Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2008: Saint Cloud College

"But you don't need to worry, the place for this assessment is not here!" Soul Wutian said again: "But first, you need to pass through here, and then, enter the depths to reach the final place of your trial—the Five Elements Realm. !"

Five Elements Realm?

As soon as this remark came out, many disciples were relieved.

In the battle that year, some of them might not have been born yet.

But the rumors about that station have been passed down and talked about in the entire God Realm for thousands of years.

The most amazing thing is that shepherd prince.

A person can be so powerful that it is really shocking.

In these ten thousand years, countless people have regarded the shepherd prince as a model and vowed to surpass this person!

"The Five Elements Realm was also accidentally discovered by our blood people thousands of years ago."

"Because of the World War I, this place was extremely unstable, so inadvertently, a channel was opened to the Five Elements Realm!"

"There are countless five-element divine treasures there. It can be said to be an excellent place for you to reach the realm of divine masters!"

Hearing this, some disciples of the Seven Souls Divine Emperor Realm flashed with excitement in their eyes.

Five Elements God Treasure?

Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five elements of the gods, are extremely attractive to them.

To reach the realm of the gods, you need to absorb a lot of five element vitality and condense the five elements domain.

Even in the realm of the Emperor of God, the Five Elements Divine Treasure is of great benefit to the cohesion of the spirit.

Unexpectedly, the place of this experience is so mysterious.

"Don't be happy too soon!"

Dean Wang Yu poured cold water down.

"In the past thousand years, we have also explored that Zhanyun Canyon is connected to the Five Elements Realm, but the attraction of the Five Elements Realm has also attracted those bone spirits, stone people, etc. into it!"


Those weird things have also entered?

In this way, if one encounters an ancestral **** realm powerhouse inside, wouldn't they be dead?

"But don't worry, in the Five Elements Realm, the natural barriers prevent the strong ancestors from entering it. The highest non-human and non-beast things are just the realm of the Five Elements God."

But it is……

Upon hearing this, some disciples couldn't help but smashed their lips.

The realm of the Five Elements God Lord, that is as powerful as the nine deans present.

"Well, that's probably the case!"

Wu Huntian said again: "This time, it is an opportunity for all of you. I have seized it, become a god, and reach the sky in one step. If I can't grasp it, Dao disappears, and all my cultivation is ruined!"

"It's up to you what you can gain in the end!"

The nine deans nodded at the moment.

For many disciples, this is indeed an experience in which crises and opportunities coexist.

If it can be successful, then in the future, it must be one step to reach the ancient people, more noble than them.

In case of failure, it is very likely to die completely.

However, if you want to become a strong one, you must face death.

Throughout the ages, it has been like this!

"In that case, everyone is ready, let's start!"

Wu Huntian waved his hand and said: "This time, I am waiting to open the channel for you. One hundred years, and remember, if you don't come out after one hundred years, then the channel will be closed. Think of it, unless you reach the realm of the Ancestral God!

"Even if you reach the realm of the ancestor gods, it is very likely that you... won't get out!"

This time, everyone firmly remembered.

All the disciples are eager to try.

Seeing this scene, the nine deans looked at me and I looked at you, and they all nodded.


However, at this moment, in the void, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I only saw a black shadow above the midair, falling towards the ground, rolling up gusts of gusts of wind.

"The eighth-order beast—blue-eyed green eagle!"

Seeing the black shadow approaching, the expressions of the nine chiefs all changed.

The eighth-order sacred beast, that is the tyrannical master of the gods, who is such a big face, actually riding dozens of blue-eyed blue eagles.

"The trip to Dengtian Road, without our Saint Cloud Academy, is it still called Dengtian Road?"

An arrogant voice fell at this moment.

Dozens of blue-eyed blue-eyed blue-eyed sacred beasts of the eighth rank, at this moment, rolled up a violent wind and fell on the central platform.

Seeing this scene, the nine deans hurriedly backed away, repeatedly displaying their powerful magic tricks to protect the thousands of disciples behind them.

This is an eighth-order sacred beast, such a gust of wind, a disciple of the **** emperor realm, if they meet, they will be rolled into pieces of meat and completely die.

At this moment, the deans of the nine majors displayed their own barriers to protect the disciples on their respective platforms from being infringed. The blue-eyed and blue-eyed eagles let out a long roar and landed steadily.

A group of silhouettes flew down from the blue eagle.

Look carefully, there are thousands of figures, dressed in cloud-colored martial arts uniforms, all of them are full of energy, and their chests are all embroidered with a word-cloud!

Saint Cloud Academy!

Seeing this scene, the nine deans were all taken aback.

"Sacred Cloud Academy... the first Tian Yuan-level forces of the herd..."

Mu Yun whispered at the moment.

Saint Cloud College can be described as the signboard of the herdsmen in the land of China.

However, in the first battle ten thousand years ago, the three Tianyuan-level forces under the herdsmen, Shengyun Academy, Yi Yuxuan, and Shadow Palace were all silent.

What does it mean to appear suddenly now?

