Supreme Demon

Chapter 995: People are proud, and the fairy is shocked!

The ninth and ninety-five chapters have arrogant bones, and the celestial trembles!

Cut the sky butterfly!

This is the life born from the truncation of the heavens. It takes the endless gods and thunders to grow up gradually. It is extraordinary in its senses, and it can be insightful into the treasures of the world. The gods and the true gods must be shocked.

In the early days of the gods, the singular butterfly smelled the star scent from the endless stars, and it made the appearance of the ruins. This is the thing that the martial arts should bow down. It can be seen that the horror of the scorpion butterfly.

Now, it looks at the distance, and the gaze is the day of the wolf, which makes Ling Feng feel awkward.

"Sirius is a cloud, and it won't last for a long time."

Qin Haotian said with amazement. "Can it be said that the rumor is true?"

"Where is the wolf's tomb, is it buried in the mountains?"

"Abandoned the door, Xiaoqi, are you kidding this?" Alum squinted at Lingfeng and said, "I originally wanted to bring all the big kills and aliens into this place, and they fell off in one fell swoop, but you broke open the real thing." The mausoleum."

"There is only the mausoleum of the beast and the wolf, and there is such an imposing manner!" Ling Xuewen and Qiu Shuyi also secretly nodded. This is not something that the Wushen can do. Only the Wushen and the real gods are inextricably linked. It will become such a wonder when it becomes a mountain and river.

There is no doubt that they also feel that the Sirius Mausoleum is here.


Ling Feng stunned, and his whole heart sank in Dantian, and it was infiltrated by the scorpion butterfly. It can clearly capture that the Sirius Mausoleum is indeed here, but who said it is in the mountains?

He grinned and sneered. "The Sirius Mausoleum is very mysterious. After so many years, the Wushen who can come here is more than a star, but can the Sirius Mausoleum be born?"

"Don't you have a terrible murderous squad in this day's wolf's tomb, will you smash the martial arts?" Qiu Shuyi was shocked and secretly snarled. The grave of a true **** is amazing. It is very difficult to step in. One will accidentally bury himself.

Here, it is the tomb of the beast and the Sirius family. It is very likely that there will be more than one true beast, and there will be a fierce battle around the world. It is the true God who wants to kill and pay a price.


Ling Feng ambiguously said that although the message transmitted by the cut butterfly is rare, he also vaguely guessed that the beast of the beast is not in this mountain range, but in the sky!

This is the real animal beast!

Buried in the void!

However, guessing is one thing, and wanting to be truly confirmed is another matter. Before the answer is revealed, he will never talk nonsense.


Turbulent, a loud noise rang from afar, which made the whole world calm down, and people could not help but look in that direction.

"That is... Xinghai is different!" People exclaimed and said, their eyes were cold and cold, and the Xinghai aliens were among the many aliens, and they were definitely one of the strong stars.

Their heads are double-horned, their bodies are human, and their heads are like dragons. They are six-clawed and powerful. It is said that since their birth, there is the strength of the spirit, the age of the Xinghai is different, and its body is even more They are born of the royal family than the Eucharist.

Of course, the origin of Xinghai's heterogeneity is not because of their body, but because of the double horns on their heads, the golden color of the corners, like the dragon's horn, and on that double horn, it is a heavy starry sky, far away. Looking far away is like a sea of ​​stars, so people call it Xinghai.

And at the moment.

The three Xinghai aliens are standing on the sky, and the stars on the double horns are shining heavily, exploding with dizzying light, and then they hold the giant sword and slammed into the mountain below.

The mountains, the magnificent, surrounded by the faint entangled with Jin Hong, the golden rainbow turned into a real dragon, slowly flying, and the entire mountain is buried in such a true dragon halo.

The light stretches for a hundred miles!

Looking far away, it is a mausoleum, a huge tomb.

This is naturally exciting, what can it be under the vastness of the dragon? Only the tomb of the beast and the wolf is reasonable.


The mountains are smashing, and the boulder falling from above, even the real dragon swaying violently, but they are very stable, and they are not cracked. Instead, the three arms of the Xinghai are numb, and they can’t help but go backwards. Five steps.

"not enough!"

The three Xinghai alien eyes are dignified. This day, the wolf's tomb is too strong. It is impossible for the three of them to open. It is even more unrealistic to want to gradually open the mysterious circle.


At this time, from the distance, there were more than a dozen alien creatures, belly wings, and the body of the first bat. This is a bat family, similar to the Shenhu family. They can’t compare with Xinghai, but they are better than others. There are enough, especially the one who is headed, but the fifth-level god.

"And us!"

Another alien flies, similar to the human race, the difference is their eyebrows, it seems to be branded with a crown, the pupil is also golden, their body is relatively thin, but the mental strength is very strong.

