Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1873: Xing Juetian

"Haha... Sect Master Zhuo, I haven't seen him for a long time. Xing Juetian's arrival early this time will not disturb Sect Master Zhuo, right?"

A hearty laughter sounded at this moment, and in front of the gate of Shenzong Mountain, a red gold eagle galloped down.

A figure fell directly from the Chijin Great Eagle, and when he saw Zhuo Jianyi, he arched his hand.

This person is dressed in a long cyan dress, and on the robe is embroidered with a few twinkling stars.

With a Chinese character face, a strong figure, a tyrannical breath flickers from time to time.

"Pavilion Star Master, I hope you can come sooner, so that I can wait to see how powerful your Nine Stars and Nine Sons of the Nine Star Pavilion are, our disciple of the Sword God Sect, make preparations early!"


The two suzerains had a very happy conversation at the moment.

The disciples of the Jiuxing Pavilion also fell one by one.

Zhuo Jian's gaze fell on the young talents close to Xing Juetian, his gaze was startled.

"Pavilion Master Star, I heard that there are nine stars and nine sons, all talented talents, but today, why only see eight people...The ninth son of Pavilion Master Star is gone?"

"Don't mention it!"

Xing Juetian couldn't help humming: "Xingkong Destroys this kid. He doesn't like to be restrained by nature. He likes to play around in the Southern Zhuoyu. It has been nearly two years since I lost my whereabouts. I have been searching everywhere in the Jiuxing Pavilion and I can't find any trace……"


Zhuo Jian was shocked: "How could this happen?"

"Hmph, this matter is probably related to Xuanming Hall. I want to see, Xuan Ce, what do you want to do this time!"


"Sect Master Zhuo don't worry, I will not do anything excessive in the Sword God Sect. After all, this is the Sword God Sect!"

"Thank you, thank you!"

As soon as Zhuo Jian motioned to Mu Yun to step forward, he said, "Pavilion Master Star, this is the eighth alchemist of our Sword God Sect Alchemy Academy. At the same time, I have already ordered this son to become the realm of God Sovereign, and I will designate him as Deputy Sect Master. !"

"So this time, if you have anything to do with Pavilion Master Star, you can find him!"

"Oh? Mu Yun?"

Xing Juetian spoke.

Hearing this, Zhuo Jian was startled in his heart.

To be honest, he didn't expect Mu Yun to improve so quickly.

Even more unexpectedly, not only Xuan Ce knew about Mu Yun, but even Xing Juetian knew about Mu Yun!

Moreover, the two of them didn't ask any other question, they just asked Mu Yun.

This is enough to see that the two have different thoughts on Mu Yun.

If such a genius was pulled away by the two great sects, it would be a great loss to the Sword God Sect.

So today, when Xuan Ce asked, he immediately promised that as long as Mu Yun was promoted to the realm of God Sovereign, he would be the Deputy Sect Master!

It now appears that he was right!

Otherwise, these people are all worried about Mu Yun, and they might have some crooked thoughts in private.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Jianyi felt a little upset again.

Just now he said, let Mu Yun be responsible for the arrangements of the Jiuxing Pavilion. Didn't this give Xing Juetian a chance to get close to Mu Yun?

But how can I take it back when I say it?

"The disciple has seen Pavilion Master Star!"

Mu Yun respectfully salutes.

"Well, it's not bad, it's talented, and can get the memory of hundreds of alchemists from the Sword God Sect. It is an extraordinary person. In the future, the only six-star alchemist in the South Zhuoyu, maybe it will be you, and the future generations are terrifying. !"

"Pavilion Master Star has a good reputation, the younger generation is just a fluke!"

Xing Juetian looked at Mu Yun and nodded.

A group of people waited, marching towards the Sword God Sect at this moment.

And at this moment, to the west of the Sword God Sect, among the mountains, all the disciples of Xuanming Hall are here.

At this moment, a mountain peaked, and a figure sat upright.



Xuan Ce opened his eyes, saw Xiao Yun'er, smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

"Today, Mu Yun helped Tu'er dredge the body meridians, and Tu'er felt the shackles, it seemed to be opened a little!"


Hearing this, a touch of joy appeared in Xuan Ce's eyes.

"This Mu Yun, fused with the memories of dozens of former masters of the Sword God Sect, possesses the solid essence of God's pill. I am afraid that he lives more than Gu An, so it is naturally unpredictable."

Xuan Ce said with satisfaction: "In this case, it happens that there are still two months before the four sects will join the martial arts. You can find him more to help you dredge. If you can reach the realm of the monarch **** before the test, then I will have two in the Xuanming Palace. A disciple of a god, who can fight for the front among the four major sects?"

"The disciple, please follow Master's instructions!"


Xuan Ce watched Xiao Yun'er leave and nodded slowly.


Xuan Jiang'er on the side opened his mouth and said: "That Muyun, at first glance, he is not a good person, if he takes the opportunity to confuse Junior Sister Xiao..."

"Jiang Er!"

Xuan Ce couldn't help frowning, "Don't you even have this confidence? If Yu'er likes you, she will naturally be with you. If you don't like you, then you can't force it!"

"Yu'er is born with a weird bloodline, and she will become a great weapon in the future. I will train her well. In the future, she must be the pillar of our Xuanming Hall. Only then can I rest assured that I will teach you the position of the Hall Master!"

"Son understands!"

Xuan Jiang'er arched his hands and said no more.

