Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2038: Situation in the world

This formation was only changed by Mu Yun again, and its power was actually increased by dozens of times.

What power was infused by Mu Yun just now?

Can you have this supernatural power?

"Well, you can enter it to practice!"

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "Smelly boys, if you don't reach the second-line **** master, you are wasting my pains!"


Hearing this, how many people dare to defy.

Immediately began to sit down in the formation and couldn't wait.

This is simply more precious than their practice in the Five Elements Realm for decades before.

Mu Yun exhaled at this time, and also sat down.

The Five Elements Enlightenment Formation, although it is an eighth-level divine formation, its effect is against the sky.

It's just that the Five Elements Divine Treasure needed is too demanding.

But this time, he was conceived in his body to be born with Heavenly Stone, Chiyu Treasure Gold, and Huatian Wood, the combination of the three, barely enough to condense this formation.

Coupled with the benefits of the tree of the world, combined with the strength of the nine yuan in his body, this formation is complete.

It is naturally impossible for him to let go of such an opportunity.

Moreover, Hua Tianmu contains abundant wood movement power.

Unlike the tree of the world, what is born in the tree of the world is the power of the world, not as pure as the power of the tree in the tree of the sky.

This time, it happened to rely on the Huatian Tree to ascend to the realm of the Second Line God Lord.

The field of wood is a more important field after the field of gold.

At the beginning of ancient practice, the five elements of the gods were not in random order.

The five elements correspond to the five positions of the human body, and each position complements the five elements.

After the realm of gold travel, it is the realm of wood travel.

The wood line field contains powerful vitality, which enables the martial artist to have a steady stream of recovery capabilities.

Even, in the realm of God Lord, if you encounter warriors with low-level gods such as the virtual gods and true gods, you can directly place them in the domain to help them live with bones and flesh, and repeat their vitality.

This is the strength of the wood industry.

Muyun sat cross-legged, in the blue and yellow spring picture, the branches of the Huatian Tree had just spread out at the moment, beside the World Tree, like a child, attached to his parents.


With a wave of Mu Yun's palm, the Huatian Tree directly exuded a tyrannical air of wood.

In an instant, within the entire Five Elements Enlightenment Formation, ample wood-stroke aura radiated, and Xuanfengzi and Lu Yun immediately began to absorb it.

Majestic strength, one is better than one.

A few people suddenly felt that the more pure Muxing Qi in their bodies had already escaped, mixed in the Jinxing realm, and wanted to open up a second realm.

At this moment, Mu Yun turned a blind eye to things outside the window, greedily absorbing Mu Xing Qi, and various auras in his body continued to condense at this moment.

The entire blue sky and yellow spring map is undergoing transformation at this moment because of Mu Yun's changes.

The tree of the world gradually rises up, although it is very subtle, it is indeed growing.

At this time, the blue and yellow spring map is gradually expanding, and the mountains, water, sky, and earth are all expanding outside.

This expansion has added thousands of miles of land.

This space is condensed into a small world, and at this moment, it has more than doubled.

And under these circumstances, a surging breath rushed into Mu Yun's body again.

Between the cycles of exchange, they reinforce each other, and the ultimate giver is still the tree of the world.

"No wonder... in the ancient times, the tree of the world can be said to be the source of all power!"

Mu Yun understood that without the Tree of the World, the Qi of the Nine Origins in the Blue and Yellow Springs was like a lifeless thing and could not be expanded.

The tree of the world is equivalent to the head.

So leisurely, time, seven years passed in a flash...

The Five Elements Enlightenment Array has been running like this for seven years.

Within the formation, there were several figures, and at this moment, a completely different breath rose slowly in the body.

Xuanfengzi, Lu Yun, and Shen Ke slowly superimposed the two realms on the surface of the body.

Under these superpositions, it seems to have a hint of flexibility.

The abundance of life breath makes people feel alive.

But at this time, Mu Yun's figure was sitting steadily, without a trace of breath, and it even made people suspect that it was a corpse sitting here!

Only after a few people woke up one by one, the formation suddenly disappeared at this moment.

On the ground, inside Mu Yun's body, a completely different breath slowly bloomed.

The gold industry field contains the spirit of Jin Rui.

And the second realm, at this moment, is full of vitality, majestic and vast.

"The realm of the second line of God..." Xuan Fengzi admired.

However, at this moment, Mu Yun's body, the third realm, suddenly appeared.

The third realm didn't have any breath, it was just condensed into a realm, but there was no aura of water movement.

"This is... condensed the domain, and has not yet filled the domain power!"

Xuan Fengzi smacked his lips at the moment.

Mu Yun's ascension was too rapid.

At the beginning, he watched Mu Yun in the realm of God Emperor, surpassing him all the way.

In fact, in the realm of Xing Xing Divine Lord, Mu Yun had already dumped him a few blocks, and now he reached the realm of Second Xing Divine Lord, I'm afraid... he couldn't compare with Mu Yun at all!

