Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1721: Take it!

Bang bang bang...

In an instant, above the entire sky, two figures alternated, fighting against each other.

"Sword Soul!"

Yan Bayun's voice suddenly sounded, and he sneered: "No wonder you are so arrogant, with weird power, and comprehend the soul of the sword. Unfortunately, this is not your arrogant and arrogant qualification!"

"is it?"

Mu Yun's sword soul urged, with an aura of dying, the sword combined with his mind, and displayed the Tianxiao Nine Ultimate Sword Art, speed and strength, reaching the top at this moment!

"The sky is howling wind and waves!"

"Dry word cut!"

"Kun word cut!"

"Jiujue sword seals the sky!"

At this moment, Tian Xiao Jiu Jue Sword Jue, four moves were deployed, one type of sword jue, powerful and overbearing, and even going away.

But at this moment Yan Bayun was not even so easy to provoke.

In the initial stage of the true god, the body, soul, and veins are united to condense the source of the gods, and the source of the gods in the body gathers the gods. Every move and every style of use carries the power of the heavens and the earth, wild and turbulent.

The power that swarmed out confronted Mu Yun's sword spirit and sword aura.

At this moment, Mu Yun felt the pressure surged.

This Yan Bayun was not the kind of increase and change in the power of the Void God Realm martial artist, but the change in the divine power itself.

He relied on the sword aura radiated by his divine power, and after encountering Yan Bayun's divine power attack, he was invisibly lowered.

It's as if it's the same starting point. You start off from a high mountain at the foot of others, but you are walking on the ground.

This is the suppression of the high realm to the low realm!

Mu Yun is constantly relying on the support of the sword soul at this moment.

If it hadn't been for him to comprehend the primary level of the sword soul, now he was afraid that it would be impossible to resist it by relying solely on swordsmanship.

"Jiujue sword seals the sky!"

A sword was swung out, the sword air roared four times, and the sound of rumbling sounded, and the sound of crackling was passed through at this moment.


That sword aura was directly resisted by Yan Bayun. Suddenly, a pair of armguards appeared on Yan Bayun's arm, and the two ends of the armguard were a dragon and a tiger, and the ferocious expression was full.


Mu Yun snorted, and struck out again with a sword.

"Boy, your attack is not enough!"

Yan Bayun is a cautious person. At this moment, he tried Mu Yun for a long time, and found that Mu Yun was just a fake tiger. He suddenly became irritable and prepared to use his full strength to start killing Mu Yun.

As long as you kill Mu Yun, those puppets must have no master consciousness, and they will be defeated directly by him, no problem!

"The flames are like the wind howls!"

With both hands waving, Yan Bayun condensed a fist in the form of flames in front of him at this moment. The fist swelled against the storm and expanded to hundreds of meters in size. He grabbed it directly and tore it towards Muyun.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun swung a sword to resist.

With a loud bang, the two separated again. Yan Bayun just wanted to attack again at this time, and his dashing body approached Mu Yun directly.

But suddenly, at this moment, his heart was in crisis, and there seemed to be a dead place in front of him, making him afraid to move forward carelessly.

But he had already thrown a punch, and now it suddenly stopped, and the attack also stopped.

But he stopped, Mu Yun didn't let him stop!


Mu Yun approached, his left eye was bleeding at this moment, the blue blood was ticking, but suddenly, Yan Bayun's arm twisted, like that piece of space, rotating at this moment, breaking his arm continuously. , Swallowed.

Zi Zi Zi's voice sounded, blood splashed out, and Yan Bayun's attack completely stopped at this moment.

One arm was swallowed in half, and then, his whole person would be swallowed by that evil cutting.


With a palm down, he cut off his arm directly, Yan Bayun's body suddenly retreated, and he watched as one of his arms was directly swallowed.

Mu Yun was out of breath at the moment.

What he displayed was the power of the eyes of heaven that he merged.

Space cutting!

At the time of the immortal realm, he could rely on the eyes of the sky to carry out space attacks. Originally reaching the **** realm, with his strength and cultivation base, he could no longer use the power of space.

But the power of the Eye of Heaven is reflected.

It is not limited by the space of the gods at all.

The Eye of the Sky can use space to carry out domineering cutting attacks. If his strength is stronger, he can directly cut Yan Ba ​​even in half, without the power to fight back at all.

But for now, enough!

Yan Bayun lost an arm, and his strength was greatly affected. Now he can fight against it.

The Baili Light Wind Sword came out again, and Mu Yun's offensive was even more fierce at this moment.

With the ability of space cutting, Yan Bayun was already difficult to support from left to right at this time.


Two bangs sounded, Yan Bayun's body suddenly fell below, splashes of dust, and the surrounding buildings collapsed.

"Old stuff, how does it feel?"

Mu Yun sneered.



Yan Bayun just wanted to stand up, spouting a mouthful of blood.

He was able to suppress Mu Yun in every aspect, but Mu Yun's methods were really too weird.

How could it be possible to use space to attack, a small imaginary peak?

But by the way, Mu Yun did it!

"Mu Yun, okay, the old man has written down your name!"

Yan Bayun snorted and suddenly flicked his long sleeves. At this moment, he was actually preparing to escape!

"come back!"

How could Mu Yun give him a chance to escape at this moment.

