Supreme Demon

Chapter 907: Strong days

Chapter 907, Strong Heavens

Jihad is the internal struggle of the four holy places.

Although the Emperor’s Holy Land is the home court, Qing Qing is here. This is the real **** of war. Her prestige is the earthquake. It can shake the four holy places in one sentence, even on the Shenwu continent. Now she personally came, it is the Holy Land of the Emperor. I don't dare to fight with it, and the black box operation of this small request will naturally not refuse.

Of course, their methods are very concealed. Even Qin Yutian can't see them. Therefore, even if Yulongzong has doubts, they will not anger the Holy Land if they don't grasp the traces.

Moreover, jihad is the battle for the front, and Yulong Feixian wants to go further, and will inevitably fall into the wild, and they just advance this progress.

Life and death!

On this day, the people's holy land is full of people, this battle is wonderful, every warrior is shining, from which they also benefit a lot, and the extent to which Wu Zun's realm can reach, naturally will touch them very much.

This is exactly what they expect.

When it was early in the morning, the dewdrops were still on the leaves. The shallow winds lingered from the eyebrows of the people. The cold atmosphere made people feel refreshed and the sun was shining in the sky, but the whole battlefield was very dark.

On the cloud view, there are crowds everywhere. They are a cloud of dark clouds that cover up the sun.

In a short time, the seven heavens in the restricted area entered the battlefield and looked very grim. When they were on the battlefield, they also had battles with the Star Gods, but they couldn’t help each other. Now the battle has been moved to the holy war, they must To separate a win or lose.

Xiahou Yufeng and Bai Haojun lead the dumplings. This is the perfect double arrogance in the forbidden zone of the Zhutian. The temperament is a refined and arrogant, and a cold arrogance. After that, Qiu Shuyi and other five statues stand tall like a tree, and the momentum seems to be Smash the nine heavens.

This is almost the peak of this generation of the restricted area.

The crowds separated, and the stars and gods also came in. The head was a woman, about 40 years old, but the momentum was very cold. In the cold wind, she was like a lone plum.

The other six Wu Zun are standing beside them, forming the slashing sword front.

"Come on, I think some people don't want us to delay too much time." Xiahou Yufeng raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"I mean this too!"

Nalan said with a chuckle. "First start with Xia Houxiong."

"Fuling, you are the first!" Xiahou Yufeng shouted.


Liling walked out and stretched out with one hand. The sword that was on his back, a long shout, rose directly into the sky and fell into his hands.

A sword is in hand, I have it in the world!

Liling arrogantly looked at the sky and looked straight at the star gods and shouted. "Was the brother come to enlighten me?"

"I come!"

One person from the star god, also a middle-aged man, raised a sword in the hand and flew out, and fell steadily in his hands, at the same time, the powerful momentum, but also skyrocketing.


The gods trembled a little, and the two momentums confronted each other, and everyone was shocked. These are all people, how can one be more terrible than one.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The next moment, the two directly flew out, the two swords rolled up the sky full of streamlight, directly torn the Tianyu barrier, a strong smashing together.

When you are embarrassed, the horrible embarrassment is like a wave of water. The gods are also swaying in this giant force, as if they might fall at any time.

Undoubtedly, people were horrified and quickly flew toward the rear, and they worried about the recurrence of things a few days ago.


Turkic, a violent force blasted from the center, Fuling and the middle-aged people all retire backwards, and immediately, they are back to the thunder with lightning speed...

This battle lasted for an hour, and the two men fought in all directions. In the case of evenly matched forces, they suffered double injuries.

However, Fuling was very tough, and he stood up and swayed when the middle-aged man fell.

One to zero!

The second one to play, Qiu Shuyi, was wearing a smock, and her silhouetted like Tianhonghong, and her opponent was an old man. It can be said that when the gods and battlefields, the major forces have a certain understanding of each other. However, Qiu Shuyi and the Baden Xiaoqi are alternative.

They are progressing fast, and at least few people know where their limits are.

"Please!" The old man is a handkerchief.


Qiu Shuyi also had no polite meaning. On the handle of the sword, there was a violent weather. The nine rainbows rendered the whole world, especially the ninth rainbow, bathed in the mysterious halo. under.

A Buddha appeared, standing on Tianyu, a strong shock to the soul of the old man!

This is the double oppression of the spirit and the soul of the sea, so that the old man is cold and cold, and he is also affected as strong.


The old man flew directly to the sky, with nine arrows in his hand, and he stabbed Qiu Shuyi. He used bows and arrows, but everyone could see his bow and arrow. Therefore, this bow is called a shadowless bow. The arrow is also called Shadowless arrows.

An arrow hits and the sky is flying!

