Supreme Demon

Chapter 910: Punch and punch

The ninth chapter of the tenth fist

The stone is shocked!

This sentence is like a calm lake, throwing a stone and sputtering endless cockroaches.

Full of glory!

People are shocked to look at the battlefield, there is a jaw-dropping feeling, this person is simply going crazy, one person challenges the Yulong Feixian seven people, even if it is a wheel battle, you can kill him.

There is no doubt that this will be a dead end!

"Yulong Feixian is at least a level of the blood phoenix and the star god, and the ridiculous little seven is a bit faint." One person said quietly.

"The ridiculous Xiaoqi and the cold as the moon are very important, but I want to give her blood to wash the dragon and fly the fairy, I am afraid it is very difficult." This person sincere analysis, said: "The first person of Yulong Feixian, at least a Wu Zun Even the false gods, once someone has restrained him, even if the squad is tyrannical, he is afraid to fall."

"Yes, let's not let a woman die, although I hate him, but I have to say that he is doing what the men do!"

"This kind of goods is too much to grasp the woman's mind, one is not enough to even want to monopolize so many people!" One person, young people, can drink immediately.. "But, turn over the dragon flying fairy!"

He looked at the ridiculously small seven, but he did not want Yulong Feixian to smash the few women.


Some people also said: "A person who kills the dragon, even if it is sacrificed, is beneficial to other women."

This is the idea of ​​many people.

Even if the ridiculous squad is not killed, it will smash a few people, and when the time goes by, other people will naturally not die so many people, which also makes people relieved.

"Abandoned the door, don't think that you have a good record in that battlefield, we will not dare to marry you!" said the middle-aged man headed by Yulong Feixian.

"Jihad confrontation, it is inevitable that there will be death and injury, this is life!"

Ling Feng said coldly, but everyone heard deep anger from his words. Yulong Feixian wanted cold life, so he can now kill their lives.

Someone breaks the rules, then he doesn't want this rule!

"A person who challenges us seven people really treats us as a chicken and a dog?" Yulong Feixian everyone, furious, this is a hysterical insult, but also represents the absurd door Xiaoqi did not put them in the eyes.

"Don't you dare?"

Ling Feng coldly sneered. "Are you afraid?"


The people of Yulong Feixian were indeed irritated. The one-of-a-kind blue-spotted violent screams and the cold eyes were like the blade, and their eyes fell on the middle-aged people headed.

Only one person can make a decision here.

"You are really arrogant!" The middle-aged man who was headed said coldly. "But you despise my dragon flying fairy, it is indeed over, you can not elute the insult of my dragon flying fairy, But we are not afraid of the end of the world, and whoever refuses to accept the war."

"No need!"

Ling Fengsen smiled coldly and said, "I am a person who represents the past, and if I lose, you will advance to the semi-finals!"

Steep waves!

People have been horrified by this sentence. This is to use one person's force to push Yulong Feixian. Once defeated, the whole anti-counterfeiting will be out, which is unfair to others.

In the eyes of many people, Ye Xinran and Aojiao are very domineering and can win two games. As long as Yunxi can guarantee one, it is estimated that no one can stop the advance of the wilderness, but things are not toward them. The expected direction is deduced.

"You, dare."

The contemptuous eyes and fierce words are deeply stinging the dragons, and they are still forced to this extent for the first time.

They are qualified to refuse, but they are only afraid that the whole world will look down on them, and once accepted, I am afraid that a few people will die.

This is a double-edged sword!

"Kang brother, don't take care of our life and death!" said one person hoarsely.

"We don't matter if we die, but those who dare to smear the Royal Dragons must pay the price!" Another person said.

They are at the bottom of Yulong Feixian, and their combat power is far less powerful than that of Kang Zero. However, they are just as insulted by the imposing wind, and they would rather die than compromise.


This is their idea, and they will use the flesh and blood to destroy the will and fighting power of the ridiculous Xiaoqi. It must be said that the place where the Yulongzong is stronger than the gods is their unprecedented unity.

"You will not die in white!"

Kang zero and red eyes said that the words of the ridiculous door and the small seven are more fierce than the blade. It can be said that once they are passed back to Yulongzong, they will set off an uproar, and if they refuse, they will inevitably bear the anger of Yulongzong. .

What's more, they are very jealous of the ridiculous little seven, without the sacrifice of these people, the fear of death is only Kang, and the purpose of their coming here is to ridicule the small seven, able to kill the latter in jihad, this is definitely All are happy.

As for the wrath of God, it is also the royal dragon, and it should not be borne by them.

"Abandoned the small seven, you are going to die, then we will send you to die!" Kang turned to look at Ling Feng, Mori said coldly. "My Royal Dragon Flying Fairy accepts your challenge!"

