Supreme Demon

Chapter 992: Make the tiger head a dog!

The ninth ninety-two chapter will make the tiger head a dog head!

The storm is coming!

On the ground, the blood has not yet spread, stinking, and slowly rushing up, the bones of the Terran have become a hill, and the eyes of Senbai and the golden bones are painful.

The aliens are standing in this battlefield, their eyes are like a torch, and they despise the human race. In their eyes, these people are too wasteful.

However, just as they were in the midst of glory, an amazing breath was slowly coming, so that the heads of the five-level gods were secretly surprised, and the faint feeling was dangerous.

A man flew over and landed in front of the aliens.

The eyebrows are like the moon, and the stars are like stars.

A dress like autumn water, the body of the handsome seal, is exuding a huge force of concealment. He squats with a giant sword, like a rock, but transmits a sharp momentum.

The low ancient force is forcing the aliens in front.

"Wu Zun?"

The leader of the tiger head stunned, and some doubts looked at the people, just like a martial artist, and even dared to stop in front of them, when the Terran was so afraid of life and death.

It can be said that if you walk out of a casually one of them, you can get rid of this young man who knows nothing about life and death, and he is deeply remorseful because of his previous vigilance and panic. This is an insult to the gods and tigers.

However, just as his voice fell, two more people flew out of the darkness and came straight.

They stood side by side, a cynicism, a cold and cold autumn, their eyes like a knife, staring at the tigers and tigers, like watching a corpse, the eyes are stimulating the former.

These are the two martial arts, but the Shenhu people are very surprised.

"First class martial arts?"

The leader was a glimpse, and he couldn’t help but rolled his eyes. This world was so crazy that even the four-level martial arts were killed. Not to mention the two martial arts in front of them, this is the rhythm of death.

Of course, they are not stupid. What is really worrying is that there are no more terrible martial arts coming after these three people, but they waited for a while, but they did not feel the breath at all, which made them even more weird.

Is it illusion before?


The leader of the tiger head smashed the eyes of the three people, and even had no interest in it. He waved directly, and at the time of his voice falling, a Shenhu group flew out, holding the sword of the gods and killing one of them.


A light, tearing the sky, faint, in the light can see the shadow of the tiger, it dispels the smoke and illuminates the heavens and the earth.

Of course, the real horror is the great power in the Shenhong, a knife out, the heavens and the earth, the void naturally cracks a long crack of up to ten feet, and has spread to the person's foot.

"Life and death... Devil!" When the knife came, the man finally showed a smile, a low voice, and it rang through the whole world, and at that moment, he raised the gun in his hand.


A shot, the world is shocked!

In front of the fighter gun, an amazing life and death light flew out, evolved into a demon domain, a demon **** is drinking low, a magic mountain is collapsing, and there is a frenzy of endless demonization.

It seems to be real.


At the moment when the life and death of the demon domain appeared, Shenhong was broken on the spot, and even the **** tiger and the gods were also thrown into the realm of death and death, and they were bitten by the demon, and the body was broken bit by bit. The end of life.

This scene happened very quickly.

The whole world was immersed in the sinking of the realm of life and death, and the Shenhu people were wide-eyed. They looked at the man incredulously. Some people felt incredulous. Under the understatement, a Shenhu people fell down like this?

How can this be.

In their impressions, the human race is relatively weak. In the same realm, the aliens are better. After all, they have begun to extract Starpower very early, while the Shenwu continent is relatively backward. Until recently, some strong people have discovered this secret. .

Even so, they have already gone far beyond the star power, naturally they are stronger than the Shenwu continent, but they don’t understand. Star power is not the supreme power, the heaven and earth that can be tempered from the magic gas, can In a harsh environment, one step at a time, this is what Tianjiao can do.

In this respect, Star Power and Heaven and Earth are not embarrassing.

"Kill him, kill them!"

The leader of the Shenhu family gathered and finally realized that the sinister came from. These three people are very wrong. They are definitely not ordinary Wushen and Wuzun. They are probably the genius of this party.


For a time, six Shenhu people flew out and rushed to the three people. The surging Shenhong seemed to drown the whole world into the ocean.

At this time, the alum that has remained motionless has finally moved.


A trench smashed the void and flew through the cracked gap. The "squeaky" sound was nailed to a **** and tiger god, and it flew in one fell swoop, and the body collapsed in midair.

This is the ultimate power, far from being comparable to Star Power.

"Life and death!"

Qin Haotian took a step forward and opened up the realm of life and death. The whole person can be shocked and stunned.