Jin Yu interracial!

This is the second generation of the royal family, which is second only to the Xinghai. It is rarely seen in the star map. Because of the congenital strength of the spirit, the people of the martial arts have suffered a lot. It is just that people are discolored. How can this royal family live? Going to the first star map?

For a time, dozens of interracial people stood above the mountains, and they held the weapon of the gods. The hurricane-like airflow, rolling, seemed to smash the sky.


They were moving fast, and at the moment they appeared, they raised their swords and slammed into the mountains.


In an instant, the earth moved to the mountains, the mountains were filled with earthquakes and tsunami, and the earth was so stunned that the earth was soaked and smashed down a large piece, and the true dragon halo was broken, like a porcelain crack.

"I am finished, these aliens have to rush into the beasts of the beasts, get the treasure!"

"Block them, get rid of their heads!"

People are angry, the beast and the wolf are the gods of the mainland, and its treasures must not be allowed to fall, not to mention the fact that under so many martial arts, if several aliens are also robbed of the treasure, it is the sorrow of the entire Shenwu continent.

"Sword wind is here, why do you dare to move my god?"

Not far away, a martial **** screamed and screamed, and the sound was as loud as a thunder.

When the voice fell, the seven martial arts came out of the air, wearing golden light, like the **** of the world from the ancient times, the cold temperament, extraordinary eyes, cast their immortal image.

The old man headed by him, his eyes are white, but his spirit is very strong. The five gods on his body have become ancient creatures, and they are flying out in a hustle and bustle.

Five levels of Valkyrie!

This is the first star map of the imprisonment, even if it is super-killing, the limit of the realm is the five-level martial arts, and once it breaks into the six-level martial arts, it will enter the second star map, if it is half-step true God , is to enter the third star map.

Stepping into the threshold of true God is completely different. It represents extraordinary combat power. It can directly enter the four-star map, the five-level star map, and the six-level star map. As for the seven-level star map, it is said that it will involve the true God, and even God above the true God.

The old man led six martial arts, each of which was second and third, in the same shape as the steel torrent, which smashed the grandeur formed by those aliens.

"Sword wind kills!"

People are bright and secretive. This is super killing. In the entire first star map, it can also be included in the top 30. It is also very exciting for them to block these aliens.

"There are people who are proud, and the fairy is shocked!"

Another killing came, the same as the Jianfeng smother, but also led by the five-level Wushen, the momentum is more magnificent, only because the person who is the first is a middle-aged person, his eyes are full of gods, extraordinarily hegemony .


People exclaimed, full of emotions, and the feeling of being speechless at a time.

The name of this killing in the first star map is too loud, but it is the top ten killing. The person headed can’t talk about how handsome, but very temperament, even if it is standing among a group of handsome and aggressive young people. The extraordinary atmosphere is amazing.

This is a man with a story!

"Xionbo Amoy!"

People look directly at the head of the people, can not help but think, this is a relatively mouth-watering name, but in people's minds, it is life-like to set up a magnificent monument, that is to let them look up.

This person has a strong bottomless line and is taboo.

Compared with the old man who is stabbed by Jianfeng, Xiong Botao's breath is very restrained. You can see five gods, but you can't feel how fierce killing, and you can't imagine how strong it will be.

People are proud, and the fairy is shocked!

This seems to be a true portrayal of Xiong Botao. He is proud and can compete with the fairy.

"It seems not enough?"

In the distance, four people flew again, and the brilliant momentum climbed again, and the mountains were all lowered.

"Don't die?"

Xiong Botao has a double eye and a calm smile.

"Oh, yes!"

Headed by a pale-faced middle-aged man, like a long-term malnutrition, but no one dared to marry such a person, he once made a four-level martial arts into a dead dog, so sly style and thin and weak The body is completely different.

Cold sword!

It is indeed such a powerful side that this person is headed by the undead. The whole killing is like a sword hidden in the sheath. Once it is sheathed, it is cold and shimmering.

Undoubtedly, this is not too strong to kill, although it is not as strong as Ao Xian, but it can definitely suppress the Jianfeng.

The three super-kills are in full swing, and they are balanced against those aliens in the momentum.

In the case of the murder of the Terran, the aliens are also full of sternness. People are not as stupid as they think, and they are all strong, so they are all taboo.

In particular, Xiong Botao and Ao Xian killed, in the level of the alien Wushen, it is also exceptionally harsh.

"Open the wolf's tomb first!"

After a sigh of relief, the Xinghai alien leader sipped a low voice and looked at the other aliens. They all saw each other’s vigilance. Many people looked around. They only opened the wolf’s tomb to get rid of the predicament. The murderer is super killing.

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