Supreme Demon

Chapter 950: Total oppression

Chapter 915, Comprehensive Oppression

This is asking the storm!

When the Xianxian series came out, other medicinal herbs were dimmed. Only one sapling was expensive. People would naturally choose the extraordinary genius of the medicinal nature. For some talented geniuses, the celestial singer also offered For a time, it took the entire market.


More invincible!

Asking the fairy temperament, in a short period of time, the martial artists are eagerly awaited. What is even more frightening is that many people come here and ask the singer series to be included in the sac, which makes the sacred series more precious. Even in the five great holy countries, they have been fired for a high price.

This move did not attract the attention of other forces at the beginning, but as the influence of the storm was growing, the other five sects realized the seriousness of the problem.

They want to suppress the immortal, but there are too many warriors, and there are many Wuzun figures. When the five great saints are killed to Xuankongzong, they dare not act rashly.

And in this process, ask the fairy to come out!

One day, I asked the city of Xianmen Tingruo, the crowds from the street, all the way to the end of the lane, but unfortunately, the immortal medicine is very scarce, between less than two hours, it was robbed.

The next day, the immortal was still hot, and the people who came here named the entire street, and frightened those restaurants that were on the same street as the one who asked Xian.

Of course, they are also ecstasy. These people will naturally consume in their restaurants and shops while purchasing medicinal herbs. This is a comprehensive driving.

On the third day, almost the entire Holy Land was heard by the wind. If the question was very strong, I was afraid that it would be crushed. In this case, the five great saints could not sit still. The anger of everyone will destroy them in the first place.

Therefore, they are confusing, and they are forced to ask the immortal to hand over the immortality immediately. However, they neglect one thing, that is, the immortal comes from the anti-God, and beside the Yunmeng and other alchemy sects, there will be A few terrible powers from the hidden gods, when those people want to make things big, a middle-aged man directly smashed out and forced a few people.

The blood spread under the foot, and suddenly the whole crowd calmed down. Whoever has nothing to do with such a strong Wu Zun, isn't it dead?

"Is it impossible for us to have these alchemists in the eyes of the five great saints?"

The man sipped a cold sentence and walked directly into the darkness, but the crowd was a frying pan. People immediately understood that the rise of the immortal made the door of the five great saints of the sacred sects, and in this way, I was afraid that they insisted. I haven’t lived for a long time, so I’m going to make a decision, but I’ve been seen.

"The five great saints, the more they live, the more they go back." A Wu Zun snorted.

"On the medicinal herbs, we must fight for the bright and honest, with this kind of conspiracy, we must not be on the table." Some people despised.

"The five great saints, even one can ask for immortality, how inferior it is."


For a time, the five great saints became the stinky mouse that everyone called, which almost killed them alive, but had to admit that it was indeed a huge threat to ask the immortals.

What is even more frightening is that the sensation of the sensation is more than one day and two days, but it continues. Some people have swallowed up the series of questions. After the amazing benefits, they are full of expectations, even some people buy directly. After asking about nearly half of the medicinal herbs, I almost vomited blood to others.

Immediately, asked Xian for this problem, changed the peddling mode, in order to limit the chaos.

The fourth day, the fifth day...

On the tenth day, the enthusiasm of the immortality increased, and a questioning fairy swept nearly half of the holy country. In the process, the fairy tales quietly spread to all parts of the holy country, devour with irreversible momentum. Other Danfang.

The five great saints are ruined, and the heads of the lords are all bombed. They try to lower the price to win over some warriors, but as a warrior devours the blood, he smashes the blood and kills him on the spot.

When people look at the five great saints in the end, they are branded as "profitable businessmen", and in this case, they are not the door to the door, but the silence.

Danfang is a major source of herbs, and the depletion of the entire ten days has also affected the five great saints. All the herbs needed by the saints have been cut off, and the warriors have complained, and some even question the sovereign.

People are upset and civil strife has started.

If you are in peacetime, the five great saints will not be so confused. Now it is the **** battle between them and the Xuankong Zong. It is suddenly disrupted by the rhythm and the herb is exhausted. This is too fatal.

What is even more deadly is that the short-sellers led by the lord of Shengling have not heard the news until now. In ten days, Wu Sheng is free to go back and forth, and the dark forces they sent out to inquire about the news have not returned. Let them feel the unusual things, faintly smell the dangerous atmosphere.

Finally, when the light of the morning shone, a message fell in the hands of the four great saints, and this news broke the sky, so that the bodies of the four saints were paralyzed.

