Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1740: Yanmeng

"See Lord Muzhou!"

At this moment, Zhao Jisong knelt down, bowed his head and looked respectful.

"Participate in Muzhou Lord!"

At this moment, Yuan Dayong was also on his knees. Although he was reluctant, he had to do it.

At this moment, Yuan Huan is not to mention it.

"Participate in Muzhou Lord!"

And just as the two parties knelt down and prostrated themselves, suddenly, an abrupt sound of prostration sounded.

"Jiang Han?"

Seeing Jiang Han, Mu Yun smiled and said, "Why, you want to take refuge in me too? I just killed your father!"

"As Mr. Zhao said, the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, and I know the current affairs, Jiang Han knows to follow the two, the future is boundless, so I am willing to surrender!"

"Listen to this, it makes sense!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said: "Okay, I am short of people now, you will be mine from now on!"

"Only the four of you are still alive, and only the four of you know about today's affairs!" Mu Yun nodded and said, "From now on, today's affairs stop, all three parties have lost a lot of manpower. stand up."

Mu Yun looked up into the distance and said, "Yanzhou, since this is the case, from then on, Yanzhou, Yezhou, Jiangzhou, Sanyuan County and four counties belong to Yanmeng!"

Yan League!

Jiang Han arched his hands and said, "It seems that the leader has already set a name!"

Hearing Jiang Han's respectful words, Zhao Jisong, Yuan Dayong and Yuan Huan all secretly blamed themselves.

This Jiang Han really met the windshield!


Mu Yun said again: "From today, Zhao Jisong, Jiang Han, Yuan Dayong, Yuan Huan, Lu Guangyi, and Lin He, you six are in the realm of true gods, and you are the hall masters of my Yan League, Yan League The four halls are Yanzhou, Yezhou, Jiangzhou, and Sanyuan County. The four of you are still managed according to where you belonged. Lu Guangyi and Lin He, you two manage the security and business operations of Yanzhou. !"


Mu Yun waved his palm, and the three secret marks of life and death fell, and said: "Now you look like I control you, but next, you will know how many people can't ask for me to control you!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people were puzzled.

Xie Qing explained: "This dark seal of life and death controls all of you. With a little resistance, the leader of Muyun can kill you. The soul is the foundation of the martial artist. You should know!"

"But on the other hand, Mu Yun died, you die, you die, Mu Yun is fine."

"However, if Muyun's realm improves, then you... will also improve with your realm!"

Upon hearing this, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the four.

Especially Zhao Jisong, his life span is approaching. If he doesn't break through the realm, it will be difficult to reach the next realm, and his life will end.

But his talent is like this, he has no hope of improving in this life, but now, it doesn't seem to be hopeless anymore!

"Well, everyone, stay calm and restless!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said: "This seal has both advantages and disadvantages, but as long as you are loyal to me, I guarantee that there are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"Recently, I am going to retreat and start to study the refining of the True Source God Pill. You will return to your respective states and counties to manage them properly. I will let Xie Qing inspect them one by one. Remember, starting today, there will be no Jiang family or Zhao family. , There is only Yan League, and you are surrounded by four halls of Yan League."



Mu Yun waved his hand and left directly.

As for the injuries in Yanzhou, Lu Guangyi and Lin He will deal with them as appropriate.

At this moment, what Mu Yun felt was the benefit of being strong.

Although he is the perfect realm of the imaginary god, he can kill the warrior in the middle realm of the true god.

Therefore, he can make these people who are afraid of life and death surrender to him.

This is a kind of deterrence.

Just like the ten ancient tribes, even if they are not active in the God Realm, the major forces in the God Realm are afraid of them when they are mentioned.

Originally, Mu Yun didn't plan to build forces in the Shiba Prefectures.

As a result, the dark seal of life and death, when he reached the **** realm, the number of people he could control had dropped sharply, and he couldn't feel the people in the immortal world who were cast by him.

But the shadow of life and death has a great effect, so he is reluctant to abuse it.

It is really a waste to use it on Zhao Jisong and others.

Secondly, if he wants to improve his strength more quickly, he needs to see a broader world.

However, Yun Lang was proceeding to inform the four major states and counties. If he didn't know, it would be fine. Now that he knew, he was naturally going to fight Yun Lang aggressively.



When Mu Yun was not leaving much, two figures followed.

"Lin He, Lu Guangyi, what's wrong?"

The two looked at each other, knelt on the ground with a bang, and said, "I am willing to be controlled by the leader!"


"Leader!" Lu Guangyi smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I have witnessed your growth in the past few months, and I feel like a dream, but now, I know it is not a dream, it is because you are so good!"

"So, I am willing to follow you!"

"Yes!" Lin He also smiled: "Pity me with my short-sightedness and staying in Quang Binh County. Now that you have conquered the city of four counties, I only know what a genius is!"


Mu Yun nodded, and said: "I am naturally relieved to both of you, but when the secret seal of life and death is signed, you will be affected by me and your strength will increase rapidly."

"Get up!"

