Supreme Demon

Chapter 947: Let them pay attention

The ninth and forty-seventh chapter makes them pay attention


A beautiful jade, divided into five parts, there is a kind of magical power, but now it has become a broken.

The old man's face is covered with frost, and he hates to say. "Xuankongzong, it really is a small smash!"

"One news, the three gods directly into the death row, even those few gods, Shenzong have been exposed, is this to create a few opponents?"

"There is power!"

“An ant still wants to turn over?” said a thin old man, coldly. “This way you can't save them, it will only make them die faster.”

Before, they wanted to kill the Xuankong sect and attack the assassination. From now on, there is no such jealousy.

Their swordsman will point directly to Xuankong Zong!


The gray old man said with a deep sigh. "At least not now, assassination of the kingdom of the kingdom and the abolition of the emperor's martial arts. These are very troublesome, but they are just troubles. They can't catch the evidence. The two forces still I dare not do anything to us, but the woman of the Dionysus is imprisoned and becomes imprisoned, and the Dionysus must be with us."

Honor and disgrace!

For Shen Zong, it is more important than life. After the news came out, if the Bacchus did not act, it would be degraded by the whole world. Even the women of Zongmen could not protect it. What other face is it?

Therefore, the three great gods can not kill the Xuankong sect now, it will only cause the sacred door emptiness, in case of the assassination of a few talents Wu Zun, even the **** of war, it will not be worth the loss.

"Let the five holy sects go, they have no hatred with Xuankong Zong!"

The gray-haired old man’s eyes flashed, and his heart was very vigilant. The young man was very cautious and had a relationship with the Holy Land. He was able to get these secrets from the hands of the three great gods. The handwriting was even more amazing, which also made him pay attention to Xuankongzong. It is.

At least, they still have a mysterious power in the dark.

In this case, let the five holy sects come out more appropriate, and the victory naturally does not need to be said. In case of defeat, the three major sects have reasons to be shot. Otherwise, if they encounter setbacks in the battle, they will be laughed at by the whole world. .

The defeat of the Holy Family also means that Xuankong Zong has the strength to compete with them, that is, people naturally do not say anything.



An old woman is staring red, staring at an old man and shouting. "Huangpuqi, you bastard, when is this time not to wait?"

"What kind of destruction is the poor Yuner?"

"To shut up!"

Huangpu Qi angry road.. "Do you think I am not worried about the allowance? For so many years, we have been comfortable to sleep? But now the atmosphere is wrong, some people have to drag our wine gods."

"Once you are on the top three gods, with the strength of my wine gods, can you save Yuner?" Huang Puqi said with a gloomy face. "Well, do you think that we will kill the past, then the three gods will surrender the child?" ”

"I am afraid that even the bones are..."

"But..." The old woman burst into tears with anxious tears. She didn't know it before. Now that she has the direction and knows the whereabouts of Huangpu's child, she can't sit still.

"Be calm!"

Huangpu Qimo snorted with a fur coat and said calmly. "The situation is too chaotic. It is like a fog, and people can't see through it. The Xuankong ancestor is just a Lingzong. Can you get such a message?"

"Someone wants to treat us as a sharp knife, but we can't be stupid."

"Xuankongzong, is there such strength?"

"If, before that, they have been targeting the three major gods, or the opponents of my wine gods?" Huang Puqi looked up at Tianyu, his face full of killing.

No matter who you are, if you want to use the Dionysus as a trump card, you will pay the price.

"What should I do now?"

"Wait, this cloud will eventually be opened!"


Just when the news was bombarded, the Xuankong sect of the sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect stood out. He strongly condemned the three great gods. It was coldly said that although Xuankongzong was weak for many years, he also swears to death.

Bloody and discouraged.

For a time, people tend to be Xuankong Zong, but they are only spiritual support. No force will run stupidly against the three major gods, but this is enough for the anti-God and Xuankong Zong.

As long as the reverse **** can resist the three great powers of the gods, the counterattack will force the three great gods to step backwards. At that time, there will be many forces rushing up like a wolf, and bite a bite.

This is their purpose!

In the deep night sky, the stars shine, and a round of crescent moon hangs on the treetops, like the eyes of lovers.

On this night, the Xuankong Zongshan Gate opened, and a Wu Zun is quietly stepping in. The head of the ancestors is Ye Xianran, who is like a fairy. The steel torrent seems to be against the gods, one by one in the dark. At the same time, the anti-revolutionist who came with him was branding the murder.

Of course, this is not an ordinary murderer, but a sorcerer's sword that evolved from Ling Feng. Although he will not be branded, it is enough to have a refiner.

