Supreme Demon

Chapter 980: Super deployment

The ninth and eighty-eight chapters

One month!

Ling Feng was sitting as loose, the whole person was settled, and his eyes were as heavy as water.

Three months!

The clothes on his body are old, crumpled and rolled together, and the body seems to be exhausted. The thunder and robbery of the fire and the phoenix spurt the light, and the deep starry sky shines.

One year!

His hands evolved more and more, the momentum was further annihilated, and the weak was like a martial art. The flesh and blood on his body were also dry, and the blood seemed to burn, making him dark and sullen.

But this is not enough!

His heart is calm and fully integrated into the mysterious sky rainbow. This rainbow is extraordinary. It is drawing on the essence of the Milky Way, and wants to set up a real sky bridge between the two rivers.

This is weird, but it is also reasonable!

At this time, Ling Feng also faintly grasped the glimpse of the aura, and seemed to enter the threshold at any time. For a moment, his heart was awkward.

That touch of aura also shattered and burst.

"Come back!"

He calmed down and calmed down, constantly trying to figure out his own martial arts, blending with the rainbow, and the flash of light flashed quickly...

One and a half years!

The momentum of Ling Feng’s body became weaker and weaker. Wu Sheng directly withered to Wu Ling, and the thunderous fire phoenix broke away and fell into his flesh and blood. On his skin, he formed a thick layer. Stains.

The turbid smell of stench is slowly spreading and suffocating.

But at this moment, Ling Feng could not feel it at all, and even the sense of smell seemed to have sunk into the rainbow.

"Yes... is this?"

When the time was close to two years, Ling Feng’s eyes exploded and shimmered with horror. He finally stepped into the threshold and saw the real rainbow, and now he has been wiped out from the Wusheng to the dust.

However, at this time, the rainbow was just a mysterious light, which could capture the essence of the heavens and earth and cast a strange power.

It is like a seed that can be integrated into all kinds of ways.

"come on!"

Ling Feng lightly sipped, the light on his body came out, the first to fly out of the thunder and robbery, it snorted, swooped down, rushed into the rainbow, followed by the Lingfeng blood vision They are presented in abundance, with the flame of Nie, the brand of the Star River, and the shadow of a door.

When they poured into the mysterious sky, the rainbow shone with a ray of light.

"Come back!"

Ling Feng heart is like a mirror, very bright, he constantly integrates his own martial arts, first of all, the black hole, the body strength, and then the soul secret force is also integrated into it.

But this is still not enough.

He also put the eighteen palms of the floating sect, the singularity of the stars, the singularity of the stars, and the gods, and let the mysterious rainbow become brighter and brighter, like a light, bound by a vast force.

However, with more and more secrets, there seems to be a creature in the mysterious rainbow that is about to break out.

The secrets of the Milky Way, the rebellion, the burning of the ice, etc., flew one by one. In just two hours, he evolved his own martial arts all over, and all of them entered the mysterious sky.

Even the broken blade, the cut-off, and the cut-off butterfly, he tried to merge, but the mysterious Tianhong repels weapons and creatures, which is a glimpse of Ling Feng, but it is not unexpected.

Because, the mysterious sky is a kind of power, not a weapon.

This is the end!

The mysterious sky rainbow glared at the extreme, while picking up the essence of the Galaxy, while swallowing the heavens and the earth that constantly poured into the body of the wind, the vast ocean like the sea, the wind was astounding.

"Isn't it going to blow up?" he whispered, so that the whales and swallows of the sea are hard to bear, and this is also the essence of his martial arts. Once it bursts, it is a second-level martial art. Instantly smash.


Turbulent, the mysterious sky rainbow trembled, a bright light burst out, and then the wind hit the fierce, the body rushed up, the fleshy and exhausted bark was splitting and dying.

And this is also the beginning. With the increasing power of the mysterious rainbow, from time to time, there will be splatters, and the pain of the wind and the lungs will be painful.

In this way, time flies away.

For the entire three months, the mysterious rainbow has gradually stabilized, no longer taking the essence of the Galaxy and the mysterious world, but integrating the endless power into it, just like a stove is melting all this.

What makes Ling Fengsong breathe is that the stunned smashing is gone and will not hurt him any more.

"What will it be?" He was curious about the inner view of Dan Tian, ​​staring at the mysterious rainbow, relatively speaking, it was still very gentle, so the violent force did not tear him directly and was very kind.

This also made him full of expectations for this new power.

The whole world was fixed. Ling Feng had neglected the existence of time. In the sitting, he was covered with dust and covered with a thick layer of mud. The whole figure was buried inside.

at last!

The mysterious rainbow was dimmed, and there was no astounding glory. The thin, wavy rainbow above it was dying.