When the life and death of the demon domain shrouded, the two gods who attacked and killed, screaming on the spot, endless magic is swallowing their hearts, biting their blood, like a giant demon, swallowed them in one bite.

at the same time.

The two alien gods who attacked Ling Feng also arrived. The totem gods descended from the sky. The terrible claws and eyes seemed to tear his flesh and blood. The two gods had already imprisoned the wind.

On the occasion of the tragic death of the three alien gods, the two gods could not help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, they only want to kill Wu Zun, not the two enchanting martial arts.

However, when Ling Feng raised the giant sword, their nightmare began.


The low whistling sound, from the five heavy stones, the void is directly plowed, there is no dazzling **** rainbow, only the nine volts of the konjac **** black hole urging the heavy weight, weighing more than 10 million.


The heavy weight fell on the two gods, so that the tiger totem screamed, directly cracked, and then the powerful bombardment of the past, this scene is like a sharp arrow opened the rock, extending all the way.


An alien face was broken, and the five stones directly smashed its head and collapsed its face.

Followed by the five-stone stone, and the other gods.


The gods were tight, and the sword was in front of the body. It was strong and hard, and the heavy weight was completely removed, and it was resisted, but he also had numbness in his arms and his face was amazed.


However, just as he wanted to go backwards, a dark and violent shot came out and shot directly from his eyes, crucifying his life in the sky.

There is no doubt that this is a tragedy.

This time, they face a group of gods. Under the weak situation, the three people of Lingfeng did not dare to have the slightest intention, and now the Tianlang Mountain is completely chaotic, even though Qiu Shuyi and Ling Xuewen are stationed outside. But at any time, someone will rush in.

They have to make a quick fix!

This is also the first battle for them to face the aliens, from which they can estimate the true fighting power of the aliens and better cope with them.

"Three geniuses?"

The alien leader was suspicious, and a Wu Zun could cross the border to get rid of the gods. This is extremely rare in the Shenhu people. Like the rare ones, they escaped the six-star map. They did not expect to encounter such three people here.

"Tiger head, come over and let me make you a dog!"

Ling Feng hooked his fingers and despised the meaning. This made the Tigers and the Ming and Qin dynasties very different. The "Hutou" was seriously injured, but after all, it was a five-level god, one hand. Can be crushed to the first level of Valkyrie, not to mention the fact that Ling Feng is not a Valkyrie.

This is screaming and dying.

"Oh, very interesting Wu Zun, just don't know when you fall into a pool of blood, there will be no such arrogance!"

The leader of the Shenhu family smiled coldly. He was very wounded. He also worried that there would be a Terran warrior coming in. He naturally did not want to consume it with these three people. Therefore, after several deaths, he also moved. The real anger, to be swallowed and peeled off Ling Feng them.

"Don't die!" He rushed out one by one, and the five gods were shocked and turned into a **** tiger totem, which was smashed from nine days.

"I block!"

Before, it was also called a very powerful Ling Feng, but this moment it was shrinking. He put the five heavy stones in front of him and hardened this giant force.


A huge explosion, Ling Feng flew for ten miles, spurting blood, pale face like gold paper, even the hands clasping the five heavy stones cracked, the peak of the Eucharist can not resist such murder.

He crashed three peaks and the whole person was buried in the mountain.

"You weak burst!"

The leader of the aliens scorned, but it was comparable to the second-class martial arts. In the face of the real Supreme, they were all chickens.

The Qin dynasty and the Ming dynasty are also a glimpse. The face is abruptly white. The reason why they dare to kill it is that the fifth-level **** has been seriously injured and can play the fighting power of the four-level god. It is already very objective. On the other hand, it is because of the ridiculous small seven, this voucher before the swearing to get rid of the alien leader, how can it be vulnerable now?

Wouldn't it be a pit again?

They are still fresh in their memory of the battle against the **** of martial arts. At this moment, they are naturally worried about the bad thoughts of the ridiculous door.

"Is it!"

When the alien spirits taunted, a weak voice came from afar, followed by a person who rushed to the air, lightning fast, and now his eyes were filled with a deep radiance.

He dared to come out, not because he wanted to die, nor did he want to hang Qin Qintian and Ming, but he felt that time is coming.

What time.

That is naturally a time of the cliff!

This is the real reliance of Ling Feng. Without this realm, he would not dare to scream with the five-level gods, but now the moment of the cliff finally came. When he opened his arms, the nineteen volts of the sorcerer’s cave were shining. .

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