Supreme Demon

Chapter 919: Real martial god

The ninth and nineteenth chapter of the real Valkyrie

Volt devil swords!

It’s not just the eight-handed sword of the gods, but also a very faint dagger. It stands at the center, like an arched guard. Under the cover of the endless black hole, no one will see clearly on the dagger. A butterfly opened his eyes.

It is only one inch long, but the temperament is very low, the color is very dim, like a grain of sand flying in the sky, but others will ignore its existence, but Lingfeng will not.

That is a cut butterfly!

After a few years, this butterfly has finally completed the gorgeous Nirvana, there is a real fire, there are many gods and thunder, let it sleep for two years, and before that, it woke up, wings can swing the thunder, The glasses can be fixed.

It is a living creature against the sky. It was born in an impossible situation. The dark **** is the food of it, and the sorcerer's sword is branded on the body, making it truly detached.

Now, it is restraining the gods and gods, and under the strong pressure of the sorcerer's sword, the endless thunder is rushing to the mouth, and it is the whale swallowing the sea.

What people see is the freeze of the heavens and the gods, how embarrassing the picture is, how embarrassing it is.


Even the Quartet and the Thunder flew toward the sky, it only needed to grab a huge Thunder, and now Lingfeng satisfies its appetite. At a moment, the Tiandao Thunder are frightened and quickly fly toward the sky, but give People feel like they are killing.


A real dragon was broken, and it was swallowed by the cut butterfly, letting it burst into a terrifying light, but it was all covered by the black hole of the sorcerer's god, and it looked like the sword array was cutting off the soul.


A phoenix died, and the skull was swallowed up by the cut-off butterfly, "blood dripping" and turned into a feed.


At this moment, Tiandao was shocked and was rewinding. The endless gods and thunders did not enter Tianyu, and gradually disappeared in front of people. Even it was taboo, but not to mention that under the sky-cutting butterfly, there is still a peak of the sky. Oh, oh.

The thunder of the gods is like a tide, and with the sound of the sky, it dissipates.

"Mom, what is this enchanting, scared off the gods?"

"Everything can't be accepted. What is the power of Wu Zun? How can it be strong enough?"

"A fierce mess!"


People are boiling, and they are the first to see that someone can despise the heavens and make the gods thunder. The eight black holes seem to have a kind of magic power, and they are ridiculous.

"It's it!"

Qin Haotian, Ming Yu, Xiahou Yufeng and others all stood up, and their eyes were blank. As long as they were Wu Zun from the battlefield of the gods, they did not recognize the devil's swords, although they only flew out of the eight-handed day. The sword is branded, but it is enough to explain the problem.

"He has a terrible capture on the Shinto. This sword array is one of them." Qin Haotian licked his teeth and they worked hard to send the sword array to the hands of Qing dynasty, but the real brand has fallen on the ridiculous door. In the hands.

Even, they suspect that the Qing dynasty has also got this kind of sword-stamped brand. The horrible sword array that can seal the demon world and fill the cracks is a sword array that can be compared with the gods. Once the Qing dynasty is also obtained, then others can go. died.

"All the time, we have miscalculated his combat power. The power of the gods and martial arts is a deceit." Alum also screams, the **** of the gods has said that the ridiculous small seven may be the first in the endless The genius of the promotion in the air, but now it seems that even the true God has looked away.

The black hole of the konjac **** is more terrible than the black hole of the god.

"No wonder he can settle the space of the gods, it dominates the higher end." Xiahou Yufeng is very helpless shaking his head, in the eight-level Wu Zun is so enchanting, once the wilderness of the small seven into the territory, no one in Wu Zunjing Its opponent.

I have to say that it is their sorrow to be born with such a genius in an era.

Cloud view.

The rebellious gods are all invigorated. This kind of combat power is the lesser master. He is in the world, and the momentum is unimpeded. In Wu Zun, he can be stunned, so when he breaks into the martial arts, who is worthy of his opponent. .

"Less Lord!" They are more respectful.

Even Lingqing and Yunxi can't help but clench their fists. This scene is too windy and too handsome. The kind of contempt for the heavens can conquer many people, be they men or women.

Not long after, the proud bird also woke up, although not all refining the gods, but the impact is not great, it cast a grateful look to Ling Feng, and immediately flew down the battlefield.

It is unexpected to suppress the yin **** by three to zero.

Now, the Yinshen has been oppressed to the extreme, and it is necessary to step out of the game, which makes everyone pressure.

In this case, Ming Hao played.

"Since you entered the battlefield for the first time, I have been waiting for many years." He looked at Lingfeng, his eyes were close, like in the memory, the seven gods of the Yinshen sect, withered six, only He survived alone.

