Supreme Demon

Chapter 953: God war

The ninth and fifty-three chapters of God

The cold light is shining.

The cold light on the weapon is reflected in people's faces. The narrow blade seems to cut people's hair. The force of the martial arts seems to cut off the sky.

Above the Xuankong Zong, the void was fragmented, and more than 20 Wu Zun were killed together. It was a catastrophic storm. The place where the grass was not born, the cold momentum, oppressed the Xuankong Zong.

"They are coming!" Xuankong Zong, a group of martial artists, suffocated. Before they were in the five great saints, they were not so shocked. On the one hand, the three great gods were stronger, and on the other hand, they were also pressured.

The three great gods have been shocking this side for many years, and their own ceremonies are huge sharpening knives, which can break the firm heart of many people.

The people of the rebellious people are very calm. They look at the cold wind and look directly at the three great gods. The people standing in front are not Qin Feng and the shallow clouds, but the three old people, wrinkled, like the semi-biased body has been buried in the loess. But the momentum on that body seems to be destroying people's ideas.

They are the real core when the Lord and the Phoenix are not there.


However, when more than 20 Wuzuns approached the Xuankong Zongshili, the whole world changed. The horrible airflow washed away and the swordsmanship rushed upwards. They turned into arrows and were killing the twenty. The remaining Wu Zun.

"When!" A Wu Zun flew backwards, holding the hand of the Excalibur.

"Hey!" A Wu Zun was miserable. He was shot and killed, but he was beaten on the fierce battle and stabbed by the crazy arrow rain.

Volt devil swords!

This kind of murder that can trap the demon, the light that blooms at this time, can indeed make Wu Zun frustrated, thousands of swordsmanship, constantly killing, forcing the 20 Wu Zun to be dwarfed, some people I was injured.

"Hey? There is actually a fierce battle. It is no wonder that the five forces have died here!" A Wushen snorted and grinned. They also attached great importance to Xuankongzong before. They felt that they could compare with a god, but now it seems that Rely on the ancestors Yu Yin survived.

Without this murder, then Xuankong Zong is nothing.

"There is indeed a doorway for this murderous squad. It can trap Wu Zun and continue to slay it. It will be seriously injured in the morning and evening," said a martial god.

"That broke it!"

Shen Shen Zong, a martial god, walked out and was full of arrogance. For them, the murderous murder was too small for pediatrics. With their divine power, they could completely tear directly and forcibly broke into the Xuankong sect.


When the voice fell, he stepped closer to the sorcerer's sword, and flew out a sword in his hand, killing the past with fierce temper, and the momentum was soaring.


The Xuankong Zong, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly sinked into the heart. The seemingly unbreakable murderous squad broke open. The knives directly tore a gap in the height of a person, and the surrounding patterns were shaking, like At any time, the whole will sink down.

There is no doubt that once the murder is over, waiting for them is a disaster.

However, just as they panicked, the fierce and fierce healing, and the fierce light, let the Wu Zun body that was flying away, stopped again.

"Oh, the power of God can only tear part of it, this method is very embarrassing!"

Shen Shen Zong Wu Shen said, but his expression is very indifferent, it is just a blow to him, not all the power, the next moment he flew to Tianyu, the sword violently gone, turned into a fierce light rainbow, killing down .

"Sting, oh..."

The sorcerer's sword burst and cracked a crack of a size, which allowed Wu Zun to enter and exit. Until now, the face of the Xuankong sect was gray.

"That is Wu Shen, who can match?"

"Can we still live?"

People are flustered. Even Wu Ronghao’s Wu Sheng can’t see hope. The anti-God is very strong, but it is only limited to the realm of Wu Zun, facing the Wushen. They are not opponents at all.

Under the **** of martial arts, it is all ants!


At this time, the three martial arts hands together, the crack spread open, turned into a crack of three feet in size, and in the burst of sound, one Wu Zun, Wu Sheng all flew toward the crack.

Obviously, they have to step into the Xuankong sect by the sorcerer's sword.

"People's command, killing all the way until he returns!" The calm and rebellious people, finally opened their voices, the voices of the three old people headed by them, their sullen old eyes finally burst open, a touch of Shenhong bloom.


"Reverse God phoenix orders, hehe!" Qin Feng also shouted.


Against the gods, the people went on, and they embarked on a **** road. They burst open the sorcerer's swords and swooped in and smashed.

This is an endless situation!


On this occasion, the three gods of the old man flew in the air, which made the sky change color, and also stunned the Xuankong sect. They simply did not think that in the Zongmen, there were still three martial arts lurking.


This is an anti-God old man who came out of the wilderness. Their talents are amazing. They have been in Wuzun since they were imprisoned in the wilderness. Since they entered the territory of Wu, their talents that have been suppressed have only multiplied. The spray is thin, let them go forward, big stepping.

