Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2004: Blue Scale Dragon Armor

There is no other reason. The experience of Dengtian Road in the Ninth Academy is about to arrive in two years.

This can be described as the biggest event in the entire Chinese land!

In the land of Shenzhou, the nine colleges are undoubtedly the most authoritative Tianyuan-level forces.

Behind them, all nine ancient tribes gathered. It can also be said that this is a contest of the nine ancient tribes.

It's just that they are not the disciples of the nine ancient tribes, but the members of the relatives cultivated by the nine ancient tribes.

But it is said that this time, the nine ancient tribes will also send some young members of the ancient tribes into them for trials.

The news spread, and the Zhenwu Academy disciples were completely crazy.

In this trial, with the inner descendants of the nine ancient tribes, the competition will definitely become more intense.

In this way, the place of trial must be selected more rigorously.

In this way, their opportunities will become even greater.

Not to mention gaining treasures in the trial and improving cultivation.

If they can defeat the core children of the nine races in the trial, then they will be more respected when they enter the ancient race in the future.

Thinking of this, the disciples of Zhenwu Academy all began to take out the points they couldn't bear to use in ordinary days, and exchange them into pills or artifacts at this moment.

The investment now is for a better harvest in the future.

On the contrary, it was Mu Yun, at this moment, it was the old **** who was making alchemy every day.

Under the guidance of Mu Yun, Miao Xianyu also began to refine the Seven-Rank Divine Pill, and the pill technique was once again promoted.

Within two years, the Blood Soul God Pill had been refining hundreds of them.

On this day, Mu Yun left the customs, and a beautiful figure stood outside the room waiting.

"Mu Yun!"

"Princess Zhan!"

"Three years have passed, you should have completely perfected the Dan Fang, right?"

Hearing this, Mu Yun was startled and said, "Isn't Miao Xianyu given to you yet?"

"Wonderful fairy language?"

"Oh, I asked Miao Xianyu to let her give you the pill, which was perfected as early as a year ago."

"All right!"

Upon hearing this, Zhan Xinyi said again: "The trip to the Zhenwu Dragon Palace you want, I have won it for you!"

"This time, don't worry about entering it!"

"But remember, half a year, don't wait for it to expire!"

"Okay, I will let Miao Xianyu hand over the pill to you!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly and nodded.

Thinking of the rich dragon aura in the Zhenwu Dragon Hall, Mu Yun couldn't help but look forward to it faintly.

He has cultivated the Nine Yuan Shen Jue, and can now rely on the Nine Yuan Shen Jue to condense the dragon shape and release a terrifying attack.

If the dragon gas is absorbed again, the body of the dragon will be greatly improved.

Just being a divine body, he can contend with the martial artist of the Seven Soul God Emperor Realm.

In this way, the Ninth Hospital will be able to guarantee his own safety only when he travels to the sky.

Not long after Miao Xianyu left the customs, Mu Yun asked a few words to leave with Zhan Xinyi.

The Zhenwu Dragon Hall appeared in front of Mu Yun again, looking at the towering hall, Mu Yun was eager to try.

"go in!"

Zhan Xinyi opened the mouth and said: "For half a year, remember, and after you leave the customs, one and a half years later, it will be the Ninth Academy's Dengtian Road competition. This time, the disciples of the back of the gods in the nine ancient clans are also Will enter it."

"At that time, no one can protect you!"

"Thank you Princess Zhan for your concern!"

Mu Yun arched his hands.

It's just that there is no way to tell who is unprotected.

Although really speaking, Mu Yun should compete with the top ancestor gods of the nine races based on his qualifications.

But after all, it's good to come back and play with these juniors first.

I just hope that they are not too delicate.

Stepping into the Zhenwu Dragon Hall, Mu Yun began to retreat completely at this moment.

From the bottom of his heart, Mu Yun always paid more attention to the body of Longhua.

The dragon clan, among the ten thousand clan, can be said to be the existence of the overlord level, and the dragon body is also the strongest defense.

If he trains the body of the dragon to greatness, and finally turns into a dragon, his body defense is enough to reach a terrifying level.

In the Zhenwu Dragon Hall, Mu Yun sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, his body forming a whirlpool, and at this moment, he was sucking frantically.

At this moment, the earth was shaking one after another, and Mu Yun turned into a vague figure, wandering among the dragon energy.

Gradually, as time passed, it could be seen that the colorful dragon scales on the surface of Mu Yun's body were changing at this moment.

The light slowly dissipated and turned into the most primitive cyan light.

At this moment, a chain of scale armor turned into a close-fitting soft armor, condensed on the surface of Mu Yun's body.

That dragon body, at this moment, transformed into a blue scale dragon armor!

A pair of cyan armor firmly covered the surface of Mu Yun's body.

Dragon Armor!

At this moment, Mu Yun suddenly opened his eyes.

An overbearing aura condensed in an instant at this moment.

Dragon Armor showed extremely tyrannical strength at this moment.

An abundant dragon's breath slowly bloomed from inside Mu Yun's body.

In Mu Yun's mind at this moment, the figure of that huge cyan ancient dragon suddenly appeared.

The majestic breath spreads over him, seeming to burst his body.


Mu Yun muttered to himself in his heart.

How could the ancestral dragon's breath appear in his body?

