Supreme Demon

Chapter 925: Second Valkyrie

The ninth and twenty-fifth chapter of the second Valkyrie


The sky broke and the ground shattered.

Of course, this is only part of the battlefield. It is also the illusion of people. The void is torn apart from the middle by this violent force. The sword is on the top, the life and death are in the middle, and the black hole is in the bottom.

A heavy one, like being cut off by a knife.

Qin Haotian suffered a heavy blow and flew out, but his hand still clung to the overlord gun. This is his life, and he is the soul of his foothold. He can lose his life, but the gun can not be lost.

The blood of the red body is dripping, and his flesh and blood are blurred. Even if it is in a pseudo-deity, it is still wounded by the sorcerer's sword. The life and death are dominated, and the sword is killing, but the sorcerer is obviously more Dangerous and more unified.

It is detached!

It is also the power that the gods really control. Although Lingfeng can now show the power is not enough, it is enough for the previous pseudo-god.

When the cockroaches were exhausted, people took a sigh of relief, and the unsuccessful life and death demon was broken. The unrecognizable Qin dynasty was bleeding, which made the smashing gods very dumb, so the tyrannical Qin 弑 也Can't beat that person?

"Pseudo-department will not work, can the eight-level Wuzun be strong enough to this point?"

"What is the sword array, Grandma's true face to God."

"It’s so cool, the holy war has killed the gods, this will be the most brilliant battle, no one!”


People are amazing, everyone is cheering and shouting, it is like fighting in their own, the peak of the battle is indeed detached, Qin Haotian is not a clear, and the wilderness is not Xiahou Yufeng.

Qin Haotian was injured, and the waste door Xiaoqi was also injured. The bronze skin was covered with blood marks. There was a deep bone, and the blood was rolling. There is no doubt that although he has the upper hand in this battle, he is on the upper side. Qin Haotian can't retreat.

"Hey!" The tyrant gun trembled.

"Hey!" The sorcerer's swordsmanship flew back, and there was a stone sword in the hands of the ridiculous little seven. It was the five heavy stones that flew out of his eyebrows, the dull force, and the four gods of the emperor's holy land. It was trembled like it was oppressed.

"Is it my turn?" Ling Feng said with a smile, he ignored the scars on his body.

Before, it was Qin Haotian attacking, he was on the defensive, but now he wants to smash, and can't let this guy take the cheap.

"Abandoned the small seven, you are a liar!" Qin Hao Tian said with a grin.

This pit has been crouching all the time, even in the face of Ming Hao, he still retains the ultimate fighting power, especially the Voldemort swords, which is specially prepared for him, is to break the realm of life and death.

This is very deadly for Qin Haotian, who is invincible.


Ling Feng faintly smiled, picking up the stone sword and cutting it down. The huge stone weighing more than 10 million pounds directly collapsed Tianyu and hit the front of Qin Yutian. People can clearly see that the five stones have not yet been killed. But the broken heavy Tianyu has already collapsed.


Qin Haotian flew, even though he motivated all the efforts, the nine-way rainbow light greeted upwards together, but still could not withstand the heavy weight of the five heavy stones, the bones were all squeaking in the "kick", as if they would burst at any time. The same as broken.


Ling Feng sacrificed the inch of God, simply did not give Qin Haotian the opportunity to dodge, a strong murder.

Then, Qin Haotian flew out again, his back slammed, the spine was cracked, and the nine rainbows were smashed and smashed. If not, only the five heavy stones could break his body.

" !"

Another shot fell, Qin Yutian flew to the edge of the battlefield, holding his feet horrible, this pit goods is too mean, even with a stone to smash his feet, do not need to see him know that the five toes are all broken, ten fingers and heart It hurts on the feet and hurts in the heart.

What makes him even more anxious is that the ridiculous Xiaoqi completely chased him and beat him. This is to trample on his dignity.

He can't afford to lose this person!

Qin Haotian thought indignantly, and then he rushed out. Under the inch of God, he could only do that step, let the gods come, in order to fight against the huge weight.


In a short time, Qin Haotian leaped into the air, and the overlord guns were unsuccessful, and then hit the five heavy stones that flew, and the horrible explosion broke in front of him.

He was pale and his ears were bleeding. His body swayed like a candle in the wind, and his **** and stock fell on the ground. What makes people stunned is that he created a miracle.

Fart, strands of gods!

Who is stronger in the pseudo-deity of Qin Yutian and the **** of the gods? This answer is self-evident. In many people's eyes, it is undoubtedly alum, but the person who really understands will be more fearful of Qin Haotian. He can hold the five graves and kill four times. may not.

However, this is also the result of the deliberate suppression of Ling Feng, otherwise Qin Haotian has no chance to resist.

"A step into the gods will fall, and the stone sword is too unsolvable."

