Supreme Demon

Chapter 905: Cold as a month

The ninth and fiveth chapters are as cold as the moon

Sweeping the sky in the fourth quarter of zero!

Before that, no one thought that it would be such an ending. Flying into the blood, the fighting power is unquestionable, and indeed there is a qualification for flying in the sky. Others are flying on the sky, I am afraid that they are all a **** battle, but this is the case. Flying, it is still on the journey.

A spike to kill Wu Zun to the world, a queen who dominates the gas field, and an unfathomable wilderness.

Such a backwardness is simply a nightmare for others.

As long as Yunxi and Lingqing can win a battle, no one can stop their journey.

Just as Ye Xinran’s previous threats, their goal is to be the first!

It can be said that if these Wuzuns flocked in, there would be no opponents against the wilderness. The battlefields of the four holy places are in the face of the ruin.

Xishen Island collapsed. They hope that the king can win the arrogant guy, but who can think of losing a mess?

That punch can even kill the gods, and the king is indeed losing.

At this time, they only faintly regretted it. Before the king confessed to losing, he did not want to lose face of Xishen Island, but they were unacceptable and forced the king to continue fighting.

Thus, the more cruel facts are presented to them in the form of face-lifting.

"How can this be?"

"How could he be terrible to this point?"

"Surprising power, is this still Wu Zun?"

People have widened their eyes, like the fish that is about to exhale, the dementia on the face, and the punch of Ling Feng has completely beaten them.

Without paying attention to the horror of everyone, Ling Feng stepped in front of the king, and smiled. "I said it would hurt."


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However, his face is too pale now, the body's meridians have been interrupted by this punch, the body is broken, the situation is not optimistic, the sacred sacred Dan can not be cured, and Shen Dan's potency is too fierce.

"Come on."

Ling Feng found out a squid of the best, said: "It can heal your wounds."


The king’s mouth was stunned again. He finally knew why the goods played him so badly. He simply wanted to send this medicinal medicine in front of everyone, and he was very good at it, and he refused. .

He hit you, you have to be grateful to him, and if Xishen Island is facing the gods in the future, I am afraid that he will also make concessions, otherwise it will be ungrateful, and the entire Xishen Island will be despised.


He gnawed his teeth and said that he even swallowed the best of the floats from Ling Feng’s hands.

He does not doubt at all that the ridiculous Xiaoqi will never make a joke at this time. He can get a superb **** in the battlefield of the gods and cure the Qing dynasty. Presumably, the quality of this medicinal medicine will not be inferior.

"Too sinister!" Xiahou Yufeng eyelids are twitching, he thought of the seven heavens in the restricted area, was also forced, and almost mad.

He is the first to understand the inner feelings of the king.

"The treacherous and shameful, has been used by him to the point of perfection." Lian Mingqi, Qin Haotian have to feel a thousand, the door is small, in this kind of thing, the pinch is very precise, this person is simply a demon .

Whoever slams him, who is unlucky!

And this battle of the King of Kings also reminds them that they must not give a chance to the bottom of the door. Otherwise, you will never know what terrible things will happen to you.

The first game ended.

The entire battlefield will be destroyed. Even the elders who are caught off guard are slightly injured. Although they are harmless, they can't be hanged on the face, and such ruins are impossible to fight. The battle scene of Wu Zun is too horrible, especially It is Wu Zun who comes back from the battlefield of the gods and devils. Once they fight, they will be crazy.

At that time, I was afraid that many people would be unlucky.

Therefore, the Holy Land of the Emperor re-casts the battlefield, and the refiner is personally branded, more solid than before, and the entire battlefield has also expanded, which is more conducive to Wu Zun battle.

After four hours of tossing, a new battlefield was presented in front of everyone, and the second battle followed.

Seal the sacred earth to the heavens!

The leader of the gods is an old man with a squat, giving a very embarrassing and decadent feeling, but it makes Bai Haozhen and others feel a glimpse. This old man’s record in the battlefield of the gods is also extraordinary.

In the first battle, there was a Wu Zun who was a ninth-level peak on the other side, and the one who played in the restricted area of ​​the sky was the master of the sword. After several years, he also entered the realm of Wu Zun’s arrival. .

There is no suspense, and the banned areas of the heavens have smashed the sinister side, and the strength is one to zero.

Followed by, the dust also flew out of a martial art, the combat power is very embarrassing, but he is on the autumn is Qiu Yi, this is known as the magic of the heavens in the restricted area, finally at this moment It has a brilliant glow.

The broken tiger teeth merged with her, and broke into the 9th level of Wuzun in one fell swoop, while the nine rainbows were detached. The ordinary Wu Zun is really not her opponent, but under her strong violent savage, The dust fell again.

