Supreme Demon

Chapter 987: Talking about a business

Chapter 987 talks about a business

A sudden scene.

Not only was the martial artist who killed the eternal sorrow horrified, but the three people in Yongqing were also stunned. What is this ridiculous little seven?

Grab the two and let go of one.

This is the rhythm of sinning to sin to death. Imagine, after that person goes back, the extent to which eternal killing will go crazy, wants to come to other five people to sneak directly, especially the second Valkyrie, one person can smash the current **** domain to kill.

In this star map, which is similar to the troubled times, this is equivalent to digging a grave.

"Abandoned the door, Xiaoqi, you..." Yongqing said with some blame. "I am probably aware of the current situation in my domain. It is not good for us to offend the eternal killing."

"No offense."

Ling Feng grinned and raised his eyebrows. "I just want to talk about life with these two seniors and talk about this 10,000-mile territory."


Wang Hao and Zhu Ling’s mouths are straightforward, and the ghosts believe that this is clearly a live capture, but they also can’t figure out what the bad seventh is trying to make, and they don’t think it’s that simple.



Four people went to Shige, and Ling Feng was like throwing a dead dog. He threw two seriously injured Wu Zun in the hall, and he was sitting on a wicker chair with a big gaze, looking at the front, seemingly thinking.

"Catch two people?"

Qiu Shuyi curiously looked at the eternal killing of two martial arts, and the light footsteps picked up a fragrant scent. She bent her eyes and smiled at Lingfeng, saying, "I will offend a fight." Only you can do this."

"I didn't offend them. They offended me." Ling Feng was aggrieved. He was a good person. Why is someone always branding him as a wicked person?

"Strong is not strong?" Alum asked.

"This is to ask the three seniors of Yongqing." Ling Feng gave up his mouth.

"What?" The three people in Yongqing are still obsessed with the soul. They are worried that the eternal killing will kill at any time. They are thinking about how to let go of these two people. For a time, they have not figured out the meaning of Ming and Lingfeng.

"They are asking, is this killing very strong?" added Qiu Shuyi.

"A martial god, a false god, and six martial arts, especially the martial arts, but the second level." Wang Wei said sadly. "It is because they are too strong, so we dare not offend." In this rock star map, you must be careful enough to act."

He has already disguised to tell the domain that the gods are killing people who can't afford to sin.

"Oh." Ming Hao faintly responded, and closed his eyes and rested.

However, Qin Haotian did not take care of this embarrassment. He was holding Ling Xuewen’s jade hand and whispering something, while Ling Xuewen was a cold face with a face. It seems that he is not very cold on the topic of Qin Yutian. But this cheeky guy, the temper is very calm, has been telling non-stop.

"Eternal killing has a martial art. Do we have two martial arts in our domain?" Ling Feng grinned and turned to Ming Hao and Qin Haotian. "Who are you two?"


Ming Hao’s eyes are very heavy, like sleeping, and Qin Haotian’s ears don’t smell the window. It’s like this is no more important than laughing at the beauty, and Qiu Shuyi’s eyes are turned over. It also doesn't seem to hear the same.

This guy who loves trouble, offended the eternal killing, now wants someone to pay him, is there anything more embarrassing than this?

"I command you as the domain owner!" Ling Feng said loudly.

But... it doesn't work.

For Qin Yutian and Ming Hao, this is their opponent to be defeated, and it is also a trick that they push up. Only when it involves the interests of the gods and the gods, they will sell their lives, otherwise they will not think about it.

They are dignified and can succumb to the lord of the domain.

The three people in Yongqing looked at the four people. They felt that they were very kind, but how could this moment be indifferent like a stranger? Moreover, the domain master can be the overlord of the **** domain, the command is the command, if the command of the domain master is not executed, it is very dangerous once the **** battle.

"Is the message of the Split God and the Yin Shenzong very well-informed?"

Ling Feng glanced at the guys who were pretending to be dead. These four people were simply uncles. Although he was taken to the position of the domain owner, he would never listen to the order.

To put it bluntly, they want a beggar!

However, is Ling Feng the kind of guy who is willing to suffer?

"Qing dynasty was created, the fifth and the sixth were promoted successively. Zeng Heng was so many times that he tried to oppress the Lord. Why did the Qing dynasty sister and the Lord remain indifferent?" Ling Feng said calmly.

However, at this time, Qin Haotian lived in the mouth, and even the eyes of Ming Hao were opened.

Like the big forces like them, they will pay special attention to every move of the forces in the Quartet, and the gods are absolutely the focus, and many of Zeng Heng’s deeds have naturally spread to their ears.

