Supreme Demon

Chapter 999: Proud **** style!

The ninth ninety-nine chapter proud of the wind!

The three Protoss stand in the sky.

The huge dragon head, with his big fists in his fists, sparkles with a terrifying killing, spouting the dragon's breath, so that the monsters in the surrounding mountains are kneeling down, and they feel the trepidation.

They are not real dragons, but they have the blood of the dragon. The momentum of the superiors is enough to overwhelm a fierce beast.

The tiger's body is cold, like a blade, and the edges and corners are distinct. The four claws have the ability to open the heavens and the gods. The six gods are shining, and each one is touching people's eyes.

This is the Protoss!

Under such a power, Xiong Botao felt the pressure, and the Jianfeng old man and the pale middle-aged were also full of dignity. They were not smothered by the wind, and they could not meet the enemy with a full-fledged attitude. They had suffered.

"Submit a Protoss!"

The thin old man of Shenfeng sneered and sneered, and did not put the threat of the three Protoss in his eyes. He took a step forward, and the five-level peak of the Shinto was slowly flying, holding a golden axe and carving a road on it. The golden rune, the rushing man, seems to have to open the sky.

The axe is a weapon of the gods!

However, what is truly amazing is the rune, which has surpassed the scope of the gods, and the horrible fierce light seems to reveal its terrible, that is the true god!

Although, the true gods are not perfect enough, as if they were broken in battle, the momentum that can be erupted is absolutely unparalleled.

"Different from the human race, you can eat!"

Next to the lean old man, a gray robe middle-aged man said coldly, no anger, no fierce light, but the calm momentum, and the arrogance that calmed into the bones, was amazing.

He is also a five-level martial art god, not as good as three protoss in the realm, but the real combat power is hard to say.

I have to say that Xiong Botao and Jianfeng old people have been stunned by this sacred wind. When they come up, they will surrender to the Protoss and eat the Protoss, which is more fierce than the aliens.

"court death!"

The three protoss were full of anger, and the claws were tightly picked up, followed by them, and the body was like a phantom, flying to the thin old man and the gray robe middle-aged.

In this process, I saw only a blue dragon shouting, Likou bite and kill the past, this is not a real dragon, but only the power of the Protoss, broke through the boundaries of the five-level Valkyrie, reached the level of the six-level Valkyrie.

"The animals are killed!"

The lean old man was very capable. Without the embarrassment of the old man, he flew out in a row. The golden axe went up and down, and he took out five gods, each of which evolved into a sly appearance. Killed the past.

"When, uh..."

A huge explosion, the pressure on the Qinglong body, the violent momentum, like a flood, the sky, followed by the hole rushed to the body of the dragon, the sharp blade of the hand pierced the head of the dragon.


Qinglong suffered heavy blows, and the sky shook and screamed. The giant tail swept out and took it on a cockroach. He threw himself into a blast, and immediately smashed the dragon's body and smashed the two holes.

However, it still underestimated the terribleness of the lean old man. The golden axe slammed and slammed the ground, so that the smashed into the head of the dragon, directly smashed it, followed by the two squatting headless dragons , flew to a protoss.


The Protoss was shocked. I didn't expect the lean old man to be so powerful. It was only the fifth-level martial arts, and he could kill the giant force of the six-level martial arts, especially the golden axe. God can make him feel astonished.

The blue dragon's remnant flew in front of him, and he sipped his mouth and shattered it with a fist, and even the two cockroaches flew away.

Evenly matched!

This is what outsiders have seen. In fact, the Protoss was defeated by the life of the protoss in the higher realm. This is the downfall, and this is what the Protoss cannot tolerate.

at the same time.

Another Protoss also turned to the gray-haired middle-aged man. It did not play the green dragon, but instead held a sword of the gods. At the time of the gathering of the six gods, hundreds of arrows went straight.


When the arrow rained, it pierced a black hole, and cracks were cracked around the black hole. It can be seen that even the space seems to be unable to withstand such an arrow.

However, the middle-aged gray robes were very calm, and his hands flashed, and a shield flew forward to meet forward!


A burst of explosions, the endless arrow rain was actually resisted by a shield, the arrow was broken from the middle, falling down, and the gray robe middle-aged also back 30 cents backwards, compared with the six-level gods, He is still a bit weaker.

However, just when the Protoss felt that the middle-aged breath of the gray robe had been weakly chased and killed, the gray robe of the middle-aged abrupt screams, and a sword in the left hand, an assassination.

Left hand sword!

Also known as the most dangerous sword!