"Haha...Soul Wutian, Wang Yu, you old foxes, for ten thousand years, my Saint Cloud Academy hasn't participated in the journey to the sky, so don't you come to ask me?"

"The Ninth Court of Dengtian Road this year, but it is about to revert to the Tenth Court of Dengtian Road!"

Above the blue eagle, a figure flew down, stepped on the central platform, looking around arrogantly.

"The dean of Saint Cloud College-Saint Cang!"

Seeing that pale black robe, with a strong aura and an extremely tyrannical and confident figure, the faces of all the nine deans changed slightly at this moment.

The power of the Holy Cang can be said to be known to the entire Shenzhou land.

As the dean of the Saint Cloud Academy, with the support of the herdsmen behind him, that year, the Saint Cloud Academy, for a time, had been the leader of the Ten Colleges, and the Nine Great Courts could only be expected.

However, the herdsmen disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and the Saint Cloud Academy was also in dilapidated conditions during these tens of thousands of years. Now, where are the disciples appearing to participate in the road to the sky?

"Holy Cang!"

A shout suddenly sounded at this moment.

It is Jing Dakong, the dean of the spiritual seminary under the Yang nationality.

Jing Dakong shouted: "Your Saint Cloud Academy has been dilapidated for thousands of years, and the herdsmen have shrunk to become tortoises. Today, you still dare to appear here and look for death, don't you?"

"Let me see who is yelling!"

The Holy Cang looked at Jing Dakong jokingly, and grinned: "Oh oh, it turns out to be Jing Dakong, the master of the Shenkong Sect, a subordinate of the pastoral clan!"

"Unexpectedly, the herder was defeated, you Jing Dakong, but you rose high and sat on the head of the Spiritual Seminary!"


Jing Dakong was furious at the moment.

Over the years, as the dean of the Spiritual Theological Seminary, Jing Dakong was aloft, and compared to those who were loyal to the herdsmen, the Dao disappeared, he did not know how many times better.

Now that Sheng Cang revealed it in public, it was natural that he couldn't hold it on his face.

"Holy Cang, this place is not your arrogant place!"

Fen Ke, the dean of the Fentian College, a subordinate of the Zhu clan, is also indifferent.

But at this moment, Soul Wutian, Wang Yu and others were silent.

"Isn't my arrogant place? When my Saint Cloud Academy dominated the Divine Land, you Burning Heaven Academy and Spirit Theological Academy, but they haven't been established yet!"

Sheng Cang laughed again and said, "Now, you actually told me that it's not where I am arrogant? Fen Ke, you are not qualified to say that!"

Saint Cang's extremely arrogant attitude made the faces of the nine deans present changed in shock.

And Fen Ke and Jing Dakong were the two with the most ugly expressions.

The Zhu and Yang tribes have hundreds of thousands of years less history than the other eight ancient tribes, so the Burning Heaven Academy and the Spiritual Theological Academy were also the latest to build.

This is also the most criticized.

But if this remark was said by the holy Cang in public, it would be a slap in the face!

Jing Dakong and Fen Ke looked at each other immediately, and the two figures stepped directly out.

"Succumb to death, Holy Cang!"

"Today, you shouldn't come!"

The two deans slammed out directly, and suddenly, the heavens and the earth faded, and the divine power fluctuated wildly. At this moment, the five elements domain directly condensed and swarmed to the Holy Cang.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that the Zhu and Yang people like to unite together and do some sneaky things. You two colleges have thoroughly learned it!"

Shengcang sighed and stepped forward.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded at this moment, but the figure of Saint Cang did not move, and the two figures broke out at this moment.


At this moment, the two figures directly hit the two deans head-on.

Seeing the two figures smashing out, Sheng Cang immediately laughed and cursed: "Mu Yuanqing and Mu Yuanfeng, don't lose your sense, these two are the predecessors of your predecessors!"


It was just that the words of the Holy Cang fell. Suddenly, two vomiting blood sounded, and the two figures of Jing Dakong and Fen Ke exploded with two bangs, and they rushed back directly, smashing the platforms of the two large courtyards.

The two of them were completely embarrassed, their clothes shattered, and a mouthful of blood was vomited.

Seeing this scene, Sheng Cang's face was bitter.

"President, this person is really irritating when he speaks, my brothers, I can't bear to say that my herder is unbearable!"

Suddenly, two young figures, one on the left and the other on the right, fell beside Sheng Cang.

If you look closely, they are two handsome young men, about twenty years old, but their aura is in the realm of God Lord!

"Be careful of your father and grandfather, go back and teach you a lesson!" Shengcang said angrily.

"Hey, isn't there a dean to support us?"

The two brothers laughed and didn't say much.

At this moment, everyone was completely shocked.

The two young men actually shook the two deans back when they shot.

To be precise, it was a concussion!

Who are these two?

At this moment, the scene suddenly became weird.

But Miao Xianyu who stood beside Mu Yun laughed in a low voice.

"What are you laughing at?" Mu Yun asked puzzledly.

"Husband, don't you know these two?"

Miao Xianyu said with a sly smile.


Hearing this, Mu Yun was startled.

He really didn't know these two people!

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