Supreme Demon

Chapter 929: Sitting in front of Tianmen for one year

The ninth twenty-ninth chapter sits in front of the gate

Take the pressure!

This is the Qing dynasty, the ridicule of the small seven hand pens, forced other forces in the battlefield of the gods have to bow down, and now Zeng Heng and Tianmen Wushen actually want to oppress him in this way.

Regrettably, Zeng Heng only understood a part. First of all, you have to be strong enough to force others. In this respect, the ridiculous door is definitely not allowed to violate the tyranny.

What's more, in the ridiculous sacred genius of the other geniuses, the moment of picking the laurels, if the gods are holy, he bowed his head and apologized, came to a closed, and even was punished by Tianmen, fearing that the whole door and the ridiculous door would go mad.

What is a hero.

When he turned the madness to kill the Shinto, when he was alive and dead, when he pressed the other forces genius Wu Zun could not lift his head, when it was climbing the peak, glory, but the gods are doing this cold. How many people's hearts?

Not to mention the gods and the mortal people, that is, other forces are only afraid to look down on them, and even some people will contact the wilderness, and strive to introduce them into their own forces, especially the heavenly restricted areas, the cracked gods, the yin gods, and the wasteland. The door is small and the next one is clear, and it will be pushed for thousands of years. This is more crazy than any weapon and martial art.

At that time, the gods were afraid that they could only live in remorse.

This kind of idiot thing, how can God's sacred Lord do it, Tianmen is of course important, but after a hundred years, the ridiculous door is small, can prop up the whole gods, is this a heavenly door comparable?

There are some idiots. To get the things that the ridiculous door Xiaoqi has been expelled, they can understand that they are detached from the wild, and are not subject to the rules of God.

The bottom of the seven gates.

Ling Feng’s hand held white chess and understated the finale. The whole chessboard situation was very scattered and chaotic, but Sikong’s body was tight, and in the game he felt the killing.

"The ideal is full." Ling Feng said not salty.

"Zeng Heng thought too simple, it was simply an idiot that was used by Tianmen." Sikong squinted and thought that he wouldn’t have a good time. He worried that he would never have a chance to turn over.

"What about the Lord?"

"The old man didn't have a ghost, but he didn't take care of those who were Zeng Heng." Sikong hesitated for a moment, and he slowly settled, as if he said with a sigh of relief. "Now, you are back, I am afraid that those people will have to make trouble again." ""

"I don't care?"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled. This is an attitude. God’s sacred Lord is a condescending contempt. He did not put the threat of Zeng Heng and others in his eyes. He never asked, and it meant that he would let the situation gradually expand. Let those who are in the dark jump out.

By then, there will naturally be people coming out to pick up the mess.

"How are they going to punish me?" Ling Feng smiled and picked up White, and casually fell on one side of the game.

"Closed for five years!" Sikong has a cold eyes, these people are really not dead.

The so-called tightness is a space that stands under the sacred cliff of God. The time and space are in chaos, and the heavens and the earth are dry and sinful. It was originally a sin to punish the sins of the holy land of God. But they did not expect that they had this thought to Ling Feng.

Closed for five years, it is to let him sink for five years.

Obviously, the talent and fighting power that Ling Feng showed in the jihad has deeply stimulated the martial arts of Tianmen. They want to force Ling Feng to sink through such oppression.

"Why?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Zeng Heng!"

Sikong’s eyes are sullen and sullen. "The **** of ten years, this is a big temptation."

I have to say that this involves the future of the gods. Once there is no god, the gods will die a lot of martial arts every year. The cost is not too big, and Zeng Heng and Tianmen want to use God to defend the gods.

"The idea is quite good."

Ling Feng laughed very well, Zeng Heng’s chaos, if it was put in peacetime, it would indeed make the gods and the saints and other people rushed. It is a very dangerous thing to have no alchemy.

However, it was only before, now that he has asked the threshold of the alchemy, and he can further enter, and there is not so much taboo in the wild.

"In the past few years, there have been some people who have lost their minds." Sikong has lost his mind. He said with a squint. "Especially the alchemy master, for hundreds of years, even an alchemy master has not been born. In this respect. We are far behind being shackled by other forces, and some people are still complacent."

"The pattern is not enough, the eyes are narrow!" Ling Feng said sharply, his hand flashed, a piece of gold paper flew out.

He waved like a rain, and a few words fell on the gold paper, shining.

"This is?"

"Cloud Dream!"

Ling Feng said arrogantly. "One of the gods of the gods, the talent is not in the martial arts, but on Dandao, the immersion in the past ten years will not be too inferior to me, invite her to come."

"Give her a chance to make God ridiculously brilliant."

"give it to me!"