The importance of an alchemy sect to the gods is self-evident, but the Lord is very indifferent, and it seems that he does not care. This is a strange transmission, and before the ridiculously small seven said the words so straightforward, I have to make them look at them.

"It's you?"

Alum sat up and stared at Ling Feng seriously. "The best of the floats, as well as the gods, are your masterpieces?"


Qin Haotian brightened his eyes and said seriously. "It turns out that it is no wonder that the gods will have no fear. When they are young, they will take this step. It is far better than Zeng Heng. It is enough to hit people."

"One!" Alum erected a finger, which is a compromise.

"Two!" Ling Feng grinned.


The mouths of the three people of Yongqing have fallen. They have never seen such a person. The price of the people is mostly from high to low. But how can this guy be from low to high?

It’s also a glimpse of alum, saying, “At least one!”

"Up to three!"

"Then three!" Alum thought for a moment, nodded and agreed, he said before is God, and Ling Feng said that it is the best of the float, this is the essential difference.

"Ten!" Qin Haotian can be more than alum.

"You want to be beautiful!" Ling Feng snorted, a second-level martial art. In such a weak smother, there is a clear alum. This Qin dynasty is a pit, and there is a tendency to kidnap Ling Xuewen, he Will not be fooled.

"Eight!" Qin Haotian said without hesitation. "I am similar to Alum, and I am better with him than Xue Wen."


That is the best of the floating sect, far from the ordinary Saint Dan, Shen Dan can be comparable, from the ridiculous door popular such medicinal herbs, rather than Shen Dan can see the problem, and God is more horrible, even the sore injury It can be healed, the value is comparable to an ancient country, and the character of the ridiculous door is definitely not loose.

And this is the best of the floats.


Lingfeng stood up and said, "One battle in two, without involving each other's interests."


Qin Haotian is very refreshing, and the three best floaters are enough for him to step into the position of the martial arts, and in this star map, will there be less such battles? If the six battles are over the sky, they will pass in an instant. At that time, they will not be afraid to send the medicinal herbs.

"These pits!"

Ling Feng’s angry darkness, his ambitions, his ambitions will one day sweep the entire star map, which will also become a battlefield against the gods, and this ambition begins from this moment, by eternity Killing begins.

Playing an eternal, will shock a few kills!

But is it just that?

What he wants is not to be miserable, but to really swallow it and turn it into his own rear. This is the real super-killing thing to do, and some people are in the wrong direction, and they will never be confused.

Only by suppressing the smuggling of the squad within the radius of a million miles, the gods can go far, and there will be believers, and the four regions will be qualified to step into the middle.

When they conquered the star map, who would dare stop them from coming in.

This point, Ming Hao, Qin Yutian naturally see clearly, so they promised very happy, and the interests do not account for the bastard.

"And me?"

Qiu Yiyi’s smile: "Fishing, I don’t have a lot of requests, just take a dozen."


Ling Feng's eyebrows flashed straight, how did he ignore this girl?

She is the devil, she is also the goddess.



A mountain collapsed, the whole ground was smashing, the big crack spread from afar to the stone pavilion, the terrible sword sounds, the shocked eardrums all hurt, and the eyes of Qin Yutian and Ming Hao are bright.

Undoubtedly, it is the eternal killing of people.

"You are finished!" Eternal killing two people sneered, the nature of such an imposing manner is their **** of war.

"To shut up!"

Ling Feng slaps the palm of the hand, the person who is playing is dizzy, the mouth is spit blood, and even the teeth are lost.

"Go, let's go out and talk to them about a business now."

Ling Feng pulled up the eternal killing of the two people, talking and laughing, and went out. He had vomited a dozen of best squid before, and he always wanted to come back to some people.

No, now someone is coming to the door.

"it's him!"

When Ling Feng took the lead out of the stone pavilion, a hoarse voice rang out in front. One person was covered in blood and excitedly said. "Hey brother, he injured three of us and left two people." ""

"Oh, when did the gods kill and dare to be so arrogant?" Rainy day stared at Ling Feng, said: "Kid, you are very good, but I will make you die very rhythm."

"Is it?"

Ling Feng licked his ears and said, "But you snatched my lines."

"Kid, you are provoking the wrath of a god." The rainy day was close to the eyes and murderous.

"There is so much nonsense!"

Ling Feng raised the two men in the hands and said, "We talk about a business. How do you think one person has a hundred medicines?"


That rainy day, almost a piece of old blood did not spurt, is this Nima talking about business? This is clearly a robbery. How precious is the magic medicine, even if there are not many star maps, and their accumulation over the years is only three hundred. This product comes up to two hundred, you should be Chinese cabbage. what.

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