Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1979: Zhenwutang

"In fact, Elder Long said that this kid can participate in Dengtian Road of the Ninth Hospital..."


Hearing this, Zhan Chonghuan smiled and said, "Since Mr. Long said so, there is no problem."

Zhan Chonghuan carried a touch of relief between his eyebrows.

"If this son enters the country so quickly, it would be a good material. In the future, it would be a good thing to be my son-in-law of Zhan Chonghuan!"

Hearing this, Long Er was taken aback.

She didn't expect that the patriarch actually valued Mu Yun so much.

But at this moment, Mu Yun naturally didn't know much about these things.

The body has become stronger than ever before, and between the flesh and blood, it seems to echo the divine power between the whole world and the earth.

The spirit of that body was completely improved.

Crazy messages flooded into his body, making his body at this moment into a huge treasure, containing countless treasures.

The Emperor of the Two Souls, after the condensing of the heavens, the Linghui Souls condensed and appeared again, and the primordial spirit was greatly increased.

These changes have made Mu Yun's own feelings infinitely improved.

Between the hands clenched tightly, the horrible breath spread slowly.

Mu Yun could clearly feel that this time the dragon Qi washed his body and completely melted the drop of Xiao Qi's father's blood, and his body became completely different.

The physical strength and cohesiveness of the divine body of the two-paku **** emperor can be compared with that of the five-poke **** emperor.

This is a huge improvement.


It was just during the frantic plunder that Mu Yun suddenly felt that the dragon's energy was weakening.

"Is it time?"

Mu Yun's meaning is still unfinished.

This feeling is like looking at the top of a mountain climbing. When halfway through, I am admiring the high-altitude scene and being pulled down by life.

Opening his eyes, Mu Yun sighed slightly.

If he can keep plundering the Dragon Qi cultivation here, his cultivation base can be increased by at least ten times, and even the condensing speed of the seven souls of the **** emperor can be doubled.

Opening his eyes and walking down the mountain, Mu Yun looked strange.

At this moment, nine figures stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at him, as if looking at a monster one by one.

Mu Yun nodded and walked into the queue.

"What's the situation?" Looking at the weird gazes of a few people, Mu Yun asked Cang Beixuan.

"You do not know?"

"what do you know?"

Cang Beixuan looked even more weird, saying: "On the first day of entering Baifeng, we feel that the dragon is rich and unreasonable in our practice. It is of great benefit to the divine body and soul, but the next day..."

"All the dragon energy is madly sweeping towards you..."


Mu Yun was quite embarrassed at the moment.

It seems that my own disturbance is indeed a bit bigger.

But this kind of movement, if he said that it hadn't disturbed the senior officials of Zhenwu Academy, then he would not believe it.

But even so, those high-level officials still did not come forward, which is enough to show that his actions were within the allowable range.

"His Royal Highness, let's go!"

Cang Beixuan whispered: "Anyway, I have done everything, so I should go to Zhenwu Hall to receive our nameplate and the place of residence for all the trivial things."


The two left together.

For the others, you look at me at this moment, and I look at you, and they don’t know what to say.

Mu Yun is too incomprehensible.

Cang Beixuan walked on the road, leading Mu Yun, under the awkward turns, and came to the outside of a majestic hall.

Zhenwu Academy can be described as the most mysterious and powerful Tianyuan-level force subordinate to the ancient Zhan clan, even better than the Phantom Sect and the Tianji Pavilion.

"His Royal Highness, in Zhenwu Academy, you have seen all the four deans before."

Cangbei Xuan said: "Arbitrary Heaven is in charge of everything. The other three deputy deans, Xing Tian, ​​Ding Wenyuan, and Xuan Zibai, and Xing Tian and Ding Wenyuan, Xing Tian is in charge of the Fa Pavilion, Wu Pavilion, and Xiu. Ge!"

"And Ding Wenyuan is in charge of the Pill Pavilion, the Qi Pavilion, and the Formation Pavilion."

"As for Xuan Zibai, he is in charge of Zhenwutang."


"Zhenwutang is the place where the students of Zhenwu Academy are responsible for the chores. For example, the promotion of handyman disciples to official students of the academy, the promotion of official disciples to saints, and some arrangements, etc., are actually Miscellaneous Hall."

Xuan Zibai...

Mu Yun was still a little puzzled thinking of this person.

This person seems familiar.

"In fact, Dean Xuan Zibai, on weekdays, I rarely see that he lives in a mountain range in Zhenwu Academy, and rarely appears. Most of Zhenwutang's affairs are Dong Shicheng, who is the elder Dong who sent us here. !"

"When we enter Zhenwu Academy this time, we have all reached the realm of God Emperor, and we are directly saints!"

Cang Beixuan was very familiar with Zhenwu Academy, and said.

Seeing Mu Yun's doubts, Cang Beixuan smiled and said, "His Royal Highness does not have to be surprised. Over the years, for the sake of His Highness's two souls, my father has worked hard..."


Mu Yun nodded: "When we stand up at the academy, we will go to Canglongxuan to have a look."


As the two talked, they came to Zhenwu Hall.

The huge Zhenwu Hall covers a vast area, with many halls lined up.

And there are more disciples coming in and out.

There are many handyman disciples, formal disciples and saints.

At this moment, along with Mu Yun and Cang Beixuan entering the Zhenwu Hall, a few figures, their eyes came immediately.

