Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2019: Shocked and subdued

But at this moment, Mu Yun, where would he give Shu Rongcheng time to think and react.

"Sorry, you are done!"

Mu Yun's palm slowly gripped tightly.

"The earth exploded!"

A low drink fell, and a series of shocks sounded, and the **** of light in Shu Rongcheng's domain suddenly burst at this moment.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, his entire domain was directly turned into fragments.

Those fragments, at this moment, looked extremely terrifying.

Shu Rongcheng's face turned pale at the moment, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

On the surface of his whole body, there were a series of wounds, which looked terrifying.

"You are too arrogant!"

At this moment, Mu Yun stepped forward, looking at Shu Rongcheng, and said coldly: "Those who are arrogant often give others opportunities to take advantage of them!"

He directly held Shu Rongcheng's long spear in his palm, and looked carefully, the three big characters on the spear body were shining brightly.

"Golden Yan Gun!"

Mu Yun said indifferently: "You can't release the power of this gun, it's too wasteful!"


The words fell, and the spear passed directly through Shu Rongcheng's head.

With blood flowing, Shu Rongcheng's soul was carrying three souls and seven souls, and he wanted to escape in horror.

But at this moment, Mu Yun would not give him a chance at all.

When the devouring blood began to spread, Shu Rongcheng's three souls and seven souls were directly suppressed at this moment, completely unable to resist, and disappeared.

Mu Yun exhaled at this moment.

"Thanks a lot!"

Xuanfengzi's eyes were slightly relieved.

If it weren't for Mu Yun, he would have died now.

Moreover, Mu Yun was in the seal formation just now, if there was an accident, both of them would be in danger!

"It's okay, you were attacked, otherwise, these people may not be your opponents."

Seeing Yuansheng Tianshi still standing on top, Mu Yun's face was lightly said: "Be careful, it will be resolved soon!"


After the words fell, Mu Yun's figure dissipated again.

Xuanfengzi swallowed a pill, sat down cross-legged, looked around, and got up cautiously.

At this moment, after entering the formation, Mu Yun saw with both eyes that Mo Yu and Huang Yan were still fighting each other.

"Since you can't be cruel, let me come!"

Mu Yun's face was cold, and in his palm, a series of talismans rose slowly at this moment.

The talisman burned, and the rumbling sound gave people a feeling of shock.

At this moment, the big array moved.

"You... can you actually control the formation?"

Huang Yan's face changed.

"I just spent some time studying the formation talisman. Do you think I was watching this eighth-level divine formation?"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Even if you are in the realm of the second-line divine master, it is a pity that this formation can firmly control you!"

With a wave of Mu Yun's palm, a powerful breath enveloped him.


A series of bangs suddenly sounded at this moment.

The bang spread one after another, shaking the eardrums.


Mo Yu looked ugly at the moment.

Mu Yun didn't have to rely on him at all, and Huang Yan couldn't resist this formation.

In this way, he has nothing to do, he can't even think about it carefully.

Mu Yun stepped directly out, with a single finger.

In an instant, black light spots gathered at this moment, and the intense light flickered.

Huang Yan's originally struggling body suddenly became stiff at this moment.

"Fate-born sky stone contains a tyrannical earth element. The caster of this formation can obliterate you at any time and imprison you here, maybe for other reasons!"

Mu Yun smiled faintly: "But now, since I found out, now I'm taking action, it can be considered as saving you!"

"Humans are really despicable and shameless!"

Huang Yan yelled angrily, looking at Mu Yun, murderous.

"Don't struggle!"

With a wave of Mu Yun's palm, the black marks gathered suddenly.



Suddenly, one after another bangs sounded at this moment, and Huang Yan's sturdy body crashed to the ground at this moment.

His face turned pale, and his breath became heavy all over.

With a thumping sound, Huang Yan's body suddenly fell to the ground at this moment.

Mu Yun stepped forward.


Mo Yu suddenly said: "Don't kill him!"

"Who said I was going to kill him?"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "I just want him to surrender to me like you!"

"Surrender to you? Dream about it!"

"No, no, it's not a dream!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and stepped directly out. When he lifted his palm, a ray of light exploded directly.

It turned into a mark, and suddenly shot Huang Yan's bust and forehead.

In an instant, Huang Yan wanted to resist, but his body couldn't move at all. At this moment, even one-tenth of the power of the realm of the second-line **** could not be used.

But at this moment, Mu Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and waved his palms lightly. In his mind, between the primordial spirits, an inexplicable bond connected him and Huang Yan.

Moreover, it is an absolute crush!

"The dark seal of life and death is really powerful..."

At this moment, Mu Yun muttered to himself, along the way, he relied on the dark seal of life and death, and did not know how many people he controlled.

For example, Mo Yu nowadays and Huang Yan nowadays.

