Supreme Demon

Chapter 937: Dan Zun Yunmeng

The ninth and thirty-seventh chapter Dan Zun Yunmeng

Have you heard of Jesus?

When **** opened his hands, the mortal beings, they saw faith.

Have you heard of Chun Ge?

When Chun Ge opened his arms, humans looked up and they had to see eternal life!

Have you heard of the proud bird?

In fact, I don't know how the goods are mixed.

However, when Ling Feng opened his hands, Yang Lie clearly felt the gift of God, felt the smooth road, and felt the momentum of the ancients.

The arrogant bird is upright and the face is helpless. At this moment, it finally admits defeat. It has no such thing as a filial wind, and there is no such thing as him. It is completely defeated and defeated.

"This shameless guy has even used the gas field!" This is the anger of the proud bird.

"Give you a direction, let the whole world turn around you!"

This is a slogan, but he is overbearing and arrogant.

This is also the wild vision of each against the gods. It is their goal, they have never wavered, and the journey to the south is just a small goal they set.

Their journey is the sea of ​​stars!

Yang Lie's eyes are gradually shining, but there is no such thing as Ling Feng's overlord, but he bowed his head, but the rapid breathing and trembling body are showing his inner turmoil.

Taking a deep breath, he said. "Can you save me?"


Ling Feng said affirmatively. "But you have to think clearly, once you set foot on this journey, you can't look back."

"What do you want?" Yang Lie asked cautiously.

"Struggle for the world!"

Ling Fengye looks burning, and the pace of reversing the gods is very stable. Now he has been involved in the three major areas of Shenwu. The southern wilderness is the key point. It is the foundation of the anti-God. No matter how terrible setbacks in other areas, as long as they are in the south, they will Can slowly figure it out.

The Northern Territory was opened by the ancient Yue Empire. It was able to reverse the low-key of the gods and gradually spread. It can still be done. All that is needed is time. As for Xishen Island, it is the reason for their return.

This is also the meaning of the reverse master. It is necessary to be led by the young masters, to win this grand blueprint, and to gradually build a stronger prestige. This step is crucial, and only Ling Feng is sure.

"It's hard!" Yang Lie frowned, this young man is too whimsical.

“It’s really hard!”

Ling Feng laughed. "Every step is like walking on the blade. If you are careless, it is dark night, but what if you succeed?"


Yang Lie's brow wrinkled deeper. He felt a madman, which made him doubt whether this choice was wise. "Now the Second World Zugu was scrapped by him, I am afraid that Qing Yunguo will not be willing to give up."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. This Yang Lie was also very vigilant. Until this time, he was still tempted, worried about the anger of Qing Yunguo, or was he saying that they had such a powerful force?

"If they are smart enough, this time is already in front of the door."

Ling Feng cold and proud smile, against God in Wu Guo, on the side of the couch, let others sleep.

Therefore, the first target against the gods is Qing Yunguo, which is pushed by strong force. It is a living shocking country. It can be said that here, against the gods, hidden gods, butterflies is the real control, one Grass and wood are in sight.

Especially after the reincarnation of the three major forces, the energy is even more terrible. Ling Feng can feel that when he enters Qingyun State, he feels that someone is tracking, and it is hidden. This is the style of the anti-god.

In this case, the ancients made a crime against the gods, but it is conceivable how terrible his end will be.

As long as the Qingyun Kingdom emperor is not stupid enough to the point of idiots, all that can be done at this time is to eliminate the anger of the rebellious people. Otherwise, waiting for them is a disaster.

At this time, against God, it is different from before.

Here, they want to subvert an empire and understate it!


Qing Yunguo Tong Lingshan.

An old man was sitting on the jade, his face was cold and solemn, and he was extraordinarily solemn. The momentum that suddenly appeared on his body shook the surrounding mountains and rivers.


At this moment, a man ran in, his feet were unstable, and he fell directly on the ground. His face was red, but he had no time to take care of it. A rushed to the front of the jade.

"The old pavilion, the ancient prince was scrapped." The man said eagerly.


The atmosphere that was originally quiet and peaceful collapsed in an instant, and the old man stood up and screamed at the two auras and shouted. "Who is this?"

"In the cold fairy building, it was blown up by a young man!" said the man with anger.

"Cold fairy floor?"

The old man glanced and asked in a deep voice. "Is it because of that Yang Shutou?"

"Yes!" The man did not dare to lie, and replied truthfully.

"What happened in the end?" The old man's face sank. Now the Qingyun country is different. If it was a few days ago, he was afraid that he had already killed it, but these days are too scary.

The force was violent, and the handwriting was shocking. One by one, Wu Sheng fell, and Wu Zun was also stunned. It was like a **** doom, so that these old people were ashamed, and the Emperor Yunyun was scared to go out.

