Supreme Demon

Chapter 915: Four strong battles

The ninth and fifteenth chapters of the four strong competition

Light wind, bright moon, cliff mountain.

A person stands in the wind, looking into the distance, his eyes are particularly embarrassing, as if he has seen everything in the world.

"call out!"

Turbulent, a light flew from afar, a young man respectfully fell in front of the man, and immediately a golden book flew past, and settled firmly in the hands of the old man.

“Where is it from?” said the old man.

"Empty Island!" the young man said in awe, but when he said these three words, his eyes burst into a killing.

The old man’s eyes tightened, and he instantly opened a golden book, hurriedly browsing, and immediately as the young man in the eyelids burst into the sky, he stunned and asked. “When is the matter? ”

"Ugly five days ago!"

“What is the situation now?” the old man asked.

"Reverse gods, hidden gods have passed, and the mysterious butterfly, Xuankongzong was oppressed, the situation is not ideal." The young man said coldly.


The old man rubbed his palm, as if he was meditating, his eyes were white, and he passed through a glimpse of the edge. "Let the rebellious people follow up, I want to know the cause and the end, the hidden **** is always on standby, as the butterfly crouches as much as possible."


The young man was silent and said, "I came here five days ago. I think other people are already on the road, but we have not received orders from the Lord, and we have not acted rashly."

"You are doing very well!"

The Lord of the Anti-God said softly. "It is now at a critical moment in the jihad. This is very important for the anti-God. The swordsman of the Lord is already sharp. He wants to ask for the first peak. What we have to do is to maintain the situation."

"Less master, do you want to take off the laurels?" The youth eyes suddenly lit up, and the eyes filled with fanatical colors. As long as they are against the gods, they must know the glory of that person, and they will be proud of it.

"No one can stop it!" The Lord of the Devil smiled. "In the past ten years, they should be back."

"come back!"

The young man chewed this sentence gently, and suddenly he trembled, his eyes were red, and he was squatting for nearly ten years. He continued to stretch, and the tentacles swept the entire southern wilderness. Now that the holy war is coming, the core figures know that the young master has already reached the top of the Shenwu continent.

Ten years ago, they were looking forward to expecting that person to come back!

However, the Lord has never let go, but now they are finally coming back. This also means that there is a part of the anti-God to embark on the journey, and they will not always crouch.

However, some of them are always in the dark, but they are also absolute gods.

"Do your best to push the situation and bring all the people behind the scenes out!"


The young man flew out excitedly, and this news was also alarmed by his departure.

The anti-God and the Lord are coming soon!


For five days, this is a hurried wind for Wu Zun, without traces.

The top four battles are also coming.

The sky is getting brighter, the people's holy land is already crowded with people, and the whole cloud view is full of people. Don't say that this generation of Wuzun is even the elders of all major forces have come. The battle of the top eight is even more shocking. This generation of Wu Zun is too detached.

The heavens are in the restricted area and the Yin Shenzong is coming.

The gods and the sacred gods have also come to the restricted area!

When a dozen people walked up, the whole battlefield exploded. People whistled and screamed wildly. This is a great tribute to this jihad. Without so many powerful martial arts, they simply can’t witness it. Such a grand event.

Genius is the need for genius to set off!

"Draw it!" This is a crucial battle. Everyone is very dignified. It can be said that there is no weak team at all. Every team is powerful and messy.

Therefore, the result of the lottery is not important at all. Everyone who can come here is rushing to win the title. They are not afraid of any opponent.

Soon, the results of the draw will come out.

The first game: the heavens restricted area, the cracked gods.

The second game: Shen Shen, Yin Shenzong!

For a time, the whole situation has sunk. As far as people's intuitive feelings are concerned, this is a battle that is evenly matched. The restricted areas and the cracked gods are all too balanced, and the balance is extremely terrible. In this respect, the gods and the gods are all sacred. To be inferior.

It can be said that if the heavens are in the restricted area and the sacred gods are on the gods and the sacred gods, then it is possible to kill the results of four to three, but the result must be that the two restricted areas are won, but now it is difficult to say.

The same is true for the gods and the sacred gods. It must be said that such a battle is easier for everyone to blast.

"It’s finally here!" Ming Hao smiled and smiled. His interest in Qin Yutian and Xiahou Yufeng was not great, and he could see more or less, but the Xiaomen Xiaoqi could not see through.

Qin Yutian and Xiahou are very strong, but there are strong traces to follow, while the top seven are no trace.

"I still want to know that Qiu Shuyi, I missed it now." Liu Shushu said with a grin.

"I also have this kind of thinking!" said the solitary rainy month, not salty and not light.

