Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1881: Space Spirit Orb

It was very difficult for them to break through before they met Mu Yun, because after all, they had a master-servant relationship with the former Mu Yun.

However, this breakthrough is not like a breakthrough, but like...recovery!

The appearance of Mu Yun brought them great changes.

It seems that faintly, let them find the kind of domineering that they used to be when they were the gods and the strong.

"Well, if you promote, can I be protected?"

Mu Yun chuckled.

"It is less than one month before the four sects will join the martial arts. Three elders Wu Chen and Xi Meng are preparing. Some people who are convinced, let us tell the truth first and let them prepare!"


"As for the two of you, you must not leave Yunfeng these days!"


Both Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong have special identities. If they leave Yunfeng, I am afraid that the entire Sword God Sect will be completely uproar.

The two of them now need to protect their identities.

"Ye Qiu, Ling Yuexuan!"

Mu Yun called, Ye Qiu and Ling Yuexuan entered the room.

"Let Wu Chen and Xi Meng Jiang Zongmen and reliable personnel collected in the Danyuan, give me a list!"

Mu Yun directly instructed: "Since these people are reliable, they must be vigorously cultivated. I will personally refine suitable divine pills for them!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people immediately looked overjoyed.

Mu Yun is now a genuine six-star alchemist.

Six-star divine alchemy master, that is capable of refining the king-level divine alchemy, and even the strong divine realm of the divine king realm must be respected.

He personally made alchemy, and those people simply got great benefits.

A very simple analogy, the Guyuan Divine Pill refined by a Six-Star Divine Pill Master is definitely more magical than the Guyuan Divine Pill refined by a Five-Star Divine Pill Master.

Mu Yun's current external identity is a five-star alchemist, but in fact, he is already a six-star alchemist. With the help of the blue and yellow spring map, he has all integrated the memories of hundreds of alchemists, which is something outsiders can't even dream of.

Everything had been arranged, and Mu Yun was in Yunfeng for the next month, almost avoiding visitors.

The disciples of Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion were also honest.

Everyone thought that this was because of Mu Yun's thunderous methods last time, and what the actual situation was, Mu Yun knew in his heart.

Xing Juetian and Xuan Ce didn't dare not believe what he said.

But as long as they have a little worry and apprehension, it is impossible for them to meet their disciples in such a **** confrontation.

Time passed day by day.

In the end, Mu Yun completely stabilized the duality gods realm, and completely controlled the Yuhan Nine Palaces Sword Art.

This sword tactic is considered to be a fifth-grade inferior tactic, enough for him to perform sword skills.

Moreover, he also started to try the Taiyang Righteous Qi Sword Art.

In the realm of the Dual God Sovereign, the swordsman of the high-level sword soul, Mu Yun's current gaze is no longer above the four sects of martial arts, but... after the four sects of martial arts, the relationship between the four sects has evolved.

The secret skills of the four sacred steles, the body of the dragon, the eyes of the sky, the blue and yellow spring map, and the explosion of blood crystals.

He didn't use these methods at all in the competition, but once the four sects were fighting together, it would be impossible to say.

In a blink of an eye, one month passed.

The expectant Four Sects Huiwu finally arrived.

On this day, within the Sword God Sect, all the four major sects were present.

In the Nei Zong Wuchang, at this moment, the surrounding mountains are cut off, opening up an open space that has expanded more than three times.

Around the martial arts field, there are mountain peaks on all sides, which are cut directly from the mountainside, and on the mountainside, a platform is built.

These platforms are the places where the senior officials of the four major sects watch the battle.

In the center of the Nei Zong martial arts field, at this moment, there is no ring building, but in the middle of the sky, crystal **** appear one after another.

The four great sect warriors, today, will arrive one after another.

Zhuo Jianyi led the nine elders of the Supreme Sword God Sect and the seven masters of the Alchemy Academy to be present.

"Sect Master, things are already arranged!"

Great Elder Gu Chengfeng said: "This time, there are 785 disciples who participated in the four sects of Huiwu, all of them are the top disciples of the four sects!"

"Space Spirit Orbs are all ready!"

"Thanks to the great elder!"

Zhuo Jian waved his hand.

The Space Spirit Orb is a divine tool, exactly one crystal ball floating in the air.

This artifact has no other functions, but it is used exclusively for competitions held by various sects.

After all, in the realm of the gods, compared to fighting, the peak of the **** of sword sect could not resist.

However, the Space Spirit Orb can block the spread of internal sensation.

Moreover, various scenarios can be evolved.

"Xuan Ce, the head of the Xuan Ming Hall, is here!"

At this moment, the report sounded, and in the distance, one after another silhouettes filed.

The head of the person is Xuan Ce, the head of Xuan Ming Hall.

"Haha, Master Xuandian, my Sword God Sect has not served well these days, please forgive me!" Zhuo Jian said with a smile.

"Where is it, Sect Master Zhuo is so enthusiastic, I am ashamed of Xuan Ce. At the beginning, my Xuan Ming Hall held four martial arts meetings, but the reception was shabby, so I will urge you next time!"

"Haha, the master of Xuandian smiled!"

The two exchanged for a while, and Zhuo Jianyi invited Xuan Ce to take his seat.

"The main star of the Jiuxing Pavilion is here!"

At this moment, Zhuo Jian's face was full of smiles again, but Xuan Ce's face was gloomy.

