Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1876: Dual soul

Feeling his gaffe, Xing Juetian immediately said again: "Master Mu, my son...who is being held? Is it a member of Xuanming Hall?"


Mu Yun shook his head and said: "It's me!"


Hearing this, Xing Juetian's face suddenly became astonished.

As the master of the Jiuxing Pavilion, Xing Juetian is naturally not the kind of person who has no mind.

Mu Yun came here specially this time and told him that Xingkong was arrested by him, so it must be more than just a simple notification.

There should be other flavors in it.

"Master Mu, speak straight!"

"it is good!"

Mu Yun is now telling what will happen in Shiba Prefecture.

Xing Juetian was obviously even more surprised when he heard that there was a master of the Divine Sovereign Realm chasing him beside Mu Yun.

This is really incredible.

Next to Mu Yun, there will be a **** to follow.

The realm of God Sovereign, in the Southern Zhuo realm, that is the top existence.

There are definitely no more than a hundred martial artists in the Divine Sovereign Realm in the entire Southern Zhuo Region.

A martial artist in the realm of gods followed Mu Yun, and he could even directly occupy a large city with tens of millions of people and start a family.

"That's how it happened. Xingyu was killed by my guards, and Xingkong Mie was imprisoned in Shen's house in Pingliang City!"

Mu Yun picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea.

"You tell me this now, what's the so-called?"

"I'm here to help Pavilion Master Star!"

Mu Yun said again: "This time, the Four Sects Huiwu, Jiuxing Pavilion, and Xuanming Hall may have been accidentally accidentally removed from the South Zhuoyu!"


As soon as he said this, Xing Juetian became completely cautious.

He admitted that although he shouted one by one from Master Mu, he still regarded Mu Yun as a junior from the bottom of his heart.

But now, he found that Mu Yun was not just as simple as juniors.

Such a junior, Scheming and City Mansion, are in the Jiuxing Pavilion, and some elders can't compare it.

"Please state clearly!"

"no problem!"

Mu Yun put down his tea cup and calmly said: "As we all know, the Southern Zhuoyu has a population of ten billion, the Sword God Sect, the Tongtian Valley, the Xuanming Hall, and the Jiuxing Pavilion. monstrous!"

"Sword God Sect and Tongtian Valley have always been at odds, and Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion have always been at odds!"

"I don't want to explain more about the discord between your two sects. As for the discord between Tongtian Valley and the Sword God Sect, it is because Zhuo Yuanhang, the previous Sect Master of the Sword God Sect, was said to have been killed by Tongtian Valley!"

"But... if not?"

As soon as Mu Yun said this, Xing Juetian suddenly said, "Impossible!"

"As soon as Zhuo Jian almost killed one man and one sword at the beginning, he directly killed Tongtian Valley. There can be no falsehood!"

"Then I ask Pavilion Master Star, what if it is a performance?"

Hearing this, Xing Juetian's mind quickly revolved.

If all this is fake, then the Sword God Sect and Tongtiangu are performing performances.

Why do you want to make up hatred like this?

It is to blind them Jiuxing Pavilion and Xuanming Hall.

Because the Sword God Sect and Tongtian Valley are mortal enemies, then Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion will definitely fight more fiercely!

In this way, if the Sword God Sect and Tongtiangu take the opportunity to unite...

The tea cup in Xing Juetian's hand suddenly shattered.

"But do you have evidence for these things?" Xing Juetian asked.

"I naturally have evidence!"

Mu Yun waved his palm, and a phantom appeared in front of the two of them.

It is Xi Chenyuan!

Seeing Xing Juetian, Xi Chenyuan smiled and said, "Pavilion Master Xing, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Old Xi!"

The moment he saw Xi Chenyuan, Xing Juetian's expression was quite respectful.

"Back then, if it weren't for Xi Lao, Zai Xia's wife had already died, and there would be no nine stars and nine sons!"

"Old years are gone!"

Xi Chenyuan waved his hand and shook his head.

"Old Xi, how could you..."

"I'm not dead!"

Xi Chenyuan sneered and said: "Back then, Zhuo Jianyi united with the Tyrant to kill the old suzerain, and the old man and his wife rebelled. As a result, the old man died and his body was destroyed, leaving only his soul!"

"Later, Zhuo Jian immediately imprisoned me in the Pill Spirit Peak. It was not until Mu Yun absorbed all the memories of the masters in the Pill Spirit Peak that the old man could see the sun again!"

Hearing this, Xing Juetian's body trembled.

"Zhuo Jianyi...why did you want to unite with Ba Tianjue and kill his father, this..."

"It's very simple!"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "Because his biological father is Tyrant, not Zhuo Yuanhang!"


This incident can be said to have completely shocked Xing Juetian.

This is unbelievable!

"Yan Yimiao has disappeared since Zhuo Yuanhang's death. I think if the Master Star Pavilion spends some means and thoughts, he should be able to find this woman in Tongtian Valley. Sword God Sect!"

"Now, the Sword God Sect Master is his son. Next, what do you want to do?"

Xing Juetian only felt the cold sweat at this moment.

When Xi Chenyuan appeared, Mu Yun's words were very credible.

If this is the case, then Tongtian Valley and Sword God Sect have already been making plans!

