Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2017: Soil unicorn

The earthy yellow-colored hill is about 100 meters high. At this moment, a bunch of black runes are gathered on the earthy yellow-colored hill, and it seems that a steady stream of power is emitted to suppress the hill here.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun looked slightly surprised.

It's just a hillside. What is the suppression doing here?

As he approached the hillside, Mu Yun gently touched his palm.

In an instant, Mu Yun's body only felt cold, and an icy breath filled his body.

The cold breath enveloped his whole body, making him feel his body became stiff.

An almost instinctive desire for survival from the Jedi caused Mu Yun's body to regress at the fastest speed.


But even so, a huge force still hit Mu Yun's abdomen directly.

The heart-piercing pain made Mu Yun's face pale, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, the mound was slowly creeping.

Mu Yun didn't have time to worry about his injuries, stood up and looked forward.

The low and deep sound of dong dong sounded at this moment, and the mound slowly turned into a figure as high as 100 meters at this moment.

The pale yellow scales are standing upside down at this moment, giving people the feeling that they are full of strong murderous aura.

"this is……"

Mu Yun was taken aback at this moment.

The shape of the guy in front of him made him so familiar.

It's not just familiarity, the figure of this guy is almost the same as the Mo Yu in his blue and yellow spring picture.

The only difference is that the surface of this guy's body is pale yellow.

"Kirin beast!"

Mu Yun looked at the burly figure in front of the hill, and couldn't help but shout.


Hearing this, Huang Qilin was cautious between his eyebrows.

"In the realm of the emperor of the gods, you actually know my kylin clan?"

Huang Qilin looked at Mu Yun, obviously also surprised.

"Don't be surprised, I know you are also normal."

Mu Yun grinned, but his face was still pale.

"Because I also have a unicorn in my body that is equal to you."

Mu Yun's words fell, and an ink figure appeared in front of him.

"Mo Qilin!"

Seeing this scene, Huang Qilin's expression changed.

"You are... the young patriarch of the Mo Qilin clan... Mo Yu..."

"The soil unicorn family?"

And seeing the figure covered in dark yellow scale armor, Mo Yu was also slightly startled.

"Which commander are you Tuqilin?"

"Young Patriarch Mo Yu!"

That soil Qilin looked very respectful at the moment, saying: "The subordinates are under Huang Han's jurisdiction, but when they arrive in the human world, they are accidentally caught, trapped, and become a mount, which embarrassed the Qilin clan."

Hearing this, Mo Yu's face blushed.

After all, he was also captured by Mu Yun, and now he was even reduced to Mu Yun's slave.

Although Mo Yu is a family of Mo Qilins, there are six families of Unicorns, Golden Unicorn, Wooden Unicorn, Water Unicorn, Fire Unicorn, Earth Unicorn, and Mo Unicorn, all of which are born from the same root.

Mo Yu's status is noble, even as a clan of Tuqilin, he must be respectful when he sees Mo Yu.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, why are you here?"

Mo Yu has been paying attention to Mu Yun's whereabouts, knowing that Mu Yun is participating in the Tenth Academy Dengtian Road competition this time. This time the competition is within the Five Elements Realm. How could the tribe in front of him appear here?

"Master Qi, the villain was arrested back then, but in the first battle ten thousand years ago, the person who arrested me died in the battle. I later lived here, but that person turned into a bone spirit and sealed the villain here! "

A battle ten thousand years ago...

Hearing this, Mu Yun was quite meaningful.

It seems that this unlucky fellow was deliberately sealed by someone here.

"In that case, I can help you unlock the seal!"

Mu Yun spoke at the moment: "But the premise need to surrender to me like him!"

Hearing this, the earth unicorn was taken aback.


This is how the same thing?

He looked at Mo Yu, his eyes startled.


Mo Yu snorted and looked at Mu Yun with disdain in his eyes.

"Am I mean?"

Mu Yun grinned and said, "You are in my body, but you have not benefited less!"

"is it?"

Mo Yu curled his lips, too lazy to argue.

Even if the argument goes on, the result must be Mu Yun's secret seal of life and death, he has to be honest, it is better to be less prestigious.

"It's quiet, isn't it?"

Looking at Mo Yu, Mu Yun smiled and said: "Since it's quiet, let's talk about it!"

"What's your name?"

Mu Yun looked at the earth unicorn.

"Humans are the most shameless and despicable, I won't tell you."

"Despicable and shameless?"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Since human beings are despicable and shameless, then you kylin clan, don't you stay in your kylin world, why do you come to our human world?"


"What? I'm speechless?"

The two of you look at me at the moment, I look at you, hum, and stop talking.

"Give you a choice!"

Mu Yun said again: "Either surrender to me, or... die!"

Hearing this, a suffocating aura within Tu Qilin's body slowly dispersed.

"Want to kill me?"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "How is your strength?"

"Kill you enough!"

Tu Qilin stepped forward directly at this moment, murderously, and the whole body was Huang Guang victorious.