"Pavilion Master Star, can you feel comfortable living in these days?"


Xing Juetian laughed loudly and said: "Sect Master Zhuo, Mu Yun under your sect is really terrifying. He deals with everything and knows everything. It's a pity that I don't have such a proud disciple in the Jiuxing Pavilion!"

"Pavilion Master Xing praised it, it was praised!"

"The Lord of Tongtian Valley is here to dominate the sky!"

At this moment, another voice sounded.

But Zhuo Jian didn't seem to hear it at this moment, still chatting with Xing Juetian.

"Sect Master Zhuo, how come the old man is coming, why do you want to welcome you too?" Tyrant's voice was like rolling thunder, grinning.

"Ba Tianjue, I have prepared a place for you in Tongtian Valley, won't you sit down with the deacon elder of my Sword God Sect?"

Zhuo Jian suddenly turned around and said.


Ba Tian Jue snorted and turned around to greet Xuan Ce.

The senior officials of the four major sects were all present at the moment.

At this time, the four major sect disciples also came to the center of the martial arts field one by one.

This time, a total of 785 disciples participated in the competition, and these 785 disciples played against each other!

Eliminated in a single game, in the end, the final four.

The final four finalists are the final decisive battle, and the one who gets the first place is to be able to get the treasure from each of the four major sects.

The four schools of martial arts have been passed down for thousands of years in the Southern Zhuo realm. Everyone knows the rules of each other.

"Nine elders, you have worked hard this time!"

"Don't dare!"

Zhuo Jian's words fell, and the nine seated elders walked out one by one at this moment.

In this competition, the nine seat elders are solely responsible for supervising, to show justice.

"The seven hundred and eighty-five people who participated in the competition, each of you, received a number plate, and then entered the space spiritual orb by yourself according to the number displayed on the space spiritual orb!"

"Remember, the rules of the game, defeating the opponent means winning, and the basis for judging victory is to get the opponent's number plate!"

As soon as this remark came out, the participating disciples immediately understood.

As long as the opponent's number card is captured, it is counted as a victory.

However, the opponent's number plate must be placed in the safest place, so the way to win is to defeat the opponent, or... kill the opponent.

There are many loopholes in this rule.

You can't kill without an order. Then, in the competition, the disciples who have enmity between the major sects will all kill them.

"Okay, now the draw begins!"

Gu Chengfeng waved his palm, and hundreds of tokens appeared in front of him, scattered all over him.

All the disciples, stepped forward one by one.

At this moment, Mu Yun was among the disciples and stepped forward.

"Number Seventy Six!"

Mu Yun raised his head to look at the space spirit ball in the air.

Find the space spirit ball marked with your own number, and fly up.


In the space spirit ball, a figure stood still at this moment, and looked carefully, it was a disciple of the Sword God Sect.

"Brother Pastor, Junior Brother Qiu Qianyu, the early stage of the gods!"

The disciple directly handed over and said: "The brother knows that he is not an opponent of the brother, but I still want to fight and appreciate the methods of the brother, and I hope that the brother will give him his advice!"

"no problem!"

Mu Yun is not a bully person, since the other party said to understand, teach and teach.

His current swordsmanship can be described as a master level, after all, from the beginning of this life, he uses swords.

Inside this spatial spiritual ball, a piece of grassland has evolved. At this moment, the two are standing in the air, looking at each other.

Qiu Qianyu swung a sword, his figure flashed, and he directly killed Mu Yun.


Seeing Qiu Qianyu's sword slay, Mu Yun's figure flashed and pointed out.


When the fingers and the sword intersected, there was a sudden metal croak.

The long sword of Qiu Qianyu was firmly clamped by Mu Yun's **** at this moment.

"Your sword is too slow, and you are not proficient with the sword in your hand!"

Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "I think this sword should be specially purchased by you for this competition, right?"

"Hmm..." Qiu Qianyu said excitedly, "Thank you for your teachings, Brother Pastor!"

"It's okay, since you sincerely ask for advice, I naturally won't let you be unable to come to Taiwan, and left and right the first round of written examinations and complete the second round before proceeding. I can see more of your sword moves!

"Thank you pastor brother!"

Qiu Qianyu was very excited at this moment.

Mu Yun is now a red man of the Sword God Sect.

The limelight is even better than Tian Feng Xiao, Luo He, Yun Yu Fei, and Mo Ying.

It is impossible for ordinary people to ask him for advice.

Unexpectedly, in this competition, I met him in the first game. Although I was bound to lose, getting the advice of Mu Yun would be more beneficial to my future achievements.

Immediately, Qiu Qianyu showed his most proud swordsmanship-Yuhan Jiugong Sword Art!

The titled disciple of the Heavenly God Realm of the Sword God Sect will choose one of the three sword arts to practice, and he chooses the Yuhan Nine Palaces sword arts.

"Ice Sword!"

"Shadowless Sword!"

"Shocking Sword!"

"Blast Sword!"

"Five Yuan Sword!"

Qiu Qianyu displayed a five-stroke attack in one breath, and he continued to kill Mu Yun, but they could all be easily resolved by Mu Yun.

"Yuhan Nine Palaces Sword Art, although it pays attention to one word-Han, but you don't necessarily need to focus on the Han word now!"

Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "It's not Han Jian, it may not be able to exert its maximum power!"

Mu Yun's words fell, fingers side by side, and a sword aura condensed between them.

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