Slowly, that terrifying coercion gradually disappeared, and Mu Yun was able to breathe.

But my heart was shocked, but it couldn't be more.

"Could it be because of Xie Qing..."

Mu Yun had difficulty calming down at this moment.

Xie Qing has been with him for a long time, and perhaps because of this, he has a trace of Ancestral Dragon.

Of course, this is just Mu Yun's conjecture.

"Nine Yuan Shen Jue!"

Mu Yun shouted in a low voice and waved his palm. At this moment, a divine dragon transformed into divine power suddenly enlarged, and it was a thousand feet long, surrounding his body.

"With the current strength, it is not bad to be able to do this step..."

Taking back the Dragon Shadow, Mu Yun was sitting on the ground slowly at this moment.

At this moment, the dragon energy was poured into his body.

And when Mu Yun put away all his breath, suddenly, in his body, among the soul, his spirit began to flicker, and his strength at this moment, trembling slowly, began to condense.

"It's actually starting to gather the fourth soul!"

Mu Yun's face was joyful, carefully feeling the changes in the soul within the soul.

After the three souls, the fourth soul is slowly growing at this moment.

But not only that.

As the fourth soul began to condense, the fifth central soul, at this time, actually began to condense.

The central soul can be described as the most important soul in the realm of the emperor.

Condensing the central spirit, the fusion of the soul and the divine body has risen to a higher level.

At this moment, the four souls and the five souls are actually at the same time and begin to gather together.

At the same time, Mu Yun's divine body, the five chakras, began to tremble slowly.

The chakras between the divine bodies and the spirits within the soul echoes in a distance.

At this moment, Mu Yun stood steadily, carefully comprehending the cohesion of the divine power in his body.

Everything is proceeding smoothly and quietly, and is very complete.

Time disappeared bit by bit, half a year, for Wu Xiu, it was not long.

Suddenly, on this day, all the dragon energy in his body dissipated.

Mu Yun knew that half a year was already here!

He stood up and clenched his fists.

The spirit of the body directly condenses and reaches the realm of the five spirit gods.

The realm of the Five Souls God Emperor is the realm that many people dream of.

At this point, it can be said that the chance of being promoted to God Lord has increased by 30%.

If it is impossible to reach the realm of the Five Soul God Emperor, then the realm of God Lord will be even more difficult.

At this moment, Mu Yun clenched his fists, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, which flashed away.

Taking a step forward, leaving the Zhenwu Dragon Hall, looking at Zhenwu Academy, Mu Yun exhaled.

"Dengtian Road of the Ninth Court... It seems to be very interesting!"

Slowly, Mu Yun's figure disappeared outside the hall.

At this moment, Long Er and Old Long looked at Mu Yun's leaving figure, you look at me, I look at you, there is a touch of surprise in their eyes.

"This guy, the dragon's breath contained in his body is simply terrifying!"

Old Long whispered: "What adventure has this kid encountered? Is it possible that he has reached the dragon world?"


At this moment, Long Er looked surprised and said, "Going out is easy in God Realm, but it is difficult to get in."

"With his strength, if he leaves the God Realm and heads to the Dragon Realm, how can he come back?"

Hearing this, Mr. Long frowned.

He really couldn't see through, what exactly happened to Mu Yun's current cultivation base.

But there is no doubt that Mu Yun has definitely undergone the perfusion of Shenlong.

At this moment, Mu Yun left the hall directly and returned to his room.

In the small courtyard, it was quiet and quiet, Mu Yun opened the door and entered the room.

A beautiful shadow, sitting cross-legged on the bed at the moment, the breath of the body, slowly flowing non-stop.

Mu Yun fixed his eyes to see, but found that Miao Xianyu's aura had become more mysterious at this moment.

Sitting down Qinglian, at this moment, he absorbed the mysterious aura between heaven and earth, and poured it into Miao Xianyu's body.

At this moment, Mu Yun could clearly see what kind of changes Miao Xianyu's body was undergoing.

"It's no wonder that the girl can reach the realm of the God Emperor of One Soul. This immortal lotus has evolved into a divine lotus, and its cultivation level has improved with each passing day, and Qinglian seems to intersect with Yuehua..."

Mu Yun couldn't help but admire.

The realm of Miaoxianyu itself was lower than him, but the time to reach the **** realm, Miaoxianyu was also a little later than him.

But before the encounter, he reached the realm of the emperor of a soul.

And now, faintly, there is actually a tendency to break through to the realm of the Three Soul God Emperor...

This is really incredible.

Mu Yun knew how terrifying it was to improve his realm.

But Miao Xianyu reached the **** realm later than him, but the realm was only a little bit worse than him. This is enough to see the magical effect of this **** lotus.

Thinking about it carefully, all the eight girls seem to have their own unique skills.

Mingyue Xin is the reincarnation of the water god. Jiu'er's body contains the remnant soul of the divine beast, the nine-tailed celestial fox, and is different from the power of Qin Mengyao's ice phoenix spirit. The remnant soul of the nine-tailed celestial fox in Jiu'er is the Jiuweitian The remnant soul of the fox family.

Wang Xinya's proficiency in phonology is absolutely unprecedented.

At the same time, it is quite strange that Yoona has two souls.

These women, in the final analysis, the mysterious and unpredictable things in their bodies are even more terrifying than him!

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