Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 597 Feng Shui Turns

"call out!"

The moment Shenmie Dao shot out, Gu Lanqi appeared in front of Shenmie Dao.


Gu Lanqi never expected that Baishui's sensing power would be so terrifying. He had just appeared, but Baishui had already predicted his position one step in advance and launched a precise attack on him.

Facing this moment of life-and-death crisis, he had no time to think about it, so he wrapped his arms with armed domineering, and then stood in front of him, protecting his head.


The terrifying and piercing sound of gold and iron colliding resounded in all directions, Gu Lanqi was shot down again like a sandbag, and the broken island was smashed into more scattered pieces.


Just two seconds after being shot down, Gu Lanqi rushed out of the sea, stood on a fragment of an island, and then fell to his knees directly, spurting out a mouthful of blood.


But of course Baishui would not give Gu Lanqi any chance to breathe, and the God Mie Dao aimed at him and tore through the sky again.

Baishui doesn't believe that the navy hasn't asked for help from the Navy Headquarters in such a situation. It is estimated that the world government/government can't sit still anymore, and reinforcements are on the way.

Facing the unknown reinforcements, Bai Shui felt that it was still necessary to control the current situation within the scope of his control.

"Almost all the naval officers have fallen. Except for the general Huang Yuan and the green bull, there are basically no other naval officers who can stand!"

"However, the burning of the mountain is indeed quite powerful. It actually caused a hero like Crocodile to suffer such serious injuries!"

"But this does not affect my plan. In my plan, there is not much difference between one less Crocodile and one more Crocodile!"

"Our combat power is basically intact, and only Saab and Crocodile are the only ones who fell. The rest of them still have the power to fight again. Facing the upcoming navy and world government/government reinforcements, we should still Take advantage!"

Although it is said that in this sea, no one can fight against two powerful admirals at the same time, but similarly, there has never been a single force that can fight against two Five Emperors forces at the same time.

The world government/government can't do it, and neither can the navy.

"However, we still cannot underestimate the world government/government and the navy. We all came out in full force, and they only sent most of their troops. The troops they hide should not be underestimated!"

"Perhaps even the retired Garp and Sengoku will be sent back to the battlefield because of this incident!"

"Maybe I still have the chance to meet the legendary Marshal of the World Government/Government, the steel bone is empty!"

"It's really exciting!"

When he said this, Bai Shui's eyes sparkled with a strong flame of fighting intent. Fighting against the strong is something he has never resisted. Only when there is pressure can progress be made.


Facing the God Mie Knife coming through the air, Gu Lanqi endured the pain, barely dodging under the God Mie Knife.

But as soon as he dodged, before he had time to catch his breath, Bai Shui appeared in front of him like a ghost, and a whip leg magnified rapidly in his eyes.


Gu Lanqi spat out a mouthful of blood mist, and there was a clear sound of bones breaking in his chest, and he flew out like a sandbag directly above the sea, splashing a large wave of waves.


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