Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2022: Ghost bone


Suddenly, a blast sounded suddenly at this moment, the earth trembled at this moment, and two figures suddenly appeared.

"Mo Yu, Huang Yan, kill him!"

Mu Yun's expression was cold, and he ordered directly.

There was a slurping sound, two figures, one ink and one yellow, directly rushing out at this moment.

"Tu Qilin!"

Seeing the earth unicorn rushing towards him, Yang Dingfeng was even more furious, his green eyes carried a terrifying murderous aura.

This earth unicorn was sealed by him for thousands of years, just for his own rebirth, using this earth unicorn as a mount to return to the Yang clan.

But now, the earth unicorn, the sky-opening axe, and the heavenly stone of the supreme treasure, which he has sealed for thousands of years, are all occupied by Mu Yun.

He couldn't swallow this breath anyway.

This guy must die!

Yang Dingfeng's whole body, the gloomy ghost aura spread out at this moment, making people afraid to look directly.

The horror of this guy has a cold ghostly air from hell.

Mo Yu and Huang Yan are both in the realm of gods after all. Facing Yang Dingfeng, although their strength is not as good, they may not be opponents when they join forces.

Mu Yun looked around, cautiously.

With a glance, he looked at the other two figures.

Yang Shuo and Zhu Yucheng directly killed Xuanfengzi at this moment.

Although Xuanfengzi was in the realm of a one-line **** master, his strength was good, and he was able to resist two second-line **** masters for a while. Although he was suppressed, he was in self-protection.

Looking at Xuanfengzi, Muyun's eyes were filled with admiration.

The figure flashed, the Jin Yan spear was in his hand, and Mu Yun's whole body was up and down, and his power was constantly erupting at this moment.

At this moment, Mu Yun, who was in the realm of the Six Soul God Emperor, was constantly accumulating strength, as if it was an infinite elevation.

The increase in strength reached the top at this moment, and Mu Yun rushed towards him with a sigh.

Although Yang Shuo and Zhu Yucheng are the realm of the two-line **** masters, but now, after all, they are ghost bones and not a complete human state. This **** master realm is also greatly reduced.


A spear light suddenly swept out at this moment, and the figure of Yang Shuo suddenly stopped.

"Things that do not live or die!"

Seeing Mu Yun actually dared to come forward, Yang Shuo's face was cold.

A long knife in his hand flickered directly, killing Mu Yun.

When Yang Shuo left, the pressure Xuanfengzi faced suddenly reduced.

"In the realm of the six soul gods, who gives you the confidence to take action against me?" Yang Shuo arrogantly said: "You don't know where this son is when he is in the gods."

"is it?"

Mu Yun grinned and said: "When that young man was in the **** realm to frighten the heroes, you really don't know where it is!"


Yang Shuo let out a low voice, with a long knife in his hand, the light of the knife flickering.

"Sovereign swordsmanship!"

In an instant, the realm of gold and the realm of wood shook apart suddenly, and the powerful Jin Rui Qi and Life Qi spread out, crushing towards Mu Yun.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun waved his palm, and the spear in his hand burst into light at this moment.

At this moment, he clenched the Golden Flame Spear tightly, spreading a sonorous vigor all over his body.

"In the past few years, the use of swords and marksmanship has really not been shown for a long time!"

While whispering, Mu Yun smiled bitterly: "Well, this time, it's familiar and familiar!"

As the prince of the herders, she is unstoppable in her spear technique, and can be called a grandmaster.

In the past, Mu Yun was also a spear, and his fame moved the world.

It's just that in this life, swordsmanship has actually become his major divine art.

Now, the fusion of the earth soul and the heaven soul, the coordination in the body is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, holding the spear tightly, he can feel the flow of power in the body, becoming more rapid, as if it is igniting. The origin of one's life is general.

Strong momentum, keep gathering.


Taking a step forward, Mu Yun's long spear directly shot a spear light at this moment.

The powerful gun strength fluctuates layer by layer.

Suddenly, with the gun in his hand, Mu Yun's figure was unstoppable, and he faced Yang Shuo.

"court death!"

The two figures touched each other in an instant.

On the other side, Xuanfengzi couldn't help but smashed his mouth when he saw this scene.

Although the realm of Yang Shuo's second-line **** master is not really a perfect second-line **** master, but compared to the previous Shu Rongcheng, this guy is definitely several times stronger.

But Mu Yun faced it so directly, it seemed that he was really...arrogant!

"Hey, don't worry about others!"

Zhu Yucheng on the side grinned and said, "You still worry about your life, little guy!"

Thousands of years ago, Zhu Yucheng was also a genius of the Zhu clan. Unfortunately, he died in the battle of the ancient clan. Now, he has turned into ghost bones, non-human and non-beasts, and his personality has become obscure.

"Want to kill me, but it's not that simple!"

The faint golden realm bloomed at this moment, and Xuan Fengzi's expression was solemn.

"Cut, a mere group of **** masters, and still half-hearted, fighting with this son?"