"The refining warrior is so invincible, and the ridiculous Xiaoqi seems to be the warrior of the three realms. He is self-seeking and deadly in his mental strength. Only in the martial arts can there be hope."

"The martial art is the journey, the mental power will eventually end, but the martial arts will not."


There are many people talking about it. Although Qin Haotian is still not a martial art, this battle is obviously more exciting than that of Ming Hao. This is a dedication.

"Dedication to your paralysis!"

Qin Haotian was secretly stunned in his heart, and he was mad at death. He was beaten by the ridiculous small seven, and he was dedicated to the ghosts.

"Would you like to try again?"

Ling Feng did not further kill and kill. He squinted and looked at Qin Haotian, his eyes were full of brilliance, and the real and dead demon environment was directly wiped out by the swords. For him, if Qin Haotian dared to push, it was real. silly.

In the state of being one step into the gods, Qin Haotian is not his opponent at all.


Qin Haotian spit out blood, very disdainful glance at Lingfeng, said with a twitching mouth. "I can resist you to let me chase the fart, the stock violently kill."

"I am sorry, I have no ability."

"You have a self-knowledge." Qin Haotian snorted.


Ling Feng waved his hand and said: "If the life and death of the demon can overturn me, you will not be displayed before, and the squatting is deep enough, but I believe that you are deeper."


"What will it look like when you enter the martial arts in the realm of life and death?" Ling Feng smiled and looked at Qin Haotian.

When this sentence fell, the whole world was quiet, and people were shocked to look at Qin Yutian. It seems that the ridiculous Xiaoqi is revealing a truth. Even Mingyu has broken into the martial arts, so he is stronger. It.

Everyone in the sky of the gods flashed, showing a hint of joy. Before they were also beaten by the smashing bombardment of the ridiculously smashed, the Qin dynasty was crouching, and the ridiculous door was also small.

But now, Qin Haotian wants to break into the martial arts of the martial arts, it is by no means that Alum can be compared.

"Before... Qin Haotian is not like this!" Ming Hao shook his head. He always felt that a small group of people had broken a small pit.

"Can he get into the gods?" Bai Hao asked with a look of horror.

"He must be a god!" Xiahou Yufeng said with a dignified face.


Like to prove the words of Xiahou Yufeng, Qin Haotian smiled.

Laughing in the sky.

"Abandoned the small seven, only you can see through me!" Qin Haotian said wild and domineering.

"Actually... they all saw it, but you played too much, they can't bear to hurt you." Ling Feng touched his nose and smiled.


Qin Haotian wants to take back the sentence and see through your sister. Only you are hurting me, so good.


The next moment, he opened his hands, the nine rainbows in the body boiled all over, and then flew out one by one, and there was a life and death demon with them, and then they annihilated in the air, turning into a dark world. .

It was also at this time that the sky was abrupt and flew down a starry sky.

The starry sky is too different, from which you can see the endless white bones, the broken demons, and the headless gods. It is like a lightning bolt, and it is like a region.

Immediately, it flew into the gloomy world, from which one inch of lightning, like a birth process...

"Life and death!"

People were so horrified that even the gods of Valkyrie stood up, and the realm of life and death was only the realm, but the Qin dynasty was transformed into a divine power, but it was the brand of the demon domain. How terrible it is!

Even the gods are shaking, and Alum, Xiahou Yufeng and others are looking like a face, which simply does not give people a living.

When the demon domain descends, Qin Haotian bathes with the power of rebirth!

At this moment, he is like an invincible **** of war returning from the ancient times, scorning the world, despising all the way, and he also has such qualifications.


At this moment, the gods of the gods are carnival, and every cell is ecstatic. This is the first genius of their generation, and the world of life and death will kill the world.

The ridiculous door is very strong, but it also stops at the strong. In front of the life and death, he will also fall.

In the history of jihad, the second martial **** was born!

Against the gods, against the wild, the nervous hands of all the people are cold sweats, Ye Xinran fainted, and still not awake, Lingqing, Yunxi two people want to remain calm, but also trembling, pale.

In the face of such a god, Wu Zun is powerless, no matter how brilliant, after all, it is to bow down.

"Abandoned door is small, it's over!"

"Wu Zun counterattacks, the end of myth!"

"This kind of talent, I am afraid that it will be second only to the original clearing?"

Even the martial arts gods are sighing, and the ridiculous Xiaoqi can kill this point. It is already amazing, but it is almost impossible to get through the threshold of Qin Haotian.

"Life and death, you can still be satisfied?" Qin Hao Tianfeng light cloud smile, in his realm, can be awkward.

"It's really good."

Ling Feng grinned. "You are so forced to sacrifice the realm."


Qin Haotian is a joy, but then he can lick his teeth. If he is anxious, he will not really sacrifice the world.

Although the realm of life and death is terrible, the cliff is really desperate.

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