This is an invitation!

It can be said that when the battle reaches this step, whoever chooses the warrior first will suffer a dark loss, because then, the opponent can completely select the warrior who can oppress them, which is very beneficial to them.

I have to say that this old man is very treacherous, even if it is strong, it can still be cautious when it is against the past.

Be careful to make a million-year ship!

To live to his age, they are all human-like characters. He threw out this killer and forced Ye Xinran to take over. If Ye Xinran refused, then in the momentum, after all, it is necessary to weaken some, and their The momentum will be stronger.

Ye Xinran picked up the eyelids and glanced at the dusty eyes, and took the sly eyes into the eyes. She said calmly. "Liu Shushu, this is crucial!"

Combat to this step, every game is crucial.


Qiu Shuyi strode out, the delicate color is restrained, although she knows that as long as they are defeated and enter the trough, Lingfeng will come, but they also have a strong heart in their hearts, they have to go further Let him work harder.

Moreover, they also want to let him see a stronger anti-age, a stronger one.

Can't lose, at least not this one!

A clothing dust, Liu Shushu stepped onto the battle platform, proud of the audience, her eyes have a strong fire, regardless of who is on the scene, she must let it fall, even if it is dead!

The old man in the heart of the dust praised him, and he smiled and squinted. "Bi Xian, you will go up to the genius of the wilderness."


A middle-aged man flashed and fluttered on the platform. His eyes looked at Lolita girl and grinned. "It’s a pity to be so young."


This is his inner thought. In his opinion, Liu Shushu is definitely not his opponent, and the cost of defeat is heavy and may die.

"You are so old, it would not be a pity to think about it." Liu Shushu said sharply.


That Bishou mouth stunned, completely mad, he is in his prime, in the martial arts years, he is still very young, but was so ridiculed by a loli, his heart is angry.

Everyone's eyelids also jumped straight, this sentence is too sharp, too yin, and Xin Xin said that she is a middle-aged person, not a woman, otherwise this sentence is enough to make people desperate.

"you're too……"

"You have too much nonsense." Liu Shushu directly interrupted, Jiao said. "Come to die!"

Bi Xian’s fingers were all smashed. The girl was too sinister and didn’t give him a chance to fight back. He just said a word. The second sentence has not been exported. How can there be too much nonsense?

And people can't help but can't help but hate and love this Loli girl.

"A little discouraged, then send you to die."

Bi Xian was resentful, and he took a step forward. He had a sword in his hand, and the power of the eight martial arts was intertwined into a rainbow of light, like falling from the sky.

Yang Mang!

This is the light of the sun, but it is the condensing of endless light, and the power of Wu Zun is constantly tempered on it, thus reaching an incredible point. At this moment, he looks like the sun in the sky, the horrible heat.

This is not a flame, but it is better than a flame!

"Chiyang cracks the sky!"

Bi Xian lightly sipped, his body was like a lightning bolt, leaving seven ghosts in the original place, and the man had already killed Liu Shushu, the violent Yang Mang, turned into a nine-day **** rainbow, and then killed together.


Liu Shushu stepped back and escaped a yang, so the lines on the battle platform were darkened, and the gods could not help but shine to resist this vast force.


The remaining seven Yang Mang, killing one by one, at the speed of his ghosts, even Liu Shushu secretly frowned, his body continued to regress.

When the eighth yang fell, she had retreated to the edge of the battle.

She is Lin Lizhen, and the sword in her hand has finally revealed the power of Wudao Wuzun. Unlike Lingqing and Yunxi, her strength of Wuzun has no frost flame, but it has thousands of stars.

And she is like a goddess in the stars!

Stars and glory, the sun and the moon vie for glory, and she is detached from the top, when the sun falls, it is the stars, Liu Shushu did not hesitate to enter the situation of counter-attack.

Kill a sword!

Wandao Xingchen is one, bathed in the sword, and a sword kills the stars!

Flying Star Sword!

This is a kind of swordsmanship of the human door. It is not so shocking, but in the hands of Liu Shushu, it is able to bloom brilliantly, and the most terrible place of the flying star sword is fast!

Unbeatable fast!


A sword smashed out, and twelve swordsmanship came one after another. Each sword had only one goal. The swordman was not amazing at first, but when it was near Bixian, it was a sudden explosion, and it was almost roaring. Tearing the whole world.

Five levels of Wu Zun's realm, but it has killed the fighting power of the seven-level peak Wu Zun!

Regrettably, she was stunned by Bi Xian, the eighth-level Wu Zun realm, so that he could despise Liu Shushu.


Bi Xian war sword waved, eight Yang Yangs flew out, hovering each other, turned into a round of the sun, like a **** wheel, suddenly pressed down.


The next moment, the swordsmanship that smashed into the air was shattered, and the flying star sword was fast, but when all the dead corners were sealed, it could only be said to return.


Bi Xian fully urged the sun, directly pressed over, terrible light, swallowed the entire battle platform, will Liu Shushu hit a corner, terrible giant force, shot down on Liu Shushu, her **** vomiting .


Liu Shushu angered, hands clasped together, the next moment a strong light, suddenly shot from the fingers, suddenly popped the weakened sun, and then her hands evolved, directly hit the lock dragon binding.

A star-shaped glory, falling from the sky and entangled with Bi Xian, also made him deeply surprised. However, the gap in the realm made him ignore the starlight, and the sword swayed, and the light flew out and enveloped him. Blocked the flying stars and shattered them.

"But so, you can die!"

Bi Xian smiled coldly, his hands clasped together, all on the hilt.. "Tianyang!"

Two words blasted!

Such as the tongue war, thunder, such as the moon annihilation!

A huge sun appeared, covering the entire battle platform, pressed over Liu Shushu, raging, horrible giant force and one after another, letting her dodge is futile, only to defeat, And this is the weakness of Liu Shushu.

Bi Xian’s eye-catching eyes have long been studied in the past few people. Apart from Ye Xinran’s incomprehensibility, the other four women have weaknesses. As long as they are caught, they will no longer be invisible.

Under the giant force, the movement is the death of life!

One force to drop ten meetings!

The battle does not have to be so gorgeous, life and death may not be so heroic. For Bi Xian, what he wants is a victory, the process of direct battle, how bullying people, he does not care.

Moreover, he enjoys the pleasure of this crusher.

The huge pressure makes Liu Shushu pale, blood flow, and even the footsteps are hard to come by. The difference between Wu Zun's realm is that it is a genius, but she can't cross three levels.

This is the first thought of people.

In the anti-desert, all people look dignified, but they do not dissuaded, even admit defeat. The road to reversing the gods is not smooth sailing. After all, there will be bloodshed, and some people will sacrifice. However, everyone will not hesitate to die.

The important thing is that they firmly believe that Liu Shushu will not lose!

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