At this moment, the middle-aged sword shield of the gray robe is in the hand. If it enters the unmanned environment, the lightning strikes on the sword front, and a sword and then a sword are killed. The shield is also exploding from time to time, almost cutting the head of the Protoss.


The Protoss regressed and had a shield on the chest. Although it was strong and comparable to the gods, under such great power, the flesh and blood were also blurred, and one rib was directly broken.

This is the **** wind!

A genius who is more proud than the Protoss kills!

"Awful!" In the distance, Qin Haotian secretly swears, there are very few people who can fight in the martial arts, such as rare, and there is more than one person in this genre, and they seem to be mundane in every way, but The road to Jane is more mysterious.

"However, if you want to get rid of these three Protoss, the price to pay is not small!" Ling Feng blinked and said, his eyes flashing, he is pondering how much strong this can be included in the first star map, and Xiong Botao is not as simple as seeing it.

And like the killing of the gods, if one grows up, can you kill other kills.

The middle-aged old man and the gray robe are very strong, but because of their natural relationship, it is not easy for them to go to this step, and Qin Haotian, Minglu, Ling Xuewen and Qiu Shuyi are definitely in this world. A unique wizard, if you reach the level of the fifth-level Wushen peak, in this first star map, can stop them too much.

This is his wild vision!

To personally create a comet map of the killing, in a star map, can be compared with the double star map of the aliens, gradually upward, what will the future go to?


"come on!"

At this time, the other five people of the Shenfeng also flew out, helping the lean old man and the gray robe middle-aged, so that the whole situation was confused, and the strong aliens were also detonated, making people's faces a little embarrassed.

"Get rid of him!"

At the same time, Xiong Botao shouted, the first rushed to the third Protoss, the momentum of the body is still violent, directly reached the level of the fifth-level Wushen peak, not inferior to the thin old man.

"Oh, this is such a guy." The lean old man snorted, and in his eyes this Xiong Botao and they are a class of people are extremely deep hidden.


The Jianfeng old man and the pale middle-aged bite also rushed to the past. Their purpose was to stop the third Protoss, so that the Shenfeng had no worries, and the three super-kills also flew past and helped the three leaders.

There is no doubt that this will be a world war!

"The unrelated person will leave immediately, avoiding the shackles of the fish pond!"

The lean old man was angered, his body was more powerful, and one foot had already entered the sixth-level Valkyrie.

This is the rhythm of the killing.

For a time, other sluggish slaughter, quickly withdrew from the battlefield, far drowned into the fog, can not see the end, they are the Valkyrie, Wu Zun, knowing how wide the battle will be.


However, just as they were far away, a strong explosion stretched for thirty miles, and they overturned a heavy mountain. They were so shocked that they couldn’t dare to stop.

Even Ling Feng’s people have shrunk their heads. They feel that the old man is deliberate, and he is going to drive everyone away.

"Come on!"

The lean old man glanced at the distance, his eyes brightened, and the next moment he handed the golden axe to the protoss, the means of extraordinarily fierce and overbearing, the whole world seems to be shrouded under the golden axe.


The Protoss could not dodge, and the robes on his body were pulled off, which made his eyes colder.

"The **** Terran, I will swallow you all in one bite!"

The Protoss angered, and the six gods and rainbows shot to the extreme, reaching a trepidation, and immediately the squadron in its claws, the sudden flying of a real dragon, not big, only five feet in size, but that brilliant The momentum is so bad that people are very uncomfortable.


The thin old man's eyelids were converging and he was dignified. He did not think that the gods in the hands of the Protoss had sealed a fake dragon. This is terrible.

Although the pseudo-dragon is not a real dragon, the fighting power that can erupt is absolutely amazing.


A member of the gods, a footstep, some look at the chest, there is a big fist in the blood, a dragon head revealed from it, the pseudo-dragon did not know when it rushed into his chest, even God armor can't defend.

"The animals are looking for death!"

The thin old man was angered, and the golden axe was shining on the rune, flying, turning into a trapped rope, and hitting the pseudo-dragon. At the same time, he cut an axe to the protoss.


The rune fierce flashed, shrouded the square, and forced the pseudo-dragon to be frightened and backwards backwards. It was just a dragon, and it was waiting for the dragon. It could not be with the real beast, but it was too fast. With the help of the Protoss, it can get rid of the Valkyrie.

However, the rune is too fast, and the pseudo-dragon is trapped in one fell swoop, and the true spirit and the rainbow are bursting together, killing them.

And at the moment.

The lean old man has already killed the front of the Protoss, flying a ray of light on the golden axe, setting up a Hongqiao, blocking the starry sky, and killing it.

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