Supreme Demon

Chapter 989: Dig a pit

Chapter 889, dig a pit

Yongqing, Wang Hao, and Zhu Lingyu looked at this scene.

They were stunned, their bodies were fixed, and their looks were horrified. They expected the beginning of the matter, but they did not think of the process. The strong mess was always bullying their eternal killings, and they fell.

The second-order martial arts rainy days are unattainable gods in their eyes, but in the hands of that person, they are vulnerable. When can the first-class martial arts be able to reach this point?

It can be said that the killing of the gods at this moment is even more embarrassing than when they are brilliant, which undoubtedly makes the three people very excited.

Change the day!

It’s impossible to kill such a **** domain. As long as the battle is coming, the killing of the gods will surely horrify the eight wilderness, making the star maps a battlefield, and they believe that this is definitely not the end of the gods. Just a starting point.

"The prosperous world of the gods is coming!"

Yongqing Zhenzhen said that there are such geniuses, after a lapse of fifty years, they are absolutely qualified to enter the second battlefield, and even the third, thus fighting the entire star map, completing the star map of the original sacred field Hegemony.

"Be calm!"

Qiu Shuyi glanced at the three people in Yongqing very quietly. It was calmly said that this was the expected result. The ridiculous Xiaoqi, Mingyu, Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen are called the Quartet. And after breaking into the martial arts, they took another big step. Now it is so strong that Xiahou Yufeng is coming, but I can’t see it.

During the holy war, the fighting power they burst out was no less inferior to the second-order martial arts, let alone now.


It is glory to represent their hegemony and open up new worlds.

"The domain is not strong enough!"

Ling Feng is far away from the distance, he really wants to open a vigorous situation in the star map, they swallow the three major gods step by step, and also make the gods really witness a miracle, so clear, holy They will let them in, the purpose is to find a **** way in the star map.

Brute force can only defeat the enemy, and the wits can be frightening.

"Three, I think it is too little." Ming Hao rolled his eyes and killed a killer. He even got two hundred strains of **** medicine, which is enough to refine ten gods. He I feel too bad.

"Not credibility!"

Ling Feng grinned and went straight.

However, on the occasion of a few steps, he stopped and said to the three people in Yongqing. "I know a little about the star map, but you are still too weak. Prepare to enter the martial arts."


The three people in Yongqing stunned, and the face of the vicissitudes of life flashed a sigh of relief. Once it was the realm they had been craving, but the embarrassment of the mind and the lack of resources made them stop forever. A realm, even if the mood has suddenly become clear, but want to break into the martial arts, is it so simple?

“It’s very difficult?” Ling Feng asked.

"Wu Dao Jingjing, this threshold is very special. Shinto pays attention to what you want. At that time, we didn't step in. Now we have missed the excellent moment. Now the threshold is closing, I am afraid this life..." I am very embarrassed.

"A threshold is only broken, directly broken!"

Ling Feng said overbearingly.. "But, before you do, you still need some energy."

"What do you mean?"

"You will understand!" Lingfeng ghostly smile, then both hands stretched out, the whole world was dark, and the magic of the sky swept the sky and the ground, directly covering the three people of Yongqing.

And when the magic dissipated, the three did not know where to go.


The three people who are going back to Shige, Ming Hao, Qin Yutian, and Ling Xuewen are all stunned. The eyelids can’t help but twitch. This scene is very embarrassing. It’s like a smashing door. It can tear the time and space and open another world. .

"It is time and space taboo!" Ling Xuewen said.

"Another secret." Qin Haotian snorted.


Stone pavilion.

The Lingfeng plate sits on the top, while the Ming and Qin dynasty four people are casually sitting and their eyes are indifferent.

"The rules of the star map, we also know a little about it, but I think the situation is very passive now." Ling Feng said. "The star map is a battlefield in the marginal area, relatively speaking, it is also the safest."

"And only the aliens are taken from the hands of the Valkyrie. This heavy battlefield will receive orders, swear to death, and the seven battlefields will be under heavy pressure. Generally speaking, there will be no aliens to take away, but the holy mountain?"

"The star chart rules have problems."

"What are you doing?" Qin Haotian stunned his eyes and always felt a sense of heartbreak.

"Do not let a stranger out of this star map." Ling Feng said with excitement. "In the star map, each kills to guard the thousands of miles, this is also awkward, we are different, not to stay here for a lifetime."

"What do you have?" Alum asked.

They are all directed at the middle ground. It is only one aspect to kill the aliens, and they feel that this is not the case. It is completely to kidnap the endless powers on the star map. There is no end to it. This is not theirs. want.

