Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1922: Emperor Ying teaches




After trying again and again, Mu Yun failed again and again, and the whole person was almost at the level of defeat.

For seven days in a row, Mu Yun all failed.

In these seven days, Mu Yun had lost his temper almost completely.

"How can it be so difficult?"

Mu Yun just felt speechless at the moment.

Before in the fairy world, he had also fought with the emperor to obtain the treasures in the empty treasure cave of the **** of Zhu Xiantu, but it was not so difficult!

Now I have tried hundreds of times for seven days, but every time I failed.

"You should know, why on earth!"

Guiyi smiled and said, "In the past, you were a second practice in the immortal world. You can avoid the problems of your previous life well!"

"When you arrive in the realm of the gods, you start anew and spy into a new world. Your path of cultivation is brand new. Therefore, there are many problems that you cannot avoid, and there are loopholes that you cannot detect!"


Mu Yun nodded.

The God Realm and the Immortal Realm are not the same thing!

"So now, you might as well go to the time-space fortress first, carefully practice the three swordsmanship, and improve your strength. If you completely control the three swordsmanship, and then come to the Emperor Guard to challenge, I am afraid it will be better!"

Guiyi said at this moment.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Mu Yun was really speechless at the moment.

This guy deliberately watched him being tortured by the emperor for a few days, feeling happy, just now.

"Start the time fortress!"


Guiyi said nothing at this moment, suddenly, another light and shadow in Zhu Xiantu opened, and under the radiance, Mu Yun could feel that a figure appeared in front of his eyes.

"Emperor Shadow!"

Mu Yun knew that this was the phantom of the first **** emperor.

A ray of phantom can evolve into thousands of changes.

"This phantom is a ray of thought of the first **** emperor. In the Zhuxian map, there is the idea of ​​the first **** emperor. Looking at the entire **** realm, and even the ten thousand realms, it is impossible to have a second person who can have such a good idea. Fortune, you can show your divine tactics in front of the first divine emperor's mind, and let the divine emperor's mind look for problems for it!"

Guiyi said proudly: "Smelly boy, if I hadn't swallowed some ancient aura, absorbed power, and recovered some means, you would like to practice and dream here every day!"

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, just remember to find more ancient treasures for me!"

"You are really shameless!"

After the two bickered for a while, Mu Yun exhaled, ready to start.

Muyun swordsmanship, directly used.

He still uses Yuqing Nine Heavens Sword Art, Taiyang Righteous Qi Sword Art and Yuhan Nine Palace Sword Art as his main sword art.

The three sword tactics complement each other, and they are indeed powerful enough.

The first swordsmanship began to be displayed.

"Ice Sword Style!"

With a single sword, the cold air is pressing, and it rushes thousands of miles directly.

"Ice Sword Style!"

At this moment, the phantom was also shot with a sword, and the action was no different from Mu Yun, but in an instant, the sword aura was so cold that it made people feel like falling into an ice cave.


Mu Yun was stunned immediately.

The same sword move, sword style, but in an instant, displayed from the hands of the first **** emperor Ye Xiaoyao, the power... is simply earth-shaking!


Mu Yun looked at the long sword in his hand, his expression completely changed at this moment.

It is amazing!

"Shadowless sword style!"

The second style came out again, a sword came out, turned into a shadowless, and in an instant, the sword energy impacted and the majestic power was dazzling.

This is the shadowless sword style.

At this moment, the emperor shadow played again, the sword shadow, disappeared at the moment when he left the long sword, and at the next moment, appeared again, approaching a thousand miles away.


Mu Yun was completely shocked at this moment.

In the next month, Mu Yun could say that he had completely penetrated into the time-space fortress, and had almost never come out.

Three swordsmanship has been tempered over and over again at this moment, and improved again and again.

Sword Soul, in this month's time, finally improved, reaching the top Sword Soul level!

And three swordsmanship, it can be said to be completely complete.

On this day, Mu Yun stood in the Shenkong Treasure Cave.

The figure of the emperor appeared, his clothes fluttering, and the white clothes wins the snow.

"bring it on!"

Mu Yun shot out with a sword, and it was the Yuhan Nine Palaces Sword Art that was displayed.

"Ice Sword Style!"

A sword slammed out, and the sword aura whistled.


In an instant, the emperor's guard disappeared, and the two of them collided and were defeated.

"It's done!"

Mu Yun looked surprised at the moment.

This month is simply incredible!

The improvement of Sanmen Swordsmanship is really surprising.

Three Xuanyang Spirit Fruits were obtained directly and successfully.

"Next, we need a pot of Pill Ding!"

Mu Yun said with confidence: "A pill tripod of the king-level artifact level!"

"Very confident?" Gui Yi smiled, waved his palm, and a furnace of Pill Cauldron appeared in front of him.

"Although there are many pill cauldrons with king-level artifacts in Zhu Xiantu, I think this pill cauldron is the most suitable for you!"

"This alchemy tripod is called Dayan Jiuding. You contain several sky fires in your body. There are a lot of sky fires suitable for alchemy. This tripod was built in the past by the billion-year-old flame iron cords in Dayan Mountain!"

Guiyi introduced: "This tripod was in the God Realm back then, but it is also famous. You have the sky fire in your body, which is just right for you!"