Sikong has always had a double eye, and there are too few talented alchemists in Shenwu, and it is different for Lingfeng to pay attention to it. At least this woman will climb the Dandao in the future.

"Under the cloud gods, the gods and gods, above the gods, the Qing sister will give you the answer!"

Ling Feng said indifferently, he held white chess on the chessboard, then stood up and walked down the hill.

"Small seven, where are you going?"

"For ten years, I always have to go back and look at it." Ling Feng’s voice came from far away.

"But, this game..."

"you lose!"

Sikong desperately watched the chessboard, and suddenly sluggish, the chaotic chessboard survived because of a white chess, like a sharp **** soldier inserted into the heart of black chess...


The jihad ended and the people returned.

When a personal door Wu Zun was filled with smiles and the momentum was smeared, Tianmen once again sacrificed the killer, led by Zeng Heng to the gods and the Holy Lord.

Let the ridiculous little seven apologize.

Let him close for five years!

Such news exploded in four doors. Like Wu Zun, they have not got the news, and the elders and other people know it for the first time, so they are angry. Everyone can see that Tianmen wants to find a girl. Suppressed the small seven.

And Zeng Heng’s coercion does make people feel very tricky. The gods can’t live without Xiaoqi, and they can’t have no alchemy.

"I am old, worried?"

Ye Xinran sat on the wooden chair and his eyes were calm, as if this thing was not the same as them.

"Worry!" Ren Emei said. "The gods have taken the laurels. This can be said to be a glorious moment of the gods, but there are also hidden dangers. There are many eyes in the dark, and we can’t be self-defeating. Be more careful when you act, otherwise you may be overwhelmed."

"And at this time, some people are so idiotic, and they have crushed the ridiculous door, which is equivalent to giving a tight spell to the door. At that time, the gods are shackled."

"I am more worried about the old." Ye Xinran quietly.

"What is this?"

"The ridiculous door is a unique existence, they will not compromise, and they will not understand the compromise." Ye Xinran's killing finally came out, and said coldly. "There will be people coming."

"But, an alchemy sage is of great significance to the gods." Still full of grief.

"An alchemy **** who can arbitrarily threaten the gods, the threat seems to be bigger."


"If you are old, there will be only one alchemist in the gods. When he falls, there will be a manpower to turn the tide."

Ye Xinran got up and flew away.

Ten years later, they can finally return to the Wu Kingdom and meet with the old people, and the new weather that is against the gods is what they want to see.


The Tianmen became more and more fierce, swept the whole gods, even though the martial arts deliberately suppressed this state of affairs, and did not let this kind of thing reach the ears of the Wuzuns, but it was still heard.

On the fifth day of the return of Wu Zun, the situation finally got out of control. Several old people in Tianmen were born. They are all Fengshen peak figures, and even some people have taken a small step on the road of true God.

And their strength, but also let the gods of the Holy Lord, Sikong and other people pressure the mountains.

However, just as Tianmen’s limelight was stronger, a man came in front of the magnificent mountain gate.

You should be happy and look good.

This is a generation of Lolita, the delicate and pretty people can't help but want to hold her in her arms. Even the martial arts guards who guard the mountain gates in Tianmen can't help but want to pinch this loli.


Qing Qing went to the front of Tianmen and looked at the two young people who guarded the mountain gate. He said, "Tianmen wants an answer, now I bring the answer."

"What?" The two men glanced.

"Let the old man of Tianmen come out." Qing Xiao smiled and said.

"Ah?" The two men glanced and laughed. "Little girl, who are you looking for?"

"Zeng Heng used to be the old man, the dragon fish dragon old man..." Qingyi carried his hands, as several Jane said.


The two looked at each other and their faces were black and black. Is this a neurotic Loli? Dare to call Zeng Heng, Arowana and others, this is to force the Tianmen to crush her rhythm.

"Who are you? We will cut your tongue and head in this way!" The two angered.


Clear and cold, she walked step by step, and the momentum of her body finally swooped up. It was like a mountain, cold and long, and the heavens and the earth were eclipsed.

The power of true deity is finally revealed!


For a moment, the gates of Tianmeng collapsed and the earth collapsed. The two defended Wuzuns immediately fluttered and vomited blood, and they were so scared that they were nothing. This is what a ghost Lolita.

Too scary!

"Sit in front of Tianmen, sit for one year!"

The sound of clearing is far away, like a ghost, and it’s hard to say that the gods of the heavenly gates are hard to speak. "This is my answer!"

This is also the answer to the ridiculous door!

Tianmen wants to close the ridiculous door, and then she will ban the whole Tianmen for one year. Zengheng wants to coerce the gods, so that he will never be coerced. At this time, the gods will not compromise.

One person was shocked and the whole door was eclipsed.

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