The whole arrow rain has evolved into a god, and it has punched and punched.

"Boom... Ka rub..."

In an instant, a **** and a Buddha both annihilated, but the arrow rain still flew, at the same time, Qiu Shuyi also flew a sword, bathed in nine rainbows, giant force kneeling.

The whole world was lit up and it quickly dimmed.

It seems that even the sun is annihilated, which creates a terrible picture that makes people breathe a sigh of relief.

After a short time, the arrow rain was broken, and the sword was also blown back, but at the time of the speed of the attack, the sharp flash of the sword followed a mysterious light and flew over.

That is the mysterious power born in the tiger's teeth!


The old man is coming faster and going faster.

He fell to the ground with a hole in his chest, and his face was pale.

"This is not a sword of destruction!" The old man angered. He knew that the heavens had a hegemony in the forbidden zone, but there were only two artistic conceptions, but this was obviously very different. After the sword, there was even more terrible light.

Triple conception!

"This is my own figure, can you?" Qiu Shuyi said with a smile.


The old man’s eyelids stunned and he could say yes.

However, he also knows that Qiu Shuyi has been merciful. Otherwise, the mysterious light is enough to kill himself.

Two to zero!

Qiu Shuyi is in the middle of the understatement, which is the crucial second game. This is also a stimulus for the anti-desertness. At least the proud bird is very dangerous on this woman. Of course, the proud bird is not so Said.

For it, in addition to the enchanting wind, other people can step on it.

In the third game, Bai Hao was on the list!

He did not give the opponent any chance. When he came up, he was a lore, and he directly slammed it up. Of course, the opponent is naturally not weak.

However, when Bai Haozhen showed the realm of pseudo-god, the opponent also simply admitted.

This is the first time!

In the jihad, some people broke the realm of the pseudo-God, and only one step away from the martial art of the martial arts, and this jihad can also be regarded as a classic, no ancient people before, no after.

Later, Xiahou Yufeng also played, and the performance of the restricted areas in the days was exceptionally strong. They wanted to annihilate the battle above the peak because their real goal was not here.

Undoubtedly, he is also the first person of the star god, that is, the middle-aged woman.

The two men fought more fiercely. What is even more striking is that in this battle, Xiahou Yufeng broke into the realm of pseudo-god, and the middle-aged woman also made a breakthrough, the same pseudo-deity.

As a result, the gods were once again destroyed by the destruction, which made the emperor want to cry and tears. The price of a **** is very big.

These are the losers!

After two years of **** battles, Xiahou Yufeng is still stronger, with a serious wound, the hand of the trenches into the middle-aged woman's body, a battle to win the semi-finals!

What suspense!

What ending!

The restricted areas of the heavens are the ending!

The star **** was exploding a zero to four, which is what many people did not think of, and the fighting power of Xiahou Yufeng and Bai Haojun also alerted the people on the battlefield.

"No solution!"

Ming Hao looked at the people in the restricted area, and his face was dignified. This is definitely not the peak of the realm of Wu Zun in the restricted area of ​​the world. But this is the team that makes the star **** bow down. This shows how the restricted areas of the heavens are now. Strong.

"Whoever finds such a day is hard to say." Qin Haotian agreed to nod, originally Qiu Shuyi is not so strong, but since coming together with the waste door Xiaoqi, it has become different.

It can be said that the restricted areas of the heavens are indispensable, and once they are connected to them, they are very dangerous.

"I hope that we will not go to the sky too early in the past." Alum said.

"hope so!"

"See you in the semi-finals!"

Alum waved his hand and walked toward the battlefield. The next one belongs to them. No matter how strong the opponent is, it must fall.

Eight strong!

For the Yin Shenzong, it is definitely not the end, and the alum rule also determines the whole battle. Although the Yin Shenzong has suffered heavy casualties in the battlefield of the gods and gods, such a huge force naturally has more than a few tyrannical martial arts.

This time, Ming Hao led the genius of the Yin Shenzong. They came to prove that even the genius of the strong sacrificed, but the Yin Shenzong still can not be underestimated, they will never be in the end.

Then, the semi-finals are the best proof!

When the Ming dynasty rate came, the blood phoenix was already waiting for it. After killing the opponent in four to zero, the blood phoenix was also imposing, and most of this force was a genius who came back from the battlefield of the gods. It is still difficult to determine whether it is stubborn or weak.

"That battlefield, my blood phoenix is ​​also a big injury."

One person led by Xue Huangzong said: "In this battle, it is better not to have casualties."


Alum nodded, Yin Shenzong could not afford to lose the genius, and they are willing to solve the battle in this peaceful way.

Of course, their goal is also very clear, that is the semi-finals!

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