Slowly, Mu Yun got up from the ground.

Looking at the shocked expressions of several people, they smiled faintly.

"It seems that you really live up to my expectations!"

"Congratulations, Your Highness!"

Several people suddenly folded their hands and smiled.

Indeed, this promotion has greatly benefited them.

If they were outside the Five Elements Realm, they wanted to reach the Second Element God Lord Realm, it would take at least a hundred years.

But here, in seven years, it was done!

"His Royal Highness, this is to reach the realm of the second-line **** master, only one step away, is the three-line **** master?"


Mu Yun nodded and said, "I suppressed it!"


Hearing this, Xuanfengzi couldn't help but smashed his mouth.

Mu Yun's cultivation base is really unpredictable.

"After all, there is also a Cold Soul Excalibur here. If the Cold Soul Excalibur is accompanied by a different water, I will subdue the different water and enter the realm of the Three Elements God Lord, the realm will be even stronger!"

"That's true too!"

Xuan Fengzi nodded.

"It is less than thirty years since the trial of the Five Elements Realm is over. In the last thirty years, if you can reach the realm of the Five Elements God Lord, it would be great!"

Five Elements God...

For Xuanfengzi and others, the realm of the Five Elements God Lord is even better than his peak ten thousand years ago.

If you can reach the realm of the Five Elements God Lord, step out in one step, and reach the ancestor god, then it will be true... ascend to the sky in one step.

The realm of ancestor gods, in the entire **** realm, can be described as a top-notch existence.

Only in the ten ancient tribes did the ancestral **** realm exist.

The giant-level powerhouse, the ruler at the top of the gods, the existence that countless people yearn for.

"We have been in retreat in recent years. It's time for us to inquire about other people's movements!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "We are here to promote, I am afraid those people also have their own means."


Xuan Fengzi immediately began to arrange.

Although the Five Elements Realm is vast, it is not difficult for a few Xuantian scholars to find out the news.

After waiting for more than ten days, the people led by Lu Yun and Shen Ke finally came back.

Xuanfengzi couldn't wait to say: "How?"

"His Royal Highness!"

Lu Yun respectfully said: "This Five Elements Realm is really interesting, it looks like the God Realm before!"


Lu Yun said again: "Blood Lingzi, who brought Zhu Yuyuan and Yang Chengyu by his side, and even organized the Tianyuan-level disciples of the three ancient clans to unite and find the position of His Royal Highness."

"And the Zhan and Zhao clan, under the leadership of Zhan Tianhe and Zhao Ji, are also united together."

"There are also the three tribes of Kan, Shi, and Murong, and the three of Kan Zhonghuo, Shi Pofeng, and Murong Enthal, have also come together!"

"The last one is the royal family, Wang Xuan, this guy... is crazy... in the Five Elements Realm, looking for people who killed his sister..."

Lu Yun's words fell, and he smiled: "The ten ancient disciples are the same as the ten ancient clans in the God Realm. They are united separately, but their goals are not the same!"

"The blood, Zhu, and Yang tribes, look for your Highness, the Shi, Kan, and Murong tribes too, but the Zhao and Zhan tribes have an ambiguous attitude this time, they just unite to protect themselves!"

"The royal family...I don't even know that it was His Royal Highness who killed Wang Yushi. For a while, he shouldn't be troubled by His Royal Highness."


Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"It seems that these guys really don't give up..."

Waved his hand, Mu Yun said again: "Ten thousand years ago, it was the old antiques behind them who killed me. Since I am back now, what strength I should do, what strength I should do!"

"This time, I will kill these guys first and tell them...I...Mu Yun is back!"

The eyes of several Xuantian scholars were shining with light at this moment.

They are loyal to their faith, and their faith is Muyun!

"Since they are united and are looking for me, it is impossible to be together forever. This time, let's start with...Zhu and Yang!"


Shen Ke said again: "Zhu Yuyuan of the Zhu clan ranks 21st on the Shenying List, and now he has reached the realm of the Four Elements God Lord!"

"The Four Elements God Lord... Then start with him first!"

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "This time, they are in the light, but we are in the dark. I am really looking forward to slaughtering these guys!"


Several figures galloped up directly at this moment.

In the Five Elements Realm, almost all the treasures that can be found in the last thirty years have been thoroughly exploited by everyone.

Now, many things have happened to **** each other.

When snatching occurs, there is naturally life and death. The nine ancient disciples also have a lot of friction with each other.

At this moment, in the Five Elements Realm, in the Water Travel Realm, on a lake, a series of majestic buildings are stationed steadily on the water surface.

On a high tower, a figure stood proudly.

This person is wearing a red gown, reddish beard, and a sturdy figure. He looks like a mountain looking up.

"Big Brother!"

A figure galloped over at this moment, and said, "The news keeps coming back, but... the news of Mu Yun has never been there. This guy must be scared. Over the past hundred years, he intends to stay within the Five Elements Realm. No Come out, wait until the trial is over, let him take it back!"

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