"Stop him!"

Mu Yun didn't need to act at all at this moment. With an order, Mo Yu's figure directly rushed out to stop the earth unicorn.

"Young Patriarch Mo Yu! You..."

"I can't help it!"

Mo Yu can only smile bitterly at this moment: "Huang Yan, this guy controls my body, I can't help but follow his orders!"


Upon hearing this, Huang Yan was taken aback!

The young patriarch was actually controlled!

This is simply suspicious.

As a clan of Mo Qilin, among the unicorns, it can be said that the status is at the top.

Mo Yu's blood is noble, and he is a direct descendant of the Mo Qilin clan. How could he be controlled by his body?

"Huang Yan, right?"

Mu Yun said again: "As you can see, this young patriarch, but his body is controlled, if you resist, I don't mind letting him kill you."

"Of course, if you feel that he is not an opponent, you can kill him directly. As far as I am concerned, there is no loss."

"As for how to choose, it's up to you!"

Mu Yun said indifferently.

Unexpectedly, what was sealed here was an earth unicorn.

The Qilin clan is a powerful race comparable to the dragon and phoenix clan, even in the ten thousand realms, it is also an extremely powerful existence.

He had already conquered an ink unicorn, and he didn't mind conquering another earth unicorn.

After all, the Kylin family has been a very powerful existence since ancient times.

The two unicorns around, cultivated, it is at least the top-level powerful help of the two ancestor gods.

Even if the two of them don't like him, but the control of the secret seal of life and death cannot be controlled by them.

At this moment, Mu Yun didn't want to win a good impression in the hearts of the two of them, to convince others with reason, and to educate others with principle.

Qilin clan, even the young patriarch dispatched one, and it must have some ambition to enter the human world.

Mu Yun didn't have any good feelings at this moment.

"Mo Yu, he is now suppressed by the formation, and his strength is reduced. You can crush him and do as I said." Mu Yun directly ordered: "You only need to suppress him, and I will cast the mark."

Mo Yu wanted to resist, but his body had already shot out directly.

This is the powerful horror of the Dark Seal of Life and Death.

Even if the person who was stamped resisted psychologically, the body still had to follow the master's command.

At this moment, Mu Yun gave these orders, leaving Mo Yu with no resistance at all.

The two figures immediately fought each other.

"Patriarch Mo, you..."

"Sorry, my body is controlled, there is no way!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Yan was furious: "Despicable and shameless human beings."

"Scold it, scold it, the more you scold me now, and wait until I frighten you, the more you know how stupid you are."

"Although you are controlled by me and your body cannot be autonomous, you always get a huge benefit."

"Look at you, the young patriarch. At first, it was only in the realm of the Seven Soul God Emperor, and now it is in the realm of the Divine Master of a line. This is what I brought him."

Upon hearing this, Huang Yan was startled.

If this is the case, then...


A bang sounded, at this moment, the two were already fighting each other thoroughly, and the rumbling sound spread throughout the mysterious space.

Mu Yun sat and watched the show at this moment.

Huang Yan's current strength should not be weaker than Mo Yu.

However, this guy's body was sealed, and his strength was only able to display seven or eighty-eight. In addition, Mo Yu was the young patriarch of the Mo Qilin clan, so he didn't dare to really kill Mo Yu at all.

For a while, Huang Yan was suppressed to death.


But at this moment, suddenly, a bang sounded, and immediately after that, the light on Huang Yan's body suddenly rose a little, and it was originally close to the strength of a line of gods, but now, it actually directly exerts the true strength of a line of gods.



Huang Yan laughed and said, "Someone outside is breaking the seal, boy, you are dead!"

"When I restrain Patriarch Mo, I have a thousand ways for you to unlock the imprints placed on Patriarch Mo."

"is it?"

Mu Yun smiled coldly: "Then I also have a thousand ways. Before I die, let Mo Yu be buried with me!"

When the words fell, he looked directly at Mo Yu, and said, "You hold him here, I will go up and take a look, and suppress him at all costs."

Mu Yun's figure flashed before disappearing.


At this moment, a bang sounded on the sealing stone platform, and Xuan Fengzi's figure fell directly at this moment.

Xuanfengzi spouted blood, his face pale.

Around his body, seven or eight figures surrounded him at the moment.

"Hey, Zhenwu Academy is getting worse and worse, Xuanfengzi, aren't you one of the Seven Kings? Why are you so weak and pitiful?"

A young man with long braids grinned and said: "It seems that my Spiritual Theological Academy, although it was established later than your Zhenwu Academy, the strength of the disciples is still very powerful!"


Hearing this, Xuan Fengzi cursed: "Shu Le, fight more with less, what are you capable of?"

Xuanfengzi's words fell, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

He looked at the top of the stone platform, a figure dressed in a white shirt, with his hands behind him, standing on the top of the predestined sky stone, with an air of arrogance, his hands spreading the power of terror, passing them one by one.

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