And below, with the arrival of more and more guards in Yan Mansion, there were thousands of people, and the blood guards could no longer support it.

Mu Yun waved his hands, looming behind him, as if a phantom stood still.

"Holy Stele God Technique-Meteor Rain!"

A low drink fell, and a rumbling voice sounded at this moment.

Above the sky, there seemed to be a meteor shower, but it was not a beautiful scenery, but a life-death attack.

There was a chuckle, Yan Kongyu had no ability to resist at all, was hit by a series of meteor showers, and fell directly to the ground, turning into pieces of minced meat.

But at the moment that Yan Bayun wanted to escape, the meteor burst under Mu Yun's cast slowed down several times, and Mu Yun ignored the others at this moment, but just caught up with him.


A spirit pointed out, and in a sudden, crazy divine power, directly crushed down, and snorted, Yan Bayun's body was tough, but could not resist, and his body burst open.

Below, a large area of ​​damage caused by the meteor shower caused the entire Yan's house to collapse layer by layer.

"Yan Bayun is dead, don't be afraid of death, come!"

Mu Yun directly controlled Yan Bayun's corpse at this moment, flew high into the sky, and shouted loudly.

"What? The old lady is dead?"

"Impossible, the old lady is in the early stage of True God!"

"This is over, the old lady is dead, what shall we do?"

"Hurry up and inform the patriarch!"

"The patriarch just arrived in Lingyun City today, even if they rush back, it will take at least half a day!"


The crowd suddenly exploded.

In the eyes of these blood guards, the real **** realm martial artist is an unattainable existence.

Once Yan Ba ​​dies, the Yan family guards the dragons without a leader, it is impossible to resist!

Suddenly, most of the guards spread out like birds and beasts, and only some tough ones are still struggling to support them.

Mu Yun ignored those people at this moment, and went straight behind the rockery.

The Yan Family Treasure is his real goal this time!

Entering the rockery, Mu Yun walked through a lot of organs along the long passage, but he didn't care at all, he broke through those organs, step by step into the secret room.

Entering the secret room, Mu Yun looked at a room the size of Baiping, dumbfounded.

In that room, at this moment, there are neatly placed gold and wood boxes, two or three meters high and more than one meter wide. When they open it, they are all light green low-grade gods!

This box is at least ten thousand low-grade **** crystals!

There are probably more than 120 boxes in the entire room.

1.2 million lower grade **** crystals!

Mu Yun only felt a little short of breath at this moment.

More than one million inferior crystals!

I think he had just arrived in the **** realm, and a **** crystal was extremely precious to him.

Recalling that once in the immortal world, in the extremely moving statue, that **** crystal almost made him explode.

And now, there are a million crystals in front of you!

Mu Yun waved his palm and couldn't help but laughed and said, "It's all mine!"

"Xie Qing, Xie Qing, it's a pity that you Lai Pilong isn't there, otherwise the dragon scales that will be shocked will fall all the way, right?"

Mu Yun laughed loudly. After walking through this huge room, he saw that there were some precious medicinal materials, minerals such as spar, etc. in the back. It was another big room with a hundred square meters.

Don't say anything, close!

Walking into the back again, Mu Yun didn't care about the good things he saw at all, just one word-close, close, close!

This is the accumulation of the Yan family for thousands of years, and it is simply a fortune.

But in the end, when he came to a room, Mu Yun frowned.

It was a relatively small room, with the door open, and it seemed that it was the place where Yan Bayun was shutting down just now.

Mu Yun cautiously entered the room.

as predicted.

In that room, the laying was extremely simple, with only one futon, and a brocade box hung on the wall behind the futon.

Entering the room and opening the brocade box, Mu Yun found that it was a three-legged small tripod the size of a thumb.

A divine power was poured into the small cauldron, and the small cauldron directly expanded a hundred times at this moment and appeared on the ground.

"Fulong Yuanding!"

The innate artifact of Zhongpin!

In Mu Yun's eyes, the feeling of joy is deeper.

Grandpa Mu Fengxiao is proficient in alchemy. In the future, he will definitely step up to the two-star magical alchemist, the three-star magical alchemist... the alchemy, indispensable!

This mid-level innate artifact, less to say, requires hundreds of thousands of crystals to be able to purchase.

Mu Yun just wanted to turn around and leave, but he stepped on a book under his feet.

"Huh? Divine Art?"

Hanging down, Mu Yun picked up the divine tactics on the ground.

"Hunyuan Profound Spirit Palm!"

Seeing the name of the divine tactic, Mu Yun looked through it and found that it was a second-rank inferior divine tactic.

"It seems that the old Yanbayun was disturbed by me when he was practicing the magic trick, and he came forward to stop me. This magic trick is very powerful, but unfortunately the old guy didn't learn it, otherwise it would really take a lot of means to kill. He is!"

Mu Yun didn't say much any more, and directly collected the magic formula.

At this moment, the entire Yan Mansion was in a mess, and some of the guards had run away without a trace, and even fled with the Yan family.

But now, Mu Yun looked around, waved his palm, the sky fire appeared, the fire dragon raged, and the entire Yan Mansion was covered in a sea of ​​fire.

Next, it's time to go to Yan Dan Pavilion!

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