Of course, only those who are in their position will feel that the whole Qingyun country is changing, and at this time, the ancients were suddenly scrapped, which made him ponder.

"Ancient, won't you anger the power?" the old man groaned.


The three cold men walked in quickly and squatted. "The old court, my master has gone to the cold fairy building, please let the old man arrive quickly."

"The Three Pavilions are old and have already flown."

"The second cabinet is old, I am afraid that it has arrived."


The old man’s scared face is like an idiot. At this time, he feels that the atmosphere is wrong. The Emperor Yunyun’s emperor and the old man have arrived, and there is a taste of urging and command. This makes people feel terrified.

"What the **** is going on?" the old man trembled and asked.

"I don't know yet."

One person replied. "However, it is reported that someone has personally invited the emperor."


The old man has a feeling of five thunders. Who can ask for an emperor in Qingyun State? It is these old courts that must be treated with caution. After all, there is still an unfathomable force behind the emperor.

Then the answer is already obvious.

"Speed ​​go!"

The old man flew directly and flew to the cold fairy building. At this time, he already had a feeling of creepy feelings. Whatever he was afraid of, this idiot descendant was usually very excited. How could this time not be long-sighted?

Offended the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, that is, the blame, offended the god, it is a smog!


When the ancient money flew to the cold fairy building, it was almost planted, Mommy, is this a hell?

The whole street is cold and scary. One by one, Wu Sheng is standing on the street, his body is tall and straight, his face is chilling. Their eyes are only in one direction. In the middle of those Wusheng, the emperor of Qing Yunguo and the two cabinets are old. The pen is very good, even in the cold chill, the cold sweat on them is shed.

In front of the door of Lengxianlou, the three Wuzuns looked at the front quietly, and they stood down and seemed to be waiting for a very important person.

What character can make three Wu Zun bow down.

Is it against the Lord?

With such a thought, the ancient money was soaked, and the mysterious power of this force was invisible. When there was only one person who came to Qingyun State, it pushed the three of them, but that person was not against the Lord.

From this, it can be imagined that the anti-Lord is probably a character in the martial arts, which is unattainable and powerful, and that Wu Zun is looking up.

If the ancient annoyed against the Lord, then it is the enemy against the whole against the gods!

Three thousand Wu Zun went to Qingyun, just think about it and scare him to death.

"call out!"

As soon as he stood down, he fell to the side of Emperor Yunyun, and looked around for a moment before he whispered. "Isn't something stupid in ancient times?"

Qing Yunguo emperor should not.

"Do you want to treat your child first?" Gu Qian asked again.

"Ancient money, put away your careful thoughts!" Qing Yunguo emperor's eyes said red, he was sleeping, and he was awakened by his life, and Qing Yunguo almost rushed to the gods, and his face was chilled. The seriousness of the problem can be seen.


The ancient money looks dark, the hope is shattered, and the ancients can’t save it. I’m afraid that the whole Qingyun country is now stunned.

"Which are Qin Lao, Li Lao, Chen Lao?"

At this time, Yang Yaoyao came out of Lengxianlou. To tell the truth, she was also shocked by this squad. Although she did not know the emperor of Qingyun, she could still see it from the golden robes, but even the emperors Can not walk ahead, and she is Wu Sheng, naturally can feel the momentum of the first three people in the body.

"We are!"

The three old people took a step forward and said, "Thank you."


Yang Yuyao has a feeling of being flattered, and hastily let out a way to introduce the three old people into the cold fairy building...

In a short time, they walked out of the cold fairy building, coldly smashed the eyes of the emperor of the Qingyun State, and immediately stepped on the command, and went against the gods one by one, as if they were facing the enemy.

In the next moment, Wu Sheng flew out and went straight to Qing Yunguo to transmit the array. In less than three quarters of an hour, a pretty woman flew in, stunned and hurried into the cold fairy building.

The faint, Qing Yunguo emperor, the three old cabinets can not help but chill, which makes them look at the eyes, the girl is just a Wu Sheng, but the momentum around, but can oppress to let them suffocate.


The three old people are all excited, and the momentum does not belong to this girl, but from the dark, some people have been secretly protecting.

There is no doubt that it is Yunmeng.

She is the fourth force against the gods, specifically for the alchemy, and now this power can not be underestimated, has already won the country, and Yunmeng is also known as "Dan Zun".

Yang Lie wants to enter the anti-God, naturally it must be handed over to Yunmeng, so only she is suitable, and for this persistent beauty teacher, Ling Feng also gave enough respect and touch.

Without her, the pace of rebellion against the gods will slow down; without her, the anti-God is a high-rise building; without her, there would be no glorious situation today.

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