Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1883: Well-installed

"Hmph, Mu Yun, I admit that you are great, but your strength does not mean you can win!"

Sacred Heart suddenly spoke at this moment.

Being strong does not mean you can win?

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Then how can we win?"


The words of the Sacred Heart fell, and a long sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

And then, on the surface of his body, a battle armor covered his whole body.

The armor tightly wrapped the Sacred Heart.

Silver light, blooming with a dazzling brilliance.

"Guyuan artifact-level armor!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun finally understood where this Sacred Heart came from so confident.

Guyuan artifact level attack artifacts, such as swords and knives, are very precious, but compared to armor, they are a lot cheaper.

Armor production is extremely troublesome. Often, a defensive solid element artifact is worth several times higher than an offensive solid element artifact.

"My galactic armor is made from the scales of the fifth-order sacred beast silver cone pangolin. It cost me nearly a hundred years of savings. Mu Yun, you can't break through my defenses, but I can, slowly It will consume you to death!"

The Sacred Heart is now in full swing.

He thought from the bottom of his heart that the reason why Qin Yu died was because of carelessness and Mu Yun's attack, which was indeed domineering.

So he took out his hole cards.

The Galactic War Armor is extremely tyrannical in defense, even if it is a martial artist in the realm of the gods, it is impossible to break it a dozen times.

At this moment, this armor can help him resist Mu Yun's attack, and he can attack Mu Yun by force and win the chance!

The Sacred Heart was holding a long sword at this moment, and the whole person was wrapped under the battle armor, looking completely defensive.

Only seeing this scene, Mu Yun kept shaking his head.

"You too value yourself!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "You should always know, in this world, the strongest attack and the strongest defense, which one is more powerful, no one can say, but your defense, obviously, is not the strongest defense, but My attack..."


The virtual spirit sword appeared in the hand, and the Yuhan Nine Palace Sword Art, the ice sword style, directly shot out.


An ice sword condensed again and rushed directly to the Sacred Heart.

In the face of Mu Yun's attack, Sacred Heart was already fully prepared in the bottom of his heart.


In an instant, the Sacred Heart raised its sword to contend, and the sword light flickered directly, not weaker than Mu Yun's sword aura, whizzing out.

The strong light of the collision suddenly appeared at this moment.

However, the two sword beams did not seem to be strong or weak, but under the direct encounter, the sword beam of the Sacred Heart was instantly destroyed and clean.

Moreover, not only that, Mu Yun's sword light is still moving forward.

Penetrating the armor of Sacred Heart Talent, the icy breath directly froze Sacred Heart Talent's body.

"A tortoise that wears a shell has loopholes too!"

Mu Yun directly took the number plate of Sacred Heart Talent and withdrew from the Space Spirit Orb.

Qin Yu and Sacred Heart died one after another.

The disciples of those onlookers of the Saint King's Association and the Zhetian Society were completely chilled.

What should I do now?

Their leaders were all dead in the hands of Mu Yun, and the Saint King's Society and the Zhetian Society were completely finished!

For Mu Yun at this moment, killing Qin Yu and Sacred Heart is nothing to be happy about.

Although both of these two have reached the realm of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly God, they are not worth mentioning.

The third round of competition is still going on.

Mu Yun sat cross-legged on the ground, recovering the consumed divine power.

The next competition is the highlight.

Mu Yun needs to go all out.

It's not that those people gave him a sense of crisis.

But for this battle, he needs to light some fuse.

For example, if he encounters a person in Tongtian Valley, he has to kill him, and then see how Zhuo Jianyi and Ba Tianjue will deal with themselves.

The test continues.

After the third round, there are only fifty people left!

And these fifty people, if you look closely, most of them are in the perfect state of the heavenly gods and Dzogchen.

Some of them cannot see through their cultivation bases, presumably, like Mu Yun, they have hidden their cultivation base aura.

"Next, fifty of you, go to the fourth round of competition!"

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth and said: "Now, each of us will go back to their respective sects to take a rest!"

Fifty people immediately dispersed and returned to their respective sects.

As soon as Zhuo Jian looked at Mu Yun, he nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that your strength has grown quite well, and you will soon be able to take over the position of Deputy Sect Master!"


Mu Yun smiled lightly: "The bigger surprise is yet to come!"


Hearing this, a bright light emerged in Zhuo Jian's eyes.

Mu Yun, could it be that he was promoted...

A touch of joy appeared in Zhuo Jian's eyes.

"In the next test, if you encounter Mu Yun, try not to fight with him!"

On the other side, the master of the Jiuxing Pavilion, Xing Juetian, asked.

In front of him, Xing Yun was dressed in black, with a calm expression.

"This son is the same as you, but in the realm of the Monarch God. Since he told us the secrets of Tongtian Valley and the Sword God Sect, let's see what he would do when he meets people in Tongtian Valley!

"Son understands!"

Xing Juetian looked at the other sons and said, "Remember, this time I met with the disciples of Xuanming Hall, try not to fight to death and save your energy!"



"Yooner, this Muyun...what kind of cultivation is it?"

Xuan Ce couldn't figure it out at this moment.

Mu Yun's strength is too weird, he can't say anything.

"Master, don't worry!"