Two to zero!

Being forced to this extent is also what the gods did not think of, but the Wuzun of the restricted areas of the heavens are too strong, and each one is the martial art of the martial arts. This is simply a ruined team.

Subsequently, Bai Haojun and Xiahou Yufeng entered the game and pushed the dust everywhere.

Four to zero!

The strong strength of the heavens into the quarterfinals also made people really realize how terrible these people are.

At dusk.

There was a battle in the holy war that kicked off the prelude. This is also a concern for the holy land of God, that is, the gods and gods are against the sky.

Although the Shenmen is very powerful, the nine-level Wu Zun, and the two martial arts, there are still two martial arts, but still unable to restore the situation, in the case of Qin Haotian, Ling Xuewen did not shoot, Shenkong was directly hit a four Than zero.

This made the faces of the four elders of Shenmen all red, too shameful.

However, they also know that these people's combat power is unparalleled, withstand the test of blood and fire, these so-called geniuses of God Gate are simply waste wood.

In the sixth game, the Star of the Emperor's Holy Land was also with the Star God.

Different from the two holy places of Xishen Island and Fengshen, only one team in the Holy Land of the Emperor has entered the top 16, and after the real genius of the Holy Land has returned, the whole star has been replaced, and the light is Wu Zunzhi. There are three in the world, and the others are also the nine-level peak Wu Zun. This combat power is definitely stronger than flying and desperate.

The star gods are also the geniuses of the gods and battlefields. It can be said that whoever fights is stronger.

This is a battle that is evenly matched. Whether it is the stars or the blood of the gods, it is different from the sorrow of the gods. The shackles of the restricted areas of the heavens, the gods of the stars do their best, and they have been killed until the seventh. Defeated the opponent and entered the quarter-finals.

The Holy Land of the Emperor is a shackle, for the first time in their home, missed the quarterfinals.

Of course, this is not because the stars are too weak, but the opponents are too tyrannical, the fighting power of the star gods is absolutely eye-catching, and the people's holy land is not lost.

The sixth game of jihad.

The third combination of God's wilderness, also smashed a strong opponent, from the Yulong Shenzong of the Yulong Shenzong, the genius of the gods and demon, the fighting power is particularly terrible.

The first game was first rushed out, and his combat power was very strong. He even hit Yulong Feixian by a surprise. A Wujiu, who is a ninth-level peak, fell to the hidden foot.

To this end, Hidden also paid a very terrible price, at least for two months is impossible to recover.

However, he also angered Yulong Feixian, who was only the martial arts of the gods and the ruins of the gods, but they would still be defeated, which is more uncomfortable than the face of them.

The second battle of Yulong Feixian, a hegemonic Wu Zun, a sword pierced a martial artist against the gods, all the internal organs were broken, and the life was suspended. This also made the gods and the gods change their faces. .

However, in the eyes of the public, he did not have a killer, but his eyes were very despised.

In the third game, Qin Ao took it, and the direct blood sacrifice killed a Wu Zun. With a dying body, he pierced the chest of a Wu Zun of Yulong Feixian.

Overbearing, cruel!

He is telling the entire battlefield with a strong position, and the genius of the demon battlefield is not invincible.

"court death!"

Yulong Feixian was really irritated, and the next two games were unrelenting. Especially in the fifth game, an old man directly lived against the members of the gods. The whole process was strongly oppressed and the last one was crushed.


In this regard, the cold as the month only gives a word.

The hidden **** is led by her, she is responsible for the life and death of these people, and every person who enters the gods of the gods is invaluable, so dead, for the anti-God, it is not a small blow.

A flute seal god!

She is in a state of seven-level Wu Zun, **** battle to the Wu Zun, and the flute does affect the opponent's mind, even though Wu Zun is a master of the world, but also the blood that has been killed, even the chest is beaten.


In the end, the cold is falling on the battlefield, she has done her best, but it is still not the opponent of that person, but she can harden the power of the gods in this realm, her talent is beyond doubt.


The middle-aged man's face was angry. He looked cold as a month. He suddenly squatted up, rubbed his foot on her chest, crushed his sternum and flesh and blood, and then kicked it off the battlefield.

Full of glory!

People were surprised to see this scene, and no one thought that Yulong Feixian would do this kind of thing in the case of victory.

Qin Yutian, Ming Yu, Xiahou Yufeng, Qiu Shuyi can not help but frown, this means of the gods is indeed over, this state of mind is indeed unpleasant.

Cold weather!

Even Wu Zun felt the chill, and when people had not responded, a person came to the front of the cold and hugged the bleeding body.

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