"Digging a big pit!"



This represents this amazing killing. Unlike the killing of the gods, it is truly famous in the first battlefield of the entire star map. The difference is that this killing is only for women, only beautiful talents can enter, but this killing The rules are strict, there is no terrible fighting power, and they will be rejected.

Therefore, Yuxian’s killing is horrible, and it has entered the ranks of super-killing. In this world where the man dominates the battlefield, they are a clear stream.

I have to say that beauty has this right anywhere.

And at the moment.

A woman is standing in front of the Jade Mountain. She is shocked by the sound of the world. The cold eyes of the ice, the time of the ice, the clothes like a fairy, the calmness of the body is like a wave of autumn water.

"Who is here?" There was a cold voice in the jade girl's mountain.

"God is a waste!" Ye Xinran seems to be burning.

"For this purpose!"

"Entering the jade!"

“What qualifications are there?”

Ye Xinran blinked her eyes, and her eyes sparkled a streamer. She did not respond, but raised her hand directly. The power of the goddess became the tears of the goddess. She entered the jade girl mountain. She knew the metamorphosis of this killing. The words are not as good as the real fighting power.

What's more, Ling Feng represents the gods and the gods, and she only represents the anti-God.

What the gods want is not to enter, but to conquer!


The tears of the goddess were shocked, and the mountain was directly torn apart. A woman with a frosty frost blew her hair. She was very embarrassed. Although she was also a martial artist, the tears of the goddess were the power of the ancient martial arts. It was extraordinary and not ordinary. The power of Wu Zun is comparable.

Moreover, Ye Xinran is far from the way, and is too far away to match the martial arts.


"not enough!"

The woman was angry and went straight. The hand was a palm. It was like a mountain peak. A palm fan appeared in the palm of the hand, covering the sky and smashing it. The amazing **** rainbow was bursting.


Ye Xinran whispered, and successively hit 18 palms, like a wild frenzy, drowning the heavens and the earth, and then collapsed the stalking fan, flying the cold woman.

"Can you?"

"not enough!"

The answer to her is not the woman in front of her, but from the depths of Yuxian Mountain, followed by a person flying, looks relatively handsome, not so beautiful, but more of a heroic temperament.

She stepped in front of Ye Xinran, and the power of the false **** exploded and killed.

However, Ye Xinran was very arrogant, she did not move, and the floating palms of the 18th palm of the palm of the hand hit the past, if the fairy, the glory is empty, especially the eighteen palms, one palm hit the force of anti-corruption time and space, banned That pseudo-god, direct shock.

"Can you?"

"You can pick me up, you are qualified!"

At this time, a goddess flew, not because of her face, but because she is a real **** of war.

When the voice fell, a **** shone from the sky, turned into a life-threatening sword, straight down, the whole world was torn, and the horrible cracks could accommodate a mountain.

The ten-mile radius was completely imprisoned, and even Ye Xinran was affected.

"Human stone!"

Ye Xinran said slyly, in her voice, a white stone flew up and spewed out of her chest, directly to the female Valkyrie, and when the tears of the goddess poured into it, it stood out from the stone. one hand.

White as snow!

Like the hands of the heavens.


The **** rainbow broke, and the female Valkyrie was shocked by a hand on the mountain. Even the fingers were difficult to move. This is the hand of the god, although the present Ye Xinran can’t push the god. But dealing with a first-class martial art is still easy.

"now what?"

"Enough... enough!"

The female martial artist said with amazement that a martial art can cross the border, which is rare in super-killing, and this is a spike, which means that this woman can kill the **** of war, and this is exactly what Yuxian always wanted. The person to look for.

Ye Xinran said the forehead and released the female Valkyrie.

"One, please follow me into Yuxian Mountain."


"Yu Xian killed, my three are the weakest, but your talent is shocking, in the future can directly force the big sister." Before, the woman said with full of envy.

"She is very strong?" Ye Xinran asked plainly.

"That is natural." The female Valkyrie said very proudly. "The older sister is a four-level martial art. It is rare in this world. Otherwise, can we kill the top 20?"

"When I enter the martial arts, I will challenge her!"

"..." The three faces face each other. They always feel that they are cold enough, but in the face of this cold woman, they are also a kind of silent impulse. This is a topic terminator.

"Enough, I am looking forward to the day." A middle-aged woman came out and looked at Ye Xinran, not angered, and the eyes had a taste of appreciation. "Three years is enough?"

"One year!" Ye Xinran said coldly.

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