Xiao Yuner smiled and said, "He is much better than me, and sometimes, his ability cannot be judged by his realm!"


A smile appeared between Xuan Ce's eyebrows.

It seems that Mu Yun is not simple!

The senior officials of the four major sects all gave their orders, and the disciples of the sects returned one by one.

"The test continues. Next, all the top disciples of their respective sects will be the top disciples of their respective sects. I hope that you can make peace and decide the outcome!"

Gu Chengfeng speaks earnestly at this moment.

Only at this moment, who would take this to heart.

The four major sect disciples, can't wait to kill each other happily, where are they willing to keep their hands?

Gu Chengfeng's words were just a routine matter.

"Okay, let's start the draw!"

Fifty disciples walked out one by one at this moment.

"Number Seventeen!"

Mu Yun looked up, looked at the twenty-five spatial spirit **** floating in the sky, and exhaled.

Entering directly into the space spirit ball, in front of Mu Yun, a figure appeared.

"Mu Yun!"

"It is you!"

Seeing the figure appeared, a smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yun's mouth.

Ba Yujiang!

"Yes, I finally met someone from Tongtiangu!"

Mu Yun smiled faintly: "It seems that the disciple of Tongtiangu is not stupid yet, able to reach this step!"

"Mu Yun!"

But Ba Yujiang coughed, a wisp of soul consciousness turned into a voice and came to Mu Yun's ear.

"Didn't Zhuo Jianyi tell you? We, Tongtian Valley and God Sword Sect, are uniting to deal with Jiuxing Pavilion and Xuanming Hall. You pretend to be defeated by me now. In the future, I will be in charge of the party and you will definitely entrust you with a heavy responsibility!"


Mu Yun sneered in response: "I follow Zhuo Jianyi, isn't it more promising?"

"you are wrong!"

Ba Yujiang transmitted the voice again: "Zhuo Jianyi, I am not loved by my father at all. He will be a deputy in the future, without real power, follow me, and guarantee that in the Southern Zhuo region, what do you want to do!"

"is it?"

Mu Yun's soul sound disappeared, and he looked at Ba Yujiang at the moment.


A roar suddenly sounded.

Mu Yun shouted: "My God Sword Sect, and you have been enemies for generations to come, you dare to say that my Sect Master of God Sword Sect is your son of the Valley Lord of the God Sword? Looking for death!"

With this roar, Mu Yun had exhausted all his energy, and the sound was transmitted through the space spirit ball at this moment.

In an instant, the whole audience could hear clearly.

Ba Yujiang was even more dumbfounded.

What's going on with this Muyun?

Zhuo Jian once cultivated him in this way, doesn't this kid know the secrets of their Heavenly Heaven Valley and Sword God Sect?


Mu Yun shouted again at this moment: "Despite my suzerain, Ba Yujiang, even if you are a heavenly king, today, you can't escape death!"

Mu Yun's words fell, and the figure flew out quickly.

Ba Yujiang was only the perfect state of the heavenly god, where could he be Mu Yun's opponent, at this moment, he was completely frightened.

This Mu Yun didn't follow the routine at all!

Why didn't Zhuo Jianyi tell him the secrets of the two sects!

At this moment, Ba Yujiang has only one idea, surrender!

Give up quickly!

This account will be calculated in the future!

But how could Mu Yun give him a chance to admit defeat.



With a punch, Ba Yujiang was completely dumbfounded.

His head was dizzy, and he couldn't say a word.

Mu Yun was not letting go, so he smashed out a punch here, fisted to the flesh, and smashed into Ba Yujiang's face.

Not long after, Ba Yujiang's whole person was completely dizzy.


At this moment, Ba Tianjue suddenly shouted and stood up.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun grinned in his heart, without saying a word, mentioning it with his palm.

With a puff, Ba Yujiang's head was directly separated from his body, dripping with blood.

"The people of Tongtian Valley, and my Sword God Sect, are not at odds with each other. They all deserve to die!"

Mu Yun roared again, his palms clenched tightly, and a creaking sound rang, Ba Yujiang's entire head became fragmented.

The soul consciousness was completely annihilated and turned into a force of Muyun Yuanshen's power.


Seeing this scene, Tyrant's whole body was completely blown up.

"Muyun, kid, dare to kill my son and look for death!"

Ba Tianjue was completely embarrassed and turned into anger.

At this moment, Mu Yun directly withdrew from the Space Spirit Orb, humming: "Batianjue, how many people died in this competition? I did not violate the rules!"


"What's wrong with me?" Mu Yun said again: "Your son is dead, and you want revenge. Of those present, how many disciples died, and how many people want revenge?"


Zhuo Jian also stood up right now.

"Mu Yun did not violate the rules of the test. Your son is dead, so he can only blame his lack of strength?" Zhuo Jianyi said indifferently.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun sneered in his heart.

Not bad, well-installed!

Just according to what Ba Yujiang just said, it seems that Zhuo Jianyi and Ba Tianjue are also incompatible!

This is new news.

Ba Tianjue's face was cold and terrible at this moment.

"Boy, you... good, good!"

At this moment, Tyrant Jue endured it.

But Xuan Ce and Xing Juetian held back a smile at this moment.

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