"At least some bloody!" Ling Feng sneered.

"Hey, life and death."

Kang zero drink.. "Then come one by one until you kill you!"

"I hope you don't let me be too disappointed!" Ling Feng held his hand and stood proudly. He wanted to calm down. He didn't let those guys calm down first, but the reality was so cruel, cold as a serious injury, if not he was The field, the cold as the moon will die.

This also deeply stimulated the anti-God, let them kill.

Only death, they never fear death!

When the main battle is dead, the little uncle is killed, and the little uncle is dead. Then the whole anti-God will counter the Yulongzong.

Not dead end!

Every step of rebelling against the gods is extremely difficult, and they are not allowed to fall.

"I will go first!"

An older young man rushed to the battlefield, holding a sharp sword, and his eyes were red and scary. Although he was a nine-level martial artist, he did not have any luck with him. But he also had to pay for his death. cost!

This is obsession!


His hoarse martyrdom, the power of nine martial arts on his body turned into a shocking sword, and suddenly smashed down, and the sky was shattered for a time, leaving a dark crack in the void, that is the space is tearing.

Immediately, the sword with a huge force, strangled to the front of the small door.


At this time, Ling Feng raised a finger and directly played out against the chaos. The Taiji **** figure emerged, and instantly resisted the sword of the overbearing tyrant. The two rounds of Taiji yin and yang fish circling quickly, and the sword mang was inch-inch. burst.

"call out!"

Just as the nine-level Wu Zun wanted to kill again, Ling Feng took a small step.

It’s a moment!

The nine-level Wu Zun did not even react. He was caught by Ling Feng, and he smashed like a chicken. The sorcerer’s swordsman burst directly and turned into a chain of locks. It is tied up.

The power of the nine martial arts is completely imprisoned!

"you are the first!"

Ling Feng said sullenly, he took the nine-level Wu Zun to the front and looked directly at the latter's anger and panic. Immediately he raised his fist and punched him in the eyes of the nine-level Wu Zun.


The blood is overflowing, one eyelid is directly exploding, and the eyelids are torn apart. The face of the nine-level Wu Zun is like a thunder.

"She can't kill you, then let me kill!"

Ling Feng punched another nine-level Wu Zun's eyelids, exploding all his eyelids, and opened another crack in his head, deep into the bones.

"You break the rules, then we don't want rules!"

Ling Feng slammed another fist and collapsed the nose of the 9th-level Wu Zun. He was extremely measured. He would not kill the 9th-level Wu Zun in a fist, but also let him not want to live.

After three punches, the nine-level Wu Zun was completely different. The blood flowed down the cracks in the bones. The blurred flesh and blood also rolled down, and the screams irritated everyone.




Ling Feng completely killed the mad, punched with a punch and a fist, and collapsed the head of the nine-level Wu Zun, letting his brain mix with blood and dye his fists and clothes.

Against the wrath of the gods, every punch represents the wrath of a person. On this battlefield, he wants to let Lu Qing fly in the sky, and he wants to send all of them to Huangquan Road one by one. .

"Enough!" The elders of the Holy Land finally responded and hurriedly stopped.

However, when he touched the cold-blooded eyes of Ling Feng, his voice could not help but sink down. His predecessor had been expelled from the Holy Land. Even if the Lord is still in a state of anger, Qing Qing personally sits on the town and even comes to God. I have to shake my head.

Someone has broken the rules, then they are not qualified to guard the rules!

Punch and punch.

Until then, the nine-level Wu Zun was all broken into pieces, the brain bones were blown up, and the whole person lay down softly.

This is the wrath of the gods!

Ye Xinran, Ling Qing and others are clenching their fists. This is exactly what they have to do. On the cloud view, there are many blood and tears in the back of the gods. Don’t be mournful, against the humiliation of the gods, there will be one fist The punches are back for their blood.

Don't cry, they will suffer injuries, they will flow on the enemy!

There is a person who will hold up the sky against God!

"Little Lord!"

They were hoarse and low, and they had only heard of this person, bearing in mind the miracle he had created, but lacked an endorsement, and now the recognition is already in the heart, and the support is also in the heart.

With such a small master, they dare to fight the world.

With such bloodiness, they are not afraid of death!


Ling Feng despised the audience and looked directly at the Yulong Feixian, and the sound of that sigh made Qin Tiantian and Ling Xuewen all in a cold. They knew that the most terrible thing happened, and the crazy wind that killed the madness was completely There are no rules.

What did the idiots of Yulong Feixian do?

"Abandoned the door, I want you to pay for it!" The dragons and the dragons first stunned. They did not think that the latter would use such extreme means, cruelly let them all worry, but the death of the brothers was also born. Enraged them.

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