If not, they will not be so miserable now.

"Yes!" Ling Feng also said with a sense.

At that time, he used the four-level Wu Zun to force Ming, Qin, and Cui Mingfeng to only bow down and admit defeat. Now he is already an eight-level Wu Zun, truly beautiful.

The past is like smoke.

"From that time, I will kill you, but this is a few years." Ming Hao's eyes gradually glowed and said, "You are not the same, even the guy is coming to you, fake. The gods are weaker after all, but I still have to fight!"

The words are sharp!

"Come on, the door to the small seven let me see, your real combat power."

Alum directly set off the pseudo-deity, the tyrannical momentum, pushed the heavens and the earth, and the mountains and rivers were dull.

"You are coming to me, why don't I come because of you?"

Ling Feng smiled, and said very heroicly. "I hope you don't let me be too disappointed!"



The next moment, the two disappeared.

Fast, lightning fast, a glimpse.

Many people think that the arrogant bird fighting the middle-aged man is already dazzling, but when the speed of the wind and the alum are set, they really feel the power of speed.

Wu Yi is fast!

The two are interpreting this sentence. When the speed is violent, even the void is tearing, and the war is like a wind, and people can only see the broken world.

What is even more frightening is that they have a punch and a punch, a strong mess, but the entire battlefield is quiet and unspeakable, even the burst of the void is silent.


Two quarters of an hour, Ming Hao fell, feet on the ground, the four wild violent shocks, and Ling Feng also back a few steps, stepping on the edge of the battlefield, each person's injuries are very serious.

But the war is like a flame burning.


Until then, the storm of turmoil was slamming. This is not too powerful, but the speed of these two people is too fast and the power is too violent.

"let's start!"

The alum burst into a drink, and stepped into the threshold of the **** of war, the **** rainbow came.


When the tongue stunned, he rushed to Lingfeng, and there was a trench in his hand, burning in the crack of the void, and then a huge storm rolled down and rushed to Lingfeng.

The storm is dark, and there are thousands of broken spaces in it, one heavy and heavy.

This is the space to kill!

Similar to the space of Fengshen, but more fierce.


Ling Fengyun was light and windy, and his hands were shot in succession. He was directly hit by the palm of one hand to the eighteen palms, especially the eighteen palms, like the anti-tiantian that extended from the martial arts, and shattered the space of all the broken roads. It came down and shot from it to Ming.



Alum flew out, his blood was soaring, his chest rib fracture broke, and when the sorcerer's sword rushed in, the painful body was cold and sweaty, and the flesh and blood were twitching.

The pseudo-deity is broken!

He is more moving than Qin Haotian, understatement, and killing with a single palm. This is the horror of the floating squad. The entire battlefield of the gods and gods has been shaken by the Qing dynasty for so many years, and it is not unreasonable.

"not enough!"

Ling Feng did not move forward, faintly looking at the alum, said: "Do you still crouch down?"

"Haha, I know you can't!"

The Ming dynasty laughed, they all know that the current ridiculous door is very enchanting, but still dare to kill, there is no killer, it is completely to die.

Qin Haotian has, how could he not.

"The surname Qin is holding a life and death demon. Although Lao Tzu is not as enchanting as him, he can still send you a martial arts."

The wildness of the awkward smile, and in the laughter, his realm has completely changed, and his body is like a golden light shining directly into the Wu Shenjing.

One entry, two worlds!

Tianshen Shenhong, all fell into the body of Ming Hao, and the one-of-a-kind Shen Hong also decomposed and turned into the power of nine Wu Zun, all rushed into the heavens and the rainbow, and merged with it.


In a flash, the gods rushed, like a lightning bolt, bathing the real dragon, the real phoenix and other four beasts, and the most mysterious is the center of the gods, there is a virtual shadow, can not see the face, but the foot is really dragon , proud of the true phoenix.

Hey the world.

Wudao Shenjing!

This is also the first time that the **** of martial arts was born in the holy war. The horrible light is not comparable to before. Every inch is strong and scary. Even the four gods of the Holy Land are surprised.


Ling Feng sincerely said that he had decided to defeat a martial art, but that person is not so horrible now. This is based on the pseudo-god, one step into the realm of the gods, and it is completely detached, so the martial arts of Ming The gods are also extraordinary.

"I still want to suppress it, but you can't control it." Alum said very lightly. At this moment, he can tear the 18th palm of the shogun by hand. He is completely afraid of the wind.

This sentence also won the heart of Qin Haotian, whoever can't help but break into the martial arts of the savage door, and beat him up.

"Have he done the best?" Qin Haotian looked at Ling Feng and said softly. If the alum of the martial arts can't be defeated, it would disappoint him too much.

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