"Tai Yixuan, that kid is here!"

A voice sounded, and several people fixed their eyes on Mu Yun.


Hearing this, one of the young people with red hair and gloomy eyes snorted.

"He is Mu Yun?"

The red-haired man said coldly: "Today, I must teach him a lesson."

"Taiyixuan, don't be foolish!" Another man said: "This kid is also a saint now."

"I haven't obtained the nameplate, it is not my Zhenwu Academy saint. Besides, he doesn't have long eyes, and he dares to save Xue Zhuying, and can't kill Xue Zhuying. I will kill him first.

Tai Yixuan stepped forward, his eyes extremely cold.

Mu Yun and Cang Beixuan entered Zhenwu Hall and came to a large hall.

This is the place to receive the identity plate.

Cang Beixuan talked to Mu Yun all the way, but at this moment, the two seemed to be chatting like friends.

At this moment, inside the hall, a figure walked out, looking at the two of them, and walked directly without avoiding it.

Cang Beixuan frowned, and wanted to pull Mu Yun, walk aside, and stagger this person.

But that figure leaned forward abruptly.

Seeing this scene, Cang Beixuan was stunned, and Mu Yun frowned.

This person doesn't seem to have turned off the road!

It's like getting in the way deliberately.

"This Xiongtai will go first."

"I do not go!"

Cang Beixuan spoke politely, but the young man hummed, "Who are you two? What did you do when you came to Zhenwu Hall?"

Cang Beixuan smiled indifferently, a hypocritical smile appeared on his face.

"This brother and I are new saints, come here to receive my own nameplate."

"Oh? New saint?"

The man sneered and said, "Just the two of you dare to call a saint in vain?"

"Xiongtai, speak, but pay attention to size."

"I didn't pay attention, what can you do with me?" The man sneered, "Cang Beixuan, you are the young master of Canglongxuan. You have to be sure to make friends with people. Such a person is not worth making friends, otherwise You have lost Cang Beixuan's life!"

Hearing this, how the two of them didn't understand, this guy is here to find something!

"who are you?"

Mu Yun spoke at this moment, frowning.

It seems that Elder Dong is right. He is Xue Zhuying, not afraid of death, but let some people hate him because they can't kill Xue Zhuying.

"Taiyi Xuan!"

The man proudly said, "Taiyizong, should you know?"

"Taiyizong? Is it famous?"

Mu Yun said lightly: "I don't know you, I will do my thing and receive my nameplate, please let me go!"

"Step aside?"

Tai Yixuan sneered and said, "Okay, get under my crotch!"

"Have you drilled under the crotch?"

Mu Yun said again: "Who, give your face!"


Suddenly, Mu Yun blasted out a punch without saying a word.

Obviously, Taiyixuan is here to find trouble.

That being the case, what nonsense.

This time he was promoted to the realm of the two soul **** emperor, his body was upgraded several grades, and he was complete with the three souls and two soul equipment. At this moment, Mu Yun was much more lazy to say.

Taiyi Xuan immediately felt Mu Yun's tyranny and greeted him with a punch.


Two figures open at the touch of a button.

"Good boy, it turns out that you are not the first spirit emperor, but the second spirit emperor. What is hidden is quite deep!"

Taiyi hummed: "Dare to attack the senior, today, as an old student, I will tell you what kind of attitude a freshman should be!"

"The trivial Three Soul God Emperor, who gave you the face?"

Mu Yun sneered: "You want to find something, and I am not afraid of it. Today, if you want to teach me, I will teach you. If you want to kill me, I will let you know what it's like to lose your life."


Taiyi Xuan is one of the young masters of Taiyi Sect. Taiyi Sect is also a Tianyuan-level power, but it is not as famous as Zhenwu Academy, Phantom Sect and Tianji Pavilion.

However, Muyun in a small area has no background, but he dares to be so arrogant because of Cang Bei Xuan, he is really looking for death.

However, if Tai Yixuan knew that it was not that Mu Yun approached Cang Bei Xuan, but that Cang Bei Xuan wanted to treat Mu Yun respectfully, I am afraid he would not think so in his heart.

"Taiyi True Art!"

Tai Yixuan stepped out directly and swiped out with a palm. The violent power immediately condensed into a palm print, and directly shot out.


The earth roared, and the two figures directly bumped again at this moment.

At this moment, Mu Yun didn't use any magic tricks at all.

He reached the realm of the **** emperor, whether it was the Yiyejian before, or the Tai Sui Mianzhang, and Xuan Lei Tian Yuan Yin, the power was too weak.

What he needs now is the Seven-Rank Divine Art.

However, facing Taiyixuan, he now doesn't need to use the Divine Jue at all, even if Taiyixuan is in the realm of the Three Soul God Emperor.

But in front of Mu Yun, he was really too weak.

Divine King, Divine Emperor Realm, the three souls and seven souls condense, fundamentally, improve the martial artist's divine body.

At this moment, Mu Yun, after being transformed by the Dragon Qi, can be said to be stronger and more resilient than the Five Soul God Emperor.

Power speed, fundamentally, throwing away Taiyi Xuan three streets is not a problem.

"I said, you want to kill me, I will let you know the feeling of life passing by."

Mu Yun clenched his palms and swung out his arms suddenly, crushing them directly with a fist mark.

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