But thinking back to the scene during the day, thinking of the attention and appreciation Mu Yun received, is unhappy in my heart.

"This time, the Jiuxing Pavilion should have arrived. Remember, Jiang'er, Dudrunk, and you two represent the top geniuses in my Profound Ming Palace. If you meet someone in the Jiuxing Pavilion, you don't need to ask, just kill!"


The two retired.

In the hall, Xuan Ce secretly sighed.

The battle between Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion was already irreversible.

Sooner or later, there is bound to be a big battle.

If it weren't for the Tongtian Valley and the Sword God Sect were still there, the two sects would have been fiercely fought.

Now, Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion are also hostile to each other, can do things, and never talk nonsense.


It's just that Xuan Ce thought secretly, but in the hall, Xiao Yuner turned back.

"Yu'er, what's the matter, what else?"

"Today, I have one thing that feels weird!"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Xiao Yun'er wondered: "I saw some medicinal signs of Tongtian Valley in Muyun's hall, and even the pill furnace used by Muyun was made by Tongtian Valley!"


Hearing this, Xuan Ce immediately said with excitement: "Are you sure?"

"Sure, Tongtiangu has a lot of trades with our Xuanming Hall, and I still recognize their things!"

Xiao Yuner nodded: "Furthermore, that Muyun entered the Sword God Sect not long ago, and seemed to be unclear about the origins of it. She told the disciples that in their alchemy courtyard, many alchemy furnaces were purchased from Tongtian Valley!"

"This is impossible!"

Xuan Ce shook his head and said: "Tongtian Valley and God Sword Sect are in the same power as water and fire. It is rumored that the old master of Sword God Sect, Zhuo Yuanhang, was killed by the Tyrant. The hall and Jiuxing Pavilion are still stiff!"

"At this point, the disciples don't know why."

Xiao Yuner also shook her head.

"It's just that Tuer feels this matter is weird. If Tongtiangu and God Sword Sect are really in the same situation, how can there be a deal? Tuer thought..."


"In case they are pretending to be... deliberately, in fact, secretly, they are already stunned..."

Hearing this, Xuan Ce's expression was startled.

"Of course, this is just a temporary thought, and there is no evidence."

"Well, I got it!"

Xuan Ce nodded: "You can go to Mu Yun's place more recently. Zhuo Jian pays attention to this. He knows a lot. If there are any clues, you can tell me!"


Xiao Yuner withdrew.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Mu Yun is right.

Xuan Ce is careful, if he rashly tells him that the Sword God Sect and the Tongtian Valley are in a hurry, I am afraid that the two will not believe it at all.

From the beginning, it was to throw out some doubts and let them figure it out for themselves, perhaps better.

This matter is not accomplished overnight.

That night, Mu Yun arranged for Xing Juetian to wait for the Jiuxing Pavilion to join the crowd. In the middle of the night, he quietly left the sect.

Coming to the buried sword grave, Mu Yun saw Zhuo Yuanhang again.

"Your Highness!"


Mu Yun nodded and said, "I'm here now to understand the mysterious iron chain on you!"

"His Royal Highness... have you reached the realm of a first-grade god?"


The realm of the **** monarch is divided into levels from one yuan to nine yuan, and it is also called from one to ninth grades. However, with the development of time, most people now call it yuan instead of grade.

Mu Yun nodded and said: "This time, there will be no problems, you can leave this place now!"

"Good, good!"

Zhuo Yuanhang was also surprised at this moment.

It wasn't that he was surprised that he could leave here, but that Muyun was surprised that he reached the realm of God Sovereign in such a short time.

Such a speed of cultivation really feels incredible.

"Old Zhuo, just sit down and leave the rest to me!"

Mu Yun asked again.

Now, it is time for Zhuo Yuanhang to show up.

If Zhuo Yuanhang had arrived in front of the two leaders of Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion, and talked about it personally, the matter might be completely different.

At this moment, the sky fire in the body adjusted one by one, and gradually gathered and surrounded, emerging in Mu Yun's body, a few sky fire light groups, and now and Mu Yun have been completely integrated, regardless of each other, just like his arm.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, those sky fires directly merged onto the profound iron chain.

Muyun Yuanshen came out of his orifice, merged directly with Skyfire, and intruded into the profound iron chain.

Zi Zi Zi's voice sounded, time passed bit by bit, the power of the sky fire, coupled with the power of the Muyun Yuanshen, was elevated at this moment, the strength soared, and the mysterious iron chain increased one by one.

Suddenly, a violent breath emerged.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a slight clicking sound in the iron chain.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious iron chain that bound Zhuo Yuanhang was broken one by one.


Zhuo Yuanhang suddenly laughed.

"Zhuo Jianyi, Tyrant Sky Jue, Yan Yimiao, I'm afraid you didn't expect that I, Zhuo Yuanhang, can still see the sky again!"

Zhuo Yuanhang laughed and said: "His Royal Highness, his subordinate Zhuo Yuanhang, in this life, I am willing to spend my life and continue to serve His Highness!"

"Get up!"

Mu Yun nodded.

"This time, when the Four Sects of Huiwu arrive, Zhuo Jian is so busy, there must be no time to take care of you, you will leave with me now, enter the Sword God Sect, and stay in my Yunfeng first!"

"When the four major sects begin to martial arts, I will let Shaolong come over, then, let's see how Zhuo Jianyi and Ba Tianjue can sing this play well!"


Two figures, taking advantage of the darkness, returned to the Sword God Sect.

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