Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1953: I promise you

Xuantian Wanshi, who was famous in the God Realm back then, was an army, deadman, and guard with superior rectification and discipline!

But in the end, it ended up like this.

The herder was the largest ancient tribe in the God Realm back then, but it was defeated by the nine tribes!

This scene is chilling!

After all, they were not strong enough, and Xuantian Wanshi was not strong enough.

"Blood Owl..."

Mu Yun whispered slightly: "Not only did the first life yell me, but the second life deceived me. The third life used the clone to kill me. It seems that this son is really caring for me!"

"This beast is Chi Guoguo's jealous Majesty!" Chasing Tianming hummed, "His Royal Highness and his long-standing prestige, known as the Double Saints of the Ancient Clan, will compete with His Royal Highness. Later, he can't compare with His Royal Highness!"

"Absolutely despicable and shameless human!"

"All right!"

Mu Yun nodded, and said: "Leave aside this matter for now, why are you... why are you here?"

Hearing this, Chasing Destiny looked ugly.

"In the first battle that year, his subordinates were already dead, but they were unwilling to dissipate between the heavens and the earth, resentment accumulates!"

"In the end, the subordinates gathered the blood of the Xuantian scholars here, merged here, and condensed into a blood pool. These blood... are all the Xuantian scholars who died in the battle of my eighth brigade!"

Seeing the blood around him, Mu Yun's body stiffened.

"His Royal Highness, I am just a ray of resentment, it is impossible to be reborn. The power in this blood pool can help Your Highness to restore my strength!"

Chasing the destiny, knelt down and said, "His Majesty, the mind of the Xuantian Shi of the Eighth Battalion of the Xuantian Wanshi, this is the last thing the subordinates can do for you!"

Seeing Chasing Heaven, Mu Yun's eyes passed by with a touch of moistness.

"it is good!"

No hesitation, no hesitation.

Mu Yun nodded.

"The subordinate sits down cross-legged, and the power in this blood pool tempers the flesh, so that it can reversely guide the growth of His Highness's Divine Soul, and promote His Highness to condense the Second Soul, Heavenly Soul.

Chasing the fate carefully said: "His Majesty, the subordinates died for His Highness, willingly, but the subordinates are dead, the subordinates are not reconciled!"

"I'm not reconciled!"

Mu Yun said seriously at this moment: "Not reconciled, then...kill the people of the nine ancient tribes!"

"Subordinates understand!"

Chasing the fate again said: "There is one more thing!"

"In those days, the subordinates died in battle, and their bodies were completely destroyed. However, some of the subordinates' bodies were preserved. After this Tumoshan was contaminated with a large amount of blood evil breath, some of the brothers transformed into bone spirits. !"

At this point, the body trembled.

What is bone spirit?

Without the body, there is only a skeleton, condensing a strand of soul on the bones, and in this life, he can't grow blood again and become a normal person.

It's better to die like this!

People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts.

"In the first battle of Tu Moshan, the blood and energy resentment was too deep, so some brothers, by chance, became bone spirits. In this life, they will look like a skeleton frame!"

Chasing the fate, he said: "I hope that your Royal Highness can lead them out on this trip!"

He existed because he was originally a ray of resentment, unable to leave the blood pool, and unable to find his brothers.

Now that I encounter Mu Yun, I can only pin my hopes on Mu Yun.

"I promise you!"

Bone Spirit is more like a bone clan, such as the three hundred bone guards beside him!

Over the years, Bone Guard's nourishment in the blue and yellow spring map, the strength is improving every day, but there is no opportunity.

"I understand!"

Mu Yun nodded.

"They are also my brothers, and I will take them out one by one during this trip!"

"Thank you, Your Highness."

At this moment, Chasing Destiny was satisfied, looked at Mu Yun, and said: "The subordinates hope to fight with His Royal Highness again to see how the herd is rebuilt, but unfortunately I can't see it anymore, I can only look at Your Highness!"

Chasing Destiny smiled slightly, and the figure gradually collapsed.

Seeing Mu Yun again, the resentment he persisted in his heart finally dissipated completely.

At this moment in the blood pool, Gululu was bubbling with blood, and in an instant, a violent force spread slowly.

Those blood bubbles burst open, and the power piled up layer by layer, entering Mu Yun's body.

Not much time, Mu Yun's figure disappeared in the blood pool.

His whole person was wrapped in blood, and there was no fluctuation in his whole body.

But at this moment, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes again.

The sound of crashing sounded, and his body at this moment seemed to have turned into a world.

In every part, blood flows through, and every minute nerve and cell is undergoing transformation at this moment.

The perfusion of power caused his own divine power to grow wildly. Now, each of his hairs contains ample divine power, which is like a mountain swelling between breaths and breaths.

Strength, get crazy growth.

However, the power in the blood pool is not over yet.

But at this moment, the flesh and blood in his body reached the limit of the realm of the **** king, and a rebound force was generated.

The extreme growth of the physical body promotes the burst of spirits.

Among the primordial spirits, wisps of soul power have increased, and they have been shaped into the second soul—the heavenly soul!

Time passed bit by bit, shaping the heavenly soul, failing again and again, but gathering again and again.