"Since Mo Yu is the young patriarch of the Mo Qilin line of your Qilin clan, Huang Yan will be under your control. You will both be in the blue and yellow springs in the future. Practice hard!"

"Relax, surrender to me, I won't let you two suffer!"

A smile in Mu Yun's eyes slowly dispersed.

Looking at Mu Yun's smile, Mo Yu felt rather gloomy at the moment.

This guy is simply unpredictable.

"I know!"

Mo Yu transformed into a human form and nodded.

That Huang Yan also turned into a figure at this moment, his face pale, panting, tall and strong, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, looking at Mu Yun with hatred.

"I advise you to calm down, otherwise, I don't mind erasing you!"

Between Mu Yun's eyebrows, a touch of indifference flickered.


Huang Yan snorted and stopped talking.

"All come in!"

With a wave of the palm, Mo Yu and Huang Yan disappeared.

Mu Yun was quite relieved at the moment, but he didn't expect that there was still an earth unicorn here.

The Kirin clan is also a powerful clan among the ten thousand clan. Compared with the dragon clan and the phoenix clan, there is no difference.

Now it is a very good helper to subdue two by himself.

As for what they thought of themselves, Mu Yun didn't care about it.

Anyway, the two dare to resist, just kill them!

Mo Yu and Huang Yan entered the blue and yellow spring map, and in an instant, a surging power of the world spread out at this moment.

Three hundred blood guards, five hundred bone spirit guards, stood proudly at this moment, six sacred steles rooted in the blue and yellow springs.


"There are so many good things on this guy. This place is a nine-yuan space condensed with the nine-yuan treasure. It is very precious, and they are all rare things!"

"And look at this!"

Huang Yan looked at the center of the blue and yellow spring, his face changed slightly.

"This is... the tree of the world?"

Huang Yan said in a daze, "Isn't the tree of the world destroyed long ago? How could it be here..."

"It's the one branch of the world tree and the five elements of the vines!"

Mo Yu opened the mouth and said: "This child can actually turn the five-element vine into the tree of the world, take root and sprout, and cultivate it secretly!"

"That said, if this child cultivates the tree of the world, won't he be able to create a world by himself in the future?"

"Look at the space in this blue and yellow spring picture..."

Mo Yu said carefully: "Except for the inhabitable humans, the beasts, these born bone spirits, etc., they can move freely, and even practice faster than the outside world!"

Hearing this, Huang Yan's face changed slightly.

"When the chaos first opened, all races existed, but only the human race could not survive, and later, the human race can survive here!"


In Huang Yan's heart, a thought of horror suddenly appeared.

"That's exactly what I want to say!" Mo Yu nodded again: "This guy, it's not easy!"

"I know!"

Huang Yan hummed: "If I find a chance, I will definitely make him pay the price."

Hearing this, Mo Yu's expression was bitter.

He realized the power of the Dark Seal of Life and Death.

This opportunity is too difficult!

Unless it is like a father, who is tyrannical enough to break through a realm in a wave of hands, otherwise...

"Pay the price? Then you better stop and stop!"

Mu Yun's voice suddenly sounded at this moment, humming: "If you have such thoughts again, I don't mind... obliterate you!"

In his mind, a tingling pain spread, Huang Yan's face changed, his body rolled, and he wailed in the blue and yellow spring picture.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun nodded slightly.


There is a way to keep this guy honest!

Slowly, at this moment, Mu Yun's figure wanted to step out of the formation.

"If you can promise me a condition, I can tell you a secret here!"

Suddenly, Huang Yan, who was howling, spoke at this moment.

"Oh? Are you still negotiating terms with me?"

Mu Yun smiled slightly at the moment: "You are now my slave, I ask you to let go of your arrogance, right?"

Mu Yun said again: "Otherwise, I don't mind, let you disappear here."


"Say it!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "I don't have so much patience to listen to what you are doing here!"

"Otherwise, I can directly search for your primordial spirit, and search through the three souls and seven souls. I think I can know anything you know!"

"But the result... it may cause hard-to-recover trauma to your body!"



Mu Yun shouted at the moment: "Don't be mean on the left, shameless on the right!"

Mu Yun stared at Mo Yu and Huang Yan with cold eyes.

"You are a family of unicorns, with six veins of golden, wood, water, fire, earth, ink, and unicorns. If you don't want to stay in your unicorn world, a young patriarch actually took pains to come to the human world personally. What do you want to do in the unicorn world?"

When these words came out, both Mo Yu and Huang Yan were taken aback.

"I just want to occupy the human world, right?"

Mu Yun grinned and said, "Say human beings are despicable, as if your Qilin clan are very tall and upright?"

In fact, Mu Yun had already thought about the appearance of Mo Yu.

How could a young patriarch of the Mo Qilin clan get into the human world in such a risk?

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