Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1803: Ziya

Grab the **** crystal from others.

Mu Yun checked the **** crystals on his body, and there were only more than one million crystals.

These more than one million lower grade **** crystals are a fortune for him in the virtual **** realm, but for him now, it is at best to recover his divine power after a few battles.

"The **** Sword God Sect's rules, the most meritorious point is, now that there is no **** crystal on the body, it is difficult to move!"

In the past, Mu Yun was in the Sword God Sect, and his cultivation relied on the inner sect's spiritual formations, and he didn't need the crystals at all, but now, he needs it!

Seeing the yellow sand in front of him, a wry smile appeared in Mu Yun's mouth.

Right now, it is necessary to avoid fighting as much as possible.

After traveling for about half a day, the surrounding area was still full of yellow sand, and Mu Yun even wondered if only yellow sand existed in this different-space continent.


Ahead, the wind howled, like a child weeping, the widow whispered in the night, the netherworld shattered, if it weren't radiant, Mu Yun really suspected that he had appeared in a ghost land.


Suddenly, a scream sounded in front of him, and Mu Yun's expression changed and stopped.

Flying up, Mu Yun looked forward through the layers of yellow sand, his eyes shook.

Ahead, among the flying yellow sands, silhouettes were fighting with a tornado.

Suddenly, his eyes locked on one person.

In that person's hand, a spar gleaming with light red light, shining brightly.

"Middle Grade God Crystal!"

A touch of joy appeared in Mu Yun's eyes.

The middle-grade magic crystal is also a spar that stores divine power. Unlike the lower-grade magic crystal, the middle-grade magic crystal has a richer storage of magic power, which can be worth ten thousand!

It can be distinguished from the color.

The pale green low-grade **** crystal, under the condensing of the power of heaven and earth, the stored divine power is limited.

The middle-grade **** crystals are different. The middle-grade **** crystals are light red and rich in storage power. The most important thing is that the **** crystals stored in the middle-grade **** crystals cause qualitative changes due to quantitative changes. The magical power in them is more suitable for absorption. It can be said that the purity of the divine power is very high!

Mu Yun heard from Mu Fengchen before that, above the middle-grade **** crystals, there are more advanced high-grade **** crystals, lavender. That is the **** crystal that is really suitable for cultivation. It contains divine power and is simply absorbed. Kind of enjoyment.

Moreover, the top level is the ultimate nerve, white gold, among which the supernatural power, even the top ancestor **** realm warriors can not extricate themselves from it!

At this moment, what the disciple held tightly in his hand was a middle-grade **** crystal.

Moreover, the seven or eight people united, and when dealing with the tornado, they continued to pull out the middle-grade **** crystals, and in a short time, there were already dozens of them.

However, they also paid the price for this. There were two or three corpses on the ground, lying quietly, already dead for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun would naturally not be able to watch the excitement.

The figure flashed, with the virtual spirit sword in hand, Mu Yun directly shot out.

When he rushed to the tornado, Mu Yun only discovered that there was some tornado, but a sandstorm caused by a divine beast.

"Jing Jing Zifang Beast!"

Mu Yun looked at the flaming divine beast all over his body, and suddenly exclaimed.

Juan Jing Ziya Beast, the original name is not called Zya Beast.

But this beast, the whole body is full of spikes, those spikes not only have strong piercing ability, but also have strong adsorption ability.

Specially adsorb the **** crystal!

Originally, a Ziya beast was only a dozen meters in size, but the one in front of him was nearly a hundred meters in size.

This is caused by the adsorption of enough medium grade **** crystals.

At this moment, the seven or eight disciples were fighting against the Ziya Beast, madly plundering the middle-grade God Crystal on the Ziya Beast.

It's just that the Ziya beast is also unambiguous, and when it winds up the sand and protects the **** crystal on its body, it starts to fight back.

The reason why Juan Jing Ziya Beast has this name is because of his crazy love for Shen Jing.

Between descendants and Shenjing, Ziya Beast will unceremoniously choose Shenjing!

But what is even more strange is that Ziya Beast never relies on Shenjing for cultivation, but it has a soft spot for Shenjing.

Mu Yun came with his sword at this moment, and he rushed into a few people, and he also began to peel off the middle-grade **** crystal from the Ziya beast. After a short while, he had already got seven or eight yuan.


At this moment, Ziya Beast was angry.

These human beings hadn't finished killing, yet another batch came, and it was almost endless.

They stripped off the crystals from their bodies, and it was more heartbreaking than drinking their own blood.

Mu Yun suddenly plundered frantically.

At this moment, Ziya Beast was finally completely angry.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, a few people were all around, and a gust of wind blew up, and the quicksand turned into a series of snake pythons, directly rushing to the surrounding seven or eight people.

Bang bang bang...

At this moment of change, everyone did not react, and was directly blasted back by the sand Jiao.

Ziya Beast took this opportunity and just wanted to escape, but suddenly, a sword blocked its way.

At this moment, Mu Yun had not been blasted back, but because the other people had retreated, he was even more unscrupulously plundering.