It can be said that they are qualified to step into the ranks of Wu Zun, and thus break into the martial arts, but the Western God is too important. They have no time to delay, so they swallowed the best of the sect. After that, he entered the martial arts in one fell swoop.

Sacrifice the great future, just fight for this!

They paid too much for the rebellious people. It was all the hard work. They were children who raised their children step by step. Before that, Ling Feng had also discouraged them, but the three were very stubborn and said: "The blood wash, the brothers. Most of them have already entered Huangquan. Our old brothers can die against the gods. Why can't we sacrifice?"

This is a respectable person!

They will pay for it, and they will remember it!


The three old people are full of vicissitudes. In the martial arts, their fighting power is not stable enough. At this time, they are not suitable for combat. Moreover, the opponents are the Valkyrie, but they are dying, only to rebel against the ambitions of the Western Expedition, just to give the Lord and the Sky. Phoenix fights for time.


The sword is flying and the wind is roaring.

When the anti-God entered the sorcerer's sword, they entered the anti-killing scene directly. The terrible battle broke out completely, and the assassination technique was fully exerted, which made the three great sects of the martial arts miserable.

However, the anti-God is also the flesh and blood, they can kill one or two people, three or four people, but in the end they still have to step into Huangquan, this is their destiny, but on the journey against the gods, the names of each of them Will be engraved on the monument.


At the same time, the three gods of the anti-God also killed the gods of the Three Gods, and the wind and the sky were in full swing. The power of the gods was directly confronted, and the gods were shocked out. It was not only the killing of the three great gods, but also the anti-God. Public.

This is a war of gods. It is not that Wu Zun and Wu Sheng can be involved at all. Even if it is touched, it will not work.

"Xuankongzong listens to the order, but wherever the Wusheng realm is above, try to kill it!"

Liu Yan is in a burst, Lu Yan is crazy, her pro-disciple is coming back, from a dying person to the present day, so that her teacher is gratified and uplifting, and now her pro-disciple is killing Array.

She is a master and can let her fight alone.

"To help the gods, success or failure, the three great gods do not want us to live, then we will open a sky!" Liu Shushu flew to Tianyu, the sword in his hand lit up, the power of six martial arts, bright all directions.

The next moment, she also flew into the murder.

"Do not regret the current panic, we do not die in remorse, to live in the **** battle!" Murong suddenly took the lead, followed by Liu Shushu into the fierce battle, killing the Quartet.

Many Xuankong disciples, elders, and teachers are insane. They have killed their swords with their swords. Although they know that they must die, they must do their best, but there are also some people who have no courage to kill them.

The chaos is shocking!

The entire murderous murder in the battle of the six martial arts, constantly bursting, the three gods who are against the gods are very embarrassed, they have tried their best, but in the martial arts, they have accumulated too little, the lack of foundation, naturally not the three The opponent of the Great Shenzong is being regressed step by step.

"A ghost is absolutely!"

The solitary rainy month hand-held **** piano, bravely forward, do not say Wu Sheng, that is, Wu Zun can not accept her such music, one by one, like a bamboo fell.

"Ice three thousand miles!" Ling Qingyi drink, within ten feet of instant freezing, only the extraordinary Wu Zun can break, and more people are killed.

"Sword hidden!"

Liu Shushu's violent mess, her fast speed can not be seen clearly, and the sword is hidden in the dark void, suddenly killing, that is, the seven or eight Wu Zun will suffer.

"Ice and fire two days!"

There are two kinds of flames in Yunxi. During the spurt, the whole sky is being shattered. One Wu Zun is like a raindrop, fading from Tianyu.

The four women are the kings who dominate the audience. It is the lore under the **** of Wu!

Moreover, they are all too suitable for this kind of chaos. They have been smashed by large movies and scared the souls of the three great gods. They have never seen such a fierce woman.


But when the war lasted for an hour, Xing Tianzong’s martial arts suddenly flashed away from the battle, directly murdered to another martial god, and with the Excalibur martial arts, a sword pierced the neck of the **** .



A martial **** sacrificed, which made the eyes of the rebellious gods red, and the anti-God, who made Xing Tianzong martial arts out of the battle, blamed himself for dying. He madly killed Xing Tianzong Wushen, but With the restraint of the Shenjian Zongwu, his situation is getting more and more worrisome, and he is stepping on the footsteps.

"Crazed!" After a quarter of an hour, he fell.

The heart of the **** is bleeding!

"The sky is going to be bright!" At this time, the only anti-God martial **** looked up at Tianyu and showed a smile. They insisted on more than two hours, which is enough for the anti-God.

Yes, it’s dawn!

The entire Voldemorte swordsmanship was in the red, and one of the people who fought against the gods flew out of the murderous murder. Even the martial **** was sent out, and the Xuankong sect was also the same.

There is no panic against the gods, their deep calm, and a kind of crazy bloodthirsty in the calm.

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