If you think about it carefully, the Jiuxing Pavilion and Xuanming Temple really fought, and the beneficiaries were their two major sects. At that time, the Sword God Sect and Tongtian Valley would do their best to help one side and destroy the other, then... In danger!

"Pavilion Master Xing can think about it, oh yes, the starry sky is in the Shen's house, and Pavilion Master Xing can pick him up at any time!"

When Mu Yun's words fell, he wanted to turn around and leave.

"Master Mu, wait a minute!"

Xing Juetian suddenly said at this moment: "Master Mu, you... tell me this, what are you plotting?"

"What are you plotting?"

Mu Yun pondered for a moment, and said: "What I'm plotting is...Sword God Sect!"

"As you know, I am now a five-star divine alchemist. Actually... a king-level divine alchemy, I can also refine it. In the memory of hundreds of alchemists, I have all control, and... I am now , Is already in the realm of God Sovereign!"

Mu Yun's words fell, releasing the soul from Zhuxian Tu.


How could Xing Juetian not feel such a familiar breath of the soul!

Mu Yun, he was really in the realm of God Sovereign.

Moreover, the six-star divine alchemy master, refining the king-level divine alchemy, is a powerful alchemist who treats each other respectfully in the realm of the divine king.

As Mu Yun's current status as a divine alchemist, even if he arrives in the land of Shenzhou, he is...respected!

What kind of person is this person, so terrifying.

Mu Yun left, but Xing Juetian's heart couldn't be calm for a long time.


"It's so direct, will it make him feel that you are even more terrifying?" Xi Chenyuan said with some worry when he left the mountain.

"It's okay!"

Mu Yun shook his head and said: "The current Xing Juetian, Xuan Ce, will not put me in the eyes at all. Both of them are in the realm of five yuan divine princes, and there are 10 or 20 divine princes under the door. I?"

"They are more worried about Zhuo Jianyi and Ba Tianjue!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly, quite confident.

This time, the four major sects are bound to fight.

Zhuo Jianyi and Ba Tianjue will never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At that time, just wait for the good show.

Facing the four people of Tyrant Juetian and Xing Juetian, who are all in the realm of the five-element gods, the power he currently has is definitely hard to contend.

Only the fierce tigers fight, he, this wolf, lurks on the side, watching carefully, waiting for the result.

Even if Xing Juetian and Xuan Ce knew this, it was impossible to deal with him first.

Because he was much weaker than Zhuo Jianyi and Ba Tianjue.

In one month, the four martial arts will come, and Xing Juetian should know how to do it now!

There was nothing for a night, and the next day, Mu Yun was in Yunfeng as usual, dealing with many things.

Xiao Yuner also arrived. After a lot of joy, Xiao Yuner sat on the bed and absorbed the energy in the body.

Slowly, a completely different breath appeared at this moment.

At this moment, Xiao Yuner's whole body was surging continuously.

The soul sea in her body, the soul power condensed one after another, and a small figure appeared, standing tall in her mind.

Mu Yun's palm rested on Xiao Yuner's jade bi, and felt proud of Xiao Yuner's improvement.

In the entire world, perhaps, there is no second person to be found, just like yourself, the intersection of men and women can help each other to improve.

Xiao Yuner's entanglement with herself this month prompted her to break through the barrier of the gods and reach the realm of the gods.


Mu Yun was overjoyed.


Only suddenly, the joy in Mu Yun's eyes turned into surprise.

"how so!"

Mu Yun was slightly sluggish at the moment.

There is no other reason, at this moment, in Xiao Yuner's mind, a soul is standing peacefully.

This is the soul that will condense after reaching the realm of the gods.

The realm of **** monarch, the condensed soul, can be said to be a shell.

Upon reaching the God King, the Primordial Spirit evolved into the Three Souls, which is the realm of the God King's Three Souls.

When reaching the realm of the **** emperor, seven souls evolved within the soul, and the state of the seven souls of the **** emperor was born.

As for reaching the **** master, that is the gathering of the three souls and seven souls of the soul, the martial artist of the gods, combines the **** body and the soul to understand the roots of the world, and the realm of the five elements is the five realm of the **** master.

The most unpredictable realm of the ancestral **** is to control the laws of time and space, strengthen the five elements domain, and at the same time, rely on your own soul to condense the external incarnation.

Therefore, the gathering of the primordial spirit is the foundation of the five great realms after the **** realm, and the most important thing.

And the warrior, throughout his life, gathers a soul.

This represents the fundamental time martial artist, naturally there is only one.

But at this moment, Xiao Yuner's own soul sea condensed into a soul, but behind that soul, another soul evolved slowly!

Double soul!

Mu Yun was completely stunned at this moment.

The second soul, when I looked carefully at this time, it was a graceful figure of a woman, with a convex and concave figure and an unclear face, but the whole body did reveal a sacred and pure power.

It seemed to be a soul hidden in Xiao Yuner's body. At this moment, Xiao Yuner reached the realm of the gods and condensed the soul. This soul has just become manifest!

At this moment, Mu Yun was worried that the sudden appearance of the soul would hinder Xiao Yuner. In his body, the soul directly followed Xiao Yuner's body and reached Xiao Yuner's mind.

At this moment, in Xiao Yuner's mind, the three primordial spirits stood up separately.

But suddenly, the second soul in Xiao Yuner's body exuded a crazy suction at this moment, directly pulling Mu Yun's soul closer.

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