In January, it was like a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, Mu Yun's eyes opened.

A majestic force spread out at this moment.

The realm of the two soul **** king!

With a light wave of Mu Yun's palm, strength emerged.

"I only absorbed less than one percent of the power in the blood pool!"

Mu Yun sighed slightly at this moment.

This is a pool of blood condensed by hundreds of **** masters, plus a giant in the realm of ancestor gods, even if it is only one-thousandth of the power of these people, to the realm of **** kings, it is like a surging river.

"In that case, it will be cheaper for you!"

Mu Yun opened the blue and yellow spring map at this moment.

The strength poured down one by one, and the three hundred bone guards on the four sacred monuments were uniform at this moment.

Energetic vitality rushed to them.

Luo Tianxing was shocked at this moment.

"Master, what kind of power is this, it's simply too..."

"That's it. You are now in the realm of the gods, and this blood is enough for you to evolve again, and all of you will reach the realm of the gods!"

The Three Hundred Bone Guards were bone warriors. They were sealed by their father. Now, what Mu Yun needs to do is to break their seals with a powerful force and gradually increase their strength.

Not only that, he opened the blue and yellow spring map at the moment, and the three soul fruits on the tree of the world were also shining at this moment.

Tu Cunjian, Ren Shaolong and Zhuo Yuanhang, who were hundreds of thousands of miles away, were all startled at this moment.

The three of them looked at each other and immediately entered the secret room.

The full power of heaven and earth opened a whirlpool above their heads and poured directly into their bodies.

At this moment, the strength of the three people advanced by leaps and bounds.

Not only the three of them, but Hei Yuan also felt the powerful fluctuations in his body.

It's been a while since he reached the realm of the Eight Element God Sovereign, but this power came from the underworld and improved his cultivation.

All the power was instilled, and a soul of the earth condensed in his body.

One Soul God King Realm!

Hei Yuan was completely dumb.

He thought that for this life, he could not enter the realm of the **** king, but now, he has actually reached it.

Hei Yuan understood that all these were the great benefits that Mu Yun's dark seal of life and death brought him.

But more pleasantly surprised than him were the three of Tu Cunjian.

The realm of these three people rose by leaps and bounds at this moment.

Tu Cunjian condensed two spirits from the three spirit emperor in one fell swoop, and directly reached the realm of the five spirit emperor.

And Ren Shaolong and Zhuo Yuanhang have reached the realm of Yipu Divine Sovereign one after another.

The three of them were unable to control their strength because of the fall of Mu Yun.

Now that Mu Yun returned, coupled with the magical effect of the dark seal of life and death, the three of them immediately began to recover their strength.

At the same time, Xiao Yuner, who was retreating in the Fushen Temple, had fallen into a sleeping retreat ever since she swallowed the fruit of the twin souls.

At this moment, a surging force appeared around her body, and the blood rushed in, which immediately made her strength soar again, and her cultivation...rapidly improved...

As time passed bit by bit, the power in the blood pool was dispersed one by one by Mu Yun.

Three hundred bone guards are the biggest beneficiaries this time.

A man with three hundred bones, at this moment, his bones are like dazzling sky-filling stones, crystal clear, and it is simply perfect.

At this moment, Luo Tianxing bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Master, the subordinates have reached the realm of the Three Soul God King, and everyone in the Bone Guards has reached the realm of the God King!"

"God King..."

Mu Yun whispered slightly.

He thought that this time might give birth to a group of **** kings, but he didn't expect that Luo Tianxing would only reach the realm of the three soul **** kings.

However, the three hundred guards of the **** kings, one by one, can defend as much as a **** king, which is enough.

"You continue to practice!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said: "The four sacred monuments are the accumulation and precipitation of my herdsmen over millions of years. They are full of blood. You can be thankful to me when you reach the realm of the gods as soon as possible!"


Mu Yun rarely sent bone guards during this period.

But not dispatching does not mean not training.

Three hundred bone guards are cultivated, and their future achievements will not be inferior to Yunyi, and may even be...stronger.

Standing up, looking at the blood pond, everything disappeared, and a touch of grief emerged in Mu Yun's heart.

Kneeling on both knees, Mu Yun was in the blood pond, and said indifferently: "Xuantian Wanshi, die for me. In this life, Mu Yun will definitely cost the nine ancient tribes a **** price."

When this word fell, the surrounding Yin Qi slowly dissipated in the cave.

Everything is over.

Mu Yun stood up and looked around.

Two souls in the realm of the **** king, condensing the heavenly souls, within the soul, two souls, his physical body, at this moment, reach the limit that can be reached in the realm of the gods.

Xuantian Wanshi, even if he died for thousands of years, still brought him huge benefits.

This is no longer a simple sentence of loyalty that can explain it.

Standing up, Mu Yun took a step...

Let alone the hatred of the herdsmen, it is only his Xuantian Wanshi, every soldier who believes in him and is loyal to him, the lives of these people are the people of the nine ancient tribes, and the blood is paid for!

At this moment, beyond the ten thousand-foot high mountain, several figures lurked among the forests closest to the mountain.

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