The entire murderous squad, from the Xuankong sect to the Fangyuan Shili, because the layout is too large, it is impossible to trap the Wushen, but can ban Wu Zun, and Wu Shen wants to smash it, it is not realistic.

The sorcerer's swordsmanship is terrible, but the real horror is against the gods.

They are coming!

This is destined to be an embarrassing night. The anti-God people are rushing to come. From time to time, some people will enter the Xuankong sect, and there will be assassinations of hidden gods and butterflies. The lurkers around have long been killed and wanted to spy on Xuan. It’s too hard to be empty.

"Is there any news for the butterfly?"

Ye Xinran did not sneer, came forward, faintly asked about the head of Liu Yao, asked Ling Feng.


Ling Feng’s face was calm and sneered. “As we expected, they did not move. The real hands were still the five holy sects.”

"Then solve it first!" Ye Xinran said coldly. "They once killed many people against the gods, but they are also limited to the younger generation, and now they are trying to stop the anti-god, so they are all killed!"

"There is still that power, and it is also smashed."

"Yeah, hundreds of years of honor and disgrace, it is time to have a knot." Ling Feng said. "Right, I want someone you brought?"

"Brought it!"

Ye Xinran turned and looked behind him. Immediately, three teenagers came out. Their eyes sparkled with blood, and they worshipped. This person is their god. When they learned that the people kissed each other, the three were crazy.

"See the people!" they said excitedly.

"Get up!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, on the night of his departure, he had told Ye Xinran to choose three talented Wuhuang, the combat power must be outstanding, and these three are the answer given by Ye Xinran.

"The three of you are my genius against God. Now that the war is about to open, I am also in danger of being against the gods, so there is an important thing that you need to do!"

"People please say!"

"The wilderness is open, you have to go in and look for two stones." Ling Feng whispered to the two people, telling the location of the ancestral home of the gods, of course, this is his guess, the real position remains to be verified .

Immediately, he took out a few treasures and gave them to the three men. Only this kind of treasure can protect them, and they can sneak into the ancestral home of the gods and steal the two stones.

"Once you get it, get back as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng said: "There is a prohibition in the wilderness, but it is not unbreakable!"


The three men nodded cautiously. They could see that the two stones were vital and could affect the entire situation. And this is personally explained by the people, and they will complete even if they die.

Then, they stepped into the transmission array, and in the gorgeous light, they flew into the wilderness...

Indeed, the wilderness is open, but the Xuankong sect is worthy of the autumn, naturally no one will enter, even Liu Yao almost forgot this thing, but Ling Feng clearly remember.

It can be said that this is also a chance to give three people.

Its daybreak.

The news of the butterfly has arrived. The five major forces have already rushed to the Xuankong sect. The strength of the comers is roughly estimated to be seven martial arts. Among them, there are two eight-level martial arts. It is not strong. The ordinary sect is only afraid of the moment. It was swept away.

However, at this time of the Xuankong sect, the seven Wu Zun are undoubtedly to die.

"It's too stingy." Ling Feng said with a smile. "I only came to the seven Wu Zun, is it enough for the mysterious empty sect?"

"Not enough!"

Ye Xinran waved his hand and someone flew over and squatted.

"Let them pay attention!" Ye Xinran said.


The man flew to the distance, and dozens of people behind him were quietly going away. The Wu Zun, the true fighting power, was unknown, but there is no doubt that this would be the power to dominate life and death.

How to make the five holy sages pay attention to it.

The answer given by the anti-God is also relatively simple, that is, to arrogate their arrogant deforestation and lively outside the Lingkong Island.

I want to fight against the enemy, but even if the old nest is not there, I will be killed. This kind of death will surely kill many people. At that time, the five great saints should pay attention to the Xuankong sect?

As a result, more people will die to die until they are forced to go to the Three Emperors.

At this time, the three great kingdoms and the five great holy countries, some people are quietly acquiring the major Danfang, most of them are unknown, and some are about to close down.

These people are very low-key, they don’t even have a little wind in advance, and the bids are exceptionally high. Naturally, some people are willing to sell them. It’s not just that. At some auctions, some people have already auctioned special drugs, but they are some kind of panacea. People like Wu Zun are naturally not very useful.

But this is the spirit, but it has also attracted a lot of enthusiasm, so that all the forces are excited, some people want to inquire about the source of this drug, but nothing.

Undoubtedly, this is to ask Xianzhong, who are imperceptibly affecting the desire of everyone to ask the immortal series of medicinal herbs, and as long as the time is ripe, ask the immortals to come to the Three Kingdoms and the Five Holy States.

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