"It's like your second-line **** master realm, not half-hearted!" Xuan Fengzi also sneered: "I can see that your second-line **** master realm, the realm of gold and the realm of wood are not stable, and it must be affected. Physical restriction, right?"

"you wanna die!"

Zhu Yucheng's expression was cold, and he shot out with a wave of his palm.

In a blink of an eye, three clashes, spreading.

Mo Yu and Huang Yan joined forces to deal with Yang Dingfeng. At this moment, the strength of the Qilin clan showed no more.

Especially Mo Yu, although he is a line of **** master level, but the powerful strength that he bursts out, it is eye-catching.

The other dozen people gathered around at this moment to prevent Mu Yun and Xuan Fengzi from escaping.

"Domineering knife mark!"

A roar sounded at this moment, and in an instant, Yang Shuo's domain spread.

The mad breath was released one after another.


With a spear in Mu Yun's hand, he rushed out at this moment.

Jin Yan spear, an artifact of good fortune!

Although he was in the realm of the Six Soul God Emperor, but relying on the powerful momentum of the Jin Yan spear, his whole body at this moment, the killing and cutting aura became lingering.

A powerful wave of air is better than one wave.

With the blessing of the Jin Yan spear, one breath of madness is better than one.


A shot pierced, as if something broke in Mu Yun's body, the spear that was originally bound by the two domains suddenly pulled up again as the sprint speed weakened.


A dull explosion sounded, and Mu Yun's spear penetrated directly into Yang Shuo's abdomen, and there was a click, and a bone was shattered.


A scream sounded at this moment, and Yang Shuo's figure suddenly flashed with a dark light, and the original white bones turned black at this moment.

The rumbling voice sounded, and the earth exploded directly at this moment.

Yang Shuo's figure fell, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in black mist, becoming even more terrifying.

"You...damn it!"

Looking at Mu Yun, Yang Shuo gasped for breath, and his body was shaking.

He didn't expect that he would be stabbed through his body by Mu Yun.

This scene made him extremely angry.

"You're going to die by yourself!"

Yang Shuo said indifferently.

Seeing Yang Shuo's body transform into a dark color, Mu Yun calmed down and looked ahead.

Yang Shuo at this moment looks very unusual.

The whole body's original domineering aura became concealed at this moment.

And in the faint, it seems to give people a kind of ghostly fluctuations that destroy the world.

This is nothing before!

With a strong breath, one wave beats another wave, and Mu Yun's attack also became more and more domineering.

But this time, Yang Shuo is as steady as a mountain, with a strong momentum, without any fluctuations, his whole person looks as if he is carrying a deep light from the Jiuyou Hell.

The rays of light exudes a coveted breath, a violent breath, as if a storm is brewing in the body.

"you wanna die!"

Yang Shuo shouted again, and suddenly his body exploded at this moment.

At this moment, those bones changed into giant tree-like branches and spread out.

A strong light is better than one.

The light turned away, and in an instant, Yang Shuo's figure was a hundred times taller, like a burly bone standing on the ground.

With a light wave of the palm, the grinning wind sounded, directly covering it.


The explosion sounded, the ground was directly blown up and killed, a deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and a piece of yellow sand was directly searched.

"What the **** is this?"

Mu Yun's expression changed slightly.

Ghost bones have evolved into such a posture!

It is incredible.


That huge bone claw patted Mu Yun directly at this moment.

With a wave of his palm, the Jin Yan spear stood in front of him, and Mu Yun shot it horizontally.


However, the powerful force is directly rushing towards his face at this moment, and the harsh and domineering wind is grinning.

The earth cracked open one after another, making one's mind swaying.

The violent air burst out one by one more than one by one.

With a sweet tongue, Mu Yun's figure couldn't help but retreat.

At this moment, Yang Shuo's strength reached the top level of the Second Line God Lord.

The changes in Zhanyun Canyon over the past ten thousand years really gave birth to strange things.

"how is it?"

Yang Shuo said indifferently: "In my eyes, you are nothing but a pitiful thing like an ant. Killing you is like killing weeds!"

Mu Yun paused, looking at the huge figure, at this moment, his heart gradually calmed down.

At this moment, the light of the Jin Yan gun was dim.

The overbearing power just now made him clearly feel that Yang Shuo's power increased several times at this instant.

However, the speed is much slower.

Mu Yun closed his eyes slightly and carefully looked at the figure in front of him.

"But that's all!"

Slowly, he opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Ling Tian Yi Jue!"


In an instant, the Jin Yan spear in his hand was released directly at this moment.

The rumbling aura surpasses the rise of each other.

At this moment, a crack appeared on the surface of the Jin Yan spear, which gradually healed. A spear light protected the Jin Yan spear and killed Yang Shuo.

Speed, faster than ever.

Suddenly, upon seeing this scene, Yang Shuo's eyes changed in shock, and his green pupils released incredible light at this moment.

"You are... Mu Yun!"

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