"Then it!"

Mu Yun started again at this moment.

The emperor guard appeared again, and this time, the emperor guard that Mu Yun faced was powerful and completely different from the previous one.

The king-level divine tool is suitable for the six-star divine alchemy master, and it is a refined king-level divine pill that is useful to the divine king.

Therefore, the only one who needs a king-level **** pill is the **** king, and the strength of this emperor's guard will naturally become more powerful!

At this moment, Mu Yun was full of challenges in his heart and never thought of retreating.

During this period of time, under the guidance of Emperor Ying, he can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

The current control of Sanmen Swordsmanship was an earth-shaking change from a month ago.

That is the teaching of the first **** emperor, how many people in this world can compare with the first **** emperor?

Time passed bit by bit, and gradually, Mu Yun repeatedly used the Yuhan Nine Palaces Sword Art and the Sun Righteous Qi Sword Art, and the swords interacted with each other, giving people an extremely strong sense of impact.

However, even so, he still defeated Emperor Guard after three times, and successfully obtained Dayan Jiuding!

Xuanyang Lingguo got it, Dayan Jiuding got it, and at this moment, Mu Yun finally started to leave.

"Hei Yuan!"

With a cry, Hei Yuan ran over immediately.

"My son, my son, are you out of customs?"

"The medicinal materials I asked you to prepare!"

"It's all ready!"

"Okay!" Mu Yun nodded and said, "Where is Zixiaozong?"

"The five major sects are still busy now. The six major sects have a vast area. How can they be found so quickly? I guess it will take a few months depending on the situation!"

Hei Yuan replied immediately.

"it is good!"

Mu Yun nodded and said: "In this case, you have arranged the things in Fengyue City. If there is someone from the Purple Cloud Sect, please notify me immediately!"


When the medicinal materials were ready, Mu Yun immediately began to make alchemy.

Juyuan Sanling Pill, Purple Qi Baoling Pill, Soul Refining Xuanyang Pill!

These three medicines, he merged the memories of hundreds of masters, and they were all memorized by heart.

Coupled with the explanation of the alchemy by the seventh ancestor Mu Fengxiao, Mu Yun's alchemy is rapidly improving every day.

Xiao Yun'er guarded the law, and Mu Yun was in the small courtyard, and began to do boring alchemy.

For alchemy masters, alchemy is a rather boring thing, requiring a long time to focus on one thing, and there can be no minor mistakes.

As for the martial artist, the alchemist is superior and inviolable.

Their status is inherently noble, and all warriors must confess.

However, what the warriors saw was the respect that the alchemist received on the surface, but they didn't see the dejection and exhaustion of the alchemy's failures.

Time passed slowly, and to Mu Yun, alchemy was not unfamiliar.

In January, it gradually passed.

On this day, Mu Yun stepped out of the courtyard again.

Hei Yuan and others are all arranged respectfully.

"Zhuo Yuanhang, Ren Shaolong!"


"These are two soul-refining Xuanyang pills, what are they for, don't I need to say more?"

Hearing this, both of them were overjoyed.

"Thank you son!"

Mu Yun looked at Heiyuan and said, "Hey, this is a purple qi treasure spirit pill, plus a soul refining Xuanyang pill, soul refining Xuanyang pill, can only be taken when it reaches the eight yuan realm, and purple Qi Bao Ling Pill is absolutely beneficial to the promotion of martial artists in the six-yuan and seven-yuan divine monarch realm!"

"Thank you son!"

Hei Yuan was also delighted at the moment.

These two medicines are worth at least tens of millions of middle-grade **** crystals, and Mu Yun will give them away. This kind of cultivation can no longer be called cultivation, it is simply regarded as a confidant!

"Baofan, your three Three Spiritual Pills of Concentration, and you, Yan Ming!"


Both of them took the medicine at the moment.

Mu Yun looked at a few people and said: "You few, as your strength improves, our overall strength will be stronger!"

"Furthermore, I still have many refined divine pills, including some other divine pills, as long as you perform well enough, I can reward them, Hei Yuan, order to continue, understand?"

These days, Mu Yun was not only doing alchemy by himself, but also obtained many pills from Zhuxian Tu through defeating the emperor's guard, and all kinds of pills existed.

However, with his current strength, it is still too difficult to obtain a king-level **** pill, but the Guyuan **** pill is a lot.

Asked to go down, Mu Yun returned to the courtyard.

"Zhao Yanming, come with me!"


At this moment, although Zhao Yanming's expression was joyful, he was worried in his heart.

He has now reached the realm of God Sovereign, but he is only in the realm of Monarch God Sovereign.

This level of improvement is really too slow.

He was originally the former prince of the Zhao clan, not like Mu Yun, three lives three lives, but reincarnated with his own soul and body!

After arriving in the Zhao family of the Immortal Realm, I became a member of the Zhao family, and the Immortal Zhao’s family was a guilty person in the Zhao family that year. .

He has grown up to the present step by step, but, as a descendant of the Zhao clan, the former prince, he should have been brilliant.

He admitted that he could not be better than Mu Yun, but at least, not much worse.

However, the bloodline talent awakened, but he was still unable to increase the power of the talent one step further.

This makes him very distressed!

But in the previous life, this has never happened!

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