There are horror, anger, and more is the heart!

Shengling is completely destroyed!

Although, among the five great saints, Shengling can only be included in the fifth, but still can not be underestimated, even if there is no lord, but there are three Majestic Wu Zun sitting, but this is still a clean, more terrible Yes, until now they only learned the news, this is not as simple as the dark forces are destroyed, but someone is blocking the news.

The secret man's handwriting is very shocking!

However, until this time they were still lucky, I hope that the hollowing out of the Xuankong sect can be returned triumphantly, but this is the 20th, and they are still waiting for the news of the hollow, but the giants News of Chengdanfang.

“Fengling City Danfang closed down!”

"Tianyu City Danfang closed down!"

"The fire city of Danfang can't keep going!"


When the news fell on the hands of the four great saints, they had a feeling of wanting to die. There is no doubt that this is a long-awaited lore, but which power is still very doubtful.

This makes people feel very heavy!

At this time, the four holy sacred Danfangs are like a bloated locust, and they are devouring the heart of the sacred sect. The four sacred sects of the sacred sects are scattered throughout the Holy Land. They consume too much and have already consumed it. The mountain is in a state of exhaustion, and this time only the door is the best policy.

In less than ten days, Danfang of the four great saints collapsed nearly half, and other Danfangs were unable to make ends meet, and they simply could not continue.

Internal and external troubles!

This is the total oppression of the anti-God!

The four great saints nowadays are completely a butterfly trapped in the hands and feet. They are being eaten bit by bit. It is only a matter of time before the demise, and this delay in recent months, they have no hope for the hollow. .

"The sovereign, think of a way as soon as possible."

"Yes, the lord, and if this continues, my holy sage will be consumed and become an empty shell."

People are very anxious. At this moment, they are walking on the edge of life and death. The four great saints "hands and feet" are being cut off by one, making them more and more afraid, asking Xian to break all their arrogance and fighting spirit.


The proud master said: "To the three great gods for help, my four great saints fell, there is no benefit to them, and the Xuankong Zong is far more terrible than we think, and only the three great gods can match."

Ask for help!

This is the only idea of ​​the four major sects, and their last straw.

However, when they sent the strong men to the three great gods, a tyrannical force directly cut off the transmission array and destroyed their only hope.

At this time, the four great saints were completely isolated and helpless.

Besieged on all sides!

This is true for the four great saints at this time, as well as for the hollowing out of the sorcerer's sword.

They are arrogant, and they can fall directly into the murderous squad. They thought that they could be easily broken. They could be desperate when one martial artist tried his best and could only crack a crack in a person.

Because, at the crack, there is a Supreme master waiting for them.

For ten days, they tried their best to kill them, but they all returned with sorrow and death.

In the twenty days, their fighting spirits were wiped out, and the whole people were embarrassed.

For thirty days, their strength is fading, and they are almost desperate.

On this day, the sorcerer's sword broke open, and a person smashed in, and a boulder smashed and ruined, overwhelmed Wu Zun, and turned over Wu Sheng, and the smashing mess.

Immediately, one Wu Zun flew in, one of them, proud of the sky, how many people's fighting spirit was destroyed by the darkness, how many people's hopes were cut off, and even some people couldn't stand this torture and committed suicide.

This is a one-sided trend and there is nothing to hinder.

When the battle ended, the gods stood alone in the murderous squad, and the foot was the bones, and the eyes were full of killing.

At this time, the heart of Xuankong Zong finally returned to calm. Before that, they were all scared by the horrible momentum, worried that these people would kill and destroy the Xuankong Zong.

It is only now that everything is under the control of the gods. They are not blind bloodsuckers, but purposeful slaughters. It can be said that the five great saints were not so stupid, but because of the two previous murders, they did I was in a hurry and I ran into it.

It can be seen from this that how terrible the murder is.

Xuankong Zongzhong.

Liu Liu was full of brilliance, and even he did not think that things would evolve to this point. The five sacred sects of the sacred sects were able to pile up a mountain, and the Xuankong sect did not hurt a soldier.

"What are we going to do next?"

These days, the heart of Liuyao is getting more and more stable, and the power of the gods is not strong. They are not cowards, but they are able to get rid of the five great saints in the case of minimizing casualties. After all, their opponents are Shenzong. .

"Wait for the rescue of the three great gods."

Ling Feng said faintly: "The four great saints have stepped into the dead, such a battle can not stimulate the fighting spirit of the gods, only the three gods can."

"Four holy sects?" Liu Yao a sigh, doubts look toward Ling Feng.

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