"Sorry!" Yunxi and Ling Qing looked at each other and were quite disappointed.


Ling Feng touched his nose and looked up at the sky. At this time, he must remain silent. Otherwise, it would be an idiot. But in all fairness, the four women are very fond of the autumn book, and they are so terrible that they will miss it. Good thing.

Of course, if Ye Xinran is angry, then the problem is serious.

"And let the guy of Ming Hao take advantage of it." Qin Haotian was indignant. His purpose was too simple, that is, he wanted to explode the little seven, while others were not interested.

"Alum is very strong, you can see some problems from it." Ling Xuewen said.

"Hey, you don't understand!" Qin Haotian said with sorrow.

"Well?" Ling Xuewen.

"Hey, I am afraid that the defeat is too fierce, I am embarrassed to win the wilderness of the small seven!" Qin Haotian said with pride.



Qiu Shuyi looked at Lingfeng and took a sigh of relief. She really didn't want to go to the gods. For those women, she couldn't get her hands, and she was on the top of the door.

"It's very good!" She laughed heartily.

Xiahou Yufeng, Bai Hao's eyebrows are all white, this girl is too much, but now the days of the dead and the dead in the restricted areas, they are afraid of the anti-desert, they are not afraid of the fighting power, but worry about the autumn book Deliberately lost one.

On the other side, they are very helpless. Qin Yutian is a wolf. He can tear off a piece of flesh and blood from the restricted areas. This guy is very wrong. It seems to be listless. It is actually not interested in other people. He is serious, and the restricted areas of the heavens are very dangerous.

Moreover, there is a Ling Xuewen!

At the time of the crowd's frowning, the heavens and the cracked gods have set foot on the battlefield.

The first game was opened by the 9th-level Wu Zun. Both of them were geniuses who came back from the battlefield of the gods. In the case of evenly matched forces, the battle was extremely fierce, and the battle of the gods was straight, cracking a crack, like It’s going to collapse.

However, people did not worry too much. After the people’s holy land had suffered a big loss, the elders who were in the town also changed from one person to four people. They blocked the four parties, even if the combat power reached the martial arts, they would not hurt others.

Two hours, the battle fell off the curtain.

Split the sky to win!

The second autumn book was on, although it was a martial art, but when the nine rainbows appeared, it was still ruined, and the martial arts had to enter, her Rhythm.

The outcome has been doomed from the beginning.

Qiu Shuyi won the second game, and this made the four women of Lingqing and Yunxi secretly swearing. If they were right, they would be very dangerous. Most of the endings were also their fall.

One to one, a draw!

This is also reasonable, whether it is the restricted area of ​​the heavens or the cracked gods are very satisfied with this result.

The key third game, the splitting of the gods, the heavens and the restricted areas are all on the scene of Wu Zun, the war is in full swing, and everyone is shocked.

This battle was won by the heavens.

Two to one!

The entire fighting situation began to dump into the restricted areas of the heavens. This also made Qin Haotian cautious. If he could not enter the final battle, he would be mad at life.

So, Ling Xuewen set foot on the battlefield.

A red dress, like walking from the flower bones, is like a red cloud.

Undoubtedly, the battle has entered the rhythm, and both sides do not want to delay any more, so Bai Haojun played, this is a pseudo-god, before the battle, people are more inclined to Bai Hao, after all, Ling Xuewen did not perform well enough.

However, Ling Xuewen's strong fighting power makes people directly dumbfounded, the sinister pseudo-god of the peak, the proud attitude of the gods, all arrogant, and after four hours of **** battle, she is not hurt In the case, pick Bai Hao, and win a game.

Immediately afterwards, the performance of the sacred **** was more glaring, and the third false **** was born. It was a low-key to the neglected old man. His body contained terrible divine power, killing the heavens and the restricted area was unprepared. .

"Ah, this shameless." Xiahou Yufeng must swear, and Qin Haotian once threatened that he led the nine-level peak Wu Zun, but what are the two false gods?

"This liar!" Bai Haozhen also gritted his teeth.

Three to two!

The restricted areas of the heavens have also been forced to the edge, and the entire battlefield has been dumped. There is no doubt that if the Xiahou Yufeng can turn over the Qin Dynasty, then the restricted areas of the heavens will have the opportunity to turn over, and the defeat will be eliminated.

"come on!"

Qin Hao stepped on the battlefield and squinted and smiled. His heart was an excitement.

Not to mention, the means of the scuttles of the small and the small seven are really cool.

Looking at Xiahou Yufeng's appearance, he suddenly became refreshed and refreshed.

"Then we will win or lose in one battle!"

Xiahou Yufeng said coldly, he also embarked on the battlefield, confront each other, and the momentum is skyrocketing.

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