"Hey, hey..."

A smashed sickle flies out, like a crescent moon, hanging from the tip of the dark thunder. It is dark and dark, like a dark **** and thunder, but it is completely different. It is full of vitality and is placed on two rivers.

It is a dead rainbow bridge!

"Giving death?"

At this moment, Ling Feng’s heart was a little more ignorant, and his face was full of surprises and surprises. He did not expect that after the integration of so many powerful forces, the mysterious rainbow would change to this extent.

It does not belong to force, nor does it belong to the power of ancient weapons.

It’s not ice and cold, nor is the goddess crying.

It is a kind of dead rainbow that is different from the Wuzun category. It is also above the power of the gods. Even Ling Feng suspects that this is the power of feathering and the true power of flying fairy.

Has long been detached from the three realms.

Because, at the moment when it was born, the dark gods and the thunder were destroyed, the power of the ancient martial arts was depressed, and even the black hole of the sorcerer’s **** was shaking. It seemed to be gentle and auspicious, but the power of the shock seemed to be easily torn. A time and space.

"What power is this?" Ling Feng was shocked. When he really touched this force and integrated into it, he could really feel its embarrassment, and its vastness shimmered.

The situation of the cliff is astounding, and God is also shocking.

On the Shenwu continent, this has been astounding and frightening, but this dead rainbow is more different, it is the real god!

What is the power of Wu Zun, what divine power, in front of the dead rainbow, everything is gone.

It is the power to despise the doctrine of all beings!

Ling Feng can't see through this power. His vision is not enough. If he is to be clean, or if he is a god, he will be shocked. This does not belong to the great power of Shenwu, but the power of the star. One kind.


Some people call it a burning star!

Such power represents a kind of destruction, a deep starry sky, the power that the mysterious land can be born, and Lingfeng is too special for itself, and many martial arts are united, especially the mysterious Galaxy and the thunderous phoenix, which makes him This power has also undergone tremendous changes.


The next moment, Ling Feng waved his fist and condensed his body to make a punch.

In a flash, time and space collapsed, the mountains and rivers reversed, the sky was cut off, the entire Guwuta triple door was roaring, and the Shenhong was broken, and even the void collapsed, forming an empty portal.

This is the true meaning of the sky!

Of course, the price he paid for it was not small. The black hole of the nine volts of the konjac was dim and dim, and even a trace of cockroaches could not be sputtered, and the whole was exhausted.

This also means that if you want to motivate a emptiness, you must exhaust the power of Wu Zun.

Can not be killed, it must be killed!

This makes Ling Feng a surprise, but also full of hidden worries, this is the power of taboos, not life and death moments, absolutely untouchable.

"You can be a god!" he said slyly.

There is no earth-shattering hustle and bustle, and there is no great force to explode the mountains and rivers. However, the emptying of the air can cut off the power of the gods and turn a three-level armed **** into a fly ash. It can be said that if Lingfeng is on the sacred sect of the gods, as long as Give him a chance to force the sect of the Excalibur into the dead end, and he can use the empty space to directly remove the sacred sect.

This is overbearing, this is strong!

This is also unbeatable!

"God, the realm of the cliff, plus the empty space, this trip is no longer so dangerous." Ling Feng said proudly, God is absolutely to be shocked, emptying is to save life, and the only situation Can look at luck.

It is not easy for a martial **** to want to kill him.

Can't beat it.

"There is not much time, and I can't let the Qing sisters take risks."

Ling Feng grinned and laughed. It was a big surprise to be able to get the power of emptiness. For a time, he was not in a hurry to break into the martial arts, and even the martial arts.

After all, he is progressing too fast and there is no benefit.

Later, he stood up and threw out the false gods and soldiers. From the storage ring, he placed a strain of herbs neatly and divided them into hundreds of copies. Even the starry trees were not let go. .

He not only has to refine the best floats, but also refines the gods and gods. This is more horrible. Although the Guwuta triple door has ten times the time to accelerate, he still can't afford it.


As the flames rushed, Ling Feng also entered the state of alchemy...

Three months later.

The gods seem to be calm, but in reality, the undercurrents, the first clear and the ridiculous door, and the genius Ye Xinran, etc., must embark on a new journey. Their goal is the middle, and the deep Measured area.

Next to the ancient altar, Ling Qing, Liu Shushu, Du Gu Yuyue, Yunxi are reluctant to leave the wind, Ye Xinran, tears and tears.

Gently embracing, it may be eternal!

Feel their body temperature, as warm as flowing water.

The next moment, Ling Feng turned and walked to the altar, and the sound also sounded far away. "In that battlefield, we will go further and meet each other!"

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