With a wave of Mu Yun's palm, a ray of soul power was condensed, and he stepped directly out, taking a shot with one palm.

The two shadows of life and death are integrated into the souls of the two.

"You will be grateful for your decision now!"

Mu Yun smiled faintly and turned to leave.

The two also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Of course they know that the decision at this moment will affect their future.

One step forward, it may be an abyss, or it may be a turbulent moment.

This decision is a matter of life!

At the same time, Zhao Jisong, Jiang Han, Yuan Dayong and Yuan Huan also left one after another.

Both Lin He and Lu Guangyi started to get busy.

Lin Fengyun and Lu Ping, also helping their father, began to get busy.

Yanzhou has undergone too many changes during this period, and now it is indeed time to take a good rest.

Time flows gradually...

Muyun retreats, and Xie Qing devours Shen Dan, medicinal materials, Shen Jing, etc. every day, eating and sleeping, did he go to the Sixiang Xuan and be happy and happy? Sometimes he would go back to Lu's house and look for Lu Yuqing. Lingering.

According to Xie Qing's own words.

He is so good, so in this world, no woman can own him alone. He belongs to a woman in the whole world, except for the ugly, not to one person!

Mu Yun attributed this self-report to extreme narcissism and ignored him at all.

However, these days, the **** pill he refined was almost eaten by Xie Qingjiligulu.

As a result, Xie Qing's whole body was fatter.

Is really getting fat!

Those powers, he couldn't absorb for a while, transformed into a foundation, hidden in his body.

He was digesting all the time.

Mu Yun didn't know that the so-called ancestor dragon was not one of the ten great dragons. It seemed to be the ancestor of the dragon, but what exactly did this ancestor possess?

Even Xie Qing didn't even know it.

Mu Yun also suppressed this matter for the time being, only when he saw his father later, he asked again.

As his vision expanded, Mu Yun also discovered that he knew too little about this world.

And the more you know, the more you know your ignorance.

Instead, he felt that his father, Mu Qingyu, was truly... knowing everything, just like a god.

The weather is getting cooler, the breeze is bleak, and the four seasons reincarnate. Three months have passed since the last battle of Yanzhou.

It has been more than half a year since Mu Yun came to the God Realm.

According to the time of the immortal world, half a year, fifty years have passed since the immortal world!

If you have been in the God Realm for thousands of years, I don’t know what the Immortal Realm looks like!

On this day, autumn frost came, and the weather was slightly cold.

Yanzhou, Yanmeng Mansion.

In a courtyard, a figure, dressed in a black gown, with a belt around his waist, sits cross-legged on a stone in the courtyard.

The strand of hair above the left eye was slightly yellowed, giving people a different sense of unruly and debauchery, with a delicate face, with a tough color, like a scholar who had been on the battlefield, but handsome but sharp.


Breathing out a hot breath, the man slowly opened his eyes.

"Divine body, divine soul, and divine veins, the three are united, condensing the divine origin, sitting on the dantian, the divine origin is 10%, the divine power in the martial artist's body is directly doubled, not only the number, but also the essential improvement!"

"Today, a breakthrough in one fell swoop!"

The person who sits down is naturally Mu Yun.

Today, Mu Yun has disappeared in the four major states and counties for three months.

For these three months, he had been practicing in retreat, and he saw no one except Xie Qing, Chu Yan and Liu Shen.

Follow Mu Fengxiao to learn alchemy during the day, and practice at night.

In these three months, Mu Yun consumed a million **** crystals!

This is a terrifying number.

But for Mu Yun, who had tens of millions of crystals, it was just a number.

After ransacking the Yan family, Xiao family, and Gu family, he collected too many crystals.

Changing to an ordinary warrior, breaking through the realm of true gods, there is no need to absorb so much power of the gods, one hundred thousand gods are enough.

But Mu Yun had absorbed millions of **** crystals in three months, but he still hadn't made a breakthrough.

His divine body, divine soul, and divine veins are really too powerful!

Divine body and divine veins are nourishment by blood. As a pastoral blood, he himself has a very powerful blood aura. Therefore, no one is an opponent in the same realm, even if others are higher than his realm.

However, there are gains and losses.

As a result, every breakthrough in his realm is more exhausting and consuming cultivation resources than others.

This is the tyranny of the ten ancient tribes.

They have enough resources for cultivation, but Mu Yun himself does not.

So you need to climb up step by step by yourself.

At this moment, he directly poured the **** crystals into his body, madly absorbing the **** power in the **** crystals.

Those divine powers swarmed in, like a surging river, endlessly.

However, it is not enough!

Mu Yun kept pouring divine power into his body, forcibly impacting the strength of his body's meridians.

At this moment, the corners of Mu Yun's mouth kept twitching.

But he did not stop.

Three in one, easier said than done!

Time passed bit by bit, and three days and nights passed.

Suddenly, in the courtyard where Mu Yun was staying, a domineering breath unfolded.

Chu Yan and Liu Shen outside the courtyard were both startled.

Immediately rushed into the courtyard...

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