The sound of puff puff puff sounded, and the Ziya beast panted heavily and killed Mu Yun.

"Senior Cen, let's do it quickly..."


Among the seven or eight people, a team of four, led by a man blocked and said: "This kid, with two brushes, seems to restrain this Zifang beast, let's let him consume and consume this Zifang beast!"

"Senior Brother Cen is really smart!"

"When this kid slaughtered the Ziya beast, let's divide these middle-grade **** crystals equally!"


At this moment, the other four disciples stood apart and stood on the sidelines with their arms folded.

Mu Yun suddenly increased his pressure.

Seeing that those few people didn't do anything, Mu Yun suddenly understood what these guys were thinking.

"Sit to reap the benefits of the fisherman? Huh..."

Mu Yun sneered at the corner of his mouth, and directly and boldly not afraid, killed the Ziyamon.


After a fight, the Ziya beast's body fell directly to the ground at this moment, and the blood stained the desert red.

The sound of crashing sounded, and thousands of middle-grade **** crystals on it landed directly at this moment.

Look carefully, there are thousands of them.

Thousands of middle-grade **** crystals are worth tens of millions of lower-grade **** crystals, enough for a god-level martial artist to practice here for a few months.

The Ziya beast is greedy for the **** crystal, and it really deserves its reputation.

Mu Yun exhaled at this moment, and with a wave of his palm, he wanted to gather all the middle-grade **** crystals in his palm.


At this moment, the other people gathered around.


Looking at the seven or eight people, Mu Yun frowned.

"Of course something is going on!"

Senior Brother Na Cen stepped forward at the moment and said lightly: "This Ziya beast was killed by everyone's concerted efforts, so we should share the more than 1,000 middle-grade crystals!"

Evenly split?

Looking at the seven or eight people in front of him, a smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yun's mouth.

"Everyone work together?" Mu Yun looked at the other people and said, "It seems that when I was killing the Ziya Beast, you people were just watching from the sidelines, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people suddenly became weird.

The rest of the people all looked at the brother Cen.

"Boy, what do you mean, are we forcing and snatching your **** crystal?"

"Is not it?"

Mu Yun sneered: "You guys are uniting, isn't it just for this?"


Senior Brother Cen shouted: "A few of us have consumed most of the power of the Ziya Beast before you were able to kill them. Now these **** crystals naturally deserve our share!"

"Boy, I think you are impatient!"

Senior Brother Cen was in the middle stage of the Earth God. Seeing that Mu Yun was only the early stage of the Earth God, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he rushed forward and rushed towards Mu Yun.

"court death!"

But at this moment, Mu Yun was also fearless.

This guy didn't make a move just now, but now he makes it clear that he is taking advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Moreover, before the crowd dealt with the Ziya Beast, the Ziya Beast did not exert any strength at all, allowing them to **** the **** crystal from his body, and he killed Ziya Beast, but it took a great deal of strength.

These people didn't open their mouths just now, and now they are pointing here, Mu Yun will naturally not let it go.


With a wave of his palm, Mu Yun stepped out, and the yellow sand under his feet pierced the ground, and a turbulent breath spread directly.

The rumbling voice rang out, giving people a shocking feeling.

At this moment, Senior Brother Cen felt that Mu Yun, standing in front of him, had different auras all over his body.

"Damn it!"

Senior Brother Cen wanted to retreat at this moment, but Mu Yun would not give him a chance.


When his fists touched each other, Senior Brother Cen's face suddenly turned white, and he couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood.

With a puff of blood, Brother Cen was completely dumbfounded.

He saw Mu Yun approaching, with a simple punch, hitting him, and then, he hadn't felt it yet, his arm had already come out of his body.

Puff sounded, the arm broke directly at this moment.

Brother Cen's face was red with blood, and his whole body was terrified.


After a long while, he screamed, directly as if he was crazy.

"how are you feeling?"

Mu Yun snorted and said, "If you want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, you must also see who your opponent is. If you find the wrong person, you will lose your life!"

"Why are you still stunned? Don't you want the **** crystal? Kill him, this kid is just the beginning of the earth god, not our opponent at all, kill him!"


Suddenly, the remaining six or seven people were all attracted by the crystals, and at this moment they couldn't help but directly attacked and killed Mu Yun.

They are already red eyes, now they only want to deal with Mu Yun.

"Life and death, ignorance and ignorance!"

Mu Yun stepped forward and shouted: "Even his earth gods were cut off by me in the middle stage. What use are you guys from the early stages of the earth gods?"

When the words fell, Mu Yun was not polite.

Although he was only awakening and communicating with the soul of the earth for the first time, he was already able to mobilize the power of the earth within a range of 50 meters, which was almost the same as a mid-level martial artist.

These six or seven people are not his opponents at all.

Bang bang bang...

Suddenly, the three figures had not yet approached Mu Yun. Within 50 meters of Mu Yun's body, a powerful suction force directly pulled their bodies, making them unable to bear them, and their bodies burst open.

When the other four saw this scene, wherever